All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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In that statement the UK government explained:

“…we must also recognise the continuing terrorism, incitement and violence that Israel faces. According to the Quartet’s report last year, there were 250 terrorist attacks, leading to the deaths of at least 30 Israelis. Renewed Hamas efforts to rebuild their tunnels are a grave concern. The scourge of anti-Semitic incitement and glorification of terrorism continue. And for as long as terrorists are treated as martyrs, peace will prove distant.[…]

And yet neither “terrorism” nor “incitement” were a focus of this week’s Council discussions and resolutions. This is not acceptable.

Our enduring commitment to the universality of rights is also our source of enduring disappointment with the Council’s bias against Israel. Israel is a population of eight million in a world of seven billion. Yet since its foundation, the Human Rights Council has adopted 135 country-specific resolutions; 68 of which against Israel. Justice is blind and impartial. This selective focus on Israel is neither.

Israel is the only country permanently on the Human Rights Council’s agenda. Indeed when the Council voted to include Israel as a permanent item in 2007 – the so-called agenda Item 7 – it was Ban Ki Moon who expressed his deep disappointment “given the range and scope of allegations of human rights violations throughout the world.”

Nowhere is the disproportionate focus on Israel starker and more absurd than in the case of today’s resolution on the occupation of Syria’s Golan. Syria’s regime butchers and murders its people on a daily basis. But it is not Syria that is a permanent standing item on the Council’s agenda; it is Israel.”

Despite an extensive search, we have to date been unable to locate even one BBC report on that UK government statement across the wide variety of BBC platforms.

(full article online)

UK government’s UNHRC statement not newsworthy for the BBC
After having left the Gaza Strip, Bowen penned an article for another media outlet in which he claimed to have seen “no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields”.

In contrast, in his reporting from Mosul Bowen was able to inform BBC audiences of ISIS’ use of human shields and did not find it necessary to promote either his own amateur opinions on the legality of the alleged incidents nor unproven accusations of deliberate targeting of civilians and ‘war crimes’.

BBC’s Bowen saw no human shields in Gaza – but reports them in Mosul

Could it possibly be that human shields in Gaza were used by the Israelis and not the Palestinians?

"IDF used Palestinians as human shields 1,200 occasions in last five years, say Israeli defence officials"

Israel-Gaza: IDF used Palestinians as human shields 1,200 occasions in last five years, say Israeli defence officials -
Thanks to the “Zionist enemy” – which does not have the death penalty and so values the life of each of its citizens that it exchanged more than 1,000 murderers for Schalit — Tamimi has been a free woman since the age of 30. And thanks to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which signed a peace treaty with the “Zionist entity” in 1994, Tamimi will continue to enjoy state protection to preach jihad and martyrdom against the Jews.

Let her story, and that of Israeli policy, be a lesson – and a warning.

Ahlam Tamimi — Free to Commit Jihad Against the Jews
The Mufti sent Hitler 15 drafts of declarations he wanted Germany and Italy to make concerning the Middle East. One called on the two countries to declare the illegality of the Jewish home in Palestine. Furthermore, “they accord to Palestine and to other Arab countries the right to solve the problem of the Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries, in accordance with the interest of the Arabs and, by the same method, that the question is now being settled in the Axis countries.”

In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary. But the Mufti escaped from French detention in 1946, and continued his fight against the Jews from Cairo and later Beirut. He died in 1974.

Document: SS Chief Wished Mufti in 1943 ‘Victory Against the Jewish Invaders’The Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 3 Nisan 5777 – March 29, 2017 |
Her's the part 60s intentionally left out
A just and lasting resolution that ends the occupation and delivers peace for both Israelis and Palestinians is long overdue. The UK shares the deep frustration of Human Rights Council members at the lack of progress in the Middle East Peace Process. The bleak picture painted in the discussions this week underlines the urgency of progress.

Respect for justice, the rule of law, and international law are the cornerstones of international peace and security.

Human rights are universal. For this reason the UK stands fully supportive of the Human Rights Council as an international institution. It is in all our interests to strengthen the rules-based international system - the level playing field for our security and prosperity - and to protect our values. However, the persistence of bias, particularly the disproportionate volume of resolutions against Israel, undermines the Council’s credibility as the globally focussed and objective international human rights body we all want and need. The Council must adjudicate human rights impartially, without bias or favour, and demonstrate this in both the issues it prioritises and the way in which they are dealt with.

Today we have voted according to our principles and our long-standing policy on the Occupied Palestinian Territories. A just and lasting solution that helps end the occupation is long overdue. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the international community in the conviction that a two-state solution is the only sustainable path for delivering justice and human rights for both Israelis and Palestinians. We strongly encourage direct negotiations to realise the shared vision of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people, standing alongside a sovereign Palestinian state, the homeland of the Palestinian people.

We have serious concerns about the growth in illegal demolitions and settlement activity, as well as Israel’s extensive use of administrative detention. And it is for these reasons that we voted, as we have for many years, in favour of the resolutions on Self-Determination and Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Whilst, as in 2016, we felt obliged today to abstain on the Accountability and Settlements resolutions, in particular because of concerns about the need for both sides to take responsibility for human rights violations and the implications for businesses, these abstentions should not be misconstrued. The trend of Israeli conduct in the Occupied Palestinian territories over the past year has been negative.


Human Rights Council 34: UK Explanation of Voting on the resolution regarding Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories - GOV.UK
Her's the part 60s intentionally left out
A just and lasting resolution that ends the occupation and delivers peace for both Israelis and Palestinians is long overdue. The UK shares the deep frustration of Human Rights Council members at the lack of progress in the Middle East Peace Process. The bleak picture painted in the discussions this week underlines the urgency of progress.

Respect for justice, the rule of law, and international law are the cornerstones of international peace and security.

Human rights are universal. For this reason the UK stands fully supportive of the Human Rights Council as an international institution. It is in all our interests to strengthen the rules-based international system - the level playing field for our security and prosperity - and to protect our values. However, the persistence of bias, particularly the disproportionate volume of resolutions against Israel, undermines the Council’s credibility as the globally focussed and objective international human rights body we all want and need. The Council must adjudicate human rights impartially, without bias or favour, and demonstrate this in both the issues it prioritises and the way in which they are dealt with.

Today we have voted according to our principles and our long-standing policy on the Occupied Palestinian Territories. A just and lasting solution that helps end the occupation is long overdue. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the international community in the conviction that a two-state solution is the only sustainable path for delivering justice and human rights for both Israelis and Palestinians. We strongly encourage direct negotiations to realise the shared vision of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people, standing alongside a sovereign Palestinian state, the homeland of the Palestinian people.

We have serious concerns about the growth in illegal demolitions and settlement activity, as well as Israel’s extensive use of administrative detention. And it is for these reasons that we voted, as we have for many years, in favour of the resolutions on Self-Determination and Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Whilst, as in 2016, we felt obliged today to abstain on the Accountability and Settlements resolutions, in particular because of concerns about the need for both sides to take responsibility for human rights violations and the implications for businesses, these abstentions should not be misconstrued. The trend of Israeli conduct in the Occupied Palestinian territories over the past year has been negative.


Human Rights Council 34: UK Explanation of Voting on the resolution regarding Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories - GOV.UK

60s is a Hasbara propaganda BOT, do you expect him to provide complete and factual information?
“Next week an additional country will announce the establishment of relations with the State of Israel. Last year, I visited five continents, not including Latin America, [but] including the leading powers of the world: the US, Russia, China, and of course other countries — Britain, Australia, African countries, Muslim countries [such as] Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.”

The prime minister went on to speak about Israel’s growing ties with Asian powers such as China, Vietnam and India, whose prime minister, Narendra Modi, is expected to visit Israel this summer.

“All of this symbolizes the dramatic change in our international standing,” Netanyahu said.

When Netanyahu spoke, the exact number of countries Israel has diplomatic relations with was actually 159.

Israel and Nicaragua renew ties after seven-year freeze
The NGO “Breaking the Silence,” which receives financial support from international organizations, some of whom openly deny Israel’s right to exist, does not work that way. A large part of its claims are anonymous, with no identifying information, nor are they delivered to the IDF’s investigative bodies, rather transferred directly to international bodies hostile to Israel and the IDF. The organization does not cooperate in investigating its claims, preferring to spread these malicious stories unchecked abroad.

Recently, while visiting an IAF airbase with a group from the United States I was guiding, we met an F15 pilot who last summer flew seventeen missions against one target in Gaza and every time the mission was aborted. One of the participants asked if it was frustrating. The pilot responded,

It is not frustrating, that is the best thing about the IAF. It does not allow me to attack a target where innocent civilians will be targeted. And I could not live with the consequences of those actions for the rest of my life.”

Breaking the silence on ‘Breaking the Silence’
The change in national and international awareness of what Israel was doing to help Syrians came when the Australian Ambassador to Israel, Dave Sharma, came to visit the hospital in 2013 and wrote an article about his visit. Sharma praised the Israeli government and Ziv Hospital saying:

The professionalism, dedication and compassion of the entire staff at Ziv Hospital is something to behold. It is humanity at its best.”

Why Israel has treated over 2,600 wounded Syrians
An op-ed in Die Welt shows that not everyone is drinking from the "Abbas as peacemaker" Kool-Aid.

Richard Herzinger writes for the newspaper:

It is clear that Abbas and his Palestinian Authority (PA) are largely incapacitated. The now 81-year old President dare not resign, because for him and his Fatah organization there is fear that the radical Islamic Hamas could prevail in elections.

Abbas travels endlessly around the world playing for time and to get international support for his attitude of refusal towards talks with Israel. And he shows his duplicity: Speaking in the West, as now he says in Berlin, he claims that he strives for nothing but "stability" and peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel.

Yet at his home no day passes where the official PA media and schools do not spread anti-Jewish hate propaganda, wild anti-Israeli conspiracy theories and support for the terrorist cult of martyrdom.

Instead of getting obsessed only on the Israeli settlement policy, Berlin should tell Abbas to finally call for a massive renunciation of this glorification of violence. The threat that otherwise we would curtail the huge amounts of aid money to the PA might be helpful.

A rare rebuke to Abbas in major German newspaper ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Her's the part 60s intentionally left out
A just and lasting resolution that ends the occupation and delivers peace for both Israelis and Palestinians is long overdue. The UK shares the deep frustration of Human Rights Council members at the lack of progress in the Middle East Peace Process. The bleak picture painted in the discussions this week underlines the urgency of progress.

Respect for justice, the rule of law, and international law are the cornerstones of international peace and security.

Human rights are universal. For this reason the UK stands fully supportive of the Human Rights Council as an international institution. It is in all our interests to strengthen the rules-based international system - the level playing field for our security and prosperity - and to protect our values. However, the persistence of bias, particularly the disproportionate volume of resolutions against Israel, undermines the Council’s credibility as the globally focussed and objective international human rights body we all want and need. The Council must adjudicate human rights impartially, without bias or favour, and demonstrate this in both the issues it prioritises and the way in which they are dealt with.

Today we have voted according to our principles and our long-standing policy on the Occupied Palestinian Territories. A just and lasting solution that helps end the occupation is long overdue. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the international community in the conviction that a two-state solution is the only sustainable path for delivering justice and human rights for both Israelis and Palestinians. We strongly encourage direct negotiations to realise the shared vision of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people, standing alongside a sovereign Palestinian state, the homeland of the Palestinian people.

We have serious concerns about the growth in illegal demolitions and settlement activity, as well as Israel’s extensive use of administrative detention. And it is for these reasons that we voted, as we have for many years, in favour of the resolutions on Self-Determination and Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Whilst, as in 2016, we felt obliged today to abstain on the Accountability and Settlements resolutions, in particular because of concerns about the need for both sides to take responsibility for human rights violations and the implications for businesses, these abstentions should not be misconstrued. The trend of Israeli conduct in the Occupied Palestinian territories over the past year has been negative.


Human Rights Council 34: UK Explanation of Voting on the resolution regarding Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories - GOV.UK

60s is a Hasbara propaganda BOT, do you expect him to provide complete and factual information?

He didn't even answer!
All The News Pro-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss HA HA

maybe 60s is just a robot?
An Israeli Arab schools the Israel haters. Like a boss.

Make sure closed captions are on (CC button) to see English translation.
Update: The Israeli Arab here is apparently Muhammad Kabiya.
One recently demobilized IDF soldier decided to join the fight on behalf of Israel abroad after hearing how hostile many college campuses have become towards supporters of the Jewish state.
Muhammad Kabiya, an Israeli Bedouin who recently completed his service in the IDF on a search and rescue team in the Israeli Air Force, says critics of the Jewish state abroad display a remarkable ignorance of Israel – particularly the anti-Israel Jews he encountered on US college campuses.
Raised in the village of Kabiya, which was named after his family, Muhammad Kabiya comes from a long line of Bedouin who supported Israel and the Zionist enterprise. His village was one of Arab communities in Israel which backed the newly-formed Jewish state in 1948 and fought on its behalf.
Many villagers and relatives have served in the IDF, said Kabiya, who told United With Israel that his family fully supported his decision to enlist.

WATCH: Israeli Arab Rips Haters While Defending Israel
Approximately 140,000 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel, comprising around 1.7% of the country’s population.

“Israel is our home and it’s like in a family — we can fight and then come together and fix the problem,” Assefa-Dawit said. “Those outside the country who use our issues to bash Israel don’t know what they are talking about. They’ve probably never been to Israel or spoken to an Ethiopian-Israeli.”

Ethiopian-Israeli Activist: Anyone Who Says Jewish State Is an Apartheid Country Doesn’t Know What Apartheid Means
Lord Warner of course has form. That’s why he was chairing the ‘Balfour Apology’ meeting instead of Tonge. He has been a consistent visitor to Gaza and Judea/Samaria as a guest of CAABU and the Council for European Palestinian Relations.

He vilifies Israel without ever mentioning Hamas terror; claims Gaza is under siege; has called Gaza “the largest openair prison in the world and [it] represents a collective punishment of Gaza’s citizens”; and he blames Israel for “the appalling conditions under which Palestine’s children are living”. He supported the failed RIBA boycott.

Check his speeches and articles. He never mentions Hamas terror, never mentions Hamas TV (a form of child abuse which brainwashes children). He never mentions (as Lord Palmer responded in a debate last year) the Palestinian children who are brought to Israel and treated in Israeli hospitals.

In 2014, the daughter of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader in Gaza, was allowed to exit Gaza just after Israel’s military operation there. In September 2016 alone, there were nearly 600 approvals for those age 17 and below to go to Israel for health-related reasons.

He never mentions the widespread exploitation of children (child soldiers) for attacks against Israelis.

Well at least he has now been revealed for what he is. A trustee of the organisation allegedly representing Hamas in Europe. Hamas is proscribed in its entirely in the EU. The UK holds to the pretence that Hamas’ ‘military wing’ can be separated from the rest – and just proscribed its military wing.

Why is a man who allegedly represents Hamas sitting in the House Of Lords? And why is he throwing Jews out of anti-Israel public meetings? You may well ask…………

“Raus!”: How Jews were ejected from an anti-Israel meeting in Parliament
With her face fully bandaged as a result of the third-degree burns she suffered in the attack, Shapira told conference attendees, "I am Ayala, almost 14 years old. I live in El Matan in Samaria. I like to read, write stories and draw. I want to describe the feeling of having a terrorist attack directed at you.

"One of the terrorists that threw the Molotov cocktail at our car was a 16-year-old boy, only a few years older than me. He did it, among other reasons, to help his family financially. He knew that if he went to prison, the Palestinian Authority would take care of them. I want you to remember that sometimes when you think you are donating money to peace, you are in fact funding the war," she said.
Wow, it is a never ending flow of Hasbara propaganda. Have you ever read anything factual about the issue at anytime in your life?
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