All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were establish They were never considered a single unit.

This is just incorrect. There was never a separate mandate for Transjordan. It was all under the British Mandate for Palestine. (Has to be to fulfill certain treaty obligations).

That said, in 1921, the DISTINCTION between the Emirate of Transjordan and the remainder of Palestine was that the former was not subject to the establishment of the Jewish homeland. The remainder of Palestine was.
The eastern border of Palestine with Trans-Jordan was of particular significance.8 The Palestine Mandate originally incorporated the territory of Trans-Jordan within the scope of ‘Palestine.’ Article 25 of the Mandate accorded Britain the power, “with consent of the Council of the League of Nations, to postpone or withhold application of such provisions of this mandate as… may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions.” Subsequently, on 16 September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations passed a resolution by which it approved a proposal submitted by Britain to exclude Trans-Jordan from the scope of Palestine’s territory.9 Ultimately, the border between Palestine and Trans-Jordan was fixed as suggested by Britain.10 This resolution merely confirmed the previous practice as Trans-Jordan was earlier excluded from Palestine by Article 86 of the Palestine Order in Council (constitution) of 1922,11 which stated: “This Order in Council shall not apply to such parts of the territory comprised in Palestine to the east of the [River of] Jordan and the Dead Sea.”

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Soooo, aside from that meaningless (as it was the other times you dumped it into various threads), cut and paste, we can agree that the Treaty of Lausanne had nothing to do with creating your invented "country of Pally'land".
There are two primary sources for the region which is variously known today as Israel, Palestine, the Levant, and Canaan: archaeology and the Bible. While there are differences between the two, archaeologists and historians agree that the general narrative of the Bible is correct: Canaanites ruled the Levant before being pushed out by the ancient Hebrews, who then fought with the Philistines until invading empires conquered both tribes.

The name “Palestine” first appeared in Herodotus’ 5th century BCE histories to describe the coastal area of the Levant where the Philistines lived, before Romans applied it to the whole of the area following the suppression of the Bar Kochba Revolt of 132 CE. Thereafter, the word Palestine applied to the whole of the land, and subsequent rulers identified it as such.

(full article online)

What's in a Name? The Origins of Judea, Philistia, Palestine and Israel
Otherwise known as "Your Partial Guide to the Islamic Terrorist Welfare Fraud"

It really is remarkable that the relevant first world continues to shower money on the Hamas islamic terror syndicate. Fortunately, here in the
Great Satan, we have chosen not to finance these islamic terrorists and stopped funding the UNRWA welfare fraud.

Your Complete Guide to Hamas’ Network of Terror Tunnels

Your Complete Guide to Hamas' Network of Terror Tunnels - The Tower


Hamas says its smuggling and terror tunnel network is twice as large as the Viet Cong’s was at the height of the Vietnam War. Here’s what Israel is doing to stop it.
I will tell you where it is, what it is. It is this: Chaya Zissel was born a Jew. As was Shalhevet Pass, and Hadas Fogel, HY”D, who was the same age as Chaya Zissel when Arabs murdered her by decapitation, when she wouldn’t stop crying.

Ah! There you have it: she wouldn’t stop crying! A provocation if I ever heard one. Is this the locus of our "conflict?"
But no. It wasn’t about the crying. It was that Hadas Fogel was a Jew. Her mere existence was the sole locus of the "disagreement," the point of "conflict" between the "two warring parties."

This is important because so many believe that there really is a conflict and that it is about land. And the only way that any of this is connected to land is that the Arabs don’t want the Jews to have it. Land rights is a pretend issue, an excuse for Arabs to murder Jews. Because once you paint terror as a conflict about land, there's a focal point for disagreement. Which means two equal warring parties. Parties who can come to the table and negotiate. And since it's a land issue, negotiations means land concessions, which means Jews giving up bits and pieces of the Jewish State until there is nothing left.

Such a process of course, seen from a truer lens, is only Jewish victims rewarding those who murder them. Rewarding terror, alas, only makes them kill more of us to get more of what we have.

Think about it: if it were about land, why on earth would that make it okay to kill a baby? The baby is not responsible for where it is raised. The baby has no guilt, has stolen nothing, does not oppress you. It is just a baby. Something most societies hold as a value to protect and nurture.

The answer, of course, is that it is not about land, and it is not a conflict.

It is about Jews and Jewish continuity. The Jews who continue to live and the people who don't want them to. This is the locus of the conflict, the point of disagreement.

(full article online)

If You Want to Help Israel, Stop Using the Word "Conflict" (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I will tell you where it is, what it is. It is this: Chaya Zissel was born a Jew. As was Shalhevet Pass, and Hadas Fogel, HY”D, who was the same age as Chaya Zissel when Arabs murdered her by decapitation, when she wouldn’t stop crying.

Ah! There you have it: she wouldn’t stop crying! A provocation if I ever heard one. Is this the locus of our "conflict?"
But no. It wasn’t about the crying. It was that Hadas Fogel was a Jew. Her mere existence was the sole locus of the "disagreement," the point of "conflict" between the "two warring parties."

This is important because so many believe that there really is a conflict and that it is about land. And the only way that any of this is connected to land is that the Arabs don’t want the Jews to have it. Land rights is a pretend issue, an excuse for Arabs to murder Jews. Because once you paint terror as a conflict about land, there's a focal point for disagreement. Which means two equal warring parties. Parties who can come to the table and negotiate. And since it's a land issue, negotiations means land concessions, which means Jews giving up bits and pieces of the Jewish State until there is nothing left.

Such a process of course, seen from a truer lens, is only Jewish victims rewarding those who murder them. Rewarding terror, alas, only makes them kill more of us to get more of what we have.

Think about it: if it were about land, why on earth would that make it okay to kill a baby? The baby is not responsible for where it is raised. The baby has no guilt, has stolen nothing, does not oppress you. It is just a baby. Something most societies hold as a value to protect and nurture.

The answer, of course, is that it is not about land, and it is not a conflict.

It is about Jews and Jewish continuity. The Jews who continue to live and the people who don't want them to. This is the locus of the conflict, the point of disagreement.

(full article online)

If You Want to Help Israel, Stop Using the Word "Conflict" (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

"Conflict" is a code-word, just like "clashes". It implies equivalency and equal weight to both sides. In fact, its a one-sided attack on Jewish sovereignty and self-determination. Can't be solved with territory exchanges, or even with full independent Statehood for both peoples.
“Thirty mosques and Islamic cultural centers in Germany are tied to the Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah, a Hamburg intelligence agency report reveals.”

Hizballah is Iran’s most successful export. Iran expanded aid to its proxies with the money it gained from the nuclear deal. This emboldened the country and gave the regime’s leaders a further sense of supremacist entitlement; clearly they viewed Western leaders as weak dhimmis. Two years after the nuclear deal was signed, the Islamic Republic boosted its financial support to Hezbollah to $800 million a year, “a dramatic increase from the $200m” that it was giving its proxy prior to the deal.

Current U.S. sanctions have now limited Iran’s ability to fund Hizballah. The prevailing fear now is that an enraged Iran could mount a military strike against Israel or any Western nation by its proxies at any time.

Israel’s Ambassador to Germany, Jeremy Issacharoff, has “slammed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Twitter”:

Germany: Hizballah tied to 30 German mosques and Islamic cultural centers
One can Google Shuhada Street and find hundreds of articles condemning Israeli’s shuttering of the street and comparing it to apartheid (see, for example, here & here). However, there is little, if any, mention of the fact that the old Shuhada Street has been replaced by a thriving new commercial district.

One must search far and wide to discover that “Shuhada Street […] is not the main thoroughfare of Hebron as claimed. It is a comparatively small road in the Old City. Hebron is a large, thriving city, with massive factories, businesses and shopping malls. Hebron is the most prosperous city and main center of economy for the P.A., with more than 40 percent of the P.A. economy produced there. There are 17,000 factories and workshops in all areas of production. There are four hospitals, three universities and an indoor 4,000-seat basketball stadium.”

This is the Hebron very few visitors are allowed to see. This is the invisible counterpoint to the apartheid myth of Shuhada Street.

Many visitors to Hebron take a “dual narrative” tour of the city, where one spends half the day with an Israeli guide and half the day with a Palestinian guide. They truly believe that they are getting an accurate portrait of the city in this manner. However, none of the many descriptions of such tours found on the Internet (see here & here) even mention the new, prosperous commercial area of Hebron that is under Palestinian control and where Jews are forbidden to enter.

(full article online)

The myth of Hebron’s Shuhada Street
It appears that at least some of the Arab visitors were bloggers, so it is entirely possible that they are online journalists who do not belong to any syndicate. The FAJ said that they might be Arabs who now live outside the Arab world.

Then comes the obligatory statement that shows how little the words "journalism" and "Arab journalism" intersect.

The Federation reaffirmed its adherence to the rules of the Federation's statutes to stand against all forms of normalization with the Zionist enemy until the liberation of all Arab soil and the establishment of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital.In other words, Arab journalists have no choice but to swear not to do any work in Israel. As this press release shows, if any of them would try to report from Israel they would be expelled from their union.

Meaning, there is not even the hint that Arab journalists can possibly report things objectively even if they would want to.

When Arab reporters only write anti-Israel propaganda, then hundreds of millions of Arabs read nothing but propaganda.

Many Arab newspapers appear very professional. Their journalists are treated like any other in the West, and their reports are used by Western reporters, without informing the readers that the source material is by definition biased.

(full article online)

"Journalism" has a whole other meaning in the Arab world ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It seems the UN really needs to reassess its relevance.

UN Singles Out Israel as World's Only Violator of Women's Rights; Iran, Saudi Arabia & Yemen Among the Voters - UN Watch

GENEVA, July 24, 2019 — Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Pakistan were among members of the UN’s 54-nation economic and social council, a principal organ of the world body, who voted to single out and condemn Israel yesterday as the only country in the world that violates women’s rights.

The Jewish state was harshly and repeatedly condemned in a resolution, adopted 40 to 2 with 9 abstentions and 3 absent (see breakdown below), for allegedly being the “major obstacle” for Palestinian women “with regard to their advancement, self-reliance, and integration in the development of their society.”

Out of 20 items on the UN Economic and Social Council’s 2018-2019 agenda, only one — Item No. 16 against Israel — focuses on condemning a specific country. All the other focus areas concern global topics such as disaster relief assistance and the use of science and technology for development.

The resolution completely ignores how Palestinian women’s rights are impacted by their own governing authorities—the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and Hamas in Gaza—nor does it mention how women are discriminated against within patriarchal Palestinian society.
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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Hollie,, et al,

It is votes (resolutions and decisions) like these that demonstrate how irrational the UN is on the issue of Israel.


One can only imagine what the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) expected in terms of a benefit for the Region by this vote.

Most Respectfully,
It is votes (resolutions and decisions) like these that demonstrate how irrational the UN is on the issue of Israel.

You know, I can understand all the Muslim countries being this irrational (because Joooooooos), but Ireland? Norway? France? The Netherlands? Germany?

The US and Canada seem to be the only rational states at the UN.
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