All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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It pays to hate Israel and Jews:

First, the young murderer has just become eligible for participating in the Palestinian Authority's Rewards for Terror payment scheme which will continue, and indeed grow, as "calm and well behaved" (sic) Malik accumulates more and more time behind Israeli bars for yesterday's assault and murder. It's a no-lose situation for the family: a son who has become a celebrity, and a guaranteed cash flow starting now, plus the likelihood of an absurdly-well-paid senior position with the PA when he gets out.

So for the Hamed clan, a little upset perhaps by last night's reduction in their sense of justice and dignity: hang in there! The World Council of Churches is on its way! And for the members of WCC-affiliated churches, we feel your shame.

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 07-Apr-17: Not everything's gloom and doom for the family of yesterday's murder-by-vehicle attacker
Back in December 2014 we noted the absence of any BBC coverage of a serious terror attack.

“…at around 18:30 local time on December 25th – a father and his eleven year-old daughter who were driving home near Ma’ale Shomron in Samaria were attacked with a petrol bomb which set their vehicle on fire.

“The girl suffered third degree burns over the majority of her body and face and was placed in an induced coma.

Untold stories such as that of Ayala Shapira are no less important than the fatal attacks which do make BBC headlines in helping audiences to understand Israel’s policies, counter-terrorism measures and the concerns of the Israeli people. The fact that such stories are ignored also means that when Israel is obliged to respond to rising terrorism, audiences and BBC journalists alike are unable to put events into their appropriate context and thus arrive at uninformed and inaccurate conclusions.

Revisiting a 2014 story ignored by the BBC – and why it matters
According to the PA government, the cuts are an attempt to manage a financial crisis which has been exacerbated by Hamas. Apparently, the real rulers of Gaza collect taxes from the people but do not send the money over to Ramallah.

According to Ma’an, PA civil servants in Gaza received only 70% of their March salaries, with some receiving even less.

Thousands of Gaza Civil Servants Protest PA’s Massive Pay CutsThe Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 13 Nisan 5777 – April 8, 2017 |
You know what tipped me off that bombing Syria was a mistake? My Jewish friend loved it, but didn't want to talk politics when I wasn't as happy about the attack.

We get it. Israel wants us to kill Arabs because Arabs don't like Jews. The enemy of my ememy
You know what tipped me off that bombing Syria was a mistake? My Jewish friend loved it, but didn't want to talk politics when I wasn't as happy about the attack.

We get it. Israel wants us to kill Arabs because Arabs don't like Jews. The enemy of my ememy

Your "Jewish Friend" loved it.

Saudi Arabia loved it (Arabs)
Egypt loved it (Arabs)
Jordan Loved it (Arabs)
Turkey loved it
Australia loved it
Japan loved it
the UK loved it
Italy liked it
Spain liked it

Who's with the US on Syria strike and who isn't -

10 world leaders who supported U.S. missile strike on Syria

So......go talk to your "Jewish Friend" some more :)
Last edited:
there may be one reason kept quiet by the U.S. administration that stands as the real motivation behind the U.S. strike; namely that the base bombed by the Trump administration is the same base from which Israeli fighter jets were shot down after launching their own illegal strikes into Syria.

The Al-Sha’ayrat airbase was the place from which Syria fired anti-missile Sam rockets at attacking Israeli warplanes, two weeks ago. Syria downed one of the four warplanes, hit another and forced the remaining two fighter jets to quickly fly out of Syrian airspace.

This sent a strong message to Israel, a state which continues to illegally occupy Syrian territory, in addition to the decades long occupation of Palestine.

Syria’s message to Israel and the wider world was that the equation had changed, the regional balance of power was being re-shaped. Syrian missile systems were now able to counter the consistent illegal aggression of Israel against Syria.

Additionally, it showed Israel and the wider world that Israel could not so easily thwart Syrian advances against terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda/Nusra Front and the so-called Islamic State (ISIS).

The Al-Sha’ayrat airbase is one of the most important military bases in Syria and has played a vital role in the war against the terrorism of Al-Qaeda and Islamic State, which rages both in Syria, Iraq and beyond.

Al-Sha’ayrat housed advanced missiles like the SAM and SU units and it also kept a number of MIG fighter jets as well. It maintained radar stations and an advanced air defense system. Interestingly enough, the base was originally developed by Iran.

Was Israel The Reason For The U.S. Strike On Syrian Military Base?
You know what tipped me off that bombing Syria was a mistake? My Jewish friend loved it, but didn't want to talk politics when I wasn't as happy about the attack.

We get it. Israel wants us to kill Arabs because Arabs don't like Jews. The enemy of my ememy

Your "Jewish Friend" loved it.

Saudi Arabia loved it (Arabs)
Egypt loved it (Arabs)
Jordan Loved it (Arabs)
Turkey loved it
Australia loved it
Japan loved it
the UK loved it
Italy liked it
Spain liked it

Who's with the US on Syria strike and who isn't -

10 world leaders who supported U.S. missile strike on Syria

So......go talk to your "Jewish Friend" some more :)

Funny how the ones who are wrong here are the real conservatives and you all are rinos.
You know what tipped me off that bombing Syria was a mistake? My Jewish friend loved it, but didn't want to talk politics when I wasn't as happy about the attack.

We get it. Israel wants us to kill Arabs because Arabs don't like Jews. The enemy of my ememy

Your "Jewish Friend" loved it.

Saudi Arabia loved it (Arabs)
Egypt loved it (Arabs)
Jordan Loved it (Arabs)
Turkey loved it
Australia loved it
Japan loved it
the UK loved it
Italy liked it
Spain liked it

Who's with the US on Syria strike and who isn't -

10 world leaders who supported U.S. missile strike on Syria

So......go talk to your "Jewish Friend" some more :)

Funny how the ones who are wrong here are the real conservatives and you all are rinos.

Wow, I am astounded at your level of discussion.

You said nothing. And continue to say nothing.

"Conservatives", "Rinos" , is that really a conversation?

And you did not feel the need to start a new thread with your first post but chose to simply drop by here and virtually tell how heartless your "Jewish Friend" is.

Here is your post, start a new thread with it:

"You know what tipped me off that bombing Syria was a mistake? My Jewish friend loved it, but didn't want to talk politics when I wasn't as happy about the attack."

(By the way, your new thread belongs in the Middle East forums.
You are welcome )
“Occupier” is a legal term that does not apply to Israel. Israel’s legal title and rights to its present territory were established in the San Remo resolution, an agreement adopted by victorious Allied Powers after World War I, confirmed by the League of Nations, and incorporated into the U.N. charter. None of the Jewish people’s rights to live, emigrate to and settle the land of Israel have ever been revoked, nullified or superseded by a subsequent act of international law.
“Occupier” is a legal term that does not apply to Israel. Israel’s legal title and rights to its present territory were established in the San Remo resolution, an agreement adopted by victorious Allied Powers after World War I, confirmed by the League of Nations, and incorporated into the U.N. charter. None of the Jewish people’s rights to live, emigrate to and settle the land of Israel have ever been revoked, nullified or superseded by a subsequent act of international law.
San Remo was not a land transfer treaty.
The following are the payment amounts, mostly based on PA law signed by former PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in 2011:
1- Immediate (one-time) payment: 6,000 shekels
2- Monthly (life-time) payments: 1,400 shekels/monthly, plus additions
2A: Addition for spouse: 400 shekels
2B: Addition for each child: 200 shekels
2C: Addition for residents of Jerusalem: 300 shekels
2D: Addition for residents of Israel: 300 shekels
3- Monthly payments to families abroad: $350
3A: Addition for spouse: $100
3B: Addition for each child: $50
Total expenditure per year (2016 budget): 660,315,772 shekels ($180,839,067)
[Official PA 2016 budget]

In 2016, more than 32,500 Martyrs' families received payments.

PA defies US, will raise payments to Martyrs' families - PMW Bulletins
Both young men praised the Israeli people and government while lambasting Assad and his supporters. They said that as patients have returned to Syria from Israel, word has slowly spread that Israel can help those desperately wounded. The medical care is free of charge. The hospital said it doesn’t discriminate when it comes to admittance, and insists it doesn’t collect personal patient information.

Israel treats thousands of war-wounded Syrians
You know what tipped me off that bombing Syria was a mistake? My Jewish friend loved it, but didn't want to talk politics when I wasn't as happy about the attack.

We get it. Israel wants us to kill Arabs because Arabs don't like Jews. The enemy of my ememy
I would have been more than happy to discuss it with you face to face.
The only problem is that every non-Jew I meet wants Israel to nuke the Muslims out of existence.
It's only the self-hating, assimilated, Christian wannabe "Jews" who want to suck up to the Muslims.
You know what tipped me off that bombing Syria was a mistake? My Jewish friend loved it, but didn't want to talk politics when I wasn't as happy about the attack.

We get it. Israel wants us to kill Arabs because Arabs don't like Jews. The enemy of my ememy
I would have been more than happy to discuss it with you face to face.
The only problem is that every non-Jew I meet wants Israel to nuke the Muslims out of existence.
It's only the self-hating, assimilated, Christian wannabe "Jews" who want to suck up to the Muslims.
Maybe they realize you are War mongers and no peace will come through your behavior
You know what tipped me off that bombing Syria was a mistake? My Jewish friend loved it, but didn't want to talk politics when I wasn't as happy about the attack.

We get it. Israel wants us to kill Arabs because Arabs don't like Jews. The enemy of my ememy
I would have been more than happy to discuss it with you face to face.
The only problem is that every non-Jew I meet wants Israel to nuke the Muslims out of existence.
It's only the self-hating, assimilated, Christian wannabe "Jews" who want to suck up to the Muslims.
Maybe they realize you are War mongers and no peace will come through your behavior
So you are saying that non-Jews are war mongers.
You probably have a different history text on Islam than I do.
The following are the payment amounts, mostly based on PA law signed by former PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in 2011:
1- Immediate (one-time) payment: 6,000 shekels
2- Monthly (life-time) payments: 1,400 shekels/monthly, plus additions
2A: Addition for spouse: 400 shekels
2B: Addition for each child: 200 shekels
2C: Addition for residents of Jerusalem: 300 shekels
2D: Addition for residents of Israel: 300 shekels
3- Monthly payments to families abroad: $350
3A: Addition for spouse: $100
3B: Addition for each child: $50
Total expenditure per year (2016 budget): 660,315,772 shekels ($180,839,067)
[Official PA 2016 budget]

In 2016, more than 32,500 Martyrs' families received payments.

PA defies US, will raise payments to Martyrs' families - PMW Bulletins

Good for them! Not having any other means of support once Zionists have murdered their main providers, at least the wives and children won't starve. It's called "social security" in societies that can afford it.
None of the Jewish people’s rights to live, emigrate to and settle the land of Israel have ever been revoked, nullified or superseded by a subsequent act of international law.

For over 1,400 years there was never any legal restrictions on Jewish people (or people of any other religion, for that matter) emigrating and settling anywhere within the Ottoman Empire or any Muslim regime that preceeded it. Yet there was no mass Jewish migration to Palestine until the rise of Zionism...
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