All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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These concepts – redeeming fallen honor, perpetual victimhood, international responsibility, and achieving through guilt what politics and force of arms cannot – are cultural ideas, transmitted endlessly by Palestinian leaders and through their educational system and media. But they are also reflected in Palestinian politics. At every turn, negotiations get to a stage and then stop because compromise would preclude full “restoration” of what never was. Fighting century-old events and hoping to produce another outcome is consistent with this pattern. It is unlikely to build either a stable Palestinian society or peace with Israel.

Palestinians and the Balfour Declaration at 100: Resisting the Past
From your link. Thank you.

In the past, Palestinians have cast the Mandate as the illegitimate exercise of British imperialism, where, as al-Hut put it, “One people grant[ed] a second people what belong[ed] to a third people.” Nowadays, the opposition to the Balfour Declaration describes it as the beginning of “settler-colonialism.”
These concepts – redeeming fallen honor, perpetual victimhood, international responsibility, and achieving through guilt what politics and force of arms cannot – are cultural ideas, transmitted endlessly by Palestinian leaders and through their educational system and media. But they are also reflected in Palestinian politics. At every turn, negotiations get to a stage and then stop because compromise would preclude full “restoration” of what never was. Fighting century-old events and hoping to produce another outcome is consistent with this pattern. It is unlikely to build either a stable Palestinian society or peace with Israel.

Palestinians and the Balfour Declaration at 100: Resisting the Past
From your link. Thank you.

In the past, Palestinians have cast the Mandate as the illegitimate exercise of British imperialism, where, as al-Hut put it, “One people grant[ed] a second people what belong[ed] to a third people.” Nowadays, the opposition to the Balfour Declaration describes it as the beginning of “settler-colonialism.”

You truly do have comprehension issues.

Those are CLAIMS by the Arab Muslims meant to delegitimize the indigenous people as not being THE indigenous people.

Claims are not truths.

Arabs do not like losing wars, and much less territory.

But you will never "Get it "
A group of Palestinians tried to burn some Israeli Jews to death March 23. Just another day in the Middle East.

The four attackers drove up to the perimeter of the Jewish community of Beit El, north of Jerusalem, and began hurling firebombs toward homes there. A firebomb, also known as a Molotov cocktail, is of course a deadly weapon. It explodes on impact and unleashes a torrent of flames. We can all easily imagine what would happen if those firebombs had struck people or homes.

Fortunately, Israeli soldiers immediately fired at the would-be murderers, killing one and wounding three others. That should be the end of the story. But it won’t be. Here’s why.

Another day, another attempt to burn Jews alive
Israelis are comfortable with being settler colonists, they see nothing wrong with displacing or otherwise removing native people, after all that's what happened in places like the U.S., Australia, Argentina etc., they rationalize.

Looking at the dynamics of the situation objectively, the Palestinians really have no other option if they want to avoid ending up like native people in other settler colonial situations.

This is a cold objective view.

Specifically, unless the Palestinians want to end up like the native people in those places, they have to maintain pressure on the Jews through resistance and population growth. Practically, they cannot allow the Jews to ever feel comfortable as settler colonists. If they peacefully acquiesce, they will end up like the Native Americans.

Here is the Israeli position as articulated by Arnon Degani, an Israeli assistant professor currently at UCLA.

"My suggestion that Zionists and Israelis shouldn’t be afraid of the label settler colonists, does not mean that it has no negative implications or that settler colonial studies is uncritical of Zionism and Israel. In the main, this analytical framework imposes on us an understanding that Palestinian displacement, in one form or another, was inherent in all forms of Zionism....................

..................The decline of the two-state solution and improbability of another massive flight of Palestinians from the territory under Israeli control, suggests that Israel will not follow the path of the U.S., Australia and Canada which have all accommodated their indigenous communities within semi-sovereign reservations.
Israel, though, is probably heading more towards an arrangement similar to that of South African settler colonialism: a consolidation into a democratic republic in which the Whites are recognized as sons of the land and yet still enjoy many of the privileges they accumulated during Apartheid. In Israel, from the left (Haaretz’s own Gideon Levy and Rogel Alpher) and right (President Reuven Rubi Rivilin, MK Yehuda Glick), there is growing sentiment in favor of pursuing this particular one state settler colonial road.
read more: Israel is a Settler Colonial State - and that's OK
Here is why the Arabs cannot give up destroying Israel:
(full article online)

In the culture of Islam the meaning of peace is identical to the meaning of Islam itself which is submission. The entire religion of Islam is premised on submission to Allah. To the Muslim mind, non-Muslims can only attain peace with Islam by submitting to them as the messengers of Allah. There can be no peace with a non-Muslim only a truce. The only kind of temporary peace Arabs can even contemplate is one in which the enemy makes sufficient concessions that the Arab side feels it 'won' even when it lost. Such was the peace Egypt made with Israel, but even that didn't save President Sadat from being assassinated.

Sultan Knish: Why Arab Ideas of Shame and Honor Make Peace Impossible
Here is why the Arabs cannot give up destroying Israel:
(full article online)

In the culture of Islam the meaning of peace is identical to the meaning of Islam itself which is submission. The entire religion of Islam is premised on submission to Allah. To the Muslim mind, non-Muslims can only attain peace with Islam by submitting to them as the messengers of Allah. There can be no peace with a non-Muslim only a truce. The only kind of temporary peace Arabs can even contemplate is one in which the enemy makes sufficient concessions that the Arab side feels it 'won' even when it lost. Such was the peace Egypt made with Israel, but even that didn't save President Sadat from being assassinated.

Sultan Knish: Why Arab Ideas of Shame and Honor Make Peace Impossible

Still waiting for 60s to post a link to anything other than a propaganda site. The guy is a hoot.
After having left the Gaza Strip, Bowen penned an article for another media outlet in which he claimed to have seen “no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields”.

In contrast, in his reporting from Mosul Bowen was able to inform BBC audiences of ISIS’ use of human shields and did not find it necessary to promote either his own amateur opinions on the legality of the alleged incidents nor unproven accusations of deliberate targeting of civilians and ‘war crimes’.

BBC’s Bowen saw no human shields in Gaza – but reports them in Mosul
He is not alone.

These concepts – redeeming fallen honor, perpetual victimhood, international responsibility, and achieving through guilt what politics and force of arms cannot – are cultural ideas, transmitted endlessly by Palestinian leaders and through their educational system and media. But they are also reflected in Palestinian politics. At every turn, negotiations get to a stage and then stop because compromise would preclude full “restoration” of what never was. Fighting century-old events and hoping to produce another outcome is consistent with this pattern. It is unlikely to build either a stable Palestinian society or peace with Israel.

Palestinians and the Balfour Declaration at 100: Resisting the Past
From your link. Thank you.

In the past, Palestinians have cast the Mandate as the illegitimate exercise of British imperialism, where, as al-Hut put it, “One people grant[ed] a second people what belong[ed] to a third people.” Nowadays, the opposition to the Balfour Declaration describes it as the beginning of “settler-colonialism.”

You truly do have comprehension issues.

Those are CLAIMS by the Arab Muslims meant to delegitimize the indigenous people as not being THE indigenous people.

Claims are not truths.

Arabs do not like losing wars, and much less territory.

But you will never "Get it "
So, when did the Palestinians lose a war?
But later she does address the specifics of peace between Israel and what she calls "Palestine":

I would like to start from a just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. This is and will continue to be a top priority for the European Union. A peaceful solution of this conflict, or even progress in that direction, could set a whole new paradigm for cooperation in the region, including on security. We firmly believe that the two-State solution remains the only realistic way to end the conflict and all claims. We would recognise changes to the '67 lines*only when agreed by the parties, including with regard to Jerusalem.So the EU is saying that unless somehow the Palestinians voluntarily decide to compromise with Israel, the EU will stand behind them 100% that they deserve every inch of the territories they claim.

Israel's security? Israel's interests? The thousands of years of Jewish history in these areas? All meaningless.

Federica Mogherini tells the Arab League that Israel has no say in Middle East peace ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
More propaganda. "Elder of Ziyon" what a source for facts. You really have never read anything factual about the conflict, have you. LOL
Now Palestine Marathon organisers have sent back his registration.

APUK commented: ‘It’s hard to believe that someone as politically aware as Eddie Izzard should imagine he could get away with this. He should know as well as anyone that you can’t hunt with the hounds and run with the hare – particularly when the hare in this case is the squeezed and besieged Palestinian population, under illegal military occupation by Israel. Quite rightly, they’ve declined to indulge his patronising desire to run with them the day after he entertains their oppressors. We wish he’d listened to us sooner and avoided this humiliation.’
I don't think Izzard is the one who is going to be humiliated by this.

If this is true (BDSers don't have a reputation for being truthful), this will backfire on Israel-haters big time. Izzard will have a blast in Tel Aviv and then what do you think he will be tweeting? That he is sorry?

Izzard is as liberal as they come. A person who could have been a great advertisement for "Palestine" is instead being insulted for not hating Israel as much as these boycotters demand.

It will be very interesting to see how this plays in British media - and how Izzard will react himself. I cannot find a way that this will make the BDS crowd look good.

"Palestine Marathon" reportedly rejects British comedian Eddie Izzard because he's playing in Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The 'Palestinian NGOs Network,' a coalition of more than 100 charities and rights groups, demanded the "lifting of restrictions and restrictive measures which violate human rights", a statement said.

"Security goals should not come at the expense of human rights," it added.

Hamas, which runs Gaza, shut the Erez crossing into Israel on Sunday after blaming the Jewish state for assassinating Mazen Faqha, 38, in his home last Friday.

Arab NGOs call on Hamas to reopen Gaza crossing
Now Palestine Marathon organisers have sent back his registration.

APUK commented: ‘It’s hard to believe that someone as politically aware as Eddie Izzard should imagine he could get away with this. He should know as well as anyone that you can’t hunt with the hounds and run with the hare – particularly when the hare in this case is the squeezed and besieged Palestinian population, under illegal military occupation by Israel. Quite rightly, they’ve declined to indulge his patronising desire to run with them the day after he entertains their oppressors. We wish he’d listened to us sooner and avoided this humiliation.’
I don't think Izzard is the one who is going to be humiliated by this.

If this is true (BDSers don't have a reputation for being truthful), this will backfire on Israel-haters big time. Izzard will have a blast in Tel Aviv and then what do you think he will be tweeting? That he is sorry?

Izzard is as liberal as they come. A person who could have been a great advertisement for "Palestine" is instead being insulted for not hating Israel as much as these boycotters demand.

It will be very interesting to see how this plays in British media - and how Izzard will react himself. I cannot find a way that this will make the BDS crowd look good.

"Palestine Marathon" reportedly rejects British comedian Eddie Izzard because he's playing in Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Artists that perform in Israel are repeating the mistake made by artists that performed in Apartheid South Africa. The Palestinians are quite right in banning Izzard from any activity to do with Palestine. Years from now he will regret performing in Israel, as many of the artists that performed in Apartheid South Africa did, after the fact.

May 19, 1985|By John M. Wilson

"Actress Goldie Hawn was shocked when she found her name on a United Nations list of performers who had ignored a cultural boycott of South Africa. ``I feel awful about it,`` said the politically liberal star, still guilt-ridden over a promotional tour she made to South Africa for ``Private Benjamin`` in 1981. ``Warner Bros. told me it was a good market and wanted me to go there. And I was so naive, I went. I was really quite innocent until I got there and saw what a horror story it was--then I spoke my mind (against apartheid). I won`t be going back, God knows!``

"Hawn`s is one of 388 names from around the world on the `register`` of performers and others who have traveled to South Africa in recent years for cultural purposes. The UN uses the register to black-list offenders from UN activities and honors, but it also provides a handy roster of targets for anti-apartheid groups who picket concerts, awards ceremonies and even business offices. For some entertainers, being on the list has become an embarrassing social stigma, while others condemn it as a modern form of McCarthyism that paints many with a broad, self-righteous brush.

Whatever the reaction to the blacklist, the boycott, part of a larger international movement to pressure the white-controlled government of South Africa to end its official practice of racial separation, is having a measurable impact: More and more performers are pledging not to visit the country..."

Un`s `Register` Of Performers Raises Blacklist Spectre In S. Africa Boycott
An Israeli-American teenager accused of making dozens of anti-Semitic bomb threats that led to concern and a backlash in the United States has autism and a brain tumour, his lawyer told a court Thursday.

The Israeli court extended the 18-year-old's remand at the hearing in Rishon Lezion, near Tel Aviv, to April 6 following the Jewish teenager's arrest in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on March 23.

His father, also arrested as part of the investigation, was released as the probe that has involved the FBI continues.

A gag order prevents their identities from being published.

Their arrests followed a wave of bomb threats to American Jewish institutions since the start of the year, which helped spread fears over whether hate crimes and anti-Semitic acts have been on the increase in the country.

Some have said that the rise of Donald Trump as US president has encouraged the extreme right and emboldened hate groups.

The arrest of a Jewish teenager over dozens of the threats has however complicated the debate.

His alleged motive is unclear, but his lawyer, Shira Nir, highlighted his medical condition, which she said may have led him to wrongdoing through no fault of his own.

She showed the court an image of what appeared to be a tumour on the right side of his brain, but gave no medical details.
Jewish teen arrested for US bomb threats 'has tumour'
Here is why the Arabs cannot give up destroying Israel:
(full article online)

In the culture of Islam the meaning of peace is identical to the meaning of Islam itself which is submission. The entire religion of Islam is premised on submission to Allah. To the Muslim mind, non-Muslims can only attain peace with Islam by submitting to them as the messengers of Allah. There can be no peace with a non-Muslim only a truce. The only kind of temporary peace Arabs can even contemplate is one in which the enemy makes sufficient concessions that the Arab side feels it 'won' even when it lost. Such was the peace Egypt made with Israel, but even that didn't save President Sadat from being assassinated.

Sultan Knish: Why Arab Ideas of Shame and Honor Make Peace Impossible
It seems strange then that Palestinian Christians support Palestine.
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