All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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If a 10% annual population growth rate (or even 2-3%) is an example of genocide, then I am a donkey.

If the PA wants to deceitfully inflate population data in order to scare Israel with the “demographic time bomb” whereby Muslims will outnumber Jews if we declare sovereignty over all of Judea & Samaria, then let them do that. If they want to lie and accuse Israel of committing genocide against the Arabs living under the PA, let them do that.

Do they not realize, however, that these two lies cancel each other out?

Let Me Show You Genocide Under Israeli Occupation - Israel Diaries
Neither were readers of this report informed that Lord Warner has a long record of collaborationwith delegitimisers of Israel and has previously made numerous anti-Israel statements in Parliament.

The BBC cannot claim to be providing its audiences with accurate and impartial coverage of the topic of the already redundant – yet ongoing – ‘Balfour Apology Campaign’ if it reports – and amplifies – support for that campaign from certain British parliamentarians without also clarifying to audiences their record on Israel and their links to organisations connected to a Palestinian terror group proscribed by the British government.

BBC News amplifies Balfour agitprop yet again
An increase or reduction of the size of a population that is the victim of genocide is not relevant with whether or not the crime has been committed.

There’s an important point to this story which the spokesman neglected to mention: This tactic is borrowed directly from Hamas. And it was borrowed because the world’s response to successive Hamas-Israel wars convinced ISIS that creating massive civilian casualties among residents of its own territory is an effective strategy.

Admittedly, Hamas hasn’t yet been caught on video actually herding civilians into buildings before launching attacks from them. But there’s plenty of evidence that Hamas prevented civilians from leaving areas whence it was launching rockets or other attacks at Israel, thereby deliberately exposing them to retaliatory strikes.

Love of the Land: ISIS adopts Hamas terror tactic because it gets results - by Evelyn Gordon
The Arab online magazine "Highlights" has an article called "The nature of the Jews as the Nazis saw them." The photo-illustration for the article is above.

It is an Arabic translation of an article by Joseph Goebbels written in 1929 that was entitled, simply, "The Jew."

(vide online)

Just in case it isn't clear enough, the translation is placed under the section of the magazine called "The Palestinian Cause."

It is also remarkable how closely Goebbel's advice has been embraced in the Arab world, officially about "Zionists."

Arab online magazine literally quotes Goebbels to describe the "nature of the Jew" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Arab online magazine "Highlights" has an article called "The nature of the Jews as the Nazis saw them." The photo-illustration for the article is above.

It is an Arabic translation of an article by Joseph Goebbels written in 1929 that was entitled, simply, "The Jew."

(vide online)

Just in case it isn't clear enough, the translation is placed under the section of the magazine called "The Palestinian Cause."

It is also remarkable how closely Goebbel's advice has been embraced in the Arab world, officially about "Zionists."

Arab online magazine literally quotes Goebbels to describe the "nature of the Jew" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Linking to Zionist propaganda sites again. What do you think that proves?

Goebbel's writings are available from many sources, they are also available at various university on-line libraries, for example:

Joseph Goebbels: 1933-1945

From the perspective of the Palestinians, who live under Jewish oppression, Goebbel's description seems pretty accurate.
Government ministers from Israel, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and the European Union (EU) signed a joint statement at this week’s EastMed Energy Summit in Tel Aviv, agreeing to advance the creation of the world’s longest gas pipeline.

The pipeline will span 1,200 miles, running undersea between Israel and Italy, and expected to cost upwards of $5.5 billion. It is slated for completion by 2025.

Israel, EU Agree to Build World’s Longest Gas Pipeline by 2025
Neither were readers of this report informed that Lord Warner has a long record of collaborationwith delegitimisers of Israel and has previously made numerous anti-Israel statements in Parliament.

The BBC cannot claim to be providing its audiences with accurate and impartial coverage of the topic of the already redundant – yet ongoing – ‘Balfour Apology Campaign’ if it reports – and amplifies – support for that campaign from certain British parliamentarians without also clarifying to audiences their record on Israel and their links to organisations connected to a Palestinian terror group proscribed by the British government.

BBC News amplifies Balfour agitprop yet again
MPs are legally required to declare any conflicts of interest before a debate. At a debate on Israel's illegal settlements in the West Bank, look how many Labour MPs 'forgot' to declare their connections to Israel - and only 'remembered' when the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons stressed that they must declare.

One of these talking heads is the Chair of the Labour Friends of Isreal. Her name is Joan Ryan and she was involved in a recent scandal involving a £1 million payment from an Israeli Diplomat to help "take down" a government minister.
"This is just a continuation of the previous plots," Haguel said. "Sweden's anti-Semisim has crossed all red lines. The recent events are only the latest in a long line of incitement and blood libels. People are sowing an unjust fear of Jews, and the government is closing its eyes to everything which relates to Jews and israel.

"Jews are running from here, because they're scared of he rising anti-Semitism. There are anti-Israel campaigns which focus on libels claiming Jews steal and sell Palestinian limbs. There have been incidents in which local Muslims literally chase after Jews. And the government supports an anti-Israel stance, unequivocally supporting the Palestinians and Islamic countries.

'Sweden's anti-Semitism has crossed all red lines'
From the Magen David Adom ambulance service, it's reported that both Israelis are injured, one critically. The BBC says
Witnesses told Israeli media that the car approached a bus stop at the Ofra junction, on the Route 60 highway north-east of Ramallah, and then accelerated towards the two Israelis waiting there. In late 2015 and 2016, such attacks by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs happened with near-daily frequency but the rate has dropped in recent months. [BBC News, today]

UPDATE Thursday April 6, 2017 at 10:40 am: It's reported, tragically, that one of the two young Israeli victims has died of his injuries. The other is currently getting emergency treatment at Hadassah Mt Scopus hospital. The Arab driver, not dead though probably shot, is in the hands of the IDF. The Palestinian Arab mouthpiece, Ma'an News Agency, in its English-language news report calls the attack "alleged" as it usually does. Ma'an's Arabic language edition is less coy (as it usually is), quoting Hamas sources who have congratulated the attacker for his "achievement".

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 06-Apr-17: An Arab-on-Israeli vehicle ramming attack north of Jerusalem this morning
Jewish groups had pointed to scores of bomb threats against their communities as the most dramatic example of what they considered a surge in anti-Semitism. Some blamed a far-right emboldened by President Donald Trump. Now, that picture has been complicated by the arrest of an Israeli Jewish hacker who authorities say is responsible for the harassment
US Jews wrestle with arrest of Jew in bomb threats case
Who paid the American-Israeli bomb hoaxer? Jewish teen had Bitcoin account worth millions
Who paid the American-Israeli bomb hoaxer? Jewish teen had Bitcoin account worth millions
Jewish groups had pointed to scores of bomb threats against their communities as the most dramatic example of what they considered a surge in anti-Semitism. Some blamed a far-right emboldened by President Donald Trump. Now, that picture has been complicated by the arrest of an Israeli Jewish hacker who authorities say is responsible for the harassment
US Jews wrestle with arrest of Jew in bomb threats case
Who paid the American-Israeli bomb hoaxer? Jewish teen had Bitcoin account worth millions
Who paid the American-Israeli bomb hoaxer? Jewish teen had Bitcoin account worth millions

There is a dedicated forum for people like you and your silly conspiracy theories.
Why, then, does UNRWA spread the word they intend to introduce a new curriculum?

This serves UNRWA image with a new US administration at the helm. The US, indeed, pays for 33% of the UNRWA budget, which has reached $1.2 billion.

UNRWA presents the US government with good intentions of UNRWA, blaming popular opinion, which would not allow UNRWA to act in a noble fashion.

UNRWA has used this PR approach in the past.
The PRC conference is a litmus test for Aboutaleb. With his waffling and avoidance of a straight answer, he is failing the test. Aboutaleb is contributing to the dangerous Islamization of his city. He is not the only one. The Dutch government, the NCTV and the parties in the municipal council of Rotterdam other than Leefbaar Rotterdam have all taken part. This pattern fits many other worrying developments in the Netherlands.

Rotterdam goes Hamas: The Palestinian Return Centre
But radical Islam isn't always the main factor in Palestinian terrorism committed by children. Last month, a report by Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) found that children from troubled backgrounds were often ripe for radicalization because they viewed attacks as a way to commit suicide with glory. Child terrorists might be further motivated to die trying to kill Israelis because the Palestinian Authority often rewards such deaths by paying the bereaved families a monthly stipend.

According to COGAT, non-ideological reasons for lone-wolf attacks include "domestic violence within the household ... social criticism for an immoral act such as adultery, lack of respect for the family, matriculation failure and more; and serious psychological issues stemming from depression, despair, and mental illness."

Palestinians Exploiting Children to Fight Israel
The PRC conference is a litmus test for Aboutaleb. With his waffling and avoidance of a straight answer, he is failing the test. Aboutaleb is contributing to the dangerous Islamization of his city. He is not the only one. The Dutch government, the NCTV and the parties in the municipal council of Rotterdam other than Leefbaar Rotterdam have all taken part. This pattern fits many other worrying developments in the Netherlands.

Rotterdam goes Hamas: The Palestinian Return Centre
What terrorist acts have they committed?
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