All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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60s, I suggest you pay no heed to the very few demented and focus on what truly infuriates them...
Israel's successes.
Better the be keyboard warriors than homicide bombers.
1) Illegal immigrants invade a land and call it their own
3)They bite off more than they cab chew
4)weeping and gnashing of teeth
5) lament for a thousand years
The Muslims Condemn site lists over 5000 cases of Muslims condemning...something. Usually it is terrorism, but sometimes it is something else.

That same Federation condemned the mythical Israeli attacks against Al Aqsa Mosque in 2015 - while Israelis were being stabbed in the streets. No Muslim condemned that, according to this database.

Nobody condemning the Hypercacher attacks, although plenty of condemnations of the Charlei Hebdo attacks.

Nobody condemning the 2014 murders at a Jewish museum in Brussels, but plenty for the 2016 Brussels bombings.

Nobody condemning Hamas rocket attacks towards Israeli civilians, but plenty condemning Israel for defending itself.

Out of the many terror attacks since 200 that targeted Jews for being Jews, very few of these Muslims quoted here condemned any of them. No one, as far as I can tell, condemned more than one of the hundreds of attacks on Jews.

(full article online)
Look at all the Muslims who condemn terror. (Just don't look too closely.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Muslims Condemn site lists over 5000 cases of Muslims condemning...something. Usually it is terrorism, but sometimes it is something else.

That same Federation condemned the mythical Israeli attacks against Al Aqsa Mosque in 2015 - while Israelis were being stabbed in the streets. No Muslim condemned that, according to this database.

Nobody condemning the Hypercacher attacks, although plenty of condemnations of the Charlei Hebdo attacks.

Nobody condemning the 2014 murders at a Jewish museum in Brussels, but plenty for the 2016 Brussels bombings.

Nobody condemning Hamas rocket attacks towards Israeli civilians, but plenty condemning Israel for defending itself.

Out of the many terror attacks since 200 that targeted Jews for being Jews, very few of these Muslims quoted here condemned any of them. No one, as far as I can tell, condemned more than one of the hundreds of attacks on Jews.

(full article online)
Look at all the Muslims who condemn terror. (Just don't look too closely.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are you shocked by this?
Are you ready to continue lauding Israel and shrug off the Jew hating comments of the 10 or so losers?
The Muslims Condemn site lists over 5000 cases of Muslims condemning...something. Usually it is terrorism, but sometimes it is something else.

That same Federation condemned the mythical Israeli attacks against Al Aqsa Mosque in 2015 - while Israelis were being stabbed in the streets. No Muslim condemned that, according to this database.

Nobody condemning the Hypercacher attacks, although plenty of condemnations of the Charlei Hebdo attacks.

Nobody condemning the 2014 murders at a Jewish museum in Brussels, but plenty for the 2016 Brussels bombings.

Nobody condemning Hamas rocket attacks towards Israeli civilians, but plenty condemning Israel for defending itself.

Out of the many terror attacks since 200 that targeted Jews for being Jews, very few of these Muslims quoted here condemned any of them. No one, as far as I can tell, condemned more than one of the hundreds of attacks on Jews.

(full article online)
Look at all the Muslims who condemn terror. (Just don't look too closely.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are you shocked by this?
Are you ready to continue lauding Israel and shrug off the Jew hating comments of the 10 or so losers?

2000 years of it.
What is left to be shocked about? :)
You are not reading or discussing anything posted, all you do is attempt to make the Pro Israel side look like liars without showing any proof of those accusations.

It is the same with Challenger and Timmore and others.

Zionists lie. Q.E.D. Enough said.

In her book From Time Immemorial, Joan Peters lists Arab attacks on Jews
Oh good grief, Joan Peters, you seriously cite Joan Peters? Even Israeli scholars and rabbis say she makes things up and her scholarship is sloppy. These charges have even been accepted by rabid Islamophobics like Daniel Pipes. Peters' credibility is non existant outside of some right-wing Christian fundamentalist groups and of course, Hasbara trolls.
These concepts – redeeming fallen honor, perpetual victimhood, international responsibility, and achieving through guilt what politics and force of arms cannot – are cultural ideas, transmitted endlessly by Palestinian leaders and through their educational system and media. But they are also reflected in Palestinian politics. At every turn, negotiations get to a stage and then stop because compromise would preclude full “restoration” of what never was. Fighting century-old events and hoping to produce another outcome is consistent with this pattern. It is unlikely to build either a stable Palestinian society or peace with Israel.

Palestinians and the Balfour Declaration at 100: Resisting the Past
These concepts – redeeming fallen honor, perpetual victimhood, international responsibility, and achieving through guilt what politics and force of arms cannot – are cultural ideas, transmitted endlessly by Palestinian leaders and through their educational system and media. But they are also reflected in Palestinian politics. At every turn, negotiations get to a stage and then stop because compromise would preclude full “restoration” of what never was. Fighting century-old events and hoping to produce another outcome is consistent with this pattern. It is unlikely to build either a stable Palestinian society or peace with Israel.

Palestinians and the Balfour Declaration at 100: Resisting the Past

This isn't "news" and it's been discussed at length on this and other fora.
WATCH: M’aan News’ Palestine Tourism Video

Ma’an News agency is part of the Ma’an Network, a non-governmental organization media network, and it claims to be one of the largest wire services in the Palestinian territories. As a non-governmental news outlet, you might expect it to be more reasonable than, say, Shehab News, which is Hamas-affiliated.

I say this as an introduction to the following video put out by Ma’an. It is a tourism film for Palestine.

Note who hardly gets mentioned or shown in the film, and what Palestine encompasses.

Again, this is not Hamas. This is a non-governmental news agency, which claims to be one of the largest in the palestinian territories. And now we know what they consider to be these “palestinian territories.”

Are they aware that Ma’an is of the view that Palestine is the entire land of Israel and thus clearly desire Israel’s destruction? I assume at least some of them are…and couldn’ care less.
After having left the Gaza Strip, Bowen penned an article for another media outlet in which he claimed to have seen “no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields”.

In contrast, in his reporting from Mosul Bowen was able to inform BBC audiences of ISIS’ use of human shields and did not find it necessary to promote either his own amateur opinions on the legality of the alleged incidents nor unproven accusations of deliberate targeting of civilians and ‘war crimes’.

BBC’s Bowen saw no human shields in Gaza – but reports them in Mosul
Virtually devoid of concrete actual examples of incitement in the Palestinian school system, AFP's article today "'Incitement' or history? Israeli-Palestinian debate rages" turns the phenomenon into a he said/she said debate, in which the Palestinian denial of incitement is afforded more credibility than the Israeli complaints about incitement.

Even the headline of the article signals to readers that Israeli concerns about incitement are not to be believed. While the headline puts "incitement" in scare quotes, it does not similarly qualify the word "history" with scare quotes.

CAMERA: AFP Article on Palestinian Incitement Avoids Examples
Historical Palestine, i.e. the Roman province, does encompass all of the area currently ruled by Israel. Before the arrival of the Zionists, Muslims and Christians inhabited the whole territory. What are you questioning?
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