All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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It’s also the case that the Times erroneously analyzes the whole settlement issue as if the only variable is the Israelipolitical situation, as opposed to, say, the regional security landscape, the Palestinian Arab political situation, or the American political situation.

New York Times Bungles Settlement Story
A narrative is already emerging that the dread Israeli empire has found yet another way to suppress those stifled still voices of the BDS movement, turning their Mandelaesque leader into one more martyr to free speech who, for some reason, never stops talking (and never stops being given opportunities to be paid to talk).

To which I say “posh.” But if the BDS “movement” wants to stake its reputation on an ATM salesman/tax cheat who remains unwilling to give up the privileges of the Israeli society he is dedicated to destroying, then I wish them a happy third decade of watching Israel go from strength to strength as their own project continues to burn.

Barghouti’s Bucks (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Actually, by boycotting only one side of the conflict, BDS provides the other side (the Palestinians) incentives not to reach an agreement as pressure mounts on Israel. Especially when considering that the fragile Palestinian leadership depends on this conflict to maintain a decade long dictatorships in the West Bank and Gaza.

Ask yourself why would a Palestinian movement include a Syrian Druze minority in its demands? Why use the words “Arab Lands” and not “Palestinian Lands”? Hold your thoughts, maybe this is just a misunderstanding.

The BDS Movement, What Do They Really Want?
5 straight posts of links to Zionist propaganda sites. This has to considered spamming.

Isn't Barghouti's goal to force Israel to become a secular, democratic state with equality for all the people that Israel rules over? Is that "destroying" a society? The ANC had similar goals for South Africa and that society wasn't destroyed.
BDS is a non-violent method of resistance to the Jewish oppression of the non-Jews and even that is criticized. What would the Jews consider acceptable non-violent resistance? Or, is resisting Jew oppression, even non-violently, considered antisemitic by Zionist Jews?
5 straight posts of links to Zionist propaganda sites. This has to considered spamming.

Isn't Barghouti's goal to force Israel to become a secular, democratic state with equality for all the people that Israel rules over? Is that "destroying" a society? The ANC had similar goals for South Africa and that society wasn't destroyed.

Do you really not know the meaning of the words you are using, or are you using those words to convince people who know nothing
about Israel or are somewhat, or totally Anti-Israel as you are?

Israel: Theocratic republic, ethnic democracy or modern secular nation-state?

Secularism in Israel - Wikipedia

Ancient Israel was run by Priests.

Is modern Israel run by a Rabbi Prime Minister?
A Rabbi Supreme Court?
Is the Knesset all Jewish and all Rabbis?

No, the aim of Barghouti has NEVER, ever been to force Israel to become a secular, democratic State, and you do know that.

His goal is to force Israel to allow Millions of "refugees", when only about 20,000 would be defined as such today, into Israel and destroy Israel as a State.

Move Millions of Arabs into Israel, make it Jewish minority and BINGO, Israel is eventually gone, and the Jews are back as they were about 100 years ago.

The Jews will not be part of a secular democracy run by Muslims, but a minority, as they always were for 1300 years, having no rights, paying taxes for protection, etc, etc.

THAT IS if the Muslims will be so gracious as to allow the Jews to stay on the land.

The quotes from the link above which I posted tell people all they need to know about Barghouti's intentions and that of the BDS movement and extreme Muslims in general.
“I am Palestinian, but I stand with Israel”, Solomon said. “We are the Arabs. We occupy the land of the Jews. This Jewish land. It’s going to be there for ever and ever. I used to be a Muslim. They taught me to hate Israel and the Jewish people. There is no Palestine. It’s a lie. They are using Palestine just to kill the Jewish people. Just to hate the Jews. They teach me to ‘purify al-Aqsa mosque from the filthy Jews’. Palestinians are liars.”

Pro-Israel Palestinian Arab confronts anti-Israel Jews
5 straight posts of links to Zionist propaganda sites. This has to considered spamming.

Isn't Barghouti's goal to force Israel to become a secular, democratic state with equality for all the people that Israel rules over? Is that "destroying" a society? The ANC had similar goals for South Africa and that society wasn't destroyed.

Do you really not know the meaning of the words you are using, or are you using those words to convince people who know nothing
about Israel or are somewhat, or totally Anti-Israel as you are?

Israel: Theocratic republic, ethnic democracy or modern secular nation-state?

Secularism in Israel - Wikipedia

Ancient Israel was run by Priests.

Is modern Israel run by a Rabbi Prime Minister?
A Rabbi Supreme Court?
Is the Knesset all Jewish and all Rabbis?

No, the aim of Barghouti has NEVER, ever been to force Israel to become a secular, democratic State, and you do know that.

His goal is to force Israel to allow Millions of "refugees", when only about 20,000 would be defined as such today, into Israel and destroy Israel as a State.

Move Millions of Arabs into Israel, make it Jewish minority and BINGO, Israel is eventually gone, and the Jews are back as they were about 100 years ago.

The Jews will not be part of a secular democracy run by Muslims, but a minority, as they always were for 1300 years, having no rights, paying taxes for protection, etc, etc.

THAT IS if the Muslims will be so gracious as to allow the Jews to stay on the land.

The quotes from the link above which I posted tell people all they need to know about Barghouti's intentions and that of the BDS movement and extreme Muslims in general.

Israel, by definition, is a theocracy. It was founded based on a religious principle, it calls itself a Jewish state, personal civil law with respect to marriage etc. is religious only, etc. Land ownership via the JNF is all religiously based, there is a loyalty oath requires non-Jews to swear loyalty to a Jewish state.

(If an American Jew were required to swear loyalty to the U.S. as a Christian state, wouldn't that be a theocratic feature of the U.S.?)

Not only is Israel theocratic, it is also not democratic. Israel rules over and controls non-Jews in East Jerusalem, the WB and Gaza, yet most of the people in those areas do not have the right to vote.

Barghouti is simply employing non-violent resistance to the theocratic and non-democratic state of Israel. His goal is to push Israel into becoming a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all the people the state controls and rules over.
“I am Palestinian, but I stand with Israel”, Solomon said. “We are the Arabs. We occupy the land of the Jews. This Jewish land. It’s going to be there for ever and ever. I used to be a Muslim. They taught me to hate Israel and the Jewish people. There is no Palestine. It’s a lie. They are using Palestine just to kill the Jewish people. Just to hate the Jews. They teach me to ‘purify al-Aqsa mosque from the filthy Jews’. Palestinians are liars.”

Pro-Israel Palestinian Arab confronts anti-Israel Jews

Now that's hilarious.
5 straight posts of links to Zionist propaganda sites. This has to considered spamming.

Isn't Barghouti's goal to force Israel to become a secular, democratic state with equality for all the people that Israel rules over? Is that "destroying" a society? The ANC had similar goals for South Africa and that society wasn't destroyed.

Do you really not know the meaning of the words you are using, or are you using those words to convince people who know nothing
about Israel or are somewhat, or totally Anti-Israel as you are?

Israel: Theocratic republic, ethnic democracy or modern secular nation-state?

Secularism in Israel - Wikipedia

Ancient Israel was run by Priests.

Is modern Israel run by a Rabbi Prime Minister?
A Rabbi Supreme Court?
Is the Knesset all Jewish and all Rabbis?

No, the aim of Barghouti has NEVER, ever been to force Israel to become a secular, democratic State, and you do know that.

His goal is to force Israel to allow Millions of "refugees", when only about 20,000 would be defined as such today, into Israel and destroy Israel as a State.

Move Millions of Arabs into Israel, make it Jewish minority and BINGO, Israel is eventually gone, and the Jews are back as they were about 100 years ago.

The Jews will not be part of a secular democracy run by Muslims, but a minority, as they always were for 1300 years, having no rights, paying taxes for protection, etc, etc.

THAT IS if the Muslims will be so gracious as to allow the Jews to stay on the land.

The quotes from the link above which I posted tell people all they need to know about Barghouti's intentions and that of the BDS movement and extreme Muslims in general.

Israel, by definition, is a theocracy. It was founded based on a religious principle, it calls itself a Jewish state, personal civil law with respect to marriage etc. is religious only, etc. Land ownership via the JNF is all religiously based, there is a loyalty oath requires non-Jews to swear loyalty to a Jewish state.

(If an American Jew were required to swear loyalty to the U.S. as a Christian state, wouldn't that be a theocratic feature of the U.S.?)

Not only is Israel theocratic, it is also not democratic. Israel rules over and controls non-Jews in East Jerusalem, the WB and Gaza, yet most of the people in those areas do not have the right to vote.

Barghouti is simply employing non-violent resistance to the theocratic and non-democratic state of Israel. His goal is to push Israel into becoming a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all the people the state controls and rules over.

Not only is Israel theocratic, it is also not democratic. Israel rules over and controls non-Jews in East Jerusalem, the WB and Gaza, yet most of the people in those areas do not have the right to vote.

Barghouti is simply employing non-violent resistance to the theocratic and non-democratic state of Israel. His goal is to push Israel into becoming a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all the people the state controls and rules over.[/QUOTE]"

In your words Israel controls non-Jews in Gaza and Areas A and B
of the West Bank.

In other words, Hamas and the PLO and the PA are absolute no ones. They do not govern and make the laws in those areas.

In other words, all the EU, US and other donations are going to Israel and not to UNWRA and Gaza directly, nor is it going to the PA, directly.

Neither Turkey, China, Russia, Morocco, etc have been "negotiating" with the people of the areas they rule outside of their own countries.

If what you say is true, then why would Israel bother to do any negotiations, relinquish any lands, etc, if none of the other countries who do what you are accusing Israel of doing, not only are being pressured into freeing those lands, but not offering to negotiate anything with the people in question?

You accuse with no proof.
Yell fire inside a crowded theatre knowing exactly what the result you are looking for is.

Spread the Muslim/Arab/Palestinian cries all you like. :(

Israel is a theocracy?
You have only shown words.

I am not going to go into all the Christian countries which require allegiance from non Christians to the country once they become citizens.

And never mind the Muslim ones. How many non Muslims consider their non Muslim populations citizens of the country to require an allegiance oath to begin with?
Indeed, and all true.

  • EI submissions regularly utilize highly biased and politicized rhetoric, accusing Israel of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” “genocide,” “massacres” and the “Judaization of Jerusalem.”
  • Publishes articles in which terrorist attacks are described as “allegedly” having taken place and condemning Israel for actions taken to protect the lives of civilians.
  • Holocaust references appear frequently in his Abunimah’s comments. He calls Gaza a “ghetto for surplus non-Jews,” compares the Israeli press to “Der Sturmer,” and claims “Supporting Zionism is not atonement for the Holocaust, but its continuation in spirit.” He calls Gaza a “concentration camp” and repeated a claim that IDF statements are the words “of a Nazi.”
  • Labels PA President Mahmud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad as “collaborators”, and PA participation in peace talks as “collaboration.” Collaboration is punishable by death in the PA and Gaza.<<
They are terrorist propaganda
From your link:

But anyone surveying the catastrophe in Gaza — the mass destruction, the death toll of more than 100 Palestinians for every Israeli, the thousands of sadistic injuries — would surely conclude that Palestinians could never overcome Israel and resistance is a delusion at best.

True, in terms of ability to murder and destroy, Israel is unmatched. But Israel’s problem is not, as its propaganda insists, “terrorism” to be defeated by sufficient application of high explosives. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it. Israel simply cannot bomb its way to legitimacy.​

It is still EI propaganda
Of course. Everything that is not from is propaganda. I understand.

I suggest you go and re-read the points made on the first post of the "One State" thread and either respond to each question there, or not.

All of those questions are a matter of negotiation in the final Peace Treaty, if there ever is going to be one between the PA and Israel.

If you think that the Palestinians would not be asking the very same questions and negotiating about are wrong.
Rights are non negotiable. Israel wants the Palestinians to negotiate away their rights. If that were not true, the solution is already written out in decolonizing Palestine.
5 straight posts of links to Zionist propaganda sites. This has to considered spamming.

Isn't Barghouti's goal to force Israel to become a secular, democratic state with equality for all the people that Israel rules over? Is that "destroying" a society? The ANC had similar goals for South Africa and that society wasn't destroyed.

Do you really not know the meaning of the words you are using, or are you using those words to convince people who know nothing
about Israel or are somewhat, or totally Anti-Israel as you are?

Israel: Theocratic republic, ethnic democracy or modern secular nation-state?

Secularism in Israel - Wikipedia

Ancient Israel was run by Priests.

Is modern Israel run by a Rabbi Prime Minister?
A Rabbi Supreme Court?
Is the Knesset all Jewish and all Rabbis?

No, the aim of Barghouti has NEVER, ever been to force Israel to become a secular, democratic State, and you do know that.

His goal is to force Israel to allow Millions of "refugees", when only about 20,000 would be defined as such today, into Israel and destroy Israel as a State.

Move Millions of Arabs into Israel, make it Jewish minority and BINGO, Israel is eventually gone, and the Jews are back as they were about 100 years ago.

The Jews will not be part of a secular democracy run by Muslims, but a minority, as they always were for 1300 years, having no rights, paying taxes for protection, etc, etc.

THAT IS if the Muslims will be so gracious as to allow the Jews to stay on the land.

The quotes from the link above which I posted tell people all they need to know about Barghouti's intentions and that of the BDS movement and extreme Muslims in general.

Israel, by definition, is a theocracy. It was founded based on a religious principle, it calls itself a Jewish state, personal civil law with respect to marriage etc. is religious only, etc. Land ownership via the JNF is all religiously based, there is a loyalty oath requires non-Jews to swear loyalty to a Jewish state.

(If an American Jew were required to swear loyalty to the U.S. as a Christian state, wouldn't that be a theocratic feature of the U.S.?)

Not only is Israel theocratic, it is also not democratic. Israel rules over and controls non-Jews in East Jerusalem, the WB and Gaza, yet most of the people in those areas do not have the right to vote.

Barghouti is simply employing non-violent resistance to the theocratic and non-democratic state of Israel. His goal is to push Israel into becoming a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all the people the state controls and rules over.

Not only is Israel theocratic, it is also not democratic. Israel rules over and controls non-Jews in East Jerusalem, the WB and Gaza, yet most of the people in those areas do not have the right to vote.

Barghouti is simply employing non-violent resistance to the theocratic and non-democratic state of Israel. His goal is to push Israel into becoming a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all the people the state controls and rules over.

In your words Israel controls non-Jews in Gaza and Areas A and B
of the West Bank.

In other words, Hamas and the PLO and the PA are absolute no ones. They do not govern and make the laws in those areas.

In other words, all the EU, US and other donations are going to Israel and not to UNWRA and Gaza directly, nor is it going to the PA, directly.

Neither Turkey, China, Russia, Morocco, etc have been "negotiating" with the people of the areas they rule outside of their own countries.

If what you say is true, then why would Israel bother to do any negotiations, relinquish any lands, etc, if none of the other countries who do what you are accusing Israel of doing, not only are being pressured into freeing those lands, but not offering to negotiate anything with the people in question?

You accuse with no proof.
Yell fire inside a crowded theatre knowing exactly what the result you are looking for is.

Spread the Muslim/Arab/Palestinian cries all you like. :(

Israel is a theocracy?
You have only shown words.

I am not going to go into all the Christian countries which require allegiance from non Christians to the country once they become citizens.

And never mind the Muslim ones. How many non Muslims consider their non Muslim populations citizens of the country to require an allegiance oath to begin with?[/QUOTE]

1. The International Court of Justice describes the situation of Israeli rule over Gaza succinctly:

"In general, this view is based on the scope and degree of control that Israel has retained over the territory of Gaza following the 2005 disengagement – including, inter alia, Israel’s exercise of control over border crossings, the territorial sea adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and the airspace of Gaza; its periodic military incursions within Gaza; its enforcement of no-go areas within Gaza near the border where Israeli settlements used to be; and its regulation of the local monetary market based on the Israeli currency and control of taxes and customs duties. The retention of such competences by Israel over the territory of Gaza even after the 2005 disengagement overall supports the conclusion that the authority retained by Israel amounts to effective control."

Opinio Juris » Blog Archive The OTP Concludes Israel Is Still Occupying Gaza - Opinio Juris

2. As far as the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the IDF not only controls the borders, air space and collects taxes and duties, IDF soldiers and Israeli police patrol the area, maintain checkpoints, and control who can travel anywhere within the occupied areas. This is absolute rule.

3. In fact, all aid goes through Israel, one way or another. Israel can and has blocked aid to Gaza and to the WB.

"....the Israeli military occupation persists in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israel remains the only sovereign government in the area of Israel/Palestine, and the Israeli authorities wield control over border passes, seaports, airports, customs and currency. This control enables the Israeli authorities to determine the conditions for aid and to divert it to goods and services provided by Israeli companies, while restricting and hindering any kind of aid of which they do not approve (AIDA, 2011). Israeli economists have identified an unwritten, but consistently-applied, Israeli policy that prevents Palestinian economic development in sectors which could compete with the Israeli economy...."

4. I don't know of one Christian country that requires sworn allegiance to Christianity to become a citizen, except maybe Vatican City.

As usual, I present facts and you respond with lies and propaganda. Israel is a theocracy with some elements of a secular state and is undemocratic, by definition.

Some blacks served in the Confederate Army, 10% of the south's free blacks served in the Confederate Army by some estimates.

Non-whites served in the South African Army during apartheid. There are always traitors.


Doesn't mean a whole lot.
Egypt opens the Gaza border only with Israeli and U.S. tacit approval. The U.S. has threatened to stop financial aid to Egypt if it opens the border with Gaza. It accuses Egypt of allowing smuggling when Egypt opess the border without permission. Give it up, you only have propaganda.

"Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress agreed to withhold 100 million dollars in financial assistance to Egypt following Israeli claims that Egyptian authorities were failing to prevent weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip. Cairo, for its part, denounced the decision, while local political analysts saw the move as a heavy-handed pressure tactic on the part of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby."

EGYPT: U.S. Congress Conditions Aid on Border Containment | Inter Press Service
Egypt opens the Gaza border only with Israeli and U.S. tacit approval. The U.S. has threatened to stop financial aid to Egypt if it opens the border with Gaza. It accuses Egypt of allowing smuggling when Egypt opess the border without permission. Give it up, you only have propaganda.

"Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress agreed to withhold 100 million dollars in financial assistance to Egypt following Israeli claims that Egyptian authorities were failing to prevent weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip. Cairo, for its part, denounced the decision, while local political analysts saw the move as a heavy-handed pressure tactic on the part of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby."

EGYPT: U.S. Congress Conditions Aid on Border Containment | Inter Press Service

Gosh, 2007, wonder what might have happened since then :)
Egypt opens the Gaza border only with Israeli and U.S. tacit approval. The U.S. has threatened to stop financial aid to Egypt if it opens the border with Gaza. It accuses Egypt of allowing smuggling when Egypt opess the border without permission. Give it up, you only have propaganda.

"Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress agreed to withhold 100 million dollars in financial assistance to Egypt following Israeli claims that Egyptian authorities were failing to prevent weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip. Cairo, for its part, denounced the decision, while local political analysts saw the move as a heavy-handed pressure tactic on the part of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby."

EGYPT: U.S. Congress Conditions Aid on Border Containment | Inter Press Service

Gosh, 2007, wonder what might have happened since then :)

Same thing, the threat was made. Egypt stays in line except for a short period when the Egyptians elected Morsi democratically. Of course, he was deposed in a military coup supported by the U.S. and Israel.
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