All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Itā€™s difficult to know if people generally understand how Islamic totalitarianism / retrogression really affects peopleā€™s lives.

I can see a benefit to a program of calling out the the worst offenses of Islamic totalitarianism and giving people information about the Hamas ā€œIslamic terrorist in trainingā€ summer camps.


Graphic government campaign takes on Hamas on social networks

1 minute read.


Everyone is born free, except for Gazaā€™s LGBT,ā€ reads an ad with a rainbow flag dripping with blood.

The ad is one of the Strategic Affairs Ministryā€™s new campaign pieces, running wild on social networks throughout Europe.

The campaign started last Thursday and will be live for around two weeks, according to a ministry spokeswoman. The ministry is not spending a large sum to back the posts but counting on them running virally through organic sharing.

Other ads include ā€œHamas summer camp,ā€ which depicts youth in Hamas military gear, and ā€œHey! Hamas! leave those kids alone,ā€ with similar imagery.

The campaign is running with the hashtag #FreeGazafromHamas.
Roth tweeted on Sunday, ā€œThe fugitive @FBIMostWanted terrorist who says she carried out the #SbarroPizzeria massacre, who is wanted in the US on terror charges, who has a busy Twitter account, who lives free in Jordanā€¦ still has an active Twitter account. Why?ā€

He added, ā€œYes, Iā€™ve already asked @Twitterā€™s guardians of decency to shut #Tamimiā€™s account down. Their response so far: ā€˜You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, weā€™ll let you know.ā€™ā€

ā€œAre there other fugitive jihadists with @Twitter accounts?ā€ Roth concluded.

(full article online)

Father of Israeli Terror Victim Calls on Twitter to Shut Down Account of One of Daughterā€™s Killers
While it is presumptuous for Muslim and Christian leaders to sign a declaration on Jerusalem without including any Jews, this statement includes an assertion that every member of the three major monotheistic faiths should have full access to their holy spaces in order to worship there.

Which means that Jews have the full right not just to visit but even to pray at the Temple Mount, the holiest spot in Judaism.

King Mohammed's part of the statement is even more interesting because he chairs a committee created by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation on Jerusalem.

(full article online)

Does Moroccan King Mohammed VI realize that he just affirmed Jews' rights to worship on the Temple Mount? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Roth tweeted on Sunday, ā€œThe fugitive @FBIMostWanted terrorist who says she carried out the #SbarroPizzeria massacre, who is wanted in the US on terror charges, who has a busy Twitter account, who lives free in Jordanā€¦ still has an active Twitter account. Why?ā€

He added, ā€œYes, Iā€™ve already asked @Twitterā€™s guardians of decency to shut #Tamimiā€™s account down. Their response so far: ā€˜You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, weā€™ll let you know.ā€™ā€

ā€œAre there other fugitive jihadists with @Twitter accounts?ā€ Roth concluded.

(full article online)

Father of Israeli Terror Victim Calls on Twitter to Shut Down Account of One of Daughterā€™s Killers
But on Twitter, you cannot promote a movie that deals with the Error of Abortion.

But Killing Jews? Killing Babies?

Yah, totally fine with them.
The UN General Assembly convened a special session on Tuesday to adopt a resolution condemning hate crimes.

In its original version, the proposal only referred to Islamophobia, but after a diplomatic effort led by Israel's ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, with many UN states, the proposal was changed and condemned anti-Semitism as well.

Danon said, "It seems that the memory of history is fading over time, but the diplomatic effort that we have led has shown that we will not allow the international community to remain silent while a wave of anti-Semitism spreads throughout the world."

"Unfortunately, we return to the days when kippot and Stars of David are targets, including marked Jewish businesses and desecrated synagogues," added Danon.

(full article online)

Historic achievement: UN condemns anti-Semitism
The historical record is pretty clear and, if the international media coverage is anything to go by, the consensus is that the terrorist hijackers separated some Jews as well as the Israelis from the rest of the passengers.

But what about the BBCā€˜s story?

It quotes Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, who said: ā€œMichel was a hero. By bravely refusing to give in to antisemitism and barbarity he brought honor to France.ā€

It later goes on to say:

The passengers were eventually split up. The non-Israelis were flown to Paris while the 94 Israeli passengers were held hostage.

Having quoted Estrosi mentioning antisemitism, the BBC then erased the Jewish hostages who werenā€™t counted as Israelis.

A simple error easily corrected. Or so we thought.

(full article online)

BBC Erases Non-Israeli Jews from Entebbe Hostages | HonestReporting
Infidel justice waits patiently. While this particular Arab-Moslem psychopath is still wasting oxygen, I have to believe she spends every day of her miserable life in fear of the Great Satan taking coming to settle a score.

Ahlam Aref Ahmad al-Tamimi on FBI's Most Wanted list
US charge against Ahlam Aref Ahmad al-Tamimi stems from a 2001 bombing at Jerusalem restaurant that killed 15.

14 Mar 2017
Ahlam Aref Ahmad al-Tamimi on FBI's Most Wanted list

Iā€™d love to see her tagged and bagged while wasting away in an infide hoosegow.
(From bad to worse. One just can't invent this stuff up, but Arabs definitely do it, all the time )

A 2017 United Nations-funded school textbook for Arab students offers a revisionist history of Israel as part of its goal to incite violence against Israelis.

ā€œSince the Zionist movement established in 1856 its first settlement, known as ā€˜Montefioriyyahā€™ [Mishkenot Shaā€™ananim, built by Sir Moses Montefiore before the emergence of modern Zionism], south-west of the Jerusalem city wall, the series of division [actions] in Palestine has not stopped,ā€ according to social studies book for ninth-graders funded by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, which was established by the UN General Assembly in 1949 to assist Arabs who became refugees during Israelā€™s War of Independence the previous year.

ā€œIt [i.e., the Zionist movement] established settlements that included training centers and arms depots. After the ā€˜Catastropheā€™ [Nakba in Arabic] of 1948 it ruled over more than 78 % of Palestineā€™s territory,ā€ continues the text. ā€œMore than 850 thousand Palestinians were made to emigrate and they and their families lived in refugee camps in Palestine and in the Diaspora. Nothing of it [Palestine] was left, except the Gaza Strip and the West Bank that were occupied [later] in 1967.ā€

Palestine has never been a state.

(full article online)

UN-Funded Social Studies Textbook Says ā€˜Zionist Occupation Started in 1856ā€™
What happens when a fan of Linda Sarsour has some power over the county budget? The answer could be seen in Orange County, North Carolina this weekend, when the countyā€™s Human Relations Commission, chaired by Deborah Stroman, brought Sarsour in to speak for Womenā€™s History month.

The Commission reportedly spent $5,000, plus travel and security expenses ā€” all paid for in tax dollars ā€” to do it. I wasnā€™t the only one unhappy with the decision, because there were protesters outside the building. The event was billed as filled, but only about 100 people attended, with plenty of empty chairs.

Linda Sarsour is a notorious critic of Israel, and has also expressed many antisemitic views, along with constant support for Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

In her speech, Sarsour desperately wanted to claim that Muslims could be placed in internment camps, just as America did to Japanese-Americans during World War II. She spoke of propaganda against Muslims, and then ā€œyears of propaganda against Japanese Americans. Iā€™m going to take out Japanese and put in fast forward to 2019, Iā€™m going to take out Japanese and put Muslims in there.ā€

She mixed this in with Holocaust denial, calling the internment camps ā€œconcentration camps.ā€ Yes the Japanese internment camps were a terrible blight on this country, but did the US round Japanese-Americans up to murder them? No. Did they starve them to death? No. Work them to death? No. Experiment on them? No. Yet Sarsour did not hesitate before using that terminology.

(full article online)

In North Carolina, Linda Sarsour Defends Anti-Israel Attacks and Denies Her Antisemitism
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