All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The world is collectively mourning the devastation of Notre Dame Cathedral. The iconic cathedral, known for its beauty, splendor and marvelous engineering was devastated earlier today by a huge fire.

There is some speculation that the fire was started by contractors renovating the historic structure, but a full investigation will be undertaken.

The lack of information hasn't stopped the usual suspects over at the Twitter cesspool of antisemitism from blaming the the Jews, er, Zionists for the fire.

(full article online)

Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers: Well, that didn't take long.
The Hezbollah terror group has put up a giant antenna in Lebanon broadcasting a Hamas-run radio station south into Israel, urging Arab citizens to carry out terror attacks, Israeli authorities said this week.

Israel in February said that that Hamas, the Palestinian terror group that rules the Gaza Strip, was using its Al Aqsa TV channel to coordinate attacks in the West Bank with on-air cues, after the IDF bombed the network’s Gaza headquarters in December.

But some two months ago, Hezbollah built the antenna at a Lebanese army base in the southern Lebanese village of Marwahin to broadcast the network’s radio hundreds of kilometers into Israel and as far as the Tel Aviv area, Channel 12 reported Tuesday night.

(full article online)

Huge Hezbollah radio antenna broadcasts Hamas propaganda deep into Israel
Kgadishi Moloto is the deputy director of the treasury in Gauteng, the economic center of South Africa, a province that includes Johannesburg and Pretoria. He’s also a raving antisemite. When Moloto is not calling for the genocide of the Jewish people by cruel and painful methods, he’s accusing Israel of murdering babies.

Moloto is a Communist. He is heavily invested in the Congress of South African Trade Unions, or Cosatu. Cosatu is allied with the ANC and the South African Communist Party (SACP) as the Tripartite Alliance.

Moloto retweets every tweet issued by Cosatu along with retweets of anti-Israel calls for action from the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP).

(full article online)

Kgadishi Moloto: The South African Government Official Who Officially Hates the Jews (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Like other liberal Jewish groups, Rabbis for Human Rights feels it is necessary to water down the Haggadah by trying to make it apply to whatever their current cause of the month is.

I was a little surprised to see that one of their additional texts (on asylum seekers) quoted the decidedly non-progressive Menachem Begin:

...and within our State, justice will be the supreme ruler, ruling even over the rulers. There will be no tyranny. There will be functionaries who serve society, rather than tyrannize it. There will be no parasitism. There will be no exploitation. There will be in our home no person, citizen or foreigner, who is hungry, lacking a roof, clothing or basic education. "Remember that you were a stranger in the Land of Egypt" – this supreme commandment will determine our relations with our neighbors. And "Justice, justice you shall pursue" – this supreme commandment will determine our relations, one person unto his comrade.
-Menachem Begin, "Voice of Zion Fighting, "Radio broadcast at founding of state on Saturday night, 5 Iyar / 15 May 1948
I looked up the Begin speech, and it is incredible.

It is true that Begin had a very refined sense of morality. I only recently discovered that he was very much against the Israeli practice of administrative detention without trial, against either Arabs or Jews, an opinion that Rabbis for Human Rights no doubt shares. He was also against applying martial law to Arabs, a law enforced by Israel's Labor Party until 1966. Begin's first act in office was to welcome 66 Vietnamese "boat people" and award them citizenship. It is unclear how Begin would have dealt with tens of thousands of asylum seekers, but almost certainly he would have agonized over the decision.

However, this speech by Menachem Begin also made it clear that while Israel must treat friends and residents well, it must treat enemies with no mercy.

And yet, even before our state is able to establish its normal governing institutions, it is compelled to fight, or rather, to continue to fight satanic enemies and blood-thirsty mercenaries, on land, in the air and on the sea. ... We are surrounded by enemies who long for our destruction. Our one-day old state is set up in the midst of the flames of battle. And the very first pillar of our state must therefore be victory, total victory, in the war which is raging all over the country. For this victory, without which we shall have neither freedom nor life, we need arms; weapons of all sorts, in order to strike the enemies, in order to disperse the invaders, in order to free the entire length and breadth of the country from its would-be destroyers. But in addition to these arms, each and every one of us has need of another weapon, a spiritual weapon, the weapon of unflinching endurance in face of attacks from the air; in face of grievous casualties; in face of local disasters and temporary defeats; unflinching resistance to threats and cajolery.
In his speech he also said "Our soldiers will unfurl that flag over the Tower of David and we will yet plow the fields of the Gilead." Gilead is in - Jordan! Begin was insisting that the original British mandate area be the Land of Israel, before it was partitioned into "Palestine" and "Transjordan."

I don't think Rabbis for Human Rights would like that!

Here is the entire Begin speech, which is not easy to find on the Internet.

(full article online)

Rabbis for Human Rights add a Haggadah reading quoting - Menachem Begin! Here is his speech, in context. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is the despicable discrimination Jews experience on our holiest site, the Temple Mount. The Muslims forbid Jews from even moving our lips in prayer!

The Muslims don’t just forbid Jews from praying. We are also forbidden from eating anything or drinking from the water fountains on the Mount. As Jews say blessings before we eat or drink, the Muslims do not want us saying any blessings at all. They also don’t want us to “desecrate” the water fountains on the Mount.

(full article and videos online)

Caught Praying on the Temple Mount and Kicked Off
a. Allocation and title:

The decisions on granting a homeland for the Jews after WWI were authorized legally by those who had the legal right to do so. They clearly stated which map they used to delineate that homeland and why it was used and who became the titleholders of that land. This, in brief, is how it happened:

1, After WWI, the victors, who were Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan (The US did not enter a state of war with the Ottomans and Russia made a separate agreement.) became titleholders to the land that had belonged to the Ottomans since 1517 and had been recognized by the world as theirs.
2. The victors' representatives used the map taken from the 1915 edition of the Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land, designed and edited by George Adam Smith in 1894, in which the boundaries of the Kingdom of Israel are clearly defined and include both sides of the Jordan River. This is the area they decided to grant the Jewish people. We have the minutes of those meetings. We have photos of the group.
3. Great Britain received the mandate over the Land of Israel until the Jewish homeland could be established (when more Jews immigrated to the region), ratifying the declarative 1917 Balfour Declaration and making it binding. The mandate Britain received nations at the 1920 San Remo Conference of the League of Nations was that the land was to be held in trust for the Jewish people on behalf of the nations. It was dubbed "the Magna Carta of the Jewish People". Turkey signed its agreement to the mandate at the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.
4. The UN inherited this trust and extended its validity.
5. The British announced that the trust would end on May 14, 1948, making the Jews of Israel the titleholders.

That is the story in a nutshell, omitting many additional details, but it is most important to realize the idea behind it as seen in the minutes of the San Remo Conference:

The plan in dividing up the defunct and defeated Ottoman Empire was to give the Jews the area on the map that had been the historic kingdom of Israel and the Arabs all the rest of the Ottoman Empire. Just as the Jews could not exercise national rights in the Arab lands in which they lived for millennia, but had to go to the national home designated for them to do that, so the Arabs (no one said Palestinian then for any Arabs – in fact, at the 1919 Faisal-Weizmann talks, Weizmann signed for Palestine -!- and Faisal for the Arab state) had to be in Arab-titled lands to do that.

Which, in your mind, are the most misleading misconceptions and relating to the conflict?

"The world talks about our record on human rights. Human rights? We introduced the concept to the world. Before the Bible, nations were leaving the disabled out to die, let alone sacrificing their children to idols.

I ask myself why the hypocrisy – look at the Falklands and Gibraltar, which no one talks about, for starters. Israel has a much stronger claim than they do.

Why ignore the fact that six European monarchs claim to be kings of Jerusalem because of the Crusade conquering of the city. When President Chirac came to the Old City, he called it French soil. The king of Spain calls himself rei de Jerusalem. They don't see it as Arab territory.

Focus has been turned from what is important to the use of the misplaced term "occupation." The Geneva Conference, which is not applicable here at all, is constantly invoked, while legally binding San Remo is ignored.

There is purposeful mistranslation of UN Resolutions and misrepresentation of which ones are binding."

The legal status of Jerusalem: Examination of Israel's lawful rights
In all of the Middle East only Israel has citizens of many faiths with all religious institutions protected by the Israeli government. Israel's national anthem says it well. The Hope!

Angry Mahmoud better have his presidential jet fueled and his suitcases of case stuffed full. The Iranian Mullocrats May decide to order their Hamas flunkies to perform a Mahmoud Removal Program.

When the Hamas vs. Mahmoud civil war picks up where it left off in 2007, maybe we can get it on pay per view.

Report: Senior PA Official Warns Hamas Plotting West Bank Coup

Report: Senior PA Official Warns Hamas Plotting West Bank Coup


AP/Nasser Shiyoukhi
The Times of Israel reports: A senior Palestinian Authority official reportedly warned that Hamas means to exploit the economic situation in the West Bank and pay off PA officers and security forces to take control of the territory.

The effort will resemble Hamas’s takeover of Gaza in 2007, the official said, according to a Tuesday report in Channel 12 news. Hamas ousted Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction from Gaza to take control of the territory two years after Israel withdrew unilaterally, and the terror group has ruled the Strip ever since.
Angry Mahmoud better have his presidential jet fueled and his suitcases of case stuffed full. The Iranian Mullocrats May decide to order their Hamas flunkies to perform a Mahmoud Removal Program.

When the Hamas vs. Mahmoud civil war picks up where it left off in 2007, maybe we can get it on pay per view.

Report: Senior PA Official Warns Hamas Plotting West Bank Coup

Report: Senior PA Official Warns Hamas Plotting West Bank Coup


AP/Nasser Shiyoukhi
The Times of Israel reports: A senior Palestinian Authority official reportedly warned that Hamas means to exploit the economic situation in the West Bank and pay off PA officers and security forces to take control of the territory.

The effort will resemble Hamas’s takeover of Gaza in 2007, the official said, according to a Tuesday report in Channel 12 news. Hamas ousted Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction from Gaza to take control of the territory two years after Israel withdrew unilaterally, and the terror group has ruled the Strip ever since.

Let us Americans be kind to the Palestinians. Send body bags.
It seems that the notion of Hamas doin’ a gee-had against Fatah is getting some traction. If these dregs from the Dark Ages pick up where they left off in 2006, we could see a return to those halcyon days of Islamic terrorists slamming away at each other with street killings, kidnapping and torture, throwing people off buildings.... you know... happy-fun Islamic terrorist behavior.

Hamas prepares for the overthrow of Mahmud Abbas

Hamas prepares for the overthrow of Mahmud Abbas



A senior Palestinian Authority official said that Hamas is preparing to overthrow Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in order to seize control of the West Bank. A similar attempt in June-July 2015 did not succeed.

Although the Palestinian parliament confirmed Mahmoud Abbas as president of the Palestinian Authority, the legitimacy of the parliament and Abbas’ Presidency is as questionable as that of Hamas itself, given that the last elections in the Palestinian territories took place 13 years ago - in 2006.
Why are young Jews emigrating to Israel from France? | DW English

Many young French Jewish people are moving to Israel because of growing anti-Semitism in France. This entails them having to do military service in the Israeli army. But many identify strongly with the Jewish state, 70 years after its founding.

Why are young Jews emigrating to Israel from France? | DW English

Many young French Jewish people are moving to Israel because of growing anti-Semitism in France. This entails them having to do military service in the Israeli army. But many identify strongly with the Jewish state, 70 years after its founding.

Growing also in Great Britain and Germany.
Why Does This Reform Jew Agree With Meir Kahane...Sort of?

Meir Kahane was considered by many to be an extremist and a racist. However, I'm not 100% sure I agree. That doesn't mean I agree with everything he said, but I also don't disagree with a lot of it either. In this video, I share my opinions as a Reform Jew and some of what I have to say may surprise if not shock you. My Reform Jewish beliefs, practices and beliefs are ingrained in me and have always been who I am. But I'm also a realist and I can see things differently that I did when I was 18. Whether it's watching the Israeli elections, their leaders, the leaders in the United States, or just the world around me, my opinions are formed by what I see and experience. Being married to an Orthodox woman for almost 17 years has also allowed me a different perspective and one I certainly draw upon here. I did not make this video to insult anyone. Rather, I wanted to create a dialogue on some important topics and I hope I have done that here. Much of the info I referenced in the video came from Wikipedia and I attempted to be sure that each item had a solid bibliography as a reference, as opposed to just giving my opinion. I hope you enjoy it!

Remember they said Israel was losing Jewish support, and equated it with 'individual thinking'?
Remember how they laughed about Jexodus?

I think it has nothing to do with politics, but inevitable realization of the whole picture, of hard and uncomfortable truths that can't be avoided anymore in the diaspora.

How did they figure out that this is what Israelis think? Did they do a survey? Did they interview random Israelis? Did they put out a call on a website for Israelis to help out their research?

No, of course not. Here is what they did:

40 in-depth semi-structured elite interviews were carried out with personnel of various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and grassroots peace organisations in Israel and the West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian parties’ politicians, Palestinian and Israeli academics, all with direct knowledge of the Israel–Palestine conflict.

They interviewed people whose funding and jobs and careers are dependent on their demonizing Israelis. These interviews, they say, determine "empirically" that Israelis are unfeeling monsters whose accurate narrative denying a historic Palestinian people is effectively a form of violence against Palestinians.

For example they interviewed Nurit Peled-Elhanan who repeated her lies about how Israeli textbooks are biased against Palestinians.

(full article online)

How can you do academic "research" to prove Israelis are evil? Only interview people who agree with you! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It looks like the civil war that the competing islamic tribes have been fighting since 2006 may go "hot" at any time.

Hamas infiltrated PA security forces, recruited officers as spies — report

Hamas infiltrated PA security forces, recruited officers as spies — report

Gaza-based terror group turned agents in sensitive units, including the preventative force that works with Israel to thwart West Bank Hamas activity; PA questions source of report
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