All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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" We can (and do) have a million arguments about almost every aspect of the Bible. But what we cannot deny is the existence of the world that produced it. That fact is not true just because the Bible says so. It is true because practically everything says so.

We don't all agree on matters relating to the present politics of Israel and its neighbors. That's okay. It's even healthy. But let no one repeat this nonsense about Israel not having its historical roots there. One cannot understand the Jews or Israel if one displaces the first 1,000 years of their history."
EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini spoke at the Arab Summit in Tunis over the weekend, and she started off by saying something very troubling:

She said, "nous sommes si proches d’un point de vue géographique et culturel," meaning that Europeans and Arabs "are so close from the geographic and cultural point of view."

Really? European and Arab culture are that close?

(full article online)

Not understanding the differences between cultures can be a deadly mistake ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On April 1, 2019, the International Union of Muslim Clerics (IUMS) proclaimed Friday, April 5, 2019 as "Day of Support for Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and Gaza," and urged Muslim preachers worldwide to devote their sermon on that day to this topic. The IUMS also posted a sermon it advised the preachers to deliver on that date, which calls for armed jihad against Israel and includes antisemitic motifs. The following are excerpts from it:

(full article online)

International Union Of Muslim Scholars Urges Imams To Preach Armed Jihad Against Israel To Save Al-Aqsa

Alia Tunisi adjusts the skullcap of a student, Hand in Hand Arab Jewish bilingual school, Jerusalem, 2014..

Some 76% of Arab respondents said that, in their daily lives, relations between Jews and Arabs are largely positive. Only 6% said they did not have sufficient contact with the other population group to answer.

(full article online)

Survey: Majority of Israelis see healthy Arab-Jewish relations
One of the biggest lies currently being sold to populations in the west is that anti-Israel activity is related to a movement of peace or justice. Relying on a strategy of intersectionality, this deception has permitted violent, racist ideologies to take a firm foothold within other well-known ’causes’. Infecting them and leading them astray. These people may call themselves members of ‘solidarity movements’ or ‘pro-Palestinian’ but they are nothing to do with ‘peace-makers’ in the traditional sense. I’ve been inside these movements, pretending to be an activist, infiltrating their social media groups and I’ve been researching them for years. Anti-Israel activity is full of little but fake news, hate and demonisation. In their twisted world, Palestinians are sacrificial, and these movements act as a bloodsucker, leeching onto the conflict, yearning for blood and only satiated when it flows.

(full article online)

A thirst for blood- in the mind of the anti-Israel activists
Thus is just.... you know..... racist.

This problem is not going to go away soon. The security coordination between the PA and Israel requires the PA to violate the rights of the Palestinians.

For example: In Palestine Hamas, PFLP, etc are constitutionally protected political parties. For Israel they are illegal "terrorist" organizations. So, the PA is required by Israel to arrest Palestinians who have violated no law. The PA rounds up Hamas members by the hundreds. Of course Hamas reciprocates in Gaza.

This has been the sticking point in the reconciliation talks. All the talks require the PA security be imposed in Gaza. Naturally, Hamas will not agree to that.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yes! Is this even contemplatable?

In my opinion, only the most naive of people would agree that any Jewish population would have their safety and protection in good hand with a "Palestinian majority and a Palestinian government."

Here’s a brief excerpt from the UKMW [URL='']post[/URL] said:
It also seems predicated on the premise that millions of Israeli Jews in the Middle East would, in the long run, be safe and have their rights protected in a country with a Palestinian majority and a Palestinian government – confidence that only makes sense if you ignore endemic antisemitism in the region and the experience of hundreds of thousands of Jews expelled from Muslim majority countries since World War 2. Anti-Zionism isn’t just antisemitic in theory. In practice, it would almost certainly have a profoundly dangerous antisemitic impact.
SOURCE: Camera → UKMW post

I would almost say that you would have to be brain dead not to understand the nature of the alibies presented by the remnants of the failed Arab League aggressors.

In a March 7th UK Media Watch post (cross posted at The Algemeiner), we refuted the claim by Peter Beinart, in his Guardian op-ed published earlier in the day, that anti-Zionism is not in fact antisemitic.
Here’s a brief excerpt from the UKMW post: In brief: Why anti-Zionism is antisemitic

I wonder... Does anyone have any experience that would support the idea that the Arab Palestinians would have → to protect and preserve the culture we find in Israel today?

Not only does the wisdom → accumulated over the centuries → came to the conclusion that a Jewish National Home needed to be established in order to prevent the use of exploitation processes (installed by the powerful majority) under the color of law to persecuted the rake in unfair economic wealth and material that otherwise would be out of reach. This happened in the 1930s - especially the MS St. Loui carrying more than 900 Jewish refugees from Germany in 1939 denied sanctuary by the US and Canada the UK etc, and roundup of the 1940s in Europe, the various European expulsion of the 1400s, 1096 massacre of Jews in Europe, etc, etc, etc. We should all remember and learn from the history and why learned statesmen found it more than just advisable and necessary to be morally correct in a unified decision to plant the Jewish National Home; → in the land in which the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic renounced all rights and title whatsoever over to the Allied Powers. The Jewish National Home would be situated outside the frontiers Turkish Republic, as laid down in the present Treaty. It was always understood that the future of these territories being settled or to be settled as directed by the Allied Parties concerned.

Most Respectfully,
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Thus is just.... you know..... racist.

This problem is not going to go away soon. The security coordination between the PA and Israel requires the PA to violate the rights of the Palestinians.

For example: In Palestine Hamas, PFLP, etc are constitutionally protected political parties. For Israel they are illegal "terrorist" organizations. So, the PA is required by Israel to arrest Palestinians who have violated no law. The PA rounds up Hamas members by the hundreds. Of course Hamas reciprocates in Gaza.

This has been the sticking point in the reconciliation talks. All the talks require the PA security be imposed in Gaza. Naturally, Hamas will not agree to that.

Interesting how you try to spin it that Israel is to blame for Hamas being a terrorist organization.
Thus is just.... you know..... racist.

This problem is not going to go away soon. The security coordination between the PA and Israel requires the PA to violate the rights of the Palestinians.

For example: In Palestine Hamas, PFLP, etc are constitutionally protected political parties. For Israel they are illegal "terrorist" organizations. So, the PA is required by Israel to arrest Palestinians who have violated no law. The PA rounds up Hamas members by the hundreds. Of course Hamas reciprocates in Gaza.

This has been the sticking point in the reconciliation talks. All the talks require the PA security be imposed in Gaza. Naturally, Hamas will not agree to that.

Another of the alternate reality based conspiracy theories you rely on to excuse the dysfunction of Arab-Moslem failed social structure.
At a closed-door UN Security Council Meeting held on March 8, 2019, Greenblatt condemned the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s continued support for financial payments that incentivize and reward terrorism, known as “pay to slay.” The PA’s refusal to end these programs, coupled with subsequent funding cuts by the United States and Israel, have plunged the PA into a self-manufactured fiscal crisis.

According to Greenblatt:

The Palestinian Authority’s institutionalization of support for terrorism is unacceptable and must be called out, unequivocally by all of us. The time has come for everyone to stop looking the other way. [emphasis in original]


It is because we care about the Palestinian people, and because we want a better, brighter future for their children that we seek toensure the Palestinian Authority puts the interests of ordinary Palestinians first. [emphasis in original]

Greenblatt’s truth-telling was too much for others in the room, cocooned as they are in their entrenched beliefs of the PA’s misrepresentations and inability to accept any responsibility for its actions. His lone voice of reason was left to echo in the ears of those who refuse to acknowledge what has become clear: The PA’s support for terror is wrong on all accounts, incompatible with peace, and accrues to the detriment of the Palestinian people.

In response to Greenblatt’s comments, Saeb Erekat, secretary-general of the PLO and chief Palestinian negotiator, penned an op-ed in Haaretz. In rejecting Greenblatt’s comments and accusing him of “blaming the victims,” Erekat does not use the word “terror” once in the 799 words of his response. Nowhere does he mention the PA’s cradle to grave incitement to hate and murder Israelis and Jews, or the seven percent of the PA’s budget that is used to incentivize and reward terrorism.

Erekat defaults to the false claim that “pay to slay” is social welfare. In reality, the maximum PA welfare-system payment is only $168 a month, or 57 percent less than the minimum of $392 a month that the PA pays prisoners and relatives of so-called “martyrs.” Only those who commit acts of terror are considered the PA’s “fighters,” and are paid at the higher rate; other Palestinians must participate in the less lucrative conventional PA welfare system.

(full article online)

The Palestinians Should Support Greenblatt, Who’s Telling Them the Truth
Ayad’s Qaim Project exalts Hezbollah, the Iranian-sponsored Lebanese terror group, as well as the terrorist group Hamas. Specifically, Ayad exalts the youth members of these two terror groups.

Particularly disturbing is the fact that the Qaim Project has a youth program.

On the project’s website is an article endorsing the Iranian regime, expressing an anti-American worldview and advocating for a Shiite-Sunni jihadist alliance (allied with Iran) against the West.

(full article online)

Dearborn Islamic School Linked to Iran, Hezbollah Propagandists | Clarion Project
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