All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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And...more news you never hear about because...well....there's no blood, guts, sex, vitriole or demonizing...

Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians Collaborate to Prepare for Earthquake

JERUSALEM, Israel mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-ansi-language:
EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">ā€“ What would happen to the Holy Land during an earthquake? Many seismologists say the land of the Bible is overdue for a big one.

Despite the deadlock in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians are now collaborating in a unique project to save lives in case of an earthquake in the region, CBN News has learned in this exclusive report.

Israel's Ben Gurion University and the European Union came up with the project called "Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT). It aims to "train local residents as first responders in case of an earthquake," Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel's national emergency rescue service, said in a statement.

The Israeli MDA, Jordanian Red Crescent and Hebron's Greenland Association Palestinian) trained separately but simultaneously in a 100-hour course in areas such as crisis-evaluation, first aid, psycho-social support, rescue, re-establishing shelter and community resilience.

But that's not all.

"Above all, the project has sparked personal relationships and friendships that prove that regional collaboration is indeed possible," said project head Prof. Limor Aharonson-Daniel, Ben Gurion University's deputy rector for International Academic Relations and head of the Prepared Center for Emergency Response Research.

The Great Rift Valley runs in part through Israel from the Golan Heights and the Galilee down to the Dead Sea and along the Jordanian border to the Red Sea. That passes nearby Palestinian Arab areas, too. Many experts say the region is long overdue for a major earthquake.

"An earthquake in the Great Rift Valley is a possible scenario that poses a threat to residents of the area," said Eli Bin, MDA director general.

"I am confident that collaboration with the Jordanian Red Crescent sets the ground for mutual assistance in case of emergency along the Great Rift Valley," Bin said. "MDA will continue to establish collaborations, practice, and prepare for any possible scenario so that it is able to provide quality treatment to the Israeli public in real time."
Dear posters,

So that everyone knows what this thread is about, it is not only about today's news, but any new and old news relating to the conflict.

Discussing land ownership, and immigration, reactions, etc, etc is ok, as long as it is done in a civilized manner.

Some of the articles I have posted from the beginning may have already dealt with those issues.

It is ok to post news of Israel's relations with Arab countries, good or bad, the BDS movement and its influence not only in Israel but around the world, as that movement was started by Palestinian Arabs in order to show their displeasure with the existence of the new State of Israel amongst so many Arab new countries.
(some posters objected to adding news outside Israel or Palestine, but if it is in regards to Palestinians or Israelis and the relation between them and how it may affect the conflict, I am ok with those articles or conversations being brought up)

I thank you all for participating.
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

Just to be clear, Gere's presence in Hebron was made possible by the "Breaking the Silence" organization.
What he heard about Hebron came directly from them.
It is not known if he educated himself, at all, about the history of the region before he arrived in Israel, and what happened since the 1990s, especially after the first Intifada.
Or why Hebron is today divided this way, or what happened to Hebron in 1929.


Is it fair to hear only one side of the story and make up one's mind
based on that?

Richard Gere's Hebron Surprise
(vide video online)

Richard Gere likens Hebron to segregation in ā€˜Old Southā€™
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

If it is Mondoweiss, it must be true :)
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

If it is Mondoweiss, it must be true :)

What about the 80% of Hebron where no Jews are allowed? Why the emphasis on the 20% that is Jewish? What about 1929, when 67 Jews were axed and hacked to death by those savages, the Arabs, who then drove the rest of the Jews out of Hebron?
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

What exactly is one-sided about it? It states what Gere said. This is a story about the same event from an Israeli source. It says more or less the same thing.
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

What exactly is one-sided about it? It states what Gere said. This is a story about the same event from an Israeli source. It says more or less the same thing.

Watch: Richard Gere compares Hebron to US Old South

I understand what Gere says in the video and article.
I also understand that "just maybe" he is not knowledgeable about the history of the region, of the riots against the Jews from 1920 on, and how the Jews were murdered and expelled from Hebron in 1929, and to only be allowed back after 1967.

Does he know that Hebron is the oldest Jewish lived in city?

Gere abandoned Judaism for his own reasons, for Buddhism.

How educated he is about the history of the region is very much an issue when going to an area one does not understand at all, and gets mainly one side of the story, meaning the Bad Israel/Poor Palestinians side.
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

If it is Mondoweiss, it must be true :)

What about the 80% of Hebron where no Jews are allowed? Why the emphasis on the 20% that is Jewish? What about 1929, when 67 Jews were axed and hacked to death by those savages, the Arabs, who then drove the rest of the Jews out of Hebron?

That has much to do with Gere's observations as the massacre of more than 100 Palestinians by the Zionist savages in 1948 in Deir Yassin.
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

If it is Mondoweiss, it must be true :)

Here it is from Jerusalem Online:
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

What exactly is one-sided about it? It states what Gere said. This is a story about the same event from an Israeli source. It says more or less the same thing.

Watch: Richard Gere compares Hebron to US Old South

I understand what Gere says in the video and article.
I also understand that "just maybe" he is not knowledgeable about the history of the region, of the riots against the Jews from 1920 on, and how the Jews were murdered and expelled from Hebron in 1929, and to only be allowed back after 1967.

Does he know that Hebron is the oldest Jewish lived in city?

Gere abandoned Judaism for his own reasons, for Buddhism.

How educated he is about the history of the region is very much an issue when going to an area one does not understand at all, and gets mainly one side of the story, meaning the Bad Israel/Poor Palestinians side.

Richard Gere was a Christian, a Methodist. His parents were Methodists. Never a Jew.
Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

If it is Mondoweiss, it must be true :)

What about the 80% of Hebron where no Jews are allowed? Why the emphasis on the 20% that is Jewish? What about 1929, when 67 Jews were axed and hacked to death by those savages, the Arabs, who then drove the rest of the Jews out of Hebron?

That has much to do with Gere's observations as the massacre of more than 100 Palestinians by the Zionist savages in 1948 in Deir Yassin.

Why did Breaking the Silence fail to tell Gere about the massacre in Hebron in 1929, and the expulsion of ALL Jews from that city after that?

No massacre in Deir Yassin occurred.

Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

What exactly is one-sided about it? It states what Gere said. This is a story about the same event from an Israeli source. It says more or less the same thing.

Watch: Richard Gere compares Hebron to US Old South

I understand what Gere says in the video and article.
I also understand that "just maybe" he is not knowledgeable about the history of the region, of the riots against the Jews from 1920 on, and how the Jews were murdered and expelled from Hebron in 1929, and to only be allowed back after 1967.

Does he know that Hebron is the oldest Jewish lived in city?

Gere abandoned Judaism for his own reasons, for Buddhism.

How educated he is about the history of the region is very much an issue when going to an area one does not understand at all, and gets mainly one side of the story, meaning the Bad Israel/Poor Palestinians side.

Richard Gere was a Christian, a Methodist. His parents were Methodists. Never a Jew.

There were too many rumors about him being Jewish for too many years, before he converted to Buddhism, that it stuck.

Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™ -
While Richard Gere was in Israel and the occupied West Bank promoting his film ā€œNorman,ā€ he was recorded in an unguarded moment wandering the desolate streets of Hebronā€™s Old City. A dumbfounded Gere is near at a loss for words in the clip, which aired on Israelā€™s Channel 2 network.

Not a Palestinian in sight. Soldiers and settlers roam comparatively carefree. The roads are too quiet. All of the shops are shuttered. Gere is stunned:

ā€œThis is the thing thatā€™s flipping me out right now,ā€ Gere stammers to his Hebron guides, activists with the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, former soldiers that now advocate against Israelā€™s occupation of the Palestinian territory, ā€œOf everything weā€™ve seen for two days, the people weā€™ve talked to, itā€™sā€¦I meanā€¦Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m touched by that, I know that story. But this is really bizarre.ā€

ā€œThis is genuinely strange,ā€ Gere adds, before telling his guides, Hebron is like the Jim Crow South:

ā€œItā€™s the dead city, but who owns the city? And their [the settlers] feeling of ā€˜Iā€™m protected, I can do whatever I want,ā€™ and that sense of where the boundaries are. I mean itā€™s likeā€¦itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldnā€™t go over there, they couldnā€™t eat in that place. It was well understood. You didnā€™t cross it or youā€™d get your head beat in or lynched,ā€ Gere said.

See more at: Actor Richard Gere in Hebron: ā€˜itā€™s exactly like what the what the Old South was in Americaā€™

This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

If it is Mondoweiss, it must be true :)

What about the 80% of Hebron where no Jews are allowed? Why the emphasis on the 20% that is Jewish? What about 1929, when 67 Jews were axed and hacked to death by those savages, the Arabs, who then drove the rest of the Jews out of Hebron?

That has much to do with Gere's observations as the massacre of more than 100 Palestinians by the Zionist savages in 1948 in Deir Yassin.

Why did Breaking the Silence fail to tell Gere about the massacre in Hebron in 1929, and the expulsion of ALL Jews from that city after that?

No massacre in Deir Yassin occurred.

Because it is not relevant. Gere was talking about the situation today.

And, you are a a liar and a hypocrite. The propaganda doesn't change the facts. Deir Yassin was a massacre perpetrated by the Zionist animals.
The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun andLehi attacked Deir Yassin, a Palestinian Arab village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem. The assault occurred as Jewish militia sought to relieve the blockade of Jerusalem during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine.[1]

According to Irgun sources, the village guards felt surprised by "the Jews" entering their village at night and opened fire on the Irgun force.[2] The village fell after fierce house-to-house fighting. During and after the battle for the village, at least 107 Palestinians were killed, including women and childrenā€”some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes.[3] Despite an original boast by the victors that 254 had been killed, Aref al-Aref counted 117 victims, 7 in combat, and the rest in their homes.[4]According to a count conducted by International Red Cross representative Jacques de Reynier, apart from bodies left lying in the streets, 150 corpses were found in one cistern alone, among them people who had been either decapitated or disemboweled.[5] Several villagers were taken prisoner and may have been killed after being paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem.[6] Morris wrote that there were also cases of mutilation and rape.[7] Four of the attackers were killed, with around 35 injured.[8]
Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia
This news story about Richard Gere in Hebron is totally one-sided and taken out of context.

If it is Mondoweiss, it must be true :)

What about the 80% of Hebron where no Jews are allowed? Why the emphasis on the 20% that is Jewish? What about 1929, when 67 Jews were axed and hacked to death by those savages, the Arabs, who then drove the rest of the Jews out of Hebron?

That has much to do with Gere's observations as the massacre of more than 100 Palestinians by the Zionist savages in 1948 in Deir Yassin.

Why did Breaking the Silence fail to tell Gere about the massacre in Hebron in 1929, and the expulsion of ALL Jews from that city after that?

No massacre in Deir Yassin occurred.

Because it is not relevant. Gere was talking about the situation today.

And, you are a a liar and a hypocrite. The propaganda doesn't change the facts. Deir Yassin was a massacre perpetrated by the Zionist animals.

Tsk, tsk, tsk

It is not me telling what happened in the video. But one of the residents.

You are calling HIM a liar.

And the history of the city and why it is what it is today, is very much relevant. For all who care about the lives of both people and what happens to them.
Historian Uri Milstein Debunks the Myths of Deir Yassin


Everyone exaggerated. Most of them had never seen so many dead before, and the high figure was convenient for all involved. The dissidents [Revisionists] wanted to brag and scare the Arabs. The Hagana and Jewish Agency wanted to smear the dissidents and scare the Arabs. The Arabs wanted to smear the Jews. The British wanted to smear Jewish terrorists. They all latched on to a number invented by Raā€™anan. We loaded 30 bodies onto the truck. That was the main group. There were about another 30; all told - about 60 bodies. I reported that to my SHAI operator, who reported to his chiefs.155
I saw groups of ETZEL and LEHI men going house to house, firing Tommy guns at anyone they found inside. Throughout the battle, I didnā€™t observe any difference in behavior between ETZEL and LEHI men. I saw almost no [Arab] men - I assume they escaped when the battle began - but mainly women, old people and children. .ā€™hey were murdered in groups, crowded into room corners and sprayed with bullets. In the afternoon, they caught 15 or 20 men, who were unarmed when I saw them, got them on a truck and drove off to Jerusalem. I heard later that they paraded the Arabs through Jerusalem, a sort of victory parade. There were war whoops and calls from the crowd, ā€œTake ten pounds and let me kill one!ā€ but they didnā€™t. They drove those Arabs back to the village and murdered them in the quarry between Givat-Shaā€™ul and the village. I saw them in die afternoon. The massacre in the village lasted several hours. Not one commander shouted or tried to prevent it... I shouted and searched for the commanders with the help of a LEHI man whoā€™d invited me. They asked him, ā€œWho is this?ā€ He answered, ā€œA buddy from my Palmach days.ā€ I screamed, ā€œHave you gone mad? Youā€™re doing terrible things!ā€ Then a LEHI commander answered, ā€œItā€™s none of your business.ā€ Another one asked, ā€œWhat should we do with them?ā€ I said, ā€œTake them to the Arab zone.ā€
Historian Uri Milstein Debunks the Myths of Deir Yassin
I saw groups of ETZEL and LEHI men going house to house, firing Tommy guns at anyone they found inside. Throughout the battle, I didnā€™t observe any difference in behavior between ETZEL and LEHI men. I saw almost no [Arab] men - I assume they escaped when the battle began - but mainly women, old people and children. .ā€™hey were murdered in groups, crowded into room corners and sprayed with bullets. In the afternoon, they caught 15 or 20 men, who were unarmed when I saw them, got them on a truck and drove off to Jerusalem. I heard later that they paraded the Arabs through Jerusalem, a sort of victory parade. There were war whoops and calls from the crowd, ā€œTake ten pounds and let me kill one!ā€ but they didnā€™t. They drove those Arabs back to the village and murdered them in the quarry between Givat-Shaā€™ul and the village. I saw them in die afternoon. The massacre in the village lasted several hours. Not one commander shouted or tried to prevent it... I shouted and searched for the commanders with the help of a LEHI man whoā€™d invited me. They asked him, ā€œWho is this?ā€ He answered, ā€œA buddy from my Palmach days.ā€ I screamed, ā€œHave you gone mad? Youā€™re doing terrible things!ā€ Then a LEHI commander answered, ā€œItā€™s none of your business.ā€ Another one asked, ā€œWhat should we do with them?ā€ I said, ā€œTake them to the Arab zone.ā€
Historian Uri Milstein Debunks the Myths of Deir Yassin

The following is written right after Pa'il's description above
(one cannot post one without the other) :

Moshe Idelstein, the friend who supposedly had invited Paā€™il to Deir-Yassin, asserts, ā€œI didnā€™t invite Meā€™ir Paā€™il and he wasnā€™t at Deir-Yassin.ā€164

Other ETZEL and LEHI men state that Paā€™il was not at Deir-Yassin and could not have been there without their knowing it. Zetler, Raā€™anan, Barzilai, Lapidot and Zelivansky state that they did not see Paā€™il at Deir-Yassin.165 Paā€™ilā€™s claims also go unsubstantiated by Hagana personnel. Statements by Sheā€™altiā€™el, Mart, Eldad and Schiff mention neither his name nor his code names (ā€œAvrahamā€ and ā€œRamā€). Paā€™il spoke about exchanges between him and Palmach soldiers in Deir-Yassin. Eren and Gihon, who were acquainted with Paā€™il at the time, did not see him at Deir-Yassin.166 Shlomo Havilyo, the Haganaā€™s western Jerusalem commander, was at Givat-Shaā€™ul on April 9th. ā€œI didnā€™t see Meā€™ir Paā€™il,ā€ he says. ā€œI knew him well. Iā€™d remember it if he was there.ā€167 Ariā€™eli, who supervised the burials, says that he did not see Meā€™ir Paā€™il at Deir-Yassin, much less talk with him about the number of bodies buried or any other matter.168
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