All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Than there are those with a different view.

Israeli Forces Demolish Bedouin Village of al-Araqib for 110th Time


“War is horrible. I lost friends, I lost family, Mickey lost two brothers. But to say that the response to the murder of the three youngsters was the killing of 2,300 [Palestinians] is to ignore the thousands and thousands of rockets thrown from Gaza to Israeli citizens. Each and every one of them [was] targeted to kill us. And if I will have to choose between losing more lives of Israelis, whether they are civilians or soldiers, or losing you, I will sadly, sorrily, rather lose you.”

Visiting Knesset Member to American Jewish Critic: Protecting Israel’s Security Is More Important Than Pleasing You

50 Days: More than 500 Children - Facts and figures on fatalities in Gaza, Summer 2014
You have to wonder why Hamas would want to make this necessary.

Hamas isn't the problem, they've kept every agreement they made with the Zionist regime. Zionist Israel has always found ways to break ceasefires and to blame Hamas for it. Zionists lie, period.
It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination.


How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line?

Tell that to Yitzhak Rabin's widow.
In other words, you had nothing to say but felt the need to post anyway.

I thought I'd made a valid response to your post.
Summing up the event, Danon said, “We are here today with a simple message for those who seek to harm the Jewish state and the Jewish people. We will keep fighting until we eliminate BDS completely, from the campuses to the UN, and we will keep fighting until antisemitism is finally defeated.”

Build Bridges, Not Boycotts: Round TwoThe Jewish Press | Stephanie Granot | 4 Nisan 5777 – March 30, 2017 |
Why all that when BDS is a failure?
It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination.


How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line?

Tell that to Yitzhak Rabin's widow.
In other words, you had nothing to say but felt the need to post anyway.

I thought I'd made a valid response to your post.
Then apparently you are just not good at thinking.
This week marks 47 years since the death of poet Nathan Alterman, and nearly 50 years since the 1967 Six-Day War. In the last three years of his life, Alterman, the most influential poet in all of modern Hebrew literature, set out to win his own battle, leading the charge without fear. Ten days after the great Six-Day War victory, he wrote in his column in Maariv:

"This victory is not only a victory of restoring the nation's most ancient and noble holy sites, etched in out memory and heritage above all else, to the hands of the Jews. The achievement of this victory is that it essentially erased the differentiation between the State of Israel and the Land of Israel. This is the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple that the Land of Israel is in our hands. The state and the land are now one and the same. From now on, the only thing [Israel] needs to reconnect to its history is for the people of Israel to take everything we've achieved and weave that three-way thread so that it cannot be broken."

Israel Hayom | This land is our land
"The Reich Protectorates of the historic provinces of Bohemia and Moravia were proclaimed. It was the conclusion of a historical process that had begun around the year 1000, when the earliest chronicler of Bohemia, the Slav Comas, already thought Bohemia a part of Germany. Through the years, Bohemia and Moravia were bound by feudal ties and other connections to the German Reich. Prague itself has the oldest German university. The most beautiful buildings of the city were built by Germans: the cathedral, the Charles Bridge, the Teyn and Nicholas churches. The prosperity and economic successes of these peoples and provinces have always been strongest when they were under the protection of the Reich....."

Great Days

So then, what is the problem with the one state solution?

BTW, the Jewish and Palestinian kids can be the best of friends but the Palestinian kid goes home to a bulldozed house. That friendship will not change Israeli policies.
So then, what is the problem with the one state solution?

Lying idiot asshole, how many jews are allowed to vote in syria, iraq, saudi arabia, jordan or qatar?

Tell us what happened when the christians in lebanon, egypt and iraq allowed muslims to move into the country?

What minorities in any muslim country enjoy the same rights as muslims?

Tell us, fucking idiot asshole.

BTW, the Jewish and Palestinian kids can be the best of friends but the Palestinian kid goes home to a bulldozed house. That friendship will not change Israeli policies.

Like these arab kids, you fucking turd?

The Palestinians can't wait to get those assholes out of their country.

Who do they want to get rid of, hamas?

Hey dogshit, how come arab muslims are not allowed to vote in gaza for a new government?

How come abbas has been in power for over ten years?

How cme jews and other minorities are not allowed to vote in arab countries?

Can you answer these questions, idiot asshole?
The Palestinians can't wait to get those assholes out of their country.

Who do they want to get rid of, hamas?

Hey dogshit, how come arab muslims are not allowed to vote in gaza for a new government?

How come abbas has been in power for over ten years?

How cme jews and other minorities are not allowed to vote in arab countries?

Can you answer these questions, idiot asshole?
You should know that by now. Where have you been?
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