All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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This new settlement is not the beginning of a new wave of construction, rather it is being built to replace the recently evacuated settlement ‘Amona’, that supposedly was built on private owned Palestinian land.

The second part of the sentence asserts that Israel is building in Palestinian territory and that is false. This is because CNN incorrectly believes that Israel has no legal rights to the West Bank. Israel’s legal rights to controlling the West Bank and building communities there under international law have been affirmed time and again by respected authorities on the subject, including: Professor Eugene Rostow, Professor Julius Stone , Professor Eugene Kontorovich, Professor Avi Bell and more.

Mainstream Media Distorts Reality on Israeli Settlements
Familiar format
These are twisted academics defining the Palestinian narrative for them. For 100 years the Arabs of Ramallah and Gaza have been spoken for by those outside. People telling the residents of towns such as Jericho how another generation of sacrifice is necessary and how salvation is surely on its way. 12 speakers today. 1 Palestinian, and even then a Palestinian living in the UK. From the 1920’s all the way to the current day, scores of example of how others knew what was best for the Palestinians to do. And another generation of Palestinian children are sacrificed on the alter of this hatred. Today that empty promise is BDS. Comfortable westerners like John Reynolds suggest Palestinians should be patient rather than negotiate. After all, what does John Reynolds have to lose?

Cork, Ireland. Politely wishing the Jews to a nasty death
She continued, “The German section of the Scholars for Peace in the Middle East is combating the proliferation of false and one-sided anti-Israel and antisemitic information in the academic institution that took place in Halle. There is no excuse for the invitation to Finkelstein, and the MPI [Max Planck Institute] discredited itself within the international scientific community by participating in the BDS campaign Finkelstein is a part of.”

Germany rebukes institute for hosting pro-Hezbollah academic
The woman's name is Ahlam Tamimi. She confessed to the murders in court when charged by Israel in 2003. She then confessed again and again and again on television, on the social media, in press interviews, at every opportunity. She has never stopped confessing. It is a core element of her persona. As a person who for more than four years hosted her own prime time television program recorded in Amman, Jordan, and beamed by satellite to every part of the world where there are interested Arabic speakers, she has had unprecedented opportunities to boast of her murders in public.

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 31-Mar-17: Tamimi, our daughter's grinning, boasting, convicted murderer, now says she's innocent
The Hamas Interior Ministry on Saturday evening announced that security forces are planning to crack down against Gaza Arabs suspected of collaborating with Israel, Ma’an reported Saturday.

Hamas Cracking Down on ‘Collaborators’ following Fuqaha AssassinationThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 6 Nisan 5777 – April 2, 2017 |
Not surprising. Collaborators kill.

That should be interesting. A mob of Islamic terrorist goons acting upon rumor and superstition, rounding up Islamics.
Izzard appeared in Tel Aviv on Thursday night, which is certainly not the Israeli capital.

And to add insult to injury, Jerusalem does get a mention in a photo caption:

Since when was Jerusalem a “West Bank town?”

In any case, the Palestine Marathon took place on the streets of Bethlehem and not Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is a "West Bank Town?" | HonestReporting
We do not need anyone to protect our liberté. It would however be refreshing not to be condemned for protecting our liberty. We wish to be treated equally – Israeli lives are just as valuable as French lives. True fraternité would solve everything. We must stop announcing #WeAreFrench or whatever the hashtag of the day is. We are all kufar.
If the nations of the world, those who believe in freedom, united against our common enemy, stopped finding excuses for terrorism and acted on the belief that all lives matter, people worldwide would be much safer.

I am not London (Forest Rain) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The presentation of a convicted mass murderer's claims on an equal footing with those of the victims' parents is unethical and despicable. To add salt to the wound, the interview - riddled with lies - enables Tamimi to win global sympathy. It stymies current efforts to have her extradited from Jordan and tried in a US court.

Tamimi has over the last 11 years confessed repeatedly with pride and glee to the murders of 15 men, women and children (8 of the latter) to Arab and western journalists. She has detailed precisely what her central role in the massacre entailed. From scouting for and choosing the target for maximum carnage to transporting the 10 kg. bomb to her accomplice and concluding with leading him physically right to the door of the target, the Sbarro pizzeria. She left nobody in any doubt about her guilt.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: Falling victim to the media's "most ethical" behavior
Here are some interesting research results from University of Washington assistant Professor Kate Starbird on the propagation of fake news memes. Starbird noticed a disturbing trend in the use of conspiracy theory terms such as “false flag” and “crisis actors” staring with the 2013 Boston marathon bombing in social media, but only began researching it seriously in 2016. She and her students traced some 58 million Twitter comments using such terms and found that large numbers of them referenced the same alt-left and alt-right sources; she noted 81 of the most frequently recurring. Some of these such as Global Rresearch, Veterans Today, BeforeItsNews, Infowar, RT, Sputnik News and PressTV will be familiar to readers – she catalogs the last 3 three as foreign news services though she recognizes them as propaganda outlets. Canadian antisemite and Holocaust denier Jim Fetzer does show up on her list. Surprisingly Al-Jazeera does not. While antisemitism was not the focus of the study she mentions it as a significant factor in the sample.

The truth is out there - or maybe not (L. King) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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