All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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A group called BDS Norway have uploaded to YouTube this interview with BDS movement founder Omar Barghouti, filmed not too long before he was arrested for being a tax cheat.

The video is an exercise in “counting-the-lies” – the fact he can say what he does with a straight face makes more understandable how he could also cheat on his taxes.

Note in particular:

  • His claim his “refugee background” was a reason he got involved in BDS. As a reminder, he was born in Qatar, before moving to Egypt, the US and only to Israel after marrying an Israeli-Arab woman.
  • His father being one of the founders of terror group PLO in 1964, 3 years before the so-called occupation
  • Him speaking about a “long heritage of non-violent palestinian popular resistance.”
  • “We never lie about our goals.” You just did.

Keep in mind how much Barghouti has profited financially from BDS.

I suspect the next questioning he is part of is not so relaxed.

WATCH: Omar Barghouti Lying With A Straight Face

So, you expect us to believe Israeli charges of tax evasion of the leader of the BDS movement? That's rich.
Indeed, that does not pass the smell test.

Indeed, the usual suspects are in a panic that one of their heroes could face formal tax evasion charges.

Not at all surprising that the scam artist Omar "I'm Pal'istanian" Barghouti is Qatari-born, lives in Israel, was educated in Israel, but tries to pass himself off as Pal'istanian for propaganda and tax evasion purposes: stash money in a Ramallah bank account.

Interestingly, Omar will be afforded the benefit of a justice system that he would not have in any one of his Islamist paradises.
In a region rife with ironies, one of the least reported is that the same people who lecture to Israel about discrimination are far more discriminatory towards Muslims than Israel is.

Similarly, Israel has no restrictions on Islamic dress. Even the full burqa is allowed. Yet in Europe there are heavy restrictions on the Islamic veil and headcovering:

(vide online)

Yet the EU spends money to teach Israelis tolerance. Israel has far more Islamic terror attacks than all the European nations combined yet the EU lectures Israel on how it fights terror - in ways that are far more tolerant of Islam than Europe is.

Europe is REALLY Islamophobic compared to Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You personify the title of this thread. Thank you :)

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
You personify the title of this thread. Thank you :)

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

It's not "news". It's propaganda from known propaganda sites that publish "alternative facts". You are the Zionist the equivalent of those that only use Electronic Intifada and the like for their "news".
You personify the title of this thread. Thank you :)

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
  • The whole point of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child is to protect children from exactly the type of misdeeds that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have either perpetrated or allowed, but the resolution on the United Church of Christ's agenda ignores these issues altogether.

  • Eventually, the people in the pews who disagreed with the falsehoods their national assemblies said about Israel and other issues of the day simply left their denominations, sometimes bringing their local churches with them.

  • The people left in the pews in the UCC probably have a good idea they are being misinformed, but do not expect them to fight back. They will just continue to leave.

United Church of Christ: Lying to the People in the Pews
As Cohen and Khoury reported March 6, al-Araj "was the leader of a cell planning attacks and was responsible for acquiring weapons, a statement from the Border Police said." Why did the March 19 article mention al-Araj's involvement in the boycott movement but ignore his alleged involvement in planning attacks and acquiring weapons? The latter activities are the cause for the deadly arrest raid. The former is not.

CAMERA: Basil Al-Araj, Terror Activist or Young Intellectual? Haaretz's Changing Story
Jewish groups had pointed to scores of bomb threats against their communities as the most dramatic example of what they considered a surge in anti-Semitism. Some blamed a far-right emboldened by President Donald Trump. Now, that picture has been complicated by the arrest of an Israeli Jewish hacker who authorities say is responsible for the harassment
US Jews wrestle with arrest of Jew in bomb threats case
What do you have in common with Muslims in general, and Palestinians in particular?

What do YOU have in common with Muslims, and especially with Palestinians,that you spend quite a good amount of your time defending the actions of extremist Muslims and Palestinians whose actions have killed not only Jews and Israelis, but many non Jews as well in Israel and around the world, and perpetuate the PLO, PA and Hamas Charters which demand the destruction of the State of Israel?
What do you have in common with Muslims in general, and Palestinians in particular?

Your question is too generalized .

The same would apply with "What do you have in common with Christians, and Catholics in particular?" if you were to ask that.
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