All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Andrew Bolt responds in the Herald Sun:

We need to be a lot more careful with headlines that tell the wrong story by telling half the story.


Palestinian woman killed by Israeli police –

Palestinian woman killed by Israeli police – The Australian


Palestinian woman shot dead trying to stab Israeli police, officials say – The Guardian

Israeli officers kill Palestinian woman who tried to stab them: police – Reuters

Enough said.

SUCCESS: HR Prompts The Australian to Correct Headline Fail | HonestReporting
Israelis are comfortable with being settler colonists, they see nothing wrong with displacing or otherwise removing native people, after all that's what happened in places like the U.S., Australia, Argentina etc., they rationalize.

Looking at the dynamics of the situation objectively, the Palestinians really have no other option if they want to avoid ending up like native people in other settler colonial situations.

This is a cold objective view.

Specifically, unless the Palestinians want to end up like the native people in those places, they have to maintain pressure on the Jews through resistance and population growth. Practically, they cannot allow the Jews to ever feel comfortable as settler colonists. If they peacefully acquiesce, they will end up like the Native Americans.

Here is the Israeli position as articulated by Arnon Degani, an Israeli assistant professor currently at UCLA.

"My suggestion that Zionists and Israelis shouldn’t be afraid of the label settler colonists, does not mean that it has no negative implications or that settler colonial studies is uncritical of Zionism and Israel. In the main, this analytical framework imposes on us an understanding that Palestinian displacement, in one form or another, was inherent in all forms of Zionism....................

..................The decline of the two-state solution and improbability of another massive flight of Palestinians from the territory under Israeli control, suggests that Israel will not follow the path of the U.S., Australia and Canada which have all accommodated their indigenous communities within semi-sovereign reservations.
Israel, though, is probably heading more towards an arrangement similar to that of South African settler colonialism: a consolidation into a democratic republic in which the Whites are recognized as sons of the land and yet still enjoy many of the privileges they accumulated during Apartheid. In Israel, from the left (Haaretz’s own Gideon Levy and Rogel Alpher) and right (President Reuven Rubi Rivilin, MK Yehuda Glick), there is growing sentiment in favor of pursuing this particular one state settler colonial road.
read more: Israel is a Settler Colonial State - and that's OK
The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.
Andrew Bolt responds in the Herald Sun:

We need to be a lot more careful with headlines that tell the wrong story by telling half the story.

Half a story Eh? back on page 47 you posted half a story when I posted the other half, which completely changes the story 180 degrees and you still have not replied or discussed
Israelis are comfortable with being settler colonists, they see nothing wrong with displacing or otherwise removing native people, after all that's what happened in places like the U.S., Australia, Argentina etc., they rationalize.

Looking at the dynamics of the situation objectively, the Palestinians really have no other option if they want to avoid ending up like native people in other settler colonial situations.

This is a cold objective view.

Specifically, unless the Palestinians want to end up like the native people in those places, they have to maintain pressure on the Jews through resistance and population growth. Practically, they cannot allow the Jews to ever feel comfortable as settler colonists. If they peacefully acquiesce, they will end up like the Native Americans.

Here is the Israeli position as articulated by Arnon Degani, an Israeli assistant professor currently at UCLA.

"My suggestion that Zionists and Israelis shouldn’t be afraid of the label settler colonists, does not mean that it has no negative implications or that settler colonial studies is uncritical of Zionism and Israel. In the main, this analytical framework imposes on us an understanding that Palestinian displacement, in one form or another, was inherent in all forms of Zionism....................

..................The decline of the two-state solution and improbability of another massive flight of Palestinians from the territory under Israeli control, suggests that Israel will not follow the path of the U.S., Australia and Canada which have all accommodated their indigenous communities within semi-sovereign reservations.
Israel, though, is probably heading more towards an arrangement similar to that of South African settler colonialism: a consolidation into a democratic republic in which the Whites are recognized as sons of the land and yet still enjoy many of the privileges they accumulated during Apartheid. In Israel, from the left (Haaretz’s own Gideon Levy and Rogel Alpher) and right (President Reuven Rubi Rivilin, MK Yehuda Glick), there is growing sentiment in favor of pursuing this particular one state settler colonial road.
read more: Israel is a Settler Colonial State - and that's OK
The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.

This guy knows a bit more than you as to what is necessary for a people to achieve self-determination:

Israelis are comfortable with being settler colonists, they see nothing wrong with displacing or otherwise removing native people, after all that's what happened in places like the U.S., Australia, Argentina etc., they rationalize.

Looking at the dynamics of the situation objectively, the Palestinians really have no other option if they want to avoid ending up like native people in other settler colonial situations.

This is a cold objective view.

Specifically, unless the Palestinians want to end up like the native people in those places, they have to maintain pressure on the Jews through resistance and population growth. Practically, they cannot allow the Jews to ever feel comfortable as settler colonists. If they peacefully acquiesce, they will end up like the Native Americans.

Here is the Israeli position as articulated by Arnon Degani, an Israeli assistant professor currently at UCLA.

"My suggestion that Zionists and Israelis shouldn’t be afraid of the label settler colonists, does not mean that it has no negative implications or that settler colonial studies is uncritical of Zionism and Israel. In the main, this analytical framework imposes on us an understanding that Palestinian displacement, in one form or another, was inherent in all forms of Zionism....................

..................The decline of the two-state solution and improbability of another massive flight of Palestinians from the territory under Israeli control, suggests that Israel will not follow the path of the U.S., Australia and Canada which have all accommodated their indigenous communities within semi-sovereign reservations.
Israel, though, is probably heading more towards an arrangement similar to that of South African settler colonialism: a consolidation into a democratic republic in which the Whites are recognized as sons of the land and yet still enjoy many of the privileges they accumulated during Apartheid. In Israel, from the left (Haaretz’s own Gideon Levy and Rogel Alpher) and right (President Reuven Rubi Rivilin, MK Yehuda Glick), there is growing sentiment in favor of pursuing this particular one state settler colonial road.
read more: Israel is a Settler Colonial State - and that's OK
The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.

This guy knows a bit more than you as to what is necessary for a people to achieve self-determination:

It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination. How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line? The inability of the so called Palestinians to form such a government puts all other issues on hold.
Israelis are comfortable with being settler colonists, they see nothing wrong with displacing or otherwise removing native people, after all that's what happened in places like the U.S., Australia, Argentina etc., they rationalize.

Looking at the dynamics of the situation objectively, the Palestinians really have no other option if they want to avoid ending up like native people in other settler colonial situations.

This is a cold objective view.

Specifically, unless the Palestinians want to end up like the native people in those places, they have to maintain pressure on the Jews through resistance and population growth. Practically, they cannot allow the Jews to ever feel comfortable as settler colonists. If they peacefully acquiesce, they will end up like the Native Americans.

Here is the Israeli position as articulated by Arnon Degani, an Israeli assistant professor currently at UCLA.

"My suggestion that Zionists and Israelis shouldn’t be afraid of the label settler colonists, does not mean that it has no negative implications or that settler colonial studies is uncritical of Zionism and Israel. In the main, this analytical framework imposes on us an understanding that Palestinian displacement, in one form or another, was inherent in all forms of Zionism....................

..................The decline of the two-state solution and improbability of another massive flight of Palestinians from the territory under Israeli control, suggests that Israel will not follow the path of the U.S., Australia and Canada which have all accommodated their indigenous communities within semi-sovereign reservations.
Israel, though, is probably heading more towards an arrangement similar to that of South African settler colonialism: a consolidation into a democratic republic in which the Whites are recognized as sons of the land and yet still enjoy many of the privileges they accumulated during Apartheid. In Israel, from the left (Haaretz’s own Gideon Levy and Rogel Alpher) and right (President Reuven Rubi Rivilin, MK Yehuda Glick), there is growing sentiment in favor of pursuing this particular one state settler colonial road.
read more: Israel is a Settler Colonial State - and that's OK
The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.

This guy knows a bit more than you as to what is necessary for a people to achieve self-determination:

It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination. How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line? The inability of the so called Palestinians to form such a government puts all other issues on hold.

The same things happened with the ANC and UDF during their struggle in South Africa, in fact, they did far worse, they also "necklaced" dissidents. A horrible way to die.

"Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed"

Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed in Umtata. | South African History Online

"In January 1986, three women were tortured and then ‘necklaced’ by UDF supporters in the Duncan Village township outside East London.
Truth Commission - Special Report - TRC Final Report - Volume 3, Section 1, Chapter

Well, I guess it's time to fight fire with fire, let's go to the Irish4Palestine site. Most moral army my ass. See what propaganda sites on the other side are like. Want me to post more of this. It gets worse, trust me.



IDF "Child Killing Unit" Speaks Out
Israelis are comfortable with being settler colonists, they see nothing wrong with displacing or otherwise removing native people, after all that's what happened in places like the U.S., Australia, Argentina etc., they rationalize.

Looking at the dynamics of the situation objectively, the Palestinians really have no other option if they want to avoid ending up like native people in other settler colonial situations.

This is a cold objective view.

Specifically, unless the Palestinians want to end up like the native people in those places, they have to maintain pressure on the Jews through resistance and population growth. Practically, they cannot allow the Jews to ever feel comfortable as settler colonists. If they peacefully acquiesce, they will end up like the Native Americans.

Here is the Israeli position as articulated by Arnon Degani, an Israeli assistant professor currently at UCLA.

"My suggestion that Zionists and Israelis shouldn’t be afraid of the label settler colonists, does not mean that it has no negative implications or that settler colonial studies is uncritical of Zionism and Israel. In the main, this analytical framework imposes on us an understanding that Palestinian displacement, in one form or another, was inherent in all forms of Zionism....................

..................The decline of the two-state solution and improbability of another massive flight of Palestinians from the territory under Israeli control, suggests that Israel will not follow the path of the U.S., Australia and Canada which have all accommodated their indigenous communities within semi-sovereign reservations.
Israel, though, is probably heading more towards an arrangement similar to that of South African settler colonialism: a consolidation into a democratic republic in which the Whites are recognized as sons of the land and yet still enjoy many of the privileges they accumulated during Apartheid. In Israel, from the left (Haaretz’s own Gideon Levy and Rogel Alpher) and right (President Reuven Rubi Rivilin, MK Yehuda Glick), there is growing sentiment in favor of pursuing this particular one state settler colonial road.
read more: Israel is a Settler Colonial State - and that's OK
The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.

This guy knows a bit more than you as to what is necessary for a people to achieve self-determination:

It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination. How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line? The inability of the so called Palestinians to form such a government puts all other issues on hold.

The same things happened with the ANC and UDF during their struggle in South Africa, in fact, they did far worse, they also "necklaced" dissidents. A horrible way to die.

"Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed"

Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed in Umtata. | South African History Online

"In January 1986, three women were tortured and then ‘necklaced’ by UDF supporters in the Duncan Village township outside East London.
Truth Commission - Special Report - TRC Final Report - Volume 3, Section 1, Chapter

Again you continue to rant about South Africa because there is nothing in Israel that gives any credibility to your weird fantasies about the ME.
Israelis are comfortable with being settler colonists, they see nothing wrong with displacing or otherwise removing native people, after all that's what happened in places like the U.S., Australia, Argentina etc., they rationalize.

Looking at the dynamics of the situation objectively, the Palestinians really have no other option if they want to avoid ending up like native people in other settler colonial situations.

This is a cold objective view.

Specifically, unless the Palestinians want to end up like the native people in those places, they have to maintain pressure on the Jews through resistance and population growth. Practically, they cannot allow the Jews to ever feel comfortable as settler colonists. If they peacefully acquiesce, they will end up like the Native Americans.

Here is the Israeli position as articulated by Arnon Degani, an Israeli assistant professor currently at UCLA.

"My suggestion that Zionists and Israelis shouldn’t be afraid of the label settler colonists, does not mean that it has no negative implications or that settler colonial studies is uncritical of Zionism and Israel. In the main, this analytical framework imposes on us an understanding that Palestinian displacement, in one form or another, was inherent in all forms of Zionism....................

..................The decline of the two-state solution and improbability of another massive flight of Palestinians from the territory under Israeli control, suggests that Israel will not follow the path of the U.S., Australia and Canada which have all accommodated their indigenous communities within semi-sovereign reservations.
Israel, though, is probably heading more towards an arrangement similar to that of South African settler colonialism: a consolidation into a democratic republic in which the Whites are recognized as sons of the land and yet still enjoy many of the privileges they accumulated during Apartheid. In Israel, from the left (Haaretz’s own Gideon Levy and Rogel Alpher) and right (President Reuven Rubi Rivilin, MK Yehuda Glick), there is growing sentiment in favor of pursuing this particular one state settler colonial road.
read more: Israel is a Settler Colonial State - and that's OK
The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.

This guy knows a bit more than you as to what is necessary for a people to achieve self-determination:

It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination. How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line? The inability of the so called Palestinians to form such a government puts all other issues on hold.

The same things happened with the ANC and UDF during their struggle in South Africa, in fact, they did far worse, they also "necklaced" dissidents. A horrible way to die.

"Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed"

Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed in Umtata. | South African History Online

"In January 1986, three women were tortured and then ‘necklaced’ by UDF supporters in the Duncan Village township outside East London.
Truth Commission - Special Report - TRC Final Report - Volume 3, Section 1, Chapter

Again you continue to rant about South Africa because there is nothing in Israel that gives any credibility to your weird fantasies about the ME.

Again, South Africa represents the same conflict between settler colonists and native people. The fact that the South Africans see it as the same type of struggle speaks volumes.
The verse he cites comes right after this one:

When the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them. And capture them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every ambush. But if they repent, and perform the prayers, and pay the alms, then let them go their way. God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.Is this the "tolerance, compassion and modernity" that Guterres is referring to? Does international law now allow for the beheadings of unbelievers?

Although some disagree, I read this chapter as saying that the Muslims must treat those seeking asylum with respect only as long as they either become Muslim or bow to Muslim supremacy as dhimmis. I do not believe that they would be escorted peacefully to security if they reject Islam.

This doesn't sound very tolerant. But I'm not a human rights expert like so many who fall over themselves to say how wonderful Islam is.

UN Secretary General praises Quran's treatment of refugees, ignoring the preceding verse to kill non-believers ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.

This guy knows a bit more than you as to what is necessary for a people to achieve self-determination:

It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination. How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line? The inability of the so called Palestinians to form such a government puts all other issues on hold.

The same things happened with the ANC and UDF during their struggle in South Africa, in fact, they did far worse, they also "necklaced" dissidents. A horrible way to die.

"Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed"

Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed in Umtata. | South African History Online

"In January 1986, three women were tortured and then ‘necklaced’ by UDF supporters in the Duncan Village township outside East London.
Truth Commission - Special Report - TRC Final Report - Volume 3, Section 1, Chapter

Again you continue to rant about South Africa because there is nothing in Israel that gives any credibility to your weird fantasies about the ME.

Again, South Africa represents the same conflict between settler colonists and native people. The fact that the South Africans see it as the same type of struggle speaks volumes.

Don't forget the Sunnies and Shiites.
The so called Palestinians have no options. Resistance is just a slogan used by cynical politicians and some crazed fanatics to persuade dull witted or demented young people to throw their lives away, and the inability of the Palestinians to form a government that can credibly offer peace to Israel means that while they will continue to enjoy autonomy in internal affairs within areas A and B, Israeli security services will have to continue to operate throughout Judea and Samaria for the foreseeable future.

This guy knows a bit more than you as to what is necessary for a people to achieve self-determination:

It is necessary for people to form a responsible democratic government that can credibly offer peace to their neighbors before it is possible for them to be able to claim self determination. How can the people exercise self determination when they are assassinated by their terrorist governmnet if they don't follow the party line? The inability of the so called Palestinians to form such a government puts all other issues on hold.

The same things happened with the ANC and UDF during their struggle in South Africa, in fact, they did far worse, they also "necklaced" dissidents. A horrible way to die.

"Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed"

Sipho Pungulwa, ANC dissident, is shot and killed in Umtata. | South African History Online

"In January 1986, three women were tortured and then ‘necklaced’ by UDF supporters in the Duncan Village township outside East London.
Truth Commission - Special Report - TRC Final Report - Volume 3, Section 1, Chapter

Again you continue to rant about South Africa because there is nothing in Israel that gives any credibility to your weird fantasies about the ME.

Again, South Africa represents the same conflict between settler colonists and native people. The fact that the South Africans see it as the same type of struggle speaks volumes.

lol South Africans are as ignorant about Israel as you are. There are no similarities between conditions that existed in South Africa and conditions that exist in Israel or the disputed territories.
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