All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.

This guy knows a bit more than you as to what is necessary for a people to achieve self-determination:

It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination. How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line? The inability of the so called Palestinians to form such a government puts all other issues on hold.

The same things happened with the ANC and UDF during their struggle in South Africa, in fact, they did far worse, they also "necklaced" dissidents. A horrible way to die.

"Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed"

Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed in Umtata. | South African History Online

"In January 1986, three women were tortured and then ‘necklaced’ by UDF supporters in the Duncan Village township outside East London.
Truth Commission - Special Report - TRC Final Report - Volume 3, Section 1, Chapter

Again you continue to rant about South Africa because there is nothing in Israel that gives any credibility to your weird fantasies about the ME.

Again, South Africa represents the same conflict between settler colonists and native people. The fact that the South Africans see it as the same type of struggle speaks volumes.

That tripe of yours was debunked long ago.

It's actually comical watching you cut and paste the same bogus arguments when you know nothing of the circumstances.
It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination.


How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line?

Tell that to Yitzhak Rabin's widow.

Hasbara. You can boycott Zionist Israel on many levels, even if your computer components are made there. Here's a list of companies you can write to, Full List to express your revulsion at the ongoing occupation of Palestine and/or if you get the opportunity, buy from someone else. there's always a competitor product just as good, without the associated taint of complicity in the Zionist occupation.
The verse he cites comes right after this one:

When the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them. And capture them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every ambush. But if they repent, and perform the prayers, and pay the alms, then let them go their way. God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.Is this the "tolerance, compassion and modernity" that Guterres is referring to? Does international law now allow for the beheadings of unbelievers?

Although some disagree, I read this chapter as saying that the Muslims must treat those seeking asylum with respect only as long as they either become Muslim or bow to Muslim supremacy as dhimmis. I do not believe that they would be escorted peacefully to security if they reject Islam.

This doesn't sound very tolerant. But I'm not a human rights expert like so many who fall over themselves to say how wonderful Islam is.

UN Secretary General praises Quran's treatment of refugees, ignoring the preceding verse to kill non-believers ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yeah, missed a bit.

...And if anyone of the polytheists asks you for protection, give him protection so that he may hear the Word of God; then escort him to his place of safety.
Now Palestine Marathon organisers have sent back his registration.

APUK commented: ‘It’s hard to believe that someone as politically aware as Eddie Izzard should imagine he could get away with this. He should know as well as anyone that you can’t hunt with the hounds and run with the hare – particularly when the hare in this case is the squeezed and besieged Palestinian population, under illegal military occupation by Israel. Quite rightly, they’ve declined to indulge his patronising desire to run with them the day after he entertains their oppressors. We wish he’d listened to us sooner and avoided this humiliation.’
I don't think Izzard is the one who is going to be humiliated by this.

If this is true (BDSers don't have a reputation for being truthful), this will backfire on Israel-haters big time. Izzard will have a blast in Tel Aviv and then what do you think he will be tweeting? That he is sorry?

Izzard is as liberal as they come. A person who could have been a great advertisement for "Palestine" is instead being insulted for not hating Israel as much as these boycotters demand.

It will be very interesting to see how this plays in British media - and how Izzard will react himself. I cannot find a way that this will make the BDS crowd look good.

"Palestine Marathon" reportedly rejects British comedian Eddie Izzard because he's playing in Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Has anyone told Eddy Izard?
It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination.


How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line?

Tell that to Yitzhak Rabin's widow.
In other words, you had nothing to say but felt the need to post anyway.
Border Police treat injured Arab boy in Hevron
During operation in Hevron, Border Police called to aid local Arab child who fell off a building while flying his kite.

Border Police treat injured Arab boy in Hevron
A Border Police officer was acquitted Tuesday of causing the death of a 10-year-old Palestinian boy on the grounds of reasonable doubt.
In 2008, Omri Abu's unit was called to the site of a demonstration against the separation fence near the West Bank town of Na'alin, because protesters had breached the fence. The unit was met with a barrage of stones. Abu, who was driving, opened the door of his jeep and fired twice. One of the bullets hit Ahmed Moussa, 10, in the forehead and killed him.
read more: Israeli Border Police officer acquitted of shooting death of Palestinian child
Names of ‎some schools glorify Martyrdom, and one is even named for a Hitler ‎associate and Nazi war criminal responsible for the deaths of thousands. Children in ‎such schools interviewed on PA TV have explained that studying there turned the terrorists into role models for them, who then want to “reach ‎the level” of the terrorist their school is named after. ‎[Official PA TV, March 27, 2014]‎

Among the highlights of the list:

Three schools – the Dalal Mughrabi High Schools in Gaza and Hevron and a kindergarten in Dura - are named after the female terrorist who led the most lethal terror ‎attack in Israel’s history. She and others hijacked a bus in 1978, and they murdered 37 civilians, including 12 children.

Close to 40 Palestinian schools named for terrorists
“War is horrible. I lost friends, I lost family, Mickey lost two brothers. But to say that the response to the murder of the three youngsters was the killing of 2,300 [Palestinians] is to ignore the thousands and thousands of rockets thrown from Gaza to Israeli citizens. Each and every one of them [was] targeted to kill us. And if I will have to choose between losing more lives of Israelis, whether they are civilians or soldiers, or losing you, I will sadly, sorrily, rather lose you.”

Visiting Knesset Member to American Jewish Critic: Protecting Israel’s Security Is More Important Than Pleasing You
JJ Goldberg presents a long list of Jewish terrorists who are commemorated with honor – having streets named after them. He focuses primarily upon the Jerusalem neighborhood of East Talpiot:

“Nearly all the streets in East Talpiot are named after Jews convicted and hanged as terrorists by the British before 1948. That’s right: Israeli streets named after Jewish terrorists. Don’t let anyone tell you different. There were 12 of them: nine members of the Irgun and three from the Stern Group, or Lehi. Two were hanged for assassinating the British minister Lord Moyne in Cairo in 1945. One unsuccessfully attacked an Arab civilian bus in the Galilee in 1938. Three participated in the 1947 Acre prison break. The rest attacked British security personnel. In addition to streets named for each individual, the neighborhood’s main drag bears the name by which they’re collectively remembered: Olei HaGardom, “those who ascended the gallows.” Dozens more cities around Israel have an Olei HaGardom Street. Many have streets named for the individual members, too. Two other streets in East Talpiot are named for Shmuel Azar and Moshe Marzouk, Egyptian Jews hanged in Cairo in 1955 for bombing the American and British libraries. The operation, known as the Lavon Affair, was a bone-headed plot by Israeli military intelligence meant to sour Egypt’s ties with the West. Elsewhere in Israel are streets named for Hirsh Lekert, hanged in Vilna in 1902 for trying to assassinate the tsarist governor; Sholom Schwartzbard, who confessed to assassinating Ukrainian rebel leader Simon Petlura in Paris in 1926, but was acquitted by a French jury; and Herschel Grynszpan, who assassinated a Nazi diplomat in Paris in November 1938, touching off Kristallnacht.”

- See more at: Condemn! Condemn!
Summing up the event, Danon said, “We are here today with a simple message for those who seek to harm the Jewish state and the Jewish people. We will keep fighting until we eliminate BDS completely, from the campuses to the UN, and we will keep fighting until antisemitism is finally defeated.”


“We act in solidarity with the Palestinian call for international grassroots pressure on Israel until it complies with international law and ends its ongoing repression of Palestinian rights. We will continue to boycott Israel until Palestinian children can live without fear of imprisonment and torture, until there are no longer separate roadways for Israeli Jews and Palestinians, until Israel stops bombing and killing Palestinians, and until the checkpoints and apartheid wall are dismantled,” said Gabrielle Spears, Jewish Voice for Peace.

Cuomo BDS executive order
“War is horrible. I lost friends, I lost family, Mickey lost two brothers. But to say that the response to the murder of the three youngsters was the killing of 2,300 [Palestinians] is to ignore the thousands and thousands of rockets thrown from Gaza to Israeli citizens. Each and every one of them [was] targeted to kill us. And if I will have to choose between losing more lives of Israelis, whether they are civilians or soldiers, or losing you, I will sadly, sorrily, rather lose you.”

Visiting Knesset Member to American Jewish Critic: Protecting Israel’s Security Is More Important Than Pleasing You

50 Days: More than 500 Children - Facts and figures on fatalities in Gaza, Summer 2014
“War is horrible. I lost friends, I lost family, Mickey lost two brothers. But to say that the response to the murder of the three youngsters was the killing of 2,300 [Palestinians] is to ignore the thousands and thousands of rockets thrown from Gaza to Israeli citizens. Each and every one of them [was] targeted to kill us. And if I will have to choose between losing more lives of Israelis, whether they are civilians or soldiers, or losing you, I will sadly, sorrily, rather lose you.”

Visiting Knesset Member to American Jewish Critic: Protecting Israel’s Security Is More Important Than Pleasing You

50 Days: More than 500 Children - Facts and figures on fatalities in Gaza, Summer 2014
You have to wonder why Hamas would want to make this necessary.
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