All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Time magazine had a cover story on American Jews and Israel - in March, 1975.

Thus a number of questions hover in the air: Is American support for Israel weakening? What happens if U.S. interests and Israeli interests, which have always seemed to coincide in the past, should diverge? Has Jewish influence in the U.S. become an obstacle to U.S. foreign policy?

The issues that seem so pressing today seemed just as pressing 44 years ago, and somehow Israel is still around, its interests still coincide with those of the US, Jews are still supporting it - and people are still talking about how the Jews control US policy.

Time magazine questions American Jewish relationship with Israel - in 1975 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

It says it is a picture of mosque under southeast of the Temple Mount.

This appears to be part of the Marwani Mosque.

It is clear that the tunnel under the Mount was ancient, but the contents were scooped out in the 1990s by bulldozers, eradicating hundreds of tons of priceless archaeological data that showed a Jewish presence on the Mount that pre-dates Islam by over a thousand years.

The mountains of dirt and debris are still being sifted through to save whatever can be after this crime, the biggest crime against archaeology in history.

Fatah proud of a mosque that was built to destroy priceless Jewish artifacts ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Unfortunately Islam like American Liberalism seeks to destroy monuments and historical evidence of anything that came before them. You cannot rewrite History if it’s still hanging around to contradict you.
Turkey might love "Palestine," but it seems to have a big problem with Palestinians.

And a young man is now dead as a result.

According to EuroMed Monitor, some 8000 Syrian Palestinians live illegally in Turkey, but many thousands more seem to have gone there from Gaza last year when Egypt opened the Rafah crossing.

The Turkish government, like much of the rest of the Muslim world, loves the Palestinian cause - but only as long as no one asks it to do anything for actual Palestinians. It claims to have the greatest sympathy for people in Gaza, but that is only as long as they remain in Gaza.

The Arab and Muslim world only love Palestinians when they can be used as cannon fodder against Israel. But treating them as human beings is not a priority - because Palestinians living happily outside Palestine are useless to advance the "cause."

(full article online)

Turkey loves the Palestinian "cause" - but it hates Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But what has received the most attention from Horowitz’s video was a performance during the conference by the rapper Tamer Nafer, who tells the audience before the song, “I need your help. I cannot be anti-Semitic alone.” Nafer then tells the crowd to think of Mel Gibson during the song, not Beyonce or Rihanna. Gibson infamously ranted during his DUI arrest in 2006 that “Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world” and shouted “f*** Jews!”

Nafer can be seen singing to the audience, “I fell in love with a Jew… her skin is white and my skin is brown, she was going up up and I was going down.”

Horowitz also notes at the end of the video that the conference received a federal grant that totaled almost $250,000.

(full article online)

UNC Chancellor ‘Heartbroken’ Over Anti-Semitic Song at Anti-Israel Conference | Jewish Journal
Sheesh. Arabs-Moslems are such whiners. The wealth and luxury afforded to the dictators in the competing mini-caliphate of Sinwar’istan and Abbas’istan is high maintenance. Money for the gee-had, Mahmoud’s presidential jet and the fat bank accounts of the Islamic terrorist welfare fraud recipients is a priority.

Hamas violently suppresses Gaza economic protests

Gaza’s rulers, who back Israeli border protests, accused of using force against dissent

Hamas violently suppresses Gaza economic protests

Thu 21 Mar 2019 06.44 EDTLast modified on Thu 21 Mar 2019 12.04

A rally in Gaza against Israel, supported by Hamas, which has cracked down on internal dissent. Photograph: Mohammed Salem/Reuters
Hamas appears to have forcibly suppressed a rare uptick in public dissent in Gaza, beating and arresting scores of people over the past week who have been demonstrating against price rises and dire living conditions across the strip.

These losers should stop whining.
The names of the synagogues targeted by the Islamic terrorists have been kept secret. This conspiracy of secrecy may prevent copycat plots by other Islamic terrorists, but it shelters congregants at synagogues and temples across the country from the knowledge of how close they came. Information like that might have caused them to rethink their politics, their support for Islamic migration, and their collaboration with Islamist groups that undermine law enforcement’s role in breaking up similar Islamic terror plots.

The names of the target synagogues have conveniently remained buried and their congregants have been kept in the dark. Men and women who might have died this year will go on supporting the policies of their killers. And the fact that three Islamic terror plots targeting synagogues emerged in the space of a few months will never reach their ears, their eyes, their minds, or their hearts.

The climactic period of Islam requires that Muslims exterminate the Jews. And that even the rocks and the trees join in this genocide. Muslim clerics often refer to this hadith. And in Montana, Georgia and Ohio, a new generation of Muslim terrorists isn’t waiting for the rocks and trees to speak to them.

They are readying to kill the Jews now.

(full article online)

3 Muslim Terror Plots Targeted US Synagogues in 3 Months
Criticism of a specific Israeli policy or action crosses into antisemitism, according to Natan Sharansky, when it meets the “3-D test” by invoking double standards, demonization, and/or delegitimization. The US State Department’s antisemitism definition parallels Sharansky’s.

By these guidelines, Omar and Tlaib, with their dual loyalty and corrupt Jewish money canards, were beyond guilty of antisemitism. But media magnet Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tried to provide them with “intersectional” cover as minority women of color.

Palestinian leaders rejected US-Israeli and Israeli-only offers of peace in 2000, 2001, and 2008 that would have established a West Bank and Gaza Strip Palestinian state, with eastern Jerusalem as its capital, in exchange for peace with the Jewish state. But as third-worlders oppressed by racist, imperialist Israel, they too benefit from the intersectionality ideology that insists all approved minorities are blameless.

Such double standards allow Omar, Tlaib, et al to complain about Israel’s “occupation.” And their support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is commonly misreported as an effort to improve Israeli treatment of Palestinian Arabs. But Israel treats its large Arab minority, which enjoys full civil rights, better than any Arab state treats its people. And few — if any — Palestinian Arabs flee Israel’s supposed “occupation” for refuge in Jordan, Lebanon, or other Arab countries.

As for BDS, its founders include the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a US-designated terrorist group. BDS leaders like Omar Barghouti don’t hide their desire to replace Israel with an Arab majority state. This movement doesn’t seek a “two-state solution” or improvement in Palestinian lives; it seeks the end of Israel.

The Palestinians are not a peace partner, because peace will require a generation of Palestinian Arabs not indoctrinated with hatred of Israel as a temporary usurper. To help promote the emergence of such a generation, fair and ceaseless criticism of Palestinian words and deeds, and those of their enablers, is required. Yet often, all that’s on the table is criticism of Israel.

(full article online)

Fair Criticism of Israel? What About the Palestinians?
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The director of the Government Press Office, Nitzan Chen, said this evening, "The GPO condemns the attempt to harm the media people who came to fulfill their duties. The Government Press Office provides extensive coverage services to foreign correspondents, and organizes various tours to familiarize themselves with Israeli culture, heritage and innovation, as well as the country's challenges. We will continue to organize these tours for the entire media and will not be deterred by attempts to harm journalists."

(full article online)

Foreign journalists attacked in Jericho area
Brandeis sides with a spawn of Hamas over a champion of women’s rights.

Author’s Note: This week, capitulating to Islamic-supremacist agitation led by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Brandeis University reneged on its announced plan to present an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the heroic human-rights activist. In my 2010 book, The Grand Jihad, I devoted a chapter to the origins and purposes of CAIR, its roots in the Muslim Brotherhood’s Hamas-support network, and its aim to silence critics of Islamic supremacism. In light of the continuing success of this campaign — despite a federal terrorism-financing prosecution that exposed CAIR’s unsavory background — it is worth revisiting that history. What follows is an adapted excerpt from that chapter.

(full article online)

The Roots of CAIR’s Intimidation Campaign | National Review
"The waqf department praised the responsiveness of staff firefighters, who quickly put out the blaze. The fire seems to have been started by children fooling around, and the waqf's statement urged worshipers "who live around the mosque and in the Old City to educate their children not to tamper with fire, especially inside al-Aqsa mosque."

Well, they play soccer every day there, why should they think it is a sacred area to begin with?

We don't know the extent of the damage. Tons of debris that contained priceless artifacts from the Second Temple period were removed when the Muslims illegally built the huge Marwani Mosque underground. This fire may have damaged even more irreplaceable relics.

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There was another fire in a sacred spot today - on the Temple Mount ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
At first, this seems to be a variant of the old Arab argument that "we can't be antisemitic because we are semites ourselves," ignoring the fact that antisemitism, no matter what its etymology, exclusively means hatred of and discrimination against Jews.

But the official Palestinian Authority media is going beyond that absurd argument in two important - and ultimately, dangerous - ways.

It is trying to hijack the word "antisemitism" to apply to Palestinians more than it applies to Jews. If there is a category of victimhood, Palestinians must be considered members of that group or allied to members of that group, and the accusation of antisemitism is still emotionally charged, enough so that Palestinians want to make sure that they are much bigger victims of antisemitism than Jews themselves are. This is a deliberate attempt to water down the definition of the term so that hatred of Jews is not a unique hatred, but a generalized hatred of all people who can claim to be Semitic - and Palestinians "look" more Semitic than Jews do.

When antisemitism no longer refers to Jews exclusively, it means that there is no longer a commonly accepted term for Jew-hatred. By denying Jews their history of victimhood, the PA/PLO is paving the way for the next round of Jew-hatred.

(full article online)

PLO redefines antisemitism to include Arabs, and to EXCLUDE most Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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Tenenbaum exposes antisemitism just by striking conversation with people. What people are willing to admit and say casually is really appalling. You can see from this one short video clip the types of racist slurs that people have no issue saying. It is really just shocking that so soon after the Holocaust, anti-semites are saying things like “Hitler didn’t kill enough Jews.” Sadly, this is still a major problem in today’s world. When will it end?

(full article and video online)

Expert on antisemitism catches something shocking on camera
Complete with video of the blaze consuming Notre Dame cathedral, this article inspired dramatic reactions on social media, as readers had no idea of the truth, which you can find in today’s Jerusalem Post:

“The Fire broke out in the guard’s room outside the roof of the Marwani Prayer Hall,” according to the Wafa news agency. The fire was quickly put out by the Waqf with no injuries or interior damage reported.

This is what Newsweek saw fit to compare to the destructive inferno at Notre Dame?

No only was the fire a small one that caused no damage to people or property, but it was not even in the Al Aqsa Mosque. The fire was actually in the the Marwani Mosque which the Waqf (the Jordanian body that administers the site) constructed in 1996 by illegally bulldozing a protected archaeological site beneath the Temple Mount. Archaeologists believe the bulldozed soil to have been filled with ancient Jewish artifacts dating back as far as 3,000 years.

(full article online)

Newsweek's False Notre Dame Fire/Al Aqsa Mosque Link | HonestReporting
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