All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Not even journalists abroad are safe; the Palestinian General Intelligence service reportedly provided the Palestinian Foreign Ministry a list of all the opponents of Mahmoud Abbas living abroad so that he could use his loyalists to silence them. The suppression of criticism also extends to social media, which is monitored by the PA security services to track people “inciting against Palestinian institutions.”

Why Don’t Supporters of Palestinians Care About PA Abuses?
Palestinian Priest: Oust PA and Start Civil Disobedience

Senior Christian Priest in Ramallah Monsignor Manuel Musallam severely criticized the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s security cooperation with Israel which has led to the death of tens of Palestinian resistance fighters in West Bank, Al-Resalah newspaper reported.

In a recent interview with the paper, Musallam called on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to oust the PA and start civil disobedience against it and the Israeli occupation.

“Oust the PA, its security cooperation and the Oslo Accords which brought it,” he said.

Anger against the PA Growing: PFLP Suspends Participation in Elections

The Popular Front for The Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announced on Monday that it was suspending its participation in local Palestinian elections scheduled for May, in protest of Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces’ violent repression of demonstrations in the occupied West Bank a day earlier.

Jarrar said that the PFLP would only reconsider the possibility of engaging in the electoral process if all PA officers involved in assaulting protesters were held accountable.

Politics of the Death Cult

No, Egypt is not at war with Gaza.
Nevertheless, it has taken the following precautions in the past few years:

How Events in Egypt and Syria Paved the Way for Israel’s All-Out Assault on Hamas

I would call it more.... "Preventing a War with Gaza"

So now you posit that Gaza is a threat to Egypt? Seriously? The reality is that the dictator of Egypt, al-Sisi, was having so many internal problems with his own people, like all dictators before him, he created a "foreign threat" to divert their and the rest of the world's attention.

You people and your conspiracy theorists are a hoot.

The Gaza tunnel rats are not a threat to Egypt? You can do your own research for the information. Egypt has been systematically flooding / destroying those tunnels.
Two different issues.
Not even journalists abroad are safe; the Palestinian General Intelligence service reportedly provided the Palestinian Foreign Ministry a list of all the opponents of Mahmoud Abbas living abroad so that he could use his loyalists to silence them. The suppression of criticism also extends to social media, which is monitored by the PA security services to track people “inciting against Palestinian institutions.”

Why Don’t Supporters of Palestinians Care About PA Abuses?
Palestinian Priest: Oust PA and Start Civil Disobedience

Senior Christian Priest in Ramallah Monsignor Manuel Musallam severely criticized the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s security cooperation with Israel which has led to the death of tens of Palestinian resistance fighters in West Bank, Al-Resalah newspaper reported.

In a recent interview with the paper, Musallam called on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to oust the PA and start civil disobedience against it and the Israeli occupation.

“Oust the PA, its security cooperation and the Oslo Accords which brought it,” he said.

Anger against the PA Growing: PFLP Suspends Participation in Elections

The Popular Front for The Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announced on Monday that it was suspending its participation in local Palestinian elections scheduled for May, in protest of Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces’ violent repression of demonstrations in the occupied West Bank a day earlier.

Jarrar said that the PFLP would only reconsider the possibility of engaging in the electoral process if all PA officers involved in assaulting protesters were held accountable.

Politics of the Death Cult

I was shooting guns at that age myself.
Always posting links to propaganda sites. You know, we could start a similar thread posting to anti-Jew, anti-Israel sites, but what would it prove? That we are as irrational as you? No one believes you or the sites you link to. You are only making a fool of yourself Mr. Hasbara.

"No one believes you"
Could you enumerate that list?

Sorry, I should have said that anyone that has access to the facts does not believe the lies of the propaganda sites. On one side or the other. Obviously, the majority of the Israel Firsters only use information they garner from Hasbara propaganda sites.
Always posting links to propaganda sites. You know, we could start a similar thread posting to anti-Jew, anti-Israel sites, but what would it prove? That we are as irrational as you? No one believes you or the sites you link to. You are only making a fool of yourself Mr. Hasbara.

"No one believes you"
Could you enumerate that list?

Sorry, I should have said that anyone that has access to the facts does not believe the lies of the propaganda sites. On one side or the other. Obviously, the majority of the Israel Firsters only use information they garner from Hasbara propaganda sites.

What are you doing on this site????

You are not reading or discussing anything posted, all you do is attempt to make the Pro Israel side look like liars without showing any proof of those accusations.

It is the same with Challenger and Timmore and others.

Can you truly not discuss the issues set up for the past 100 years?
The riots on the Jews, the attacks on the Jews, the expulsion of the Jews from 1920 to 1948, from Gaza to TransJordan to Judea and Samaria and the Jewish Quarter (Jewish, not the Armenian, the Muslim or the third one) of Jerusalem?

Can you truly not debunk your accusations that Israel is an Apartheid State which is ethnically cleansing not only the West Bank and Gaza, but Israel itself of all the Arabs living there?
Which is debunked by the Arabs themselves who live there and by South Africans, and others who hated Israel until they visited and saw with their own eyes what it is like living in Israel?

WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE? Jew haters. Israel haters.
So much hatred learned from who knows where (We do know where it comes from) you do not care about Jews if your life depended on any one of them saving it if there was no other human being left alive on the planet !!!!

I see that you have as much hatred for the word Harbara as you have for the word Jew, or Israel.

Israel does not have the right to exist, Jews have no right to live, and Jews have no right to defend themselves no matter what the accusations may be.

And to you, it does not come from 2000 years of Jews being accused of this and that at every opportunity. Compounded by 1400 years of Islamic accusations against Jews.

To you, it comes from "Jewish behavior", or from "converts to Judaism" who came to "colonize other people's land".

Posting Palllywood and other Muslim ways to attempt to discredit Jews and Israel is not proof of your points, because they are easily debunkable.

You bring posts on migrants from Eritrea, etc, which is a domestic issue, a domestic issue which exists in every country and which is dealt with in the same way until the migrants can be made to leave.

Deal with the PLO, Fatah, Hamas charters and what is written in them?


Deal with the fact that the Arab Muslims NEVER, and EVER, organized and fought to their death against the European Turkish Ottoman Empire in order to free "their land", as they are doing now against their hated Jews?
(Hatred which comes from their Koran and other writings and from nowhere else)


You are here to BASH and delegitimize Israel and Jews. (and Paul of Tarsus continues to laugh in his grave)

It is your reason for living , and living for it makes you feel good about yourselves.

YOU have nothing to lose.

You are not the poor Arabs in Gaza or the West Bank who are stuck with Hamas and the PA and the Charters of destruction of Israel.

You are not the Jews in Israel or anywhere else who are being threatened and attacked and killed on a daily basis.
(Never mind that Jews are not attacking and blowing up Arabs and Muslims all over the world)

It affects you in the most ZERO way possible.

Do yo know how to read?

Do you know how to rationalize?

DO you know how to do a proper research about the issues brought up?

If not, and you do not want to do any of it, AT ALL, then....


Dodging the issues, attacking the posters and making demands that this thread be stopped?

FEEL FREE to not return to this thread, or the other one I started, if you insist in not bringing anything worthwhile to discuss or say on this thread.

I made this thread open to different discussions on Israel/Palestine, but NOT for the haters to be abusive and authoritarian and controlling and demanding that this thread cease to exist. (sounds too much like Jew haters demanding that Israel cease to exist. I wonder why !!!)

YOU cannot deal with reading and discussing the posts, go somewhere else!!!!
You are exclusively a Hasbara propaganda shill. I return to see if you will ever link to something other than a Hasbara propaganda site. To date, that hasn't happened.
You are exclusively a Hasbara propaganda shill. I return to see if you will ever link to something other than a Hasbara propaganda site. To date, that hasn't happened.

It will be my pleasure to continue to post the links I do, regardless of the fact that you do not care for them.

This is what you cannot deal with.

"The natural response against anti-Zionism which derives from the hatred of Jews and the desire to destroy Israel as a sovereign Jewish nation"

You cannot deal with the response to endless attacks against Jews and Israel, that is your problem.

Your attempt to turn the word Hasbara into something ugly and to be disdained, a you do with the words Israel and Jews, is YOUR PROBLEM, and no one else's.

A country, a people, is to never be allowed to defend itself against accusations and should simply go to the chopping block.

It is called JEW HATRED.

Pure and simple.
Always posting links to propaganda sites. You know, we could start a similar thread posting to anti-Jew, anti-Israel sites, but what would it prove? That we are as irrational as you? No one believes you or the sites you link to. You are only making a fool of yourself Mr. Hasbara.

"No one believes you"
Could you enumerate that list?

Sorry, I should have said that anyone that has access to the facts does not believe the lies of the propaganda sites. On one side or the other. Obviously, the majority of the Israel Firsters only use information they garner from Hasbara propaganda sites.

What are you doing on this site????

You are not reading or discussing anything posted, all you do is attempt to make the Pro Israel side look like liars without showing any proof of those accusations.

It is the same with Challenger and Timmore and others.

Can you truly not discuss the issues set up for the past 100 years?
The riots on the Jews, the attacks on the Jews, the expulsion of the Jews from 1920 to 1948, from Gaza to TransJordan to Judea and Samaria and the Jewish Quarter (Jewish, not the Armenian, the Muslim or the third one) of Jerusalem?

Can you truly not debunk your accusations that Israel is an Apartheid State which is ethnically cleansing not only the West Bank and Gaza, but Israel itself of all the Arabs living there?
Which is debunked by the Arabs themselves who live there and by South Africans, and others who hated Israel until they visited and saw with their own eyes what it is like living in Israel?

WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE? Jew haters. Israel haters.
So much hatred learned from who knows where (We do know where it comes from) you do not care about Jews if your life depended on any one of them saving it if there was no other human being left alive on the planet !!!!

I see that you have as much hatred for the word Harbara as you have for the word Jew, or Israel.

Israel does not have the right to exist, Jews have no right to live, and Jews have no right to defend themselves no matter what the accusations may be.

And to you, it does not come from 2000 years of Jews being accused of this and that at every opportunity. Compounded by 1400 years of Islamic accusations against Jews.

To you, it comes from "Jewish behavior", or from "converts to Judaism" who came to "colonize other people's land".

Posting Palllywood and other Muslim ways to attempt to discredit Jews and Israel is not proof of your points, because they are easily debunkable.

You bring posts on migrants from Eritrea, etc, which is a domestic issue, a domestic issue which exists in every country and which is dealt with in the same way until the migrants can be made to leave.

Deal with the PLO, Fatah, Hamas charters and what is written in them?


Deal with the fact that the Arab Muslims NEVER, and EVER, organized and fought to their death against the European Turkish Ottoman Empire in order to free "their land", as they are doing now against their hated Jews?
(Hatred which comes from their Koran and other writings and from nowhere else)


You are here to BASH and delegitimize Israel and Jews. (and Paul of Tarsus continues to laugh in his grave)

It is your reason for living , and living for it makes you feel good about yourselves.

YOU have nothing to lose.

You are not the poor Arabs in Gaza or the West Bank who are stuck with Hamas and the PA and the Charters of destruction of Israel.

You are not the Jews in Israel or anywhere else who are being threatened and attacked and killed on a daily basis.
(Never mind that Jews are not attacking and blowing up Arabs and Muslims all over the world)

It affects you in the most ZERO way possible.

Do yo know how to read?

Do you know how to rationalize?

DO you know how to do a proper research about the issues brought up?

If not, and you do not want to do any of it, AT ALL, then....


Dodging the issues, attacking the posters and making demands that this thread be stopped?

FEEL FREE to not return to this thread, or the other one I started, if you insist in not bringing anything worthwhile to discuss or say on this thread.

I made this thread open to different discussions on Israel/Palestine, but NOT for the haters to be abusive and authoritarian and controlling and demanding that this thread cease to exist. (sounds too much like Jew haters demanding that Israel cease to exist. I wonder why !!!)

YOU cannot deal with reading and discussing the posts, go somewhere else!!!!

Wow...someone must have hit a nerve, either that or he/she/it has run out of meds. :cuckoo:

Perhaps if "60's" actually bothered to raise issues worthy of discussion, we might be able to discuss them, but all this thread contains is a catalogue of the usual BS from Zionist Hasbara sites and is just designed to promote pro-Zionist views. I could just as easily go to a site like The Electronic Intefada and create a thread called "All the news anti-Palestinian posters will not read or discuss"

So take a breath, and go lie down in a dark room for a while. Then come back with topics worth discussing.
The Arabs did not need the Nazis to teach them to hate Jews. In her book From Time Immemorial, Joan Peters lists Arab attacks on Jews recorded as far back as the 15th century, including multiple attacks just in Hebron alone:
  • 1775: Blood libel is spread against Jews in Hebron, resulting in mob violence. [p. 179]

  • 1834: Jews in Hebron are massacred by "Egyptian soldiers who came to put down a local Muslim rebellion" [p. 183]

  • 1848 Hebron plundered. [p. 191]

  • 1848-1878: Reports from the British Consulate in Jerusalem document scores of anti-Jewish violence. Example--"July, 1851: It is my duty to report to Your Excellency that the Jews in Hebron have been greatly alarmed by threats of the Moslems there at the commencement of Ramadan..."

  • 1858: Muslim in Hebron is confronted with his theft and vandalism of Jews and responds that "his right derived from time immemorial in his family, to enter Jewish houses, and take toll or contributions at any time without giving account" [p. 173]
But times have changed, Overt antisemitism is now being excused.

Attacking Jews does not get the same reaction today.

In 1995, an Austrian prosecutor decided that calling for the death of Jews is a valid form of criticism of Israel.

This year, a German court decided that firebombing a synagogue was not really antisemitism -- it was just criticism of Israel.

And the excuse of "criticism of Israel" is used to excuse more than mere violence.

Today, terrorist Rasmeah Odeh is considered a prominent speaker on women's rights.

One Doesn't Need Nazis To Have Jew-Hatred -- Or Excuse It (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

(full article online)
Always posting links to propaganda sites. You know, we could start a similar thread posting to anti-Jew, anti-Israel sites, but what would it prove? That we are as irrational as you? No one believes you or the sites you link to. You are only making a fool of yourself Mr. Hasbara.

"No one believes you"
Could you enumerate that list?

Sorry, I should have said that anyone that has access to the facts does not believe the lies of the propaganda sites. On one side or the other. Obviously, the majority of the Israel Firsters only use information they garner from Hasbara propaganda sites.

What are you doing on this site????

You are not reading or discussing anything posted, all you do is attempt to make the Pro Israel side look like liars without showing any proof of those accusations.

It is the same with Challenger and Timmore and others.

Can you truly not discuss the issues set up for the past 100 years?
The riots on the Jews, the attacks on the Jews, the expulsion of the Jews from 1920 to 1948, from Gaza to TransJordan to Judea and Samaria and the Jewish Quarter (Jewish, not the Armenian, the Muslim or the third one) of Jerusalem?

Can you truly not debunk your accusations that Israel is an Apartheid State which is ethnically cleansing not only the West Bank and Gaza, but Israel itself of all the Arabs living there?
Which is debunked by the Arabs themselves who live there and by South Africans, and others who hated Israel until they visited and saw with their own eyes what it is like living in Israel?

WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE? Jew haters. Israel haters.
So much hatred learned from who knows where (We do know where it comes from) you do not care about Jews if your life depended on any one of them saving it if there was no other human being left alive on the planet !!!!

I see that you have as much hatred for the word Harbara as you have for the word Jew, or Israel.

Israel does not have the right to exist, Jews have no right to live, and Jews have no right to defend themselves no matter what the accusations may be.

And to you, it does not come from 2000 years of Jews being accused of this and that at every opportunity. Compounded by 1400 years of Islamic accusations against Jews.

To you, it comes from "Jewish behavior", or from "converts to Judaism" who came to "colonize other people's land".

Posting Palllywood and other Muslim ways to attempt to discredit Jews and Israel is not proof of your points, because they are easily debunkable.

You bring posts on migrants from Eritrea, etc, which is a domestic issue, a domestic issue which exists in every country and which is dealt with in the same way until the migrants can be made to leave.

Deal with the PLO, Fatah, Hamas charters and what is written in them?


Deal with the fact that the Arab Muslims NEVER, and EVER, organized and fought to their death against the European Turkish Ottoman Empire in order to free "their land", as they are doing now against their hated Jews?
(Hatred which comes from their Koran and other writings and from nowhere else)


You are here to BASH and delegitimize Israel and Jews. (and Paul of Tarsus continues to laugh in his grave)

It is your reason for living , and living for it makes you feel good about yourselves.

YOU have nothing to lose.

You are not the poor Arabs in Gaza or the West Bank who are stuck with Hamas and the PA and the Charters of destruction of Israel.

You are not the Jews in Israel or anywhere else who are being threatened and attacked and killed on a daily basis.
(Never mind that Jews are not attacking and blowing up Arabs and Muslims all over the world)

It affects you in the most ZERO way possible.

Do yo know how to read?

Do you know how to rationalize?

DO you know how to do a proper research about the issues brought up?

If not, and you do not want to do any of it, AT ALL, then....


Dodging the issues, attacking the posters and making demands that this thread be stopped?

FEEL FREE to not return to this thread, or the other one I started, if you insist in not bringing anything worthwhile to discuss or say on this thread.

I made this thread open to different discussions on Israel/Palestine, but NOT for the haters to be abusive and authoritarian and controlling and demanding that this thread cease to exist. (sounds too much like Jew haters demanding that Israel cease to exist. I wonder why !!!)

YOU cannot deal with reading and discussing the posts, go somewhere else!!!!

Wow...someone must have hit a nerve, either that or he/she/it has run out of meds. :cuckoo:

Perhaps if "60's" actually bothered to raise issues worthy of discussion, we might be able to discuss them, but all this thread contains is a catalogue of the usual BS from Zionist Hasbara sites and is just designed to promote pro-Zionist views. I could just as easily go to a site like The Electronic Intefada and create a thread called "All the news anti-Palestinian posters will not read or discuss"

So take a breath, and go lie down in a dark room for a while. Then come back with topics worth discussing.

Considering that each and every one of you starts a new thread on a daily basis, it is a wonder that you cannot find topics "worth discussing" in any one of them.

But then......
There are thousands of similar such recipients. Every single month. Eight percent of the entire PA budget is devoted to the payment of what the PA insists be called "salaries", not welfare payments. The Abbas regime is chronically unable to meet its financial obligations but reiterates over and again [source] that the payments we're talking about will not be cut back. Who says they have no principles?

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 28-Mar-17: The US can end the Palestinian Arab bureaucracy of terror
Looking for Palestinian People's Archeology. Why is it so elusive?
The archaeological dig was launched prior to the construction of a new residential neighborhood in the area and, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) district archaeologist for Judah, Dr. Amit Shadman, “the excavations will be followed by the site’s preservation and development as an archaeological site in the heart of the new neighborhood.”

Discoveries at the site included “eight ritual baths, cisterns and hiding refuges, along with rock-hewn industrial installations,” the IAA said.

2,000-Year-Old Jewish Community Unearthed Near Beit Shemesh
  • EI submissions regularly utilize highly biased and politicized rhetoric, accusing Israel of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” “genocide,” “massacres” and the “Judaization of Jerusalem.”
  • Publishes articles in which terrorist attacks are described as “allegedly” having taken place and condemning Israel for actions taken to protect the lives of civilians.
  • Holocaust references appear frequently in his Abunimah’s comments. He calls Gaza a “ghetto for surplus non-Jews,” compares the Israeli press to “Der Sturmer,” and claims “Supporting Zionism is not atonement for the Holocaust, but its continuation in spirit.” He calls Gaza a “concentration camp” and repeated a claim that IDF statements are the words “of a Nazi.”
  • Labels PA President Mahmud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad as “collaborators”, and PA participation in peace talks as “collaboration.” Collaboration is punishable by death in the PA and Gaza.<<
They are terrorist propaganda
From your link:

But anyone surveying the catastrophe in Gaza — the mass destruction, the death toll of more than 100 Palestinians for every Israeli, the thousands of sadistic injuries — would surely conclude that Palestinians could never overcome Israel and resistance is a delusion at best.

True, in terms of ability to murder and destroy, Israel is unmatched. But Israel’s problem is not, as its propaganda insists, “terrorism” to be defeated by sufficient application of high explosives. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it. Israel simply cannot bomb its way to legitimacy.​

It is still EI propaganda
Of course. Everything that is not from is propaganda. I understand.

I suggest you go and re-read the points made on the first post of the "One State" thread and either respond to each question there, or not.

All of those questions are a matter of negotiation in the final Peace Treaty, if there ever is going to be one between the PA and Israel.

If you think that the Palestinians would not be asking the very same questions and negotiating about are wrong.
Rights are non negotiable. Israel wants the Palestinians to negotiate away their rights. If that were not true, the solution is already written out in decolonizing Palestine.

what country gave palestinians these rights?
1400 years earlier.

"Archaeologists have unearthed traces of a previously unknown, 14th-century Canaanite city buried underneath the ruins of another city in Israel.

The traces include an Egyptian amulet of Amenhotep III and several pottery vessels from the Late Bronze Age unearthed at the site of Gezer, an ancient Canaanite city."
Ancient City Discovered Beneath Biblical-Era Ruins in Israel
The ideology that "Palestine" is to be created from the blood of "Martyrs" echoes Fatah leaders' promotion and encouragement of terror and glorification of terrorists, which Palestinian Media Watch has recently documented in a report released earlier this month in the American Congress.

Last year, Shabiba at Birzeit University campaigned with a poster calling for murder. It showed a knife dripping with blood, shaped as the PA's map of "Palestine" that includes the PA areas as well as all of Israel. The poster's text:
"Plant it [the knife] in the heart of your enemy"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, April 26, 2016]

Fatah students: Martyrs' blood will create state - PMW Bulletins
1400 years earlier.

"Archaeologists have unearthed traces of a previously unknown, 14th-century Canaanite city buried underneath the ruins of another city in Israel.

The traces include an Egyptian amulet of Amenhotep III and several pottery vessels from the Late Bronze Age unearthed at the site of Gezer, an ancient Canaanite city."
Ancient City Discovered Beneath Biblical-Era Ruins in Israel

Not Palestinian.

You simply do not know the difference. :(
The ancestors of the Palestinians include the Canaanites as well as the other people that lived in the area.
The ancestors of the Palestinians include the Canaanites as well as the other people that lived in the area.

I marked your post "Funny" because it took until the 20th century for these
"descendants of Canaanites" to come forward, and ONLY when the indigenous wanted to recreate their ancient Nation.

Now, either these are amazingly "slow" descendants of the Canaanites, or....there must be another explanation as to why it would take them over 3000 years to come forward as being descendants of the Canaanites.

Now, why didn't they call themselves Canaanites in the first place pre and after the 20th Century and the recreation of the Nation/State of Israel?

Why bother to start calling themselves Palestinians in 1964, and not Canaanites?

And exactly WHICH Canaanite tribes are they?

The Jebusite, the Hittites, the Philistines....

Map of the southern Levant,[original research?]c.830s BC.
Kingdom of Judah
Kingdom of Israel
Philistine city-states
Phoenician states
Kingdom of Ammon
Kingdom of Edom
Kingdom of Aram-Damascus
Aramean tribes
Arubu tribes
Nabatu tribes
Assyrian Empire
Kingdom of Moab

Canaan - Wikipedia

They MUST have kept their identity and known which of those tribes they came from, just as the Copts, Assyrians, Kurds, etc still do.

So, where are the Hitites? The Edomites?

There are many texts and letters referring to Canaanite tribes 4,000 years ago. Why do none of these refer to the people as Palestinians, or any of those tribes?

Caananite tribes, NOT Palestinians.

The Israelites are referred to as such, and not as Palestinians, or Canaanites post King David

No Archeological of a People, nor Tribe calling themselves Palestinians.

No text or document referring to a People or a Tribe called Palestinians.

No text or documents of the Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Muslims, Crusaders, Ottomans or the British meeting any Palestinian Nation or People.

Forcing Canaanite ancestry on those who have none, or very little because of conversion or mixed marriage, does not a People make, and it does not give them the rights to a land in which the indigenous Jewish Nation/People have continued to inhabit....ALWAYS, since Judaism came to be nearly 3800 years ago.


Keep digging very deep for those non existent Arab tribes in Canaan.
Not in Egypt, not in Phonecia, not in Persia, not in Syria, not, not, not......

I cannot find them anywhere :confused-84:

And neither can modern ways of figuring out where people originated from , like..... DNA

Not even the creation of Islam 1400 years ago, turned any of those Arabs (even if anyone of them married those Jews who were forced into Islam at any time) into Palestinians, as endless Muslim writings before WWI attest to.

Arabic is a language not a tribe. Arabians are part of a tribe. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Tunisians are Arabs, but are not Arabians.

People today have Neanderthal DNA, how can the native people of an area not have DNA of the people who lived in the area before.

You don't get it and keep digging deeper.

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