All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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You can ask any question, and I can give my answer, it may not be an answer you anticipated, but thats your problem not mine


Endless evasion.

You have given NO ANSWERS.

But you are more than ready with your:

"herd mentality"


and many other quotes you are not even aware where you learned them from.

That leads our discussion where?

To a one sided questionnaire where you are the only one to ask the questions, and if I do not answer is my problem, not yours.

Oh, I anticipated your answers, make no mistake about it.
It is what every Israel hater does when they show that they know nothing about the conflict and could not care less.

They want the whole world, and that includes all the Jews (especially 6 Million American Jews) to agree with them, in order to put a stop to American aid to Israel.

Once America stops aiding Israel, the UK will stop, France will stop, Germany will stop, so on and so forth.

And that helps bring a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians (Hamas, Abbas, PA, Fatah) how?

It helps bring an end to the Hamas and PLO charters of destruction of Israel, how?

It helps put an end to the endless education of hating Israel and Jews in Arab schools in Gaza, the PA and around the world, how?
Why should israel demand (Jizya payments from anyone else

Well......that is a new one.

You truly do not know what the taxes Israel collects for the PA are, and why sometimes it is forced to withhold them, or you are on another
high tide of attempting to spread misinformation.

Which do you prefer?

That Israel continue to supply electricity and water and charging the PA for it, or for Israel to stop supplying such services (done since 1967) and let the PA finally build their own infrastructure with the Billions of dollars they collected for such things, but refuse to build?

You simply have never read the Accords, nor could care less about them:

Why Israel collects taxes for the Palestinians.

That's the arrangement they worked out during the peace accords of the early 1990s. Before the Palestinian Authority was set up, the Israelis taxed imports and exports in the occupied areas and withheld payroll taxes from visiting Palestinian workers. The PLO and the Israeli government had to work out a new taxation system for the newly self-governing areas. The Protocol on Economic Relations of 1994 gave the PA the right to collect taxes directly from its people, and indirectly via Israel.
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Israel will reduce monthly transfers of tax collected on behalf of the Palestinians in what aides to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described as a response to the killing of two Israelis in Palestinian attacks in the occupied West Bank this week.

The amount deducted from about $130 million sent to the Palestinian Authority (PA) each month will be equal to stipends it pays militants in Israeli prisons and the families of jailed or slain militants, Netanyahu's office said on Friday.
Israel to cut Palestinian tax transfers over 'terrorist payouts'

Thanks for that. It's about time.
You called it one of your "conspiracy theory's" a moment ago

I am sensing a theme here.

Evade, hide, confuse, tire, run them down, run........

Here is what the word Jizya means and how it has been used since the 7th Century.

Extortion: Islam and the Jizya

Jizya (Extortion)
Does Islam require that people of other faiths pay money to support the Muslim religion?

Muhammad clearly established that people of other religions have to pay a poll tax to Muslims called the jizya, as a reminder of their inferior status. This abrogates an earlier verse stating that there is "no compulsion in religion" and it destroys any pretense that Islam is merely a religion and not a political system.
Here is what the word Jizya means and how it has been used since the 7th Century.

Extortion: Islam and the Jizya

Jizya (Extortion)
Does Islam require that people of other faiths pay money to support the Muslim religion?

Muhammad clearly established that people of other religions have to pay a poll tax to Muslims called the jizya, as a reminder of their inferior status. This abrogates an earlier verse stating that there is "no compulsion in religion" and it destroys any pretense that Islam is merely a religion and not a political system.
In fact, the Jizya is only for Christians and Jews. Other non-Muslims have to convert or die.
Israeli's are seeing that too and leaving in droves

You started the conversation with a generalized question, and you are ending it with a generalized allegation.

"Droves" he says


(and now he is going to show the link about Israelis "thinking" of leaving Israel :( )

Now, google it.

"A debate has been raging in the Israeli left over the past few weeks — primarily in the opinion pages of Haaretz and on my Facebook feed — about Israelis who are choosing to move away from Israel as a political statement"

Read more:

Uhmm, some leftist Jews, an ever decreasing number of an already small, small number of Jews, is thinking of leaving Israel and go do their work elsewhere.

Who would have thunk it?
Arabs in Israel debunk "Apartheid State"

So then, what is the problem with a one state solution?

I would very much like to know what your idea of a one state solution is, on that thread.

I have. You just never looked.

You've used the word "decolonize" repeatedly and once posted a link to a UNGA resolution. But you have never said what that looks like and what it would mean. Especially what it would mean for the Jewish people. Though you have been asked many times, and not just by me.

You either haven't thought about what it means and don't really know. Or you are deliberately withholding your thoughts on what it means.
Arabs in Israel debunk "Apartheid State"

So then, what is the problem with a one state solution?

I would very much like to know what your idea of a one state solution is, on that thread.

I have. You just never looked.

You've used the word "decolonize" repeatedly and once posted a link to a UNGA resolution. But you have never said what that looks like and what it would mean. Especially what it would mean for the Jewish people. Though you have been asked many times, and not just by me.

You either haven't thought about what it means and don't really know. Or you are deliberately withholding your thoughts on what it means.

I thought the UN resolution was clear. Do you have a question on any specific point?
Arabs in Israel debunk "Apartheid State"

So then, what is the problem with a one state solution?

I would very much like to know what your idea of a one state solution is, on that thread.

I have. You just never looked.

You've used the word "decolonize" repeatedly and once posted a link to a UNGA resolution. But you have never said what that looks like and what it would mean. Especially what it would mean for the Jewish people. Though you have been asked many times, and not just by me.

You either haven't thought about what it means and don't really know. Or you are deliberately withholding your thoughts on what it means.

I thought the UN resolution was clear. Do you have a question on any specific point?

All of the specific points in the OP on the thread in question.
I have only seen one article from Virginia Tilley.

Whose Coup, Exactly?

Having sacked Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and dissolved his democratically-elected government, Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has now installed Salam Fayyad as the new Prime Minister, to the clear delight of the West.

An international community worried by the ‘coup’ accusation might endorse the Fayyad government as the seemingly correct position. But the ‘coup’ claim stumbles over a basic problem — that Abbas’s appointing a new prime minister was itself entirely illegal. The new ‘emergency government’ is illegal, too. According to the Basic Law of Palestine (as amended in 2003), which serves as the constitution of the PA, Abbas can do neither of these things. Nor can the new ‘emergency government’ claim any democratic mandate. This means that Abbas and the Fayyad government are ruling by decree, outside the framework of the Basic Law. So on what basis is that government supposed to govern — and on what basis are foreign governments supposed to deal with it?

According to the Basic Law, Abbas has violated a whole stream of Articles as well as the spirit of its checks and balances, which were designed during the Arafat era partly to limit the power of the presidency. With full US and Israel support (if not their insistence), Abbas has baldly trashed numerous provisions of the Basic Law, including:...

Whose Coup, Exactly?

electronic intifada............of course
Indeed, and all true.

  • EI submissions regularly utilize highly biased and politicized rhetoric, accusing Israel of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” “genocide,” “massacres” and the “Judaization of Jerusalem.”
  • Publishes articles in which terrorist attacks are described as “allegedly” having taken place and condemning Israel for actions taken to protect the lives of civilians.
  • Holocaust references appear frequently in his Abunimah’s comments. He calls Gaza a “ghetto for surplus non-Jews,” compares the Israeli press to “Der Sturmer,” and claims “Supporting Zionism is not atonement for the Holocaust, but its continuation in spirit.” He calls Gaza a “concentration camp” and repeated a claim that IDF statements are the words “of a Nazi.”
  • Labels PA President Mahmud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad as “collaborators”, and PA participation in peace talks as “collaboration.” Collaboration is punishable by death in the PA and Gaza.<<
They are terrorist propaganda
From your link:

But anyone surveying the catastrophe in Gaza — the mass destruction, the death toll of more than 100 Palestinians for every Israeli, the thousands of sadistic injuries — would surely conclude that Palestinians could never overcome Israel and resistance is a delusion at best.

True, in terms of ability to murder and destroy, Israel is unmatched. But Israel’s problem is not, as its propaganda insists, “terrorism” to be defeated by sufficient application of high explosives. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it. Israel simply cannot bomb its way to legitimacy.​

It is still EI propaganda
Of course. Everything that is not from is propaganda. I understand.
electronic intifada............of course
Indeed, and all true.

  • EI submissions regularly utilize highly biased and politicized rhetoric, accusing Israel of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” “genocide,” “massacres” and the “Judaization of Jerusalem.”
  • Publishes articles in which terrorist attacks are described as “allegedly” having taken place and condemning Israel for actions taken to protect the lives of civilians.
  • Holocaust references appear frequently in his Abunimah’s comments. He calls Gaza a “ghetto for surplus non-Jews,” compares the Israeli press to “Der Sturmer,” and claims “Supporting Zionism is not atonement for the Holocaust, but its continuation in spirit.” He calls Gaza a “concentration camp” and repeated a claim that IDF statements are the words “of a Nazi.”
  • Labels PA President Mahmud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad as “collaborators”, and PA participation in peace talks as “collaboration.” Collaboration is punishable by death in the PA and Gaza.<<
They are terrorist propaganda
From your link:

But anyone surveying the catastrophe in Gaza — the mass destruction, the death toll of more than 100 Palestinians for every Israeli, the thousands of sadistic injuries — would surely conclude that Palestinians could never overcome Israel and resistance is a delusion at best.

True, in terms of ability to murder and destroy, Israel is unmatched. But Israel’s problem is not, as its propaganda insists, “terrorism” to be defeated by sufficient application of high explosives. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it. Israel simply cannot bomb its way to legitimacy.​

It is still EI propaganda
Of course. Everything that is not from is propaganda. I understand.

I suggest you go and re-read the points made on the first post of the "One State" thread and either respond to each question there, or not.

All of those questions are a matter of negotiation in the final Peace Treaty, if there ever is going to be one between the PA and Israel.

If you think that the Palestinians would not be asking the very same questions and negotiating about are wrong.
Why is there peace between Israel and Jordan? Because King Hussein said “yes” to Israel’s peace offer. He said “yes” because he recognized the humanity of Israelis and the necessity of compromise. He said “yes” because deep down he hated the murder done in his name.

Why is there no peace between Israel and the Palestinians? Because Mahmoud Abbas and his predecessors said “no” to Israel’s peace offers. They said “no” because they fail to recognize the humanity of Israelis and the necessity of compromise. They said “no” because they celebrate and even reward the acts of violence done in their name.

David Brog - Mahmoud Abbas’ Embrace of Terror
“Israel and Arkansas are great friends, and I thank the people of Arkansas for supporting this essential relationship, which is based on shared values,” said Josh Block, president and CEO of The Israel Project, in a statement. “By passing this bill today, Arkansans are standing strong against discrimination, and are solidly on the right side of history.”

Arkansas legislature passes anti-BDS legislation
But in both these cases, the EU doesn't want to admit that it was throwing money away, so it continues to throw good money after bad and pretending that it is making a difference. Unless someone starts asking why the EU auditors aren't looking for results from these missions, they will continue to waste money - and incidentally continue to infantilize the Palestinians by telling them that 25 years after Oslo, they still don't know how to build their own institutions by themselves.

The EU continues to throw money down the drain on "Palestine" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“In April 2015 Hamas promoted a new economic plan which was characterized by the imposition of a new tax called “The Solidarity Tax”. Hamas had claimed that this new tax will help the poor of the Gaza Strip, however, in practice, most of the profits from the taxes have been transferred directly to the salaries of Hamas workers. At the same time, Hamas has been imposing new taxes on the Strip’s residents, both directly and indirectly, in addition to improving and expanding old taxes as well."

Updates on a Hamas story under-reported by the BBC
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