All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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In her book Unprotected Palestinians in Egypt Since 1948(2009), Dr. Oroub el-Abed highlights Egypt’s dual view of the Palestinians:

Starting from the signing of the armistice agreement in February 1949, Egypt had two “distinct” Palestinian populations under its control: the small population that had managed to remain in Egypt proper, and the population of the Egyptian-administered Gaza Strip, massively expanded by an influx of more than 200,000 refugees from elsewhere in Palestine. The premise of separateness was to have considerable influence on Egyptian policy toward both communities.

Hinting at Egypt’s reluctance to embrace the refugees in the Gaza Strip, El-Abed notes:

There had been no question of granting Egyptian citizenship to Palestinians, so there was never any question of Egypt’s annexing the Gaza Strip, as Jordan had done with the West Bank.

The Gaza Initiative was discussed in an academic article by Jacob Tovy (2003) and later by Shlomo Nakdimon in Haaretz(July 2014), but the topic has never drawn much attention in Israel, in the Arab world, or among the Palestinians.

The most comprehensive survey of the initiative was done by Neil Caplan in his series of books, Futile Diplomacy (1997). Caplan considered the plan from the American, Israeli, and Egyptian perspectives. He had access to scores of official protocols and diplomatic cables and his approach was objective and balanced.

The key player behind the Gaza Initiative was Mark Erthridge, the US representative on the PCC (the Palestine Conciliation Commission), who provided the international umbrella at the Lausanne talks. The official Israeli position was that “should the annexation to the state of the Gaza Strip with all its inhabitants be proposed, our answer will be positive.” Israel made a concrete proposal to the PCC on May 20, 1949 that focused on taking over the Gaza Strip, thereby making a “notable contribution towards [a] solution [of the] refugee problem.”

On June 4, the State Department informed the US delegation at Lausanne that the American government would approve the incorporation of Gaza into Israel as part of a final territorial settlement with Egypt, provided this could be achieved by negotiation with and the full consent of the Egyptian government and provided territorial compensation was made to Egypt according to the President’s formula (the “Jessup principle”) if Egypt desired it.

(full article online)

Lessons from the Failed ‘Gaza Initiative’ of 1949
Caplan considered the plan from the American, Israeli, and Egyptian perspectives.​

Where were the Palestinians?
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued an “action alert” last week encouraging its supporters to pressure Congress to oppose the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2019.”

The Act was re-introduced in March by US Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) and three other senators. It directs the Department of Education to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s working definition of antisemitism, which the US State Department embraced in 2016.

Elements of this working definition encompass modern anti-Israel sentiment that “crosses the line into antisemitism.” That includes denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination, claiming that Israel was founded as a racist entity, and applying double standards against Israel not expected of other democracies.

Numerous governments, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and many other European states, have embraced and promoted this working definition.

CAIR’s alert urged its supporters to “contact their legislators to oppose the falsely-titled ‘Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2019.'”

CAIR is worried that if the Department of Education adopts this definition, US Islamist groups will be inhibited in their efforts to stoke anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses. If enacted, CAIR says, the bill “would dangerously politicize antisemitism by equating it with legitimate criticism of Israeli policy.”

That is simply false. The IHRA working definition specifies that “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.”

(full article online)

CAIR Antisemites Fight ‘Anti-Semitism Awareness’ Bill
In her book Unprotected Palestinians in Egypt Since 1948(2009), Dr. Oroub el-Abed highlights Egypt’s dual view of the Palestinians:

Starting from the signing of the armistice agreement in February 1949, Egypt had two “distinct” Palestinian populations under its control: the small population that had managed to remain in Egypt proper, and the population of the Egyptian-administered Gaza Strip, massively expanded by an influx of more than 200,000 refugees from elsewhere in Palestine. The premise of separateness was to have considerable influence on Egyptian policy toward both communities.

Hinting at Egypt’s reluctance to embrace the refugees in the Gaza Strip, El-Abed notes:

There had been no question of granting Egyptian citizenship to Palestinians, so there was never any question of Egypt’s annexing the Gaza Strip, as Jordan had done with the West Bank.

The Gaza Initiative was discussed in an academic article by Jacob Tovy (2003) and later by Shlomo Nakdimon in Haaretz(July 2014), but the topic has never drawn much attention in Israel, in the Arab world, or among the Palestinians.

The most comprehensive survey of the initiative was done by Neil Caplan in his series of books, Futile Diplomacy (1997). Caplan considered the plan from the American, Israeli, and Egyptian perspectives. He had access to scores of official protocols and diplomatic cables and his approach was objective and balanced.

The key player behind the Gaza Initiative was Mark Erthridge, the US representative on the PCC (the Palestine Conciliation Commission), who provided the international umbrella at the Lausanne talks. The official Israeli position was that “should the annexation to the state of the Gaza Strip with all its inhabitants be proposed, our answer will be positive.” Israel made a concrete proposal to the PCC on May 20, 1949 that focused on taking over the Gaza Strip, thereby making a “notable contribution towards [a] solution [of the] refugee problem.”

On June 4, the State Department informed the US delegation at Lausanne that the American government would approve the incorporation of Gaza into Israel as part of a final territorial settlement with Egypt, provided this could be achieved by negotiation with and the full consent of the Egyptian government and provided territorial compensation was made to Egypt according to the President’s formula (the “Jessup principle”) if Egypt desired it.

(full article online)

Lessons from the Failed ‘Gaza Initiative’ of 1949
Caplan considered the plan from the American, Israeli, and Egyptian perspectives.​

Where were the Palestinians?

Gee-had is not a plan.

It says it is a picture of mosque under southeast of the Temple Mount.

This appears to be part of the Marwani Mosque.

It is clear that the tunnel under the Mount was ancient, but the contents were scooped out in the 1990s by bulldozers, eradicating hundreds of tons of priceless archaeological data that showed a Jewish presence on the Mount that pre-dates Islam by over a thousand years.

The mountains of dirt and debris are still being sifted through to save whatever can be after this crime, the biggest crime against archaeology in history.

Fatah proud of a mosque that was built to destroy priceless Jewish artifacts ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Trump administration should work with Congress to condition future funding to UNRWA on its acceptance that “Palestine refugees” refers only to the original refugees from the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Then, their descendants should be categorized as “other Palestinians in need.” This would be consistent with US policy towards those seeking refugee status in our country.

This approach would put the onus on UNRWA to refuse US funding, and may spur other donors to do the same. Right now, UNRWA is winning this definitional battle. A shift in strategy, however, can help us win the war over fake refugee status.

(full article online)

To Truly Confront UNRWA, the US Must Change Its Policy Immediately
Antisemitism and Islamophobia are both depraved forms of hate, but the root causes affecting them are light years apart.

Antisemitism’s origins were pioneered, borne and promoted by those who were looking for scapegoats. It was originally instituted by religious zealots who tried to promote Christianity by spreading fake historical counts, blaming Jews for killing Jesus, while masking the true executioners—their own Roman predecessors. Their followers looked for the easy prey, the weak faction, the ones who looked different, dressed differently, worshiped God via a competing religion, celebrated different holidays and attended to different customs.

In short; antisemitism was originated by the losers who were able to move the masses on hate-waves against a frail, vulnerable sect. It also presented an opportunity by these anti-Semite losers to legally rob these “subhuman” Jewish creatures and feed on their belongings.

Islamophobia, on the other hand, did not find its roots in bigotry by those who practiced it. Unlike anti-Semitism, it was instigated by those who feared this religion. Islam was spread by conquest, by violence, by the Dhimmi culture, which preached Jihad and absolute intolerance. Islam in its pure form was, still is, a political religion. It has been attempting to dominate the rest of the world, and not necessarily by way of peaceful means.

Muslims who practice this religion to its fullest deem non-Muslims as blasphemous subhuman beings of the worst kind, deserving death through torture. This is not true of all or even most Muslims, but the extreme zealots among them, like ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Shabab, and even the ruthless dictatorships practiced by so many Middle-eastern and Africa’s Muslim states or sub states, instigate fear and anxiety about Muslims in general.

(full article online)

Islamophobia vs Antisemitism — a misunderstood chasm
In case anyone missed the email, there’s a new islamic terrorist dictatorship.... well, kinda’ new, poised to descend upon the mini-caliphate of Abbas’istan.

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Some thorny issues lie in store for the new Palestinian government when it emerges this month.

New government stresses unity, yet ostracizes Hamas

Fatah Central Committee member Mohammad Shtayyeh, whom President Mahmoud Abbas has chosen to lead the new government, is expected to take over soon as prime minister. He has wrapped up consultations with many Palestinian factions, seeking their participation, but shunned Hamas.

Maybe it’s just me but when an Islamic terrorist dictator-for-life appoints the person to run his Islamic terrorist dictatorship, it probably suggests that the new Islamic terrorist dictatorship is going to be much like the current one.
In case anyone missed the email, there’s a new islamic terrorist dictatorship.... well, kinda’ new, poised to descend upon the mini-caliphate of Abbas’istan.

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Some thorny issues lie in store for the new Palestinian government when it emerges this month.

New government stresses unity, yet ostracizes Hamas

Fatah Central Committee member Mohammad Shtayyeh, whom President Mahmoud Abbas has chosen to lead the new government, is expected to take over soon as prime minister. He has wrapped up consultations with many Palestinian factions, seeking their participation, but shunned Hamas.

Maybe it’s just me but when an Islamic terrorist dictator-for-life appoints the person to run his Islamic terrorist dictatorship, it probably suggests that the new Islamic terrorist dictatorship is going to be much like the current one.
Abbas is the division.
In case anyone missed the email, there’s a new islamic terrorist dictatorship.... well, kinda’ new, poised to descend upon the mini-caliphate of Abbas’istan.

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Some thorny issues lie in store for the new Palestinian government when it emerges this month.

New government stresses unity, yet ostracizes Hamas

Fatah Central Committee member Mohammad Shtayyeh, whom President Mahmoud Abbas has chosen to lead the new government, is expected to take over soon as prime minister. He has wrapped up consultations with many Palestinian factions, seeking their participation, but shunned Hamas.

Maybe it’s just me but when an Islamic terrorist dictator-for-life appoints the person to run his Islamic terrorist dictatorship, it probably suggests that the new Islamic terrorist dictatorship is going to be much like the current one.
Abbas is the division.

Yours are typical excuses for the inability of retrograde islamist tribes to claw their way out of the 7th century.

Abbas is no more the division than any of the other Islamist tribal dictators that litter the islamist Middle East.

In the rare instances where islamics vote, you people elected your own dictators: Hamas.

How's that working out for you?
[ The latest "you stole my land" actions from Arabs ]

An Arab woman from Tulkarm, armed with a knife, attacked a security guard who was checking the bus she traveled on Wednesday afternoon at A-Za'ayyim checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ma'aleh Adumim.

Earlier today, an Israeli civilian was injured by a hammer thrown at his vehicle near the village of Tekoa in Gush Etzion.

Female terrorist attacks bus security guard
It just hasn’t been a good week for the Islamic terrorist dictators in Hamas. The German subsidiaries of Islamic Terrorism Intl. inc., have been the subject of raids by German police.

Police raids across Germany target alleged Hamas-linked charities

Police raids across Germany target alleged Hamas-linked charities | DW | 10.04.2019

German police have raided charities alleged to provide support to the Palestinian Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip.
In his March 3, 2019 column in the leading London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, Saudi journalist and businessman Hussein Shobakshi condemned the deeply rooted hatred of Jews in Islamic culture, in which the term "Jew" is strongly derogatory. Shobakshi mused on why the Muslims do not differentiate between the Israeli Zionists and the Jews in general, even though Allah had instructed the Muslims to love and respect Jews and Christians, and even though the Prophet Muhammad himself had married a Jewess, made pacts with Jews, and maintained relations with them. He called on the Muslims to first achieve peace amongst themselves and with those around them, and to recognize that they have profound antisemitic hatred and racism, and that they are capable nevertheless .......

(full article online)

Saudi Journalist: 'Allah Commanded Us To Love And Respect' The Jews; 'Antisemitism In The Arab World Is The Product Of Loathsome Racist Education'
Dear King Abdullah II of Jordan,

I am an Israeli citizen who went with a group on April 8 to visit Petra, the famous "Rose City, an archaeological site in Jordan's southwestern desert.

While the visit to Petra was incredible and much enjoyed, we had an incident at the Aqaba border crossing in which we were left feeling humiliated and threatened, and quite frankly were on the verge of turning around and canceling our visit.

Our group was composed of Orthodox Jews, with the vast majority being Israeli (but also included a few US citizens as well). Due to sensitivities that we felt we should respect, we all wore hats and made sure our tzitzit, a ritual garment which observant men wear, were worn under our shirts and not visible.
he group went through the normal security and passport control. When one of the last men went for the Iris scan, he removed his hat and was found to be wearing a kipa, our ritual head covering, under it. This set off a reaction among the border police.

There was one person among the officials who was wearing fatigues and had a marking on his arm which said "Customs Jordan" and he started taking over. He was extremely rude and threatening to the entire group. He forced the entire group to go back and redo the security check, even going so far as to separate the men from the women.

He then had each of our bags checked thoroughly, and at least in my case objects (such as vital medication) were carelessly left out when being replaced. He then made each of us lift our shirts, and he saw that we were wearing tzitzit.

He made us take them off, which is a very serious matter to us aside from its blatant anti-Semitism. I felt threatened by this man, and was afraid of being beaten or thrown into jail at this point. Because of those fears, we did not protest, and unfortunately, we all (except for one man) had to remove our tzitzit, which were thrown on a table. We recovered them later at night as one of our group had to return to Israel.

To exacerbate matters, this entire procedure took almost 2 hours, which meant that after finally being released, we had to cut short our visit to Petra.

Your Majesty, when Jordanian citizens enter Israel, no one is asked to remove a hijab or have a prayer mat or beads confiscated. This blatant anti-Semitic act was unforgivable. We were humiliated, threatened and as a result lost part of our day in Petra.

Exposé: Antisemitism at the Jordanian border
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