All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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A 1692 depiction of Canaan, by Philip Lea
Polities andpeoples

Which of these Nation/Tribes can the modern "Palestinian" People/Nation accurately say that they are descendants of?

Have they lived exactly where their ancestors, the Moab, the Ammon, etc lived and continue to do so?

Do they have texts and documents passed from generation to generation attesting that they would be descendants of any one of the ancient Canaanite tribes?

Have they done archeological diggings on their ancient homelands to confirm it? Has any of it been verified by archeologists?

Has the existence of direct descendants of these tribes been confirmed by professionals, archeologists, or the number of invaders to the land?

The Jewish People/Nation has endless proof that they are the descendants of the Hebrews and Israelites.

Where is the Palestinian People's proof that they are indeed descendants of a People/Nation which never existed amongst all the tribes in Canaan?

Why have they not bothered to prove any of it during the past 2000 years of Christian and Muslim dominance of Ancient Canaan?
The ancestors of the Palestinians include the Canaanites as well as the other people that lived in the area.

I marked your post "Funny" because it took until the 20th century for these
"descendants of Canaanites" to come forward, and ONLY when the indigenous wanted to recreate their ancient Nation.

Now, either these are amazingly "slow" descendants of the Canaanites, or....there must be another explanation as to why it would take them over 3000 years to come forward as being descendants of the Canaanites.

Now, why didn't they call themselves Canaanites in the first place pre and after the 20th Century and the recreation of the Nation/State of Israel?

Why bother to start calling themselves Palestinians in 1964, and not Canaanites?

And exactly WHICH Canaanite tribes are they?

The Jebusite, the Hittites, the Philistines....

Map of the southern Levant,[original research?]c.830s BC.
Kingdom of Judah
Kingdom of Israel
Philistine city-states
Phoenician states
Kingdom of Ammon
Kingdom of Edom
Kingdom of Aram-Damascus
Aramean tribes
Arubu tribes
Nabatu tribes
Assyrian Empire
Kingdom of Moab

Canaan - Wikipedia

They MUST have kept their identity and known which of those tribes they came from, just as the Copts, Assyrians, Kurds, etc still do.

So, where are the Hitites? The Edomites?

There are many texts and letters referring to Canaanite tribes 4,000 years ago. Why do none of these refer to the people as Palestinians, or any of those tribes?

Caananite tribes, NOT Palestinians.

The Israelites are referred to as such, and not as Palestinians, or Canaanites post King David

No Archeological of a People, nor Tribe calling themselves Palestinians.

No text or document referring to a People or a Tribe called Palestinians.

No text or documents of the Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Muslims, Crusaders, Ottomans or the British meeting any Palestinian Nation or People.

Forcing Canaanite ancestry on those who have none, or very little because of conversion or mixed marriage, does not a People make, and it does not give them the rights to a land in which the indigenous Jewish Nation/People have continued to inhabit....ALWAYS, since Judaism came to be nearly 3800 years ago.


Keep digging very deep for those non existent Arab tribes in Canaan.
Not in Egypt, not in Phonecia, not in Persia, not in Syria, not, not, not......

I cannot find them anywhere :confused-84:

And neither can modern ways of figuring out where people originated from , like..... DNA

Not even the creation of Islam 1400 years ago, turned any of those Arabs (even if anyone of them married those Jews who were forced into Islam at any time) into Palestinians, as endless Muslim writings before WWI attest to.


"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin"

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Arabic is a language not a tribe. Arabians are part of a tribe. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Tunisians are Arabs, but are not Arabians.

People today have Neanderthal DNA, how can the native people of an area not have DNA of the people who lived in the area before.

You don't get it and keep digging deeper.





A 1692 depiction of Canaan, by Philip Lea
Polities andpeoples

Which of these Nation/Tribes can the modern "Palestinian" People/Nation accurately say that they are descendants of?

Have they lived exactly where their ancestors, the Moab, the Ammon, etc lived and continue to do so?

Do they have texts and documents passed from generation to generation attesting that they would be descendants of any one of the ancient Canaanite tribes?

Have they done archeological diggings on their ancient homelands to confirm it? Has any of it been verified by archeologists?

Has the existence of direct descendants of these tribes been confirmed by professionals, archeologists, or the number of invaders to the land?

The Jewish People/Nation has endless proof that they are the descendants of the Hebrews and Israelites.

Where is the Palestinian People's proof that they are indeed descendants of a People/Nation which never existed amongst all the tribes in Canaan?

Why have they not bothered to prove any of it during the past 2000 years of Christian and Muslim dominance of Ancient Canaan?

"Endless proof"


European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
Arabic is a language not a tribe. Arabians are part of a tribe. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Tunisians are Arabs, but are not Arabians.

People today have Neanderthal DNA, how can the native people of an area not have DNA of the people who lived in the area before.

You don't get it and keep digging deeper.


You truly do not care to do any research, do you?

<<Tunisians are Arabs>>

Demographics of Tunisia - Wikipedia

Hailing from Tunisia, the majority of modern Tunisians are genetically indigenous North Africans, mixing with the Arabs and forming what is Today the Tunisian people. They are speakers of Tunisian Arabic. The Berbers predominantly speak Berber languages, often called Shilha or Tashlihit,[1] or have shifted to speaking Tunisian Arabic.
Arabic is a language not a tribe. Arabians are part of a tribe. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Tunisians are Arabs, but are not Arabians.

People today have Neanderthal DNA, how can the native people of an area not have DNA of the people who lived in the area before.

You don't get it and keep digging deeper.


You truly do not care to do any research, do you?

<<Tunisians are Arabs>>

Demographics of Tunisia - Wikipedia

Hailing from Tunisia, the majority of modern Tunisians are genetically indigenous North Africans, mixing with the Arabs and forming what is Today the Tunisian people. They are speakers of Tunisian Arabic. The Berbers predominantly speak Berber languages, often called Shilha or Tashlihit,[1] or have shifted to speaking Tunisian Arabic.

Tunisians are only 4% Arabian Ashkenazi Jews are 10% Arabian. LOL


DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab
But Erez isn’t the “sole border crossing with Israel” as written by The Times. As COGAT states:

West of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom and south of Egypt’s Rafah Crossing sits Kerem Shalom Crossing. Kerem Shalom is the designated point of entry and exit for equipment and goods from Israel to the Gaza Strip and vice versa. The crossing is managed by the Land Crossings Authority in the Ministry of Defense and the Coordination and Liaison Administration. The CLA coordinates between the different Israeli and Palestinian parties.

In keeping with the policy set by Israel, every day an average of 800 trucks enter the Gaza Strip carrying food, medical equipment, fuel, building materials, agricultural inputs, textile products and more. Representatives of the Palestinian Authority, who then work with the CLA to coordinate logistics and clearance, request the items imported into Gaza.

Gaza's "Sole Border Crossing With Israel?" | HonestReporting
Arabic is a language not a tribe. Arabians are part of a tribe. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Tunisians are Arabs, but are not Arabians.

People today have Neanderthal DNA, how can the native people of an area not have DNA of the people who lived in the area before.

You don't get it and keep digging deeper.


You truly do not care to do any research, do you?

<<Tunisians are Arabs>>

Demographics of Tunisia - Wikipedia

Hailing from Tunisia, the majority of modern Tunisians are genetically indigenous North Africans, mixing with the Arabs and forming what is Today the Tunisian people. They are speakers of Tunisian Arabic. The Berbers predominantly speak Berber languages, often called Shilha or Tashlihit,[1] or have shifted to speaking Tunisian Arabic.

Tunisians are only 4% Arabian Ashkenazi Jews are 10% Arabian. LOL


DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab


You clearly said that Tunisians ARE ARABS.
Not a a very small portion mixed WITH ARABS.


Arabic is a language not a tribe. Arabians are part of a tribe. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Tunisians are Arabs, but are not Arabians.

People today have Neanderthal DNA, how can the native people of an area not have DNA of the people who lived in the area before.

You don't get it and keep digging deeper.


You truly do not care to do any research, do you?

<<Tunisians are Arabs>>

Demographics of Tunisia - Wikipedia

Hailing from Tunisia, the majority of modern Tunisians are genetically indigenous North Africans, mixing with the Arabs and forming what is Today the Tunisian people. They are speakers of Tunisian Arabic. The Berbers predominantly speak Berber languages, often called Shilha or Tashlihit,[1] or have shifted to speaking Tunisian Arabic.

Tunisians are only 4% Arabian Ashkenazi Jews are 10% Arabian. LOL


DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab


You clearly said that Tunisians ARE ARABS.
Not a a very small portion mixed WITH ARABS.



You are confusing Arabian with Arab, dummy. Tunisians are Arabs because they speak Arabic, even though they are less Arabian than Ashkenazi Jews. They are not Arabians. Arabians are the people from Arabia, the Arabian peninsula.

You are befuddled it seems.
Arabic is a language not a tribe. Arabians are part of a tribe. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Tunisians are Arabs, but are not Arabians.

People today have Neanderthal DNA, how can the native people of an area not have DNA of the people who lived in the area before.

You don't get it and keep digging deeper.


You truly do not care to do any research, do you?

<<Tunisians are Arabs>>

Demographics of Tunisia - Wikipedia

Hailing from Tunisia, the majority of modern Tunisians are genetically indigenous North Africans, mixing with the Arabs and forming what is Today the Tunisian people. They are speakers of Tunisian Arabic. The Berbers predominantly speak Berber languages, often called Shilha or Tashlihit,[1] or have shifted to speaking Tunisian Arabic.

Tunisians are only 4% Arabian Ashkenazi Jews are 10% Arabian. LOL


DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab


You clearly said that Tunisians ARE ARABS.
Not a a very small portion mixed WITH ARABS.



You are confusing Arabian with Arab, dummy. Tunisians are Arabs because they speak Arabic, even though they are less Arabian than Ashkenazi Jews. They are not Arabians. Arabians are the people from Arabia, the Arabian peninsula.

You are befuddled it seems.

No, I am not confusing Arabian with Arab ( No dummy Here, gosh, darn, heck )

Go do the research :)




Here it is for you:


Arabs are a people whose place of ethnic origin is the Arabian Peninsula.

The language which they speak, and which has spread widely to other areas, is Arabic. “Arabic” is not generally used as an adjective except when referring to the language or in a few traditional phrases such as “gum arabic” and “arabic numerals.” Note that in these few phrases the word is not capitalized. Otherwise it is “Arab customs,” “Arab groups,” “Arab countries,” etc.

A group of Arab individuals is made of Arabs, not “Arabics” or “Arabians.” The noun “Arabian” by itself normally refers to Arabian horses. The other main use of the word is in referring to the collection of stories known as The Arabian Nights.

However, the phrase “Saudi Arabian” may be used in referring to citizens of the country of Saudi Arabia, and to aspects of the culture of that country. But it is important to remember that there are many Arabs in other lands, and that this phrase does not refer properly to them. Citizens of Saudi Arabia are often referred to instead as “Saudis,” although strictly speaking this term refers to members of the Saudi royal family and is usually journalistic shorthand for “Saudi Arabian government.”
Now the real definition:

"Who is an Arab?

"Arab" is a cultural and linguistic term. It refers to those who speak Arabic as their first language. Arabs are united by culture and by history. Arabs are not a race. Some have blue eyes and red hair; others are dark skinned; many are somewhere in between. Most Arabs are Muslims but there are also millions of Christian Arabs and thousands of Jewish Arabs, just as there are Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Americans."
60s, I suggest you pay no heed to the very few demented and focus on what truly infuriates them...
Israel's successes.
Better the be keyboard warriors than homicide bombers.
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