All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Here are the parts of a 2005 pro-terror documentary called Women in Struggle where Rasmea Odeh's fellow terrorist Aysha Odeh details how her family were heavily involved in terrorist activity and how she helped the SuperSol bombing.

Rasmea Odeh's co-terrorist implicated both of them in planting 1969 supermarket bomb. On video. (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Interesting. Are illegal settlers innocent civilians?

They are illegal only to you and all other Jew Haters.

To Jews, and those who do not hate them, they have every right to live on their ancient homeland, which was emptied of all of them between 1948 and 1967.

TransJordan and Gaza have been taken away from the Jews. They are not allowed to live there , as they did before 1920 for thousands of years. Both are part of the Jewish ancient homeland.

Try staying away from what has been invented about Judea and Samaria for the past 40 years, and you will be on the right path.
So, when Palestinians are forced off their land at the point of a gun and foreigners move in, that is legal?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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Here are the parts of a 2005 pro-terror documentary called Women in Struggle where Rasmea Odeh's fellow terrorist Aysha Odeh details how her family were heavily involved in terrorist activity and how she helped the SuperSol bombing.

Rasmea Odeh's co-terrorist implicated both of them in planting 1969 supermarket bomb. On video. (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Interesting. Are illegal settlers innocent civilians?

They are illegal only to you and all other Jew Haters.

To Jews, and those who do not hate them, they have every right to live on their ancient homeland, which was emptied of all of them between 1948 and 1967.

TransJordan and Gaza have been taken away from the Jews. They are not allowed to live there , as they did before 1920 for thousands of years. Both are part of the Jewish ancient homeland.

Try staying away from what has been invented about Judea and Samaria for the past 40 years, and you will be on the right path.
So, when Palestinians are forced of their land at the point of a gun and foreigners move in, that is legal?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You are talking about 1948. And 1967.
The Arabs had guns which they used against the Israelis.
They lost the war, they lost the land.
It happens in every war. And no one forces the winning side to give up land back to the losers.

Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005.
Without a Peace Treaty.

That period of Land for Peace is OVER

Jews are Indigenous to the Land of Israel. Repeat it One Thousand Times until it sinks in.

The Arabs are invaders, like the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantine, the Crusaders, the Ottomans and the British.

You will find references of Jews being on the land in all of these invaders documents, records, books.

Where is there any mention of a Nation or People dealing with any of these invaders?
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Here are the parts of a 2005 pro-terror documentary called Women in Struggle where Rasmea Odeh's fellow terrorist Aysha Odeh details how her family were heavily involved in terrorist activity and how she helped the SuperSol bombing.

Rasmea Odeh's co-terrorist implicated both of them in planting 1969 supermarket bomb. On video. (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Interesting. Are illegal settlers innocent civilians?

They are illegal only to you and all other Jew Haters.

To Jews, and those who do not hate them, they have every right to live on their ancient homeland, which was emptied of all of them between 1948 and 1967.

TransJordan and Gaza have been taken away from the Jews. They are not allowed to live there , as they did before 1920 for thousands of years. Both are part of the Jewish ancient homeland.

Try staying away from what has been invented about Judea and Samaria for the past 40 years, and you will be on the right path.

According to "Bertrand Russell" Tinmore, not only is Judea and Samaria occupied, but even Israel within the Green Line! According to the voices in his head, Israel "has no land." I say this because you seem to be talking only about the West Bank, and don't realize his true evil agenda.
They lost the war, they lost the land.
Oh really. Where is the surrender? Where is the peace treaty? Why is there still war.

Israel is declaring victory prematurely. It has won nothing yet. It still occupies Palestine.

You know what the answer is.
There was a cease fire. An armistice. The 1948 war ended in 1949.
The 1967 war ended after SIX DAYS. Israel won. 1973 War, Israel won.

But the Arabs refuse to come to negotiations and a Peace Treaty.

Israel occupies NOTHING which does not belong to the Jewish People/Nation and has been forced to give up 80% of its original
ancient homeland to the Hashemites and then to Hamas.

No more.

Follow the teachings of Christian and Islamic hatred against the Jews and you will continue to write what you write, which has no basis in history or anything else.
They lost the war, they lost the land.
Oh really. Where is the surrender? Where is the peace treaty? Why is there still war.

Israel is declaring victory prematurely. It has won nothing yet. It still occupies Palestine.

You know what the answer is.
There was a cease fire. An armistice. The 1948 war ended in 1949.
The 1967 war ended after SIX DAYS. Israel won. 1973 War, Israel won.

But the Arabs refuse to come to negotiations and a Peace Treaty.

Israel occupies NOTHING which does not belong to the Jewish People/Nation and has been forced to give up 80% of its original
ancient homeland to the Hashemites and then to Hamas.

No more.

Follow the teachings of Christian and Islamic hatred against the Jews and you will continue to write what you write, which has no basis in history or anything else.
Nice duck. You are not answering the questions.
Testimony by Al Husseini in 1937 about Zionists stealing land from the Arabs:
(full interview online)

SIR L. HAMMOND: What 100,000 dunams was assigned. Is that not included in, the 1,200,000 dunams? The point is this. He says that in 1920 at the time of the Occupation, the Jews only held 100,000 dunams, is that so? I asked the figures from the Land Registry, how much land the Jews owned at the time of the Occupation. Would he be surprised to hear that the figure is not 100,000 but 650,000 dunams?

MUFTI: It may be that the difference was due to the fact that many lands were bought by contract which were not registered.

SIR L. HAMMOND: There is a lot of difference between 100,000 and 650,000.

MUFTI: In one case they sold about 400,000 dunams in one lot.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Who? An Arab?

MUFTI: Sarsuk. An Arab of Beirut.

SIR L. HAMMOND: His Eminence gave us a picture of the Arabs being evicted from their land and villages being wiped out. What I want to know is, did the Government of Palestine, the Administration, acquire the land and then hand it over to the Jews?

MUFTI: In most cases the lands were acquired.

SIR L. HAMMOND: I mean forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition as land would be acquired for public purposes?

MUFTI: No, it wasn't.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Not taken by compulsory acquisition?


SIR L. HAMMOND: But these lands amounting to some 700,000 dunams were actually sold?

MUFTI: Yes, they were sold, but the country was placed in such conditions as would facilitate such purchases.

SIR I HAMMOND: I don't quite understand what you mean by that. They were sold Who sold them?

MUFTI: Land owners.


MUFTI: In most cases they were Arabs.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Was any compulsion put on them to sell? If so, by whom?

It was sold willingly by Arabs. He admits this, but...

MUFTI: As in other countries, there are people who by force of circumstances, economic forces, sell their land.

Testimony of Arafat's Nazi Uncle in 1937 on Palestine
They lost the war, they lost the land.
Oh really. Where is the surrender? Where is the peace treaty? Why is there still war.

Israel is declaring victory prematurely. It has won nothing yet. It still occupies Palestine.

You know what the answer is.
There was a cease fire. An armistice. The 1948 war ended in 1949.
The 1967 war ended after SIX DAYS. Israel won. 1973 War, Israel won.

But the Arabs refuse to come to negotiations and a Peace Treaty.

Israel occupies NOTHING which does not belong to the Jewish People/Nation and has been forced to give up 80% of its original
ancient homeland to the Hashemites and then to Hamas.

No more.

Follow the teachings of Christian and Islamic hatred against the Jews and you will continue to write what you write, which has no basis in history or anything else.
Nice duck. You are not answering the questions.

You do not care about the Muslim mentality about territory.
The answer to your question is in knowing what the Muslim teachings say about land conquered by Muslims.

Don't worry, I know you will make no effort to find out what it is.
In a similarly astonishing re-discovery, a video of arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat recognizing that the two-state solution would include a Jewish state is making waves. The question remains though whether this was an admission or a mere acceptance of the current reality which he hoped to change, as The Tablet recounts (via Honest Reporting):

But newly-rediscovered footage of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat may upend his successor’s argument that Israel’s demand is an unprecedented one that no Palestinian leader could accept. In the video, apparently of a 1988 press conferencein Sweden, Arafat clearly states–in English–that “the PNC [Palestinian National Council] had accepted two states, a Palestine state and Jewish state–between brackets ‘Israel.’” Watch it below:

The Grand Mufti admitted the Jews did not steal land, Arafat recognized a Jewish State. How about Abbas?

The Grand Mufti admitted the Jews did not steal land, Arafat recognized a Jewish State. How about Abbas?

We have further recognition of the Jewish ties to Jerusalem from no less than Islamic Jihad! Despite pro-forma Jordanian condemnation of Israeli “escalation of violence on the Temple Mount” (after stone-throwing by Palestinian ‘youths”, aka terrorists), the head of Islamic Jihad complained – in Tehran! – that the Jews love Jerusalem more than the Muslims do:

Jewish love for Jerusalem drew unexpected praise from the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization, who told religious leaders in Tehran that the Jews show their love for the city more than Muslims do, and quoted in Hebrew from an inspirational Israeli ballad to prove the point.

Addressing a clerical conference in the Iranian capital, Ramadan Shalah lamented that Palestinians and other Muslims showed insufficient love for Al-Quds, the Arabic name for Jerusalem, according to a recording obtained Monday by Israel’s Army Radio.

Shalah contrasted the inadequate Palestinian and Muslim love of the holy city with the heartfelt attachment of the Jews, and — speaking in Hebrew and Arabic — quoted the famous Israeli ballad “Jerusalem of Gold,” penned by Zionist songstress Naomi Shemer.

“What is the meaning of Jerusalem for us?” Shalah, who leads one of the most extreme terror groups in the world and is on the FBI’s most-wanted terrorists list, asked the assembled clergy last week. “Learn from the Jews, from that accursed entity [Israel]. They love Jerusalem not just as a military matter, but as a cultural one,” he declared.

“They have a song in the Israeli entity that their army sings on June 7, when they conquered the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Haram al-Sharif [the Temple Mount, in the 1967 Six Day War],” he added, and went on to quote part of the chorus of “Jerusalem of Gold.”

“Jerusalem of gold. Jerusalem of bronze. Jerusalem of light,” he chanted, saying each phrase in both Hebrew and Arabic.

“Every Israeli child and every accursed Israeli soldier says this song in their heart,” Shalah told the crowd.

The ballad, one of the most popular Hebrew songs ever, was composed for a music festival in Jerusalem that was part of the May 1967 Independence Day celebrations. The song employs ancient references, including from the Book of Lamentations and the Mishnah, to lament that Judaism’s holiest places – especially the Temple Mount – were closed to Jews by the Jordanian authorities who controlled the eastern half of the city at the time.

The Times of Israel kindly posted a video in the article above of the beautiful song, which I post here as an antidote to all the anti-Israel haters quoted above:

And all of this brings us back to Mahmoud Abbas and his rejection of Israel as a Jewish state. With all these “glorious” precedents before him: the Grand Mufti, Yasser Arafat and the head of Islamic Jihad, what is preventing him from admitting that Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people?
Testimony by Al Husseini in 1937 about Zionists stealing land from the Arabs:
(full interview online)

SIR L. HAMMOND: What 100,000 dunams was assigned. Is that not included in, the 1,200,000 dunams? The point is this. He says that in 1920 at the time of the Occupation, the Jews only held 100,000 dunams, is that so? I asked the figures from the Land Registry, how much land the Jews owned at the time of the Occupation. Would he be surprised to hear that the figure is not 100,000 but 650,000 dunams?

MUFTI: It may be that the difference was due to the fact that many lands were bought by contract which were not registered.

SIR L. HAMMOND: There is a lot of difference between 100,000 and 650,000.

MUFTI: In one case they sold about 400,000 dunams in one lot.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Who? An Arab?

MUFTI: Sarsuk. An Arab of Beirut.

SIR L. HAMMOND: His Eminence gave us a picture of the Arabs being evicted from their land and villages being wiped out. What I want to know is, did the Government of Palestine, the Administration, acquire the land and then hand it over to the Jews?

MUFTI: In most cases the lands were acquired.

SIR L. HAMMOND: I mean forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition as land would be acquired for public purposes?

MUFTI: No, it wasn't.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Not taken by compulsory acquisition?


SIR L. HAMMOND: But these lands amounting to some 700,000 dunams were actually sold?

MUFTI: Yes, they were sold, but the country was placed in such conditions as would facilitate such purchases.

SIR I HAMMOND: I don't quite understand what you mean by that. They were sold Who sold them?

MUFTI: Land owners.


MUFTI: In most cases they were Arabs.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Was any compulsion put on them to sell? If so, by whom?

It was sold willingly by Arabs. He admits this, but...

MUFTI: As in other countries, there are people who by force of circumstances, economic forces, sell their land.

Testimony of Arafat's Nazi Uncle in 1937 on Palestine
MUFTI: Yes, they were sold, but the country was placed in such conditions as would facilitate such purchases.

MUFTI: As in other countries, there are people who by force of circumstances, economic forces, sell their land.

Thank you.
Testimony by Al Husseini in 1937 about Zionists stealing land from the Arabs:
(full interview online)

SIR L. HAMMOND: What 100,000 dunams was assigned. Is that not included in, the 1,200,000 dunams? The point is this. He says that in 1920 at the time of the Occupation, the Jews only held 100,000 dunams, is that so? I asked the figures from the Land Registry, how much land the Jews owned at the time of the Occupation. Would he be surprised to hear that the figure is not 100,000 but 650,000 dunams?

MUFTI: It may be that the difference was due to the fact that many lands were bought by contract which were not registered.

SIR L. HAMMOND: There is a lot of difference between 100,000 and 650,000.

MUFTI: In one case they sold about 400,000 dunams in one lot.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Who? An Arab?

MUFTI: Sarsuk. An Arab of Beirut.

SIR L. HAMMOND: His Eminence gave us a picture of the Arabs being evicted from their land and villages being wiped out. What I want to know is, did the Government of Palestine, the Administration, acquire the land and then hand it over to the Jews?

MUFTI: In most cases the lands were acquired.

SIR L. HAMMOND: I mean forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition as land would be acquired for public purposes?

MUFTI: No, it wasn't.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Not taken by compulsory acquisition?


SIR L. HAMMOND: But these lands amounting to some 700,000 dunams were actually sold?

MUFTI: Yes, they were sold, but the country was placed in such conditions as would facilitate such purchases.

SIR I HAMMOND: I don't quite understand what you mean by that. They were sold Who sold them?

MUFTI: Land owners.


MUFTI: In most cases they were Arabs.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Was any compulsion put on them to sell? If so, by whom?

It was sold willingly by Arabs. He admits this, but...

MUFTI: As in other countries, there are people who by force of circumstances, economic forces, sell their land.

Testimony of Arafat's Nazi Uncle in 1937 on Palestine
MUFTI: Yes, they were sold, but the country was placed in such conditions as would facilitate such purchases.

MUFTI: As in other countries, there are people who by force of circumstances, economic forces, sell their land.

Thank you.

None of the Arabs sold it at gun point, and sometimes did not even know they were selling to Jews. They just wanted to sell, unload land they did not care for anymore.
The Jews usually overpaid for the land.
What did the Jews buy?
Swamps, desert areas, where no one lived and no one wanted to buy.

Buying land as the Jews did, is legal compared to the murdering of Jews or expelling them from their homes and lands from 1920 to 1948 by the Arabs.
1925 saw the Jews being expelled from TransJordan because the Arabs did not want any Jews living there.

Oh, yeah, Timmore, talk about stolen land and Arabs not wanting to sell their lands. :crybaby: The proof is all in the Ottoman and British records and the testimony given by the Mufti.

Keep crying.

Testimony by Al Husseini in 1937 about Zionists stealing land from the Arabs:
(full interview online)

SIR L. HAMMOND: What 100,000 dunams was assigned. Is that not included in, the 1,200,000 dunams? The point is this. He says that in 1920 at the time of the Occupation, the Jews only held 100,000 dunams, is that so? I asked the figures from the Land Registry, how much land the Jews owned at the time of the Occupation. Would he be surprised to hear that the figure is not 100,000 but 650,000 dunams?

MUFTI: It may be that the difference was due to the fact that many lands were bought by contract which were not registered.

SIR L. HAMMOND: There is a lot of difference between 100,000 and 650,000.

MUFTI: In one case they sold about 400,000 dunams in one lot.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Who? An Arab?

MUFTI: Sarsuk. An Arab of Beirut.

SIR L. HAMMOND: His Eminence gave us a picture of the Arabs being evicted from their land and villages being wiped out. What I want to know is, did the Government of Palestine, the Administration, acquire the land and then hand it over to the Jews?

MUFTI: In most cases the lands were acquired.

SIR L. HAMMOND: I mean forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition as land would be acquired for public purposes?

MUFTI: No, it wasn't.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Not taken by compulsory acquisition?


SIR L. HAMMOND: But these lands amounting to some 700,000 dunams were actually sold?

MUFTI: Yes, they were sold, but the country was placed in such conditions as would facilitate such purchases.

SIR I HAMMOND: I don't quite understand what you mean by that. They were sold Who sold them?

MUFTI: Land owners.


MUFTI: In most cases they were Arabs.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Was any compulsion put on them to sell? If so, by whom?

It was sold willingly by Arabs. He admits this, but...

MUFTI: As in other countries, there are people who by force of circumstances, economic forces, sell their land.

Testimony of Arafat's Nazi Uncle in 1937 on Palestine
MUFTI: Yes, they were sold, but the country was placed in such conditions as would facilitate such purchases.

MUFTI: As in other countries, there are people who by force of circumstances, economic forces, sell their land.

Thank you.

Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you....

NONE of those land owners were living on the land.

That is why before and after WWI, when the Ottoman Empire began to allow land to be sold ( so they could make some money) in 1850, those Arabs who did own land but did not live on it, began to sell it to whoever paid the most.

Jews did not expel, nor steal any land from any Arabs.
And chose land where there was NO ONE living on it, like the swamp which they turned into Tel- Aviv by 1909.

Hurray for Jewish ingenuity and hard work.



The Grand Mufti admitted the Jews did not steal land, Arafat recognized a Jewish State. How about Abbas?

We have further recognition of the Jewish ties to Jerusalem from no less than Islamic Jihad! Despite pro-forma Jordanian condemnation of Israeli “escalation of violence on the Temple Mount” (after stone-throwing by Palestinian ‘youths”, aka terrorists), the head of Islamic Jihad complained – in Tehran! – that the Jews love Jerusalem more than the Muslims do:

Jewish love for Jerusalem drew unexpected praise from the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization, who told religious leaders in Tehran that the Jews show their love for the city more than Muslims do, and quoted in Hebrew from an inspirational Israeli ballad to prove the point.

Addressing a clerical conference in the Iranian capital, Ramadan Shalah lamented that Palestinians and other Muslims showed insufficient love for Al-Quds, the Arabic name for Jerusalem, according to a recording obtained Monday by Israel’s Army Radio.

Shalah contrasted the inadequate Palestinian and Muslim love of the holy city with the heartfelt attachment of the Jews, and — speaking in Hebrew and Arabic — quoted the famous Israeli ballad “Jerusalem of Gold,” penned by Zionist songstress Naomi Shemer.

“What is the meaning of Jerusalem for us?” Shalah, who leads one of the most extreme terror groups in the world and is on the FBI’s most-wanted terrorists list, asked the assembled clergy last week. “Learn from the Jews, from that accursed entity [Israel]. They love Jerusalem not just as a military matter, but as a cultural one,” he declared.

“They have a song in the Israeli entity that their army sings on June 7, when they conquered the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Haram al-Sharif [the Temple Mount, in the 1967 Six Day War],” he added, and went on to quote part of the chorus of “Jerusalem of Gold.”

“Jerusalem of gold. Jerusalem of bronze. Jerusalem of light,” he chanted, saying each phrase in both Hebrew and Arabic.

“Every Israeli child and every accursed Israeli soldier says this song in their heart,” Shalah told the crowd.

The ballad, one of the most popular Hebrew songs ever, was composed for a music festival in Jerusalem that was part of the May 1967 Independence Day celebrations. The song employs ancient references, including from the Book of Lamentations and the Mishnah, to lament that Judaism’s holiest places – especially the Temple Mount – were closed to Jews by the Jordanian authorities who controlled the eastern half of the city at the time.

The Times of Israel kindly posted a video in the article above of the beautiful song, which I post here as an antidote to all the anti-Israel haters quoted above:

And all of this brings us back to Mahmoud Abbas and his rejection of Israel as a Jewish state. With all these “glorious” precedents before him: the Grand Mufti, Yasser Arafat and the head of Islamic Jihad, what is preventing him from admitting that Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people?

Here, let me brighten your day.

From the 1880s to the 1930s, most Jewish land purchases were made in the coastal plain, the Jezreel Valley, the Jordan Valley and to a lesser extent the Galilee.[8] This was due to a preference for land that was cheap and without tenants.[8] There were two main reasons why these areas were sparsely populated. The first reason being when the Ottoman power in the rural areas began to diminish in the seventeenth century, many people moved to more centralized areas to secure protection against the lawless Bedouin tribes.[8] The second reason for the sparsely populated areas of the coastal plains was the soil type. The soil, covered in a layer of sand, made it impossible to grow the staple crop of Palestine, corn.[8] As a result, this area remained uncultivated and under populated.[4] "The sparse Arab population in the areas where the Jews usually bought their land enabled the Jews to carry out their purchase without engendering a massive displacement and eviction of Arab tenants".[8]

In the 1930s most land was bought from small landowners. Of the land that the Jews bought, "52.6% of the lands were bought from big non-Palestinian landowners, 24.6% from Palestinian-Arab landowners and only 9.4% from the Fellahin".[10]

On 31 December 1944, out of 1,732.63 dunums of land owned in Palestine by large Jewish Corporations and private owners, about 44% was in possession of Jewish National Fund. The table below shows the land ownership of Palestine by large Jewish Corporations (in square kilometres) on 31 December 1945.

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia
At least 85% of the private land of Palestine was owned by Arab Palestinians until partition.




  • General Assembly

3 September 1947





Lake Success
New York

164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land."

A/364 of 3 September 1947


A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

So....I'm answering report on off topic posting and having trouble discerning just what the topic IS. The OP would appear to be about posting CURRENT news about Israel (yes? no?)....but the past few pages seem to be talking about the history of Israel's founding and land ownership and immigration....stuff that took place more then half a century ago.

Edited warning - ya, sometimes we do ;) After discussion with the OP, he is fine with discussing history so this reminder is rescinded.
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