All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Israel Hayom | At the service of a fake reality
Egypt opens the Gaza border only with Israeli and U.S. tacit approval. The U.S. has threatened to stop financial aid to Egypt if it opens the border with Gaza. It accuses Egypt of allowing smuggling when Egypt opess the border without permission. Give it up, you only have propaganda.

"Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress agreed to withhold 100 million dollars in financial assistance to Egypt following Israeli claims that Egyptian authorities were failing to prevent weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip. Cairo, for its part, denounced the decision, while local political analysts saw the move as a heavy-handed pressure tactic on the part of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby."

EGYPT: U.S. Congress Conditions Aid on Border Containment | Inter Press Service

Gosh, 2007, wonder what might have happened since then :)

Same thing, the threat was made. Egypt stays in line except for a short period when the Egyptians elected Morsi democratically. Of course, he was deposed in a military coup supported by the U.S. and Israel.

If my memory serves me right, Egypt and Israel have a peace treaty.
Egypt and Gaza do not.

Maybe.....just very much .....maybe.....that is why there is a give and take between Egypt and Israel?

Who cares about Peace Treaties, right?
Egypt opens the Gaza border only with Israeli and U.S. tacit approval. The U.S. has threatened to stop financial aid to Egypt if it opens the border with Gaza. It accuses Egypt of allowing smuggling when Egypt opess the border without permission. Give it up, you only have propaganda.

"Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress agreed to withhold 100 million dollars in financial assistance to Egypt following Israeli claims that Egyptian authorities were failing to prevent weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip. Cairo, for its part, denounced the decision, while local political analysts saw the move as a heavy-handed pressure tactic on the part of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby."

EGYPT: U.S. Congress Conditions Aid on Border Containment | Inter Press Service

Gosh, 2007, wonder what might have happened since then :)
The US failed coup in Gaza.
Israel Hayom | At the service of a fake reality
Egypt opens the Gaza border only with Israeli and U.S. tacit approval. The U.S. has threatened to stop financial aid to Egypt if it opens the border with Gaza. It accuses Egypt of allowing smuggling when Egypt opess the border without permission. Give it up, you only have propaganda.

"Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress agreed to withhold 100 million dollars in financial assistance to Egypt following Israeli claims that Egyptian authorities were failing to prevent weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip. Cairo, for its part, denounced the decision, while local political analysts saw the move as a heavy-handed pressure tactic on the part of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby."

EGYPT: U.S. Congress Conditions Aid on Border Containment | Inter Press Service

Gosh, 2007, wonder what might have happened since then :)

Same thing, the threat was made. Egypt stays in line except for a short period when the Egyptians elected Morsi democratically. Of course, he was deposed in a military coup supported by the U.S. and Israel.

If my memory serves me right, Egypt and Israel have a peace treaty.
Egypt and Gaza do not.

Maybe.....just very much .....maybe.....that is why there is a give and take between Egypt and Israel?

Who cares about Peace Treaties, right?

Egypt is not at war with Gaza so why do they need a peace treaty. As for "give and take" well, manufactured fascist regimes tend to stick together, especially with American "influence" over Egypt. If the Egyptian people manage to have a say however, Egyptian protesters break into Israeli embassy building - BBC News
Egypt opens the Gaza border only with Israeli and U.S. tacit approval. The U.S. has threatened to stop financial aid to Egypt if it opens the border with Gaza. It accuses Egypt of allowing smuggling when Egypt opess the border without permission. Give it up, you only have propaganda.

"Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress agreed to withhold 100 million dollars in financial assistance to Egypt following Israeli claims that Egyptian authorities were failing to prevent weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip. Cairo, for its part, denounced the decision, while local political analysts saw the move as a heavy-handed pressure tactic on the part of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby."

EGYPT: U.S. Congress Conditions Aid on Border Containment | Inter Press Service

Gosh, 2007, wonder what might have happened since then :)
The US failed coup in Gaza.

Another of your silly conspiracy theories.
Israel Hayom | At the service of a fake reality
Egypt opens the Gaza border only with Israeli and U.S. tacit approval. The U.S. has threatened to stop financial aid to Egypt if it opens the border with Gaza. It accuses Egypt of allowing smuggling when Egypt opess the border without permission. Give it up, you only have propaganda.

"Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress agreed to withhold 100 million dollars in financial assistance to Egypt following Israeli claims that Egyptian authorities were failing to prevent weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip. Cairo, for its part, denounced the decision, while local political analysts saw the move as a heavy-handed pressure tactic on the part of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby."

EGYPT: U.S. Congress Conditions Aid on Border Containment | Inter Press Service

Gosh, 2007, wonder what might have happened since then :)

Same thing, the threat was made. Egypt stays in line except for a short period when the Egyptians elected Morsi democratically. Of course, he was deposed in a military coup supported by the U.S. and Israel.

If my memory serves me right, Egypt and Israel have a peace treaty.
Egypt and Gaza do not.

Maybe.....just very much .....maybe.....that is why there is a give and take between Egypt and Israel?

Who cares about Peace Treaties, right?

Egypt is not at war with Gaza so why do they need a peace treaty. As for "give and take" well, manufactured fascist regimes tend to stick together, especially with American "influence" over Egypt. If the Egyptian people manage to have a say however, Egyptian protesters break into Israeli embassy building - BBC News

That article is seven years old.

If you choose to review some more current, relevant news, you will notice that Egypt is protecting its border from Pal'istanian terrorists and destroying Pal'istanian smuggling tunnels.

People get it - you're a frantic Jew hater / self-hater. Scouring the web for seven year old news articles as toothless testimony to prove a worthless point is.... pretty desperate.
The listing as a terrorism entity followed the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) 2011 revocation of their charitable status after a multi-year investigation showed that IRFAN had been funding Hamas, otherwise known as the Muslim Brotherhood in the Palestinian territories. The CRA also made it clear that IRFAN was the successor organization to the Jerusalem Fund for Human Services (JFHS) which had also been funding Hamas. The CRA also observed that IRFAN was deliberately constructed to circumvent the Government of Canada so that it could fund Hamas after the Government of Canada refused to grant the JFHS charitable status.

Muslim Brotherhood Front Group Seeking Removal of Listing as a "Terrorism Entity"
Not even journalists abroad are safe; the Palestinian General Intelligence service reportedly provided the Palestinian Foreign Ministry a list of all the opponents of Mahmoud Abbas living abroad so that he could use his loyalists to silence them. The suppression of criticism also extends to social media, which is monitored by the PA security services to track people “inciting against Palestinian institutions.”

Why Don’t Supporters of Palestinians Care About PA Abuses?
Furthermore, one of the criteria set out by the authors of the ESCWA report is whether “discrete inhuman acts…serve the core purpose of racial domination.” Annex 1 notes that this “evidence” comes from Tilley’s book, where she cites Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) 13 times in Chapter 4 alone. NGO Monitor research has shown that PCATI’s claims and allegations are unverifiable, thus making Tilley’s evidence of “torture in Israel” being “carried out in an orderly and institutional fashion” similarly questionable at best.

Once Again, NGOs Are at the Center of a UN Blunder
Always posting links to propaganda sites. You know, we could start a similar thread posting to anti-Jew, anti-Israel sites, but what would it prove? That we are as irrational as you? No one believes you or the sites you link to. You are only making a fool of yourself Mr. Hasbara.
Always posting links to propaganda sites. You know, we could start a similar thread posting to anti-Jew, anti-Israel sites, but what would it prove? That we are as irrational as you? No one believes you or the sites you link to. You are only making a fool of yourself Mr. Hasbara.

"No one believes you"
Could you enumerate that list?
Not even journalists abroad are safe; the Palestinian General Intelligence service reportedly provided the Palestinian Foreign Ministry a list of all the opponents of Mahmoud Abbas living abroad so that he could use his loyalists to silence them. The suppression of criticism also extends to social media, which is monitored by the PA security services to track people “inciting against Palestinian institutions.”

Why Don’t Supporters of Palestinians Care About PA Abuses?
Palestinian Priest: Oust PA and Start Civil Disobedience

Senior Christian Priest in Ramallah Monsignor Manuel Musallam severely criticized the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s security cooperation with Israel which has led to the death of tens of Palestinian resistance fighters in West Bank, Al-Resalah newspaper reported.

In a recent interview with the paper, Musallam called on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to oust the PA and start civil disobedience against it and the Israeli occupation.

“Oust the PA, its security cooperation and the Oslo Accords which brought it,” he said.

Anger against the PA Growing: PFLP Suspends Participation in Elections

The Popular Front for The Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announced on Monday that it was suspending its participation in local Palestinian elections scheduled for May, in protest of Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces’ violent repression of demonstrations in the occupied West Bank a day earlier.

Jarrar said that the PFLP would only reconsider the possibility of engaging in the electoral process if all PA officers involved in assaulting protesters were held accountable.

Furthermore, one of the criteria set out by the authors of the ESCWA report is whether “discrete inhuman acts…serve the core purpose of racial domination.” Annex 1 notes that this “evidence” comes from Tilley’s book, where she cites Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) 13 times in Chapter 4 alone. NGO Monitor research has shown that PCATI’s claims and allegations are unverifiable, thus making Tilley’s evidence of “torture in Israel” being “carried out in an orderly and institutional fashion” similarly questionable at best.

Once Again, NGOs Are at the Center of a UN Blunder
Always posting links to propaganda sites. You know, we could start a similar thread posting to anti-Jew, anti-Israel sites, but what would it prove? That we are as irrational as you? No one believes you or the sites you link to. You are only making a fool of yourself Mr. Hasbara.

"No one believes you"
Could you enumerate that list?

A fair point, perhaps montelatici should have written, "no rational and objective person believes you or the sites you link to. You are only making a fool of yourself Mr. Hasbara."
South Tel Aviv citizens afraid to leave their homes after dark.
March 27, 2017

Gilad Zwick


Last week, a 29 year old illegal immigrant from Eritrea was charged with the attempted rape of an 80 year old woman in South Tel Aviv. The victim, in describing the attack, said “he beat me and dragged me across the floor.” Later in the week, a 40 year old woman was brutally raped near the Old Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv. The perpetrator is still on the loose.

Over the past few years, urban neighborhoods throughout Europe have been overtaken by refugees and illegal immigrant populations. Crime has risen, local populations have lost their sense of security, and areas have become no-go zones for police. South Tel Aviv is on the precipice of becoming like these European cities. Yet the media remains silent, and the ruling class are oblivious to the situation.

Last week’s violent acts in South Tel Aviv are not sporadic instances, but tragically have become the norm. Last week, during a protest involving illegal immigrant groups, residents of South Tel Aviv and local police were ridiculed and berated by illegal immigrants who screamed ‘the police are ISIS’, ‘this is not your country’, ‘your country is sh-t’, ‘you are not a Jew’. Many police were needed to quell the demonstrations, which turned violent towards the end, as illegal immigrants began attacking residents filming the protest. In previous documented cases, illegal immigrants are seen hitting an elderly Israeli with a wood plank, while in other instances saying “the Nazis should be thanked” and showing admiration for Hitler.


This revolution is happening in the heart of Israel and only a mile from its central business hub. The refusal of the mainstream media to report on the plight of South Tel Aviv residents, and the ruling class turning a blind eye, has left a majority of Israelis in the dark as to the severity of the situation. Those who have urged the government to take action have been overcome by a judiciary system bending over backwards to facilitate the illegal immigrant population and erode the Jewish identity of the state. If this can happen in Israel, a country whose Jewish national identity has never been in question, then no country is immune.

South Tel Aviv Overtaken by Illegal Immigrants
No, Egypt is not at war with Gaza.
Nevertheless, it has taken the following precautions in the past few years:

How Events in Egypt and Syria Paved the Way for Israel’s All-Out Assault on Hamas

I would call it more.... "Preventing a War with Gaza"

So now you posit that Gaza is a threat to Egypt? Seriously? The reality is that the dictator of Egypt, al-Sisi, was having so many internal problems with his own people, like all dictators before him, he created a "foreign threat" to divert their and the rest of the world's attention.
Not even journalists abroad are safe; the Palestinian General Intelligence service reportedly provided the Palestinian Foreign Ministry a list of all the opponents of Mahmoud Abbas living abroad so that he could use his loyalists to silence them. The suppression of criticism also extends to social media, which is monitored by the PA security services to track people “inciting against Palestinian institutions.”

Why Don’t Supporters of Palestinians Care About PA Abuses?

Strawman argument. I, for one, along with many others, have always said the post Oslo PA is just a Quisling regime controlled by Zionist Israel and America; Mahmoud Abbas does what he's told to do.
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No, Egypt is not at war with Gaza.
Nevertheless, it has taken the following precautions in the past few years:

How Events in Egypt and Syria Paved the Way for Israel’s All-Out Assault on Hamas

I would call it more.... "Preventing a War with Gaza"

So now you posit that Gaza is a threat to Egypt? Seriously? The reality is that the dictator of Egypt, al-Sisi, was having so many internal problems with his own people, like all dictators before him, he created a "foreign threat" to divert their and the rest of the world's attention.

You people and your conspiracy theorists are a hoot.

The Gaza tunnel rats are not a threat to Egypt? You can do your own research for the information. Egypt has been systematically flooding / destroying those tunnels.
South Tel Aviv citizens afraid to leave their homes after dark.
March 27, 2017

Gilad Zwick


Last week, a 29 year old illegal immigrant from Eritrea was charged with the attempted rape of an 80 year old woman in South Tel Aviv. The victim, in describing the attack, said “he beat me and dragged me across the floor.” Later in the week, a 40 year old woman was brutally raped near the Old Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv. The perpetrator is still on the loose.

Over the past few years, urban neighborhoods throughout Europe have been overtaken by refugees and illegal immigrant populations. Crime has risen, local populations have lost their sense of security, and areas have become no-go zones for police. South Tel Aviv is on the precipice of becoming like these European cities. Yet the media remains silent, and the ruling class are oblivious to the situation.

Last week’s violent acts in South Tel Aviv are not sporadic instances, but tragically have become the norm. Last week, during a protest involving illegal immigrant groups, residents of South Tel Aviv and local police were ridiculed and berated by illegal immigrants who screamed ‘the police are ISIS’, ‘this is not your country’, ‘your country is sh-t’, ‘you are not a Jew’. Many police were needed to quell the demonstrations, which turned violent towards the end, as illegal immigrants began attacking residents filming the protest. In previous documented cases, illegal immigrants are seen hitting an elderly Israeli with a wood plank, while in other instances saying “the Nazis should be thanked” and showing admiration for Hitler.


This revolution is happening in the heart of Israel and only a mile from its central business hub. The refusal of the mainstream media to report on the plight of South Tel Aviv residents, and the ruling class turning a blind eye, has left a majority of Israelis in the dark as to the severity of the situation. Those who have urged the government to take action have been overcome by a judiciary system bending over backwards to facilitate the illegal immigrant population and erode the Jewish identity of the state. If this can happen in Israel, a country whose Jewish national identity has never been in question, then no country is immune.

South Tel Aviv Overtaken by Illegal Immigrants

Have the Zionists changed their minds then? 'We are prisoners here', say migrants at Israel's desert detention camp

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