All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ Tell me again how it is about Israel and the Palestinians. This man didn't think about that. He thought about JEWS, and attacking Jews. Oh, yes. Argentina, where so many Nazis fled to to "their" security from being arrested and tried for their crimes against Jews and all others they persecuted and killed ]

The attacker shouted anti-Semitic slogans and curses against the Jewish people during the attack. He was arrested when the police arrived.

(full article online)

Anti-Semitic attack on Buenos Aires synagogue
[ Tell me again how it is about Israel and the Palestinians. This man didn't think about that. He thought about JEWS, and attacking Jews. Oh, yes. Argentina, where so many Nazis fled to to "their" security from being arrested and tried for their crimes against Jews and all others they persecuted and killed ]

The attacker shouted anti-Semitic slogans and curses against the Jewish people during the attack. He was arrested when the police arrived.

(full article online)

Anti-Semitic attack on Buenos Aires synagogue
Why don't you tell me about Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians?

Israeli Forces continued their settlement activities, and the settlers continued their attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property
  • As part of Israeli settlersā€™ attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property, PCHRā€™s fieldworkers documented 3 direct attacks were as follows:
  • On 21 March 2019, Hundreds of the Israeli settlers organized a demonstration starting from the closed Shuhadah Street and then heading to Tal al-Ramidah neighborhood, where they performed their religious rituals at al-Ibrahimi Mosque and chanted racist slogans against the Arabs.
  • On 25 March 2019, Israeli settlers wrote racist slogans and punctured the tires of 28 vehicles in the French Hill neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalemā€™s Old City. The vehicles belong to Abu Lail, Shanak, ā€˜Oda and ā€˜Obaidi.
  • On 26 March 2019, Israeli settlers attacked al-Khansa Primary Mixed School in Taqouā€™a village, southeast of Bethlehem.
Tell us all about it, Ms. Pot calling the Kettle black.
Here's something the pro-Israeli, kiss-ass crowd doesn't want to read or discuss...'s about progressive young Jews wanting to know (and talking about) Palestinian human rights.

Young American Jews, blocking doors to Birthright Headquarters, demand that Birthright confront the crisis of Israelā€™s occupation and choose freedom and dignity over their donorsā€™ propaganda.

ā€œGoing to Israel in 2019 and not learning about the Occupation and is like going to the Jim Crow South and not learning about segregation,ā€ said Alyssa Rubin, 24-year [old Jew]...

This protest follows a year-long campaign in which IfNotNow has asked Birthright to educate its participants about the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. Today, they are giving Birthright one last chance to change its programming ahead of trips this summer and confront the crisis of Israelā€™s Occupation. According to the protesters, Birthright, the largest Jewish educational institution in the country, is prioritizing their donorsā€™ pro-Occupation agenda and alienating an entire generation of American Jews.
[ Could the leaders of the Arab CONQUERED lands, PLEASE mind your own business and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with a peace deal, or no peace deal own their own?
If it were not for the "Arab States" and the sudden creation of the "Arab League" (after centuries of Turkish control of the area ), the issue would have been solved in 1948 ]

Omani FM to Times of Israel: US peace plan will fail without a Palestinian state
I suspect the cheap threats from Hamas are coming from their masters in Iran. The Mullocrats would like nothing more than to encourage another war between their most despised enemies; the Jews and and the Sunni version of Islamism.

At some point, I would expect that the Iranian Mullocrats will issue an ultimatum to Hamas: either continue the attacks or Iranian welfare ends.

Hamas: Israel will evacuate Tel Aviv in next war

Hamas: Israel will evacuate Tel Aviv in next war


Hamas leader claims terror organization 'sword and shield' of 'Palestinian nation,' promises to attack Tel Aviv in next war.

Arutz Sheva Staff, 06/04/19 20:38

ā€œPalā€™istanian nationā€.

Now thatā€™s funny.
[ Could the leaders of the Arab CONQUERED lands, PLEASE mind your own business and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with a peace deal, or no peace deal own their own?
If it were not for the "Arab States" and the sudden creation of the "Arab League" (after centuries of Turkish control of the area ), the issue would have been solved in 1948 ]

Omani FM to Times of Israel: US peace plan will fail without a Palestinian state
The so called peace plan has been leaked. It is a flop in the works.
[ Could the leaders of the Arab CONQUERED lands, PLEASE mind your own business and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with a peace deal, or no peace deal own their own?
If it were not for the "Arab States" and the sudden creation of the "Arab League" (after centuries of Turkish control of the area ), the issue would have been solved in 1948 ]

Omani FM to Times of Israel: US peace plan will fail without a Palestinian state
The so called peace plan has been leaked. It is a flop in the works.
And you actually believe that the Arab leaders would get a better offer than the one offered them the last two times and they would accept it?

Some people know that there is NO PLAN the Arabs would accept except for the dismantling of a country called Israel so that the "Palestine State" can take its place.

The Arabs are a darn flop in each of the centuries since they bothered to immigrate out of Arabia.
[ Could the leaders of the Arab CONQUERED lands, PLEASE mind your own business and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with a peace deal, or no peace deal own their own?
If it were not for the "Arab States" and the sudden creation of the "Arab League" (after centuries of Turkish control of the area ), the issue would have been solved in 1948 ]

Omani FM to Times of Israel: US peace plan will fail without a Palestinian state
The so called peace plan has been leaked. It is a flop in the works.

Indeed. The Hamas charter makes no allowance for peace.
[ Could the leaders of the Arab CONQUERED lands, PLEASE mind your own business and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with a peace deal, or no peace deal own their own?
If it were not for the "Arab States" and the sudden creation of the "Arab League" (after centuries of Turkish control of the area ), the issue would have been solved in 1948 ]

Omani FM to Times of Israel: US peace plan will fail without a Palestinian state
The so called peace plan has been leaked. It is a flop in the works.
And you actually believe that the Arab leaders would get a better offer than the one offered them the last two times and they would accept it?

Some people know that there is NO PLAN the Arabs would accept except for the dismantling of a country called Israel so that the "Palestine State" can take its place.

The Arabs are a darn flop in each of the centuries since they bothered to immigrate out of Arabia.
Trumpā€™s ā€œDeal of the Centuryā€ To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems

Though the Deal of the Century will try to eliminate the Palestinian issue for good, what the architects of the ā€œDealā€ in their arrogance fail to see is that this so-called ā€œDealā€ is nothing more than an irresponsible, impractical and precarious plan that will fall just as soon as it is raised.

[ Could the leaders of the Arab CONQUERED lands, PLEASE mind your own business and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with a peace deal, or no peace deal own their own?
If it were not for the "Arab States" and the sudden creation of the "Arab League" (after centuries of Turkish control of the area ), the issue would have been solved in 1948 ]

Omani FM to Times of Israel: US peace plan will fail without a Palestinian state
The so called peace plan has been leaked. It is a flop in the works.
And you actually believe that the Arab leaders would get a better offer than the one offered them the last two times and they would accept it?

Some people know that there is NO PLAN the Arabs would accept except for the dismantling of a country called Israel so that the "Palestine State" can take its place.

The Arabs are a darn flop in each of the centuries since they bothered to immigrate out of Arabia.
Trumpā€™s ā€œDeal of the Centuryā€ To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems

Though the Deal of the Century will try to eliminate the Palestinian issue for good, what the architects of the ā€œDealā€ in their arrogance fail to see is that this so-called ā€œDealā€ is nothing more than an irresponsible, impractical and precarious plan that will fall just as soon as it is raised.
No one has seen it yet. But you can try.
[ Could the leaders of the Arab CONQUERED lands, PLEASE mind your own business and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with a peace deal, or no peace deal own their own?
If it were not for the "Arab States" and the sudden creation of the "Arab League" (after centuries of Turkish control of the area ), the issue would have been solved in 1948 ]

Omani FM to Times of Israel: US peace plan will fail without a Palestinian state
The so called peace plan has been leaked. It is a flop in the works.
And you actually believe that the Arab leaders would get a better offer than the one offered them the last two times and they would accept it?

Some people know that there is NO PLAN the Arabs would accept except for the dismantling of a country called Israel so that the "Palestine State" can take its place.

The Arabs are a darn flop in each of the centuries since they bothered to immigrate out of Arabia.
Trumpā€™s ā€œDeal of the Centuryā€ To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems

Though the Deal of the Century will try to eliminate the Palestinian issue for good, what the architects of the ā€œDealā€ in their arrogance fail to see is that this so-called ā€œDealā€ is nothing more than an irresponsible, impractical and precarious plan that will fall just as soon as it is raised.
No one has seen it yet. But you can try.
I am surprised (well maybe not) that you have not seen it yet.
[ Could the leaders of the Arab CONQUERED lands, PLEASE mind your own business and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with a peace deal, or no peace deal own their own?
If it were not for the "Arab States" and the sudden creation of the "Arab League" (after centuries of Turkish control of the area ), the issue would have been solved in 1948 ]

Omani FM to Times of Israel: US peace plan will fail without a Palestinian state
The so called peace plan has been leaked. It is a flop in the works.
And you actually believe that the Arab leaders would get a better offer than the one offered them the last two times and they would accept it?

Some people know that there is NO PLAN the Arabs would accept except for the dismantling of a country called Israel so that the "Palestine State" can take its place.

The Arabs are a darn flop in each of the centuries since they bothered to immigrate out of Arabia.
Trumpā€™s ā€œDeal of the Centuryā€ To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems

Though the Deal of the Century will try to eliminate the Palestinian issue for good, what the architects of the ā€œDealā€ in their arrogance fail to see is that this so-called ā€œDealā€ is nothing more than an irresponsible, impractical and precarious plan that will fall just as soon as it is raised.
No one has seen it yet. But you can try.
I am surprised (well maybe not) that you have not seen it yet.
No, I have not. And it does not matter. It is as worthless as all the other "peace" deals, since the Arabs refuse to negotiate and compromise.
They are NEVER going to burn those charters and thrown them in the trash where they belong, for the sake of those they are making suffer, be it in Gaza or the PA.
[ We are beyond 1939 now. They cannot only boycott Israelis, they have to boycott ALL Jews ]

TheWanderingCouples privately messaged Glass last week to follow up with some additional questions, they asked her ā€œAre you Jew?ā€ to which Glass replied, ā€œYes, why does that matter?ā€

The account responded saying, ā€œYes, it matters for me. Sorry, canā€™t feature you.ā€

(full article online)

New York Woman Calls for Instagram Action After Travel Page Tells Her it Wonā€™t Feature Jews
Haaretz has an article on a photo exhibition showing pictures of the Temple Mount since the dawn of photography at Jerusalemā€™s David Citadel Museum. (The article can be seen for free here.)

The article notes:

These details show that the "status quo" of the Temple Mount that is supposedly upheld by the Jordanian Waqf never was. The restrictions on Israelis and Jews visiting the site that exist today, both in terms of clothing and in terms of carrying bags, didn't exist.

One more thing about that 1976 photo of the model.

I have noted on occasion that the Dome of the Rock has throughout the centuries been overrun with weeds, hardly how one would expect a Muslim holy site to be treated. Here's an example from the 1950s:

The Gottex model picture shows that there were weeds pushing through the pavement in the area even as late as 1976.

(full article online)

The Temple Mount status quo that never was ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Tzomet party leader MK Oren Hazan arrived Monday for a tour of the Old City on his way to the Western Wall. During the tour, MK Hazan was attacked and harassed by a number of Arabs. Security forces arrested some of the attackers.

MK Hazan said: "I came on a tour alone so as not to cause a stir, but the Arabs in the Old City were still bothered, because they want our country and simply want to murder us. It does not make sense that Jews cannot move freely and confidently in the Land of Israel. This is the State of Israel and this is our land. If an MK in the State of Israel can be attacked by thugs, what will happen [to the masses?]"

"It's important to understand - the terrorists understand only power and fear, and when they see fear, they exploit it against us. We must ensure that Jews can safely travel around the country," Hazan added.

(full article online)

MK attacked in Jerusalem's Old City
In her book Unprotected Palestinians in Egypt Since 1948(2009), Dr. Oroub el-Abed highlights Egyptā€™s dual view of the Palestinians:

Starting from the signing of the armistice agreement in February 1949, Egypt had two ā€œdistinctā€ Palestinian populations under its control: the small population that had managed to remain in Egypt proper, and the population of the Egyptian-administered Gaza Strip, massively expanded by an influx of more than 200,000 refugees from elsewhere in Palestine. The premise of separateness was to have considerable influence on Egyptian policy toward both communities.

Hinting at Egyptā€™s reluctance to embrace the refugees in the Gaza Strip, El-Abed notes:

There had been no question of granting Egyptian citizenship to Palestinians, so there was never any question of Egyptā€™s annexing the Gaza Strip, as Jordan had done with the West Bank.

The Gaza Initiative was discussed in an academic article by Jacob Tovy (2003) and later by Shlomo Nakdimon in Haaretz(July 2014), but the topic has never drawn much attention in Israel, in the Arab world, or among the Palestinians.

The most comprehensive survey of the initiative was done by Neil Caplan in his series of books, Futile Diplomacy (1997). Caplan considered the plan from the American, Israeli, and Egyptian perspectives. He had access to scores of official protocols and diplomatic cables and his approach was objective and balanced.

The key player behind the Gaza Initiative was Mark Erthridge, the US representative on the PCC (the Palestine Conciliation Commission), who provided the international umbrella at the Lausanne talks. The official Israeli position was that ā€œshould the annexation to the state of the Gaza Strip with all its inhabitants be proposed, our answer will be positive.ā€ Israel made a concrete proposal to the PCC on May 20, 1949 that focused on taking over the Gaza Strip, thereby making a ā€œnotable contribution towards [a] solution [of the] refugee problem.ā€

On June 4, the State Department informed the US delegation at Lausanne that the American government would approve the incorporation of Gaza into Israel as part of a final territorial settlement with Egypt, provided this could be achieved by negotiation with and the full consent of the Egyptian government and provided territorial compensation was made to Egypt according to the Presidentā€™s formula (the ā€œJessup principleā€) if Egypt desired it.

(full article online)

Lessons from the Failed ā€˜Gaza Initiativeā€™ of 1949
Given the near-constant violence that has emanated from the Gaza Strip since Hamasā€™s takeover, some in Israel favor returning the area to the control of the Palestinian Authority (PA). But, argues Gershon Hacohen, doing so would only replicate the problems found on the West Bank. He suggests a dramatically different approach to solving the Stripā€™s economic woes:

The current tendency is to see the Gaza problem as originating in the refugee population that burgeoned there after the 1948 War of Independence. It would make more sense, though, to go back a few steps further and consider the cityā€™s . . . geographic location as an intermediate station on the ancient highway between Asia and Africa [and] between Mesopotamia and Egypt. . . . It was the establishment of the state of Israel that blocked this ancient route, severed Egypt from the Arab east (mashriq), and turned Gaza into a cul-de-sac at the edge of Egyptian territory.

The March 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty considerably exacerbated the Gaza problem. In a shrewd move, President Anwar Sadat shifted the Gaza problem exclusively to Israelā€™s purview. After the Israeli town of Yamit and neighboring villages had been razed and the Sinai in its entirety had been restored to Egyptian sovereignty all the way to the 1906 international border, Gaza could no longer develop westward into the potential open space between [the border city of] Rafah and [the nearest Egyptian city], el-Arish. . . .

Is it desirable for Israel to conquer Gaza and reimpose its rule, as in pre-Oslo days? If it is not, then Hamasā€™s military defeat requires an answer to the question of who should be given control of the Strip. Should Israel sacrifice its sons to serve Gaza on a silver platter to [the PA president] Mahmoud Abbas? It was, after all, Yasir Arafat, Abbasā€™s predecessor as PLO leader, who transformed Gaza into an ineradicable terrorist hotbed in flagrant violation of the Oslo Accords that he had signed. . . .

To Cure Gazaā€™s Ills, Restore Its Connection to Africa
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