All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Another terrorist featured in the video — one who survived her own attacks — is Leila Khaled, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), responsible for a series of airplane hijackings. A picture of a young Khaled wearing a keffiyeh while holding a rifle has become an iconic image used by anti-Israel activists to promote violent “resistance” against the Jewish state.

New York Chapter of ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ Pays Social Media Tribute to ‘Martyrs’ Killed While Carrying Out Terrorist Attacks Against Israelis

When they talk about liberating PALESTINE they are really talking of ISRAEL, the State of Israel.

That is what all of them are about.

It is not about having a State in Gaza or in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria, it is about having ALL of what is left of the Mandate, 23% (77% is TransJordan) out of Jewish sovereignty, even though Hamas has part of it, and Fatah has Areas A and B.

They want Israel destroyed.

That is something Israel will never agree to.
Why Do A Third of Israelis Want To Leave The Country?
By Naomi Zeveloff

A third of Jewish Israelis would leave the country if they could, according to a poll conducted by Masa Israeli, a group looking at the divisions of Jewish society in Israel.

It found that secular Jews were the most likely to want to immigrate, with 36% saying they would leave the country if they could. Orthodox Jews were the least likely to want to immigrate; only 7% said they would leave.

The poll, which was reported by the Walla! news site, found that while 44% of secular Jewish Israelis identify as Israelis foremost, 83% of traditional and 90% of religious Jewish Israelis identify as Jews foremost.

Another terrorist featured in the video — one who survived her own attacks — is Leila Khaled, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), responsible for a series of airplane hijackings. A picture of a young Khaled wearing a keffiyeh while holding a rifle has become an iconic image used by anti-Israel activists to promote violent “resistance” against the Jewish state.

New York Chapter of ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ Pays Social Media Tribute to ‘Martyrs’ Killed While Carrying Out Terrorist Attacks Against Israelis

When they talk about liberating PALESTINE they are really talking of ISRAEL, the State of Israel.

That is what all of them are about.

It is not about having a State in Gaza or in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria, it is about having ALL of what is left of the Mandate, 23% (77% is TransJordan) out of Jewish sovereignty, even though Hamas has part of it, and Fatah has Areas A and B.

They want Israel destroyed.

That is something Israel will never agree to.

The Majority would be happy to go with Equal Rights and Justice, and "That is something Israel will never agree to."
Another terrorist featured in the video — one who survived her own attacks — is Leila Khaled, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), responsible for a series of airplane hijackings. A picture of a young Khaled wearing a keffiyeh while holding a rifle has become an iconic image used by anti-Israel activists to promote violent “resistance” against the Jewish state.

New York Chapter of ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ Pays Social Media Tribute to ‘Martyrs’ Killed While Carrying Out Terrorist Attacks Against Israelis

When they talk about liberating PALESTINE they are really talking of ISRAEL, the State of Israel.

That is what all of them are about.

It is not about having a State in Gaza or in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria, it is about having ALL of what is left of the Mandate, 23% (77% is TransJordan) out of Jewish sovereignty, even though Hamas has part of it, and Fatah has Areas A and B.

They want Israel destroyed.

That is something Israel will never agree to.

The Majority would be happy to go with Equal Rights and Justice, and "That is something Israel will never agree to."

The Majority what? Israeli Arabs?
They have equal rights, they vote and have representation in the Knesset.

Gaza is governed by Hamas. Refer to them for equal rights in Gaza.
Areas A and B in Judea and Samaria are governed by Abbas. Refer to him about equal rights in those two areas.
Negotiations between Israel and the PLO under the Oslo Accords were always destined to founder since the PLO Charter states that Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and Jordan are:

-An indivisible territorial unit and
-An indivisible part of the Arab homeland
-The 1917 Balfour Declaration, the 1922 Mandate for Palestine and everything based on them since then are null and void.
-Jews do not constitute a single nation with an identity of its own
-Jordan and Israel’s 1994 Peace Treaty rejected these PLO deal-breakers.

Palestinian Arabs migrants have borrowed the word "Diaspora"
Another terrorist featured in the video — one who survived her own attacks — is Leila Khaled, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), responsible for a series of airplane hijackings. A picture of a young Khaled wearing a keffiyeh while holding a rifle has become an iconic image used by anti-Israel activists to promote violent “resistance” against the Jewish state.

New York Chapter of ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ Pays Social Media Tribute to ‘Martyrs’ Killed While Carrying Out Terrorist Attacks Against Israelis

When they talk about liberating PALESTINE they are really talking of ISRAEL, the State of Israel.

That is what all of them are about.

It is not about having a State in Gaza or in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria, it is about having ALL of what is left of the Mandate, 23% (77% is TransJordan) out of Jewish sovereignty, even though Hamas has part of it, and Fatah has Areas A and B.

They want Israel destroyed.

That is something Israel will never agree to.

The destruction of the State of Israel is what Tinmore constantly dreams about. He will not be satisfied with a dysfuctional, nondescript 23rd Arab state in just a part of Eretz Yisroel.
When funding terrorism is the result of a combination of radical Islamic ideology, black market economy that fuels Islamic terrorism and, of course, a burning hatred of Israel, there is no point in expecting universal standards will apply -- even when it comes to "humanitarian aid."
Since the Palestinian Authority's creation in 1994, Hamas has emerged as the dominant Palestinian organization in raising funds for terrorism.

Turkey recently tasked Murtaja with ensuring that the $25 million earmarked for the enclave's rehabilitation finds its way to the relevant construction and infrastructure contractors, schools and welfare organizations, but instead, the money ended up in Hamas' hands: It appears $13 million were given to needy families, $4 million went to pay for mass weddings, $3 million were given as aid to families in Gaza, $3 million were used as student grants, and the remainder $2 million funded food parcels.

WOW, that is some heavy duty terrorist funding!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Who writes this shit?
Negotiations between Israel and the PLO under the Oslo Accords were always destined to founder since the PLO Charter states that Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and Jordan are:

-An indivisible territorial unit and
-An indivisible part of the Arab homeland
-The 1917 Balfour Declaration, the 1922 Mandate for Palestine and everything based on them since then are null and void.
-Jews do not constitute a single nation with an identity of its own
-Jordan and Israel’s 1994 Peace Treaty rejected these PLO deal-breakers.

Palestinian Arabs migrants have borrowed the word "Diaspora"
The PLO is not an elected body and was folded into the PA and co-opted by Oslo. They are trying to revitalize it into a representative body. It is a good idea. Nobody, not even the PA, represents the Palestinians.
Negotiations between Israel and the PLO under the Oslo Accords were always destined to founder since the PLO Charter states that Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and Jordan are:

-An indivisible territorial unit and
-An indivisible part of the Arab homeland
-The 1917 Balfour Declaration, the 1922 Mandate for Palestine and everything based on them since then are null and void.
-Jews do not constitute a single nation with an identity of its own
-Jordan and Israel’s 1994 Peace Treaty rejected these PLO deal-breakers.

Palestinian Arabs migrants have borrowed the word "Diaspora"
The PLO is not an elected body and was folded into the PA and co-opted by Oslo. They are trying to revitalize it into a representative body. It is a good idea. Nobody, not even the PA, represents the Palestinians.
You should apply; I hear you can pilfer off a few billion dollars.
Negotiations between Israel and the PLO under the Oslo Accords were always destined to founder since the PLO Charter states that Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and Jordan are:

-An indivisible territorial unit and
-An indivisible part of the Arab homeland
-The 1917 Balfour Declaration, the 1922 Mandate for Palestine and everything based on them since then are null and void.
-Jews do not constitute a single nation with an identity of its own
-Jordan and Israel’s 1994 Peace Treaty rejected these PLO deal-breakers.

Palestinian Arabs migrants have borrowed the word "Diaspora"
The PLO is not an elected body and was folded into the PA and co-opted by Oslo. They are trying to revitalize it into a representative body. It is a good idea. Nobody, not even the PA, represents the Palestinians.
You should apply; I hear you can pilfer off a few billion dollars.
Nah, the third grade name callers in the government would probably give me the old terrorist designation.
Negotiations between Israel and the PLO under the Oslo Accords were always destined to founder since the PLO Charter states that Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and Jordan are:

-An indivisible territorial unit and
-An indivisible part of the Arab homeland
-The 1917 Balfour Declaration, the 1922 Mandate for Palestine and everything based on them since then are null and void.
-Jews do not constitute a single nation with an identity of its own
-Jordan and Israel’s 1994 Peace Treaty rejected these PLO deal-breakers.

Palestinian Arabs migrants have borrowed the word "Diaspora"
The PLO is not an elected body and was folded into the PA and co-opted by Oslo. They are trying to revitalize it into a representative body. It is a good idea. Nobody, not even the PA, represents the Palestinians.
You should apply; I hear you can pilfer off a few billion dollars.
Nah, the third grade name callers in the government would probably give me the old terrorist designation.
As a billionaire you wouldn't care; you just have to avoid the bullets for 20 years.
She was asked, immediately after reaching Jordan in October 2011, whether she would do it the same way, on the same huge scale, if she could go back in time. Her response [here] ought to be engraved in cement: "Of course. I do not regret what happened. Absolutely not. This is the path. I dedicated myself to Jihad for the sake of Allah [nothing to do with national liberation or resistance - it's religious warfare for her and her fellow Islamists], and Allah granted me success. You know how many casualties there were [at the Sbarro pizzeria]? This was made possible by Allah. Do you want me to denounce what I did? That’s out of the question. I would do it again today, and in the same manner." Clear enough?

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 24-Mar-17: Our daughter's smiling killer: "Shocked" that US "decided to go after her for no obvious reason"
Despite all the stuff they heard at home about Israel’s “military occupation,” they’ll discover that, in fact, the Israeli military governor of the territories left long ago. The Israeli military administration in the territories has long since been dismantled. The Israeli army was withdrawn, by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, 22 years ago. Papa Beinart is a little behind the times!

If the younger Beinarts dare to venture into Ramallah, Bethlehem or Shechem (Nablus), they won’t see any Israeli soldiers. Instead, they’ll see Palestinian policemen and security forces.

They’ll see that in the areas where more than 98 percent of the Palestinian Arabs reside, it is the Palestinian Authority (PA), not Israel, which is the ruling power. The mayors are Palestinians. The judges in the courts are Palestinians. So are the folks who guard the jails, staff the hospitals and teach in the schools. There are no Israelis to be found anywhere.

Peter Beinart’s children are in for a surprise
Here are the parts of a 2005 pro-terror documentary called Women in Struggle where Rasmea Odeh's fellow terrorist Aysha Odeh details how her family were heavily involved in terrorist activity and how she helped the SuperSol bombing.

Rasmea Odeh's co-terrorist implicated both of them in planting 1969 supermarket bomb. On video. (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Interesting. Are illegal settlers innocent civilians?

They are illegal only to you and all other Jew Haters.

To Jews, and those who do not hate them, they have every right to live on their ancient homeland, which was emptied of all of them between 1948 and 1967.

TransJordan and Gaza have been taken away from the Jews. They are not allowed to live there , as they did before 1920 for thousands of years. Both are part of the Jewish ancient homeland.

Try staying away from what has been invented about Judea and Samaria for the past 40 years, and you will be on the right path.
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