All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Jaffa Flohr, the president of JNF Germany, condemned the language on display at the Munich exhibition as “intolerable,” adding that in it, “A German museum supported unfounded attacks against JNF, and when this is a so-called Jewish museum, and a respectable one, it makes this even more painful.” She urged the museum to distance itself from the display, which JNF in Israel said was “Libelous.”

Flohr warned that the museum is becoming an “arm of one-sided incitement against JNF and the State of Israel.”

One of the museum’s employee, a non-Jewish man who spoke under condition of anonymity, told Israel Hayom he favors exploring “the problems of the Bedouin population in the Negev but the wording of this exhibition is aggressive and makes use of popular anti-Semitic imagery, common among Germans who don’t necessarily know the reality in Israel. This isn’t criticism, this is incitement.”

(full article online)

Munich museum rips Israeli forests as 'settlement policy'
On July 10, Lebanese Labor Minister Kamil Abu Sulaiman launched a campaign to combat "illegal foreign workers" in different parts of Lebanon, including the closure of shops that employ foreign workers illegally and the seizing of companies employing foreign workers without work permits, in order to give priority to local Lebanese workers.

It is meant to be a response to the influx of Syrian refugees into Lebanon who need work, but it disproportionately affects the Palestinians who have lived in Lebanon for decades but are still considered foreign workers who are banned, by law, from many jobs.

Lebanese law prohibits Palestinians from practicing more than 60 professions. In addition, they have to go through extra administrative tasks beyond that in order to obtain work permits.

Palestinian factions protested the government move, saying that they are appreciative to Lebanon's government for opposing the "Deal of the Century" but expressing concern over these new laws that will affect them disproportionately.

According to the 2017 census, the number of Palestinians in Lebanon stands at 174,422 individuals living in 12 camps and 156 communities in different areas of Lebanon. UNRWA says there are over 450,000 "registered Palestine refugees." Which means that conditions in Lebanon are so bad for Palestinians that over 60% of them had no choice but to leave with their families.

Needless to say, Palestinians under "occupation" in the West Bank do not emigrate in such high numbers.

(full article online)

Something new for "human rights" groups to ignore: Lebanon says it will shut down any shop that employs Palestinians "illegally" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Here is how he justified airplane hijackings in Europe:

"Countries like Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland, with many Jews among their population, allow their territory to be used as a base for the Jews to fight the Arabs. If Italy, for instance, is a base against the Arabs, the Arabs have a right to use Italy as a base against the Jews.Fallaci, a real reporter, responded back with, "No, Dr. Habash, Italy is not used as a Jewish base, nor is Germany, France or Switzerland. "

Habash later on was even more explicit about the PFLP's targets:

" The attacks of the Popular Front are based on quality, not quantity. We believe that to kill a Jew far from the battleground has more of an effect than killing 100 of them in battle; it attracts more attention. And when we set fire to a store in London, those few flames are worth the burning down of two kibbutzim."

In 1991, Jamal Nassar—currently a professor of political science, and dean emeritus, at Cal State-San Bernardino - wrote a book about the PLO where he changed the above quote to "To kill a Zionist far from the battleground has more of an effect than killing 100 of them in battle. "

Steven Lubet, a professor of law at Northwestern University,noticed this discrepancy and wrote to Nassar asking him why he changed the quote. His absurd answer:

I remember specifically discussing this issue with the late Professor Ibrahim Abu-Lughod who was a renowned expert on Palestinian affairs, a member of the Palestine National Council and former Chair of Political Science at Northwestern University. He told me that he posed the same question to Dr. George Habash who responded that everyone knows what he means, that is his use of the word Jews in that context refers to the Zionists who colonized the Palestinian homeland and those zionists (sic) in the Western World who finance and support that colonization. As such, the change of the word in the quotation was grounded in the intent of Dr. Habash. However, you are correct to point out such a change. I should have included an explanation in the reference.

(full article online)

Cal State professor modified a quote by a terrorist to whitewash Palestinian antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"Expert teachers" are so brainwashed by media lies about Israel that they didn't even bother to fact-check something that they felt was obviously true. They think that Israel just randomly persecutes Israeli Arabs and demolishes their homes because they aren't Jewish.

These lies then get passed on by these ignorant "expert teachers" to their students, who learn to hate Israel early in life.

Imagine how bad the "non-expert teachers" are!

In this case, the sample test was created by the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation which creates the Health curriculum for Australian schools. Theirlatest newsletter shows that they consider "social justice" to be part of their educational mandate in teaching about health and physical education.

This may be where the problem starts.

(full article online)

Australian high schoolers taught that Israel demolishes homes because owners are Muslim ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I was among the handful who began seeing some awful parallels between the 1930s and today. Of course, the 21st century is so much worse because the entire world is involved in defaming Israel and the Jews; now, it is not merely one country or one continent—but via the internet, the Big lies are proclaimed 24/7, and in every language on earth.

History never repeats itself in exactly the same way and so I must ask: Are we really living in the 1930s? Jews are being menaced and murdered on the streets of Europe; that’s happened many times before (but not at Muslim hands which is now the case). However, Jews are also fleeing Europe and that’s new. Most Jews refused or could not do so in the 30s.

Jews are being shot down in American synagogues, cemeteries are being vandalized, young Jews are being slandered and shamed on American campuses. Black face-masked and violent brownshirt-style mobs occupy the streets, the academy, and the internet.

Just recently at the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) conference in Washington, D.C., more than one hundred angry pro-Palestine demonstrators tried to violently storm the building. They were prevented from doing so.

But there’s more. Our infra-structure has been so fully penetrated that the Jew- and Israel-hating propaganda keeps cropping up everywhere.

(full article online)

Are we really living in the 1930s?
"Expert teachers" are so brainwashed by media lies about Israel that they didn't even bother to fact-check something that they felt was obviously true. They think that Israel just randomly persecutes Israeli Arabs and demolishes their homes because they aren't Jewish.

These lies then get passed on by these ignorant "expert teachers" to their students, who learn to hate Israel early in life.

Imagine how bad the "non-expert teachers" are!

In this case, the sample test was created by the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation which creates the Health curriculum for Australian schools. Theirlatest newsletter shows that they consider "social justice" to be part of their educational mandate in teaching about health and physical education.

This may be where the problem starts.

(full article online)

Australian high schoolers taught that Israel demolishes homes because owners are Muslim ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Of all the examples they might have chosen....
A few questions for @PLSTNco:

1. Why do you choose borders drawn by colonialists? Palestine in maps before 1917 included parts of today's Jordan and none of the Negev - what makes this "historic Palestine"?

Could it be that you are only interested in land controlled by Jews?

(full article and photos online)

You can learn a lot from a T-shirt ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That is Palestine inside its international borders.

How disingenuous are you, anyway? The territory designated as Palestine in its modern form included Jordan.
A few questions for @PLSTNco:

1. Why do you choose borders drawn by colonialists? Palestine in maps before 1917 included parts of today's Jordan and none of the Negev - what makes this "historic Palestine"?

Could it be that you are only interested in land controlled by Jews?

(full article and photos online)

You can learn a lot from a T-shirt ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That is Palestine inside its international borders.

Ahh, circling around to your ignorant claim that the Treaty of Lausanne created your magical “country of Pally’land”.
A few questions for @PLSTNco:

1. Why do you choose borders drawn by colonialists? Palestine in maps before 1917 included parts of today's Jordan and none of the Negev - what makes this "historic Palestine"?

Could it be that you are only interested in land controlled by Jews?

(full article and photos online)

You can learn a lot from a T-shirt ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That is Palestine inside its international borders.

How disingenuous are you, anyway? The territory designated as Palestine in its modern form included Jordan.
Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were established in 1924. They were never considered a single unit.
A few questions for @PLSTNco:

1. Why do you choose borders drawn by colonialists? Palestine in maps before 1917 included parts of today's Jordan and none of the Negev - what makes this "historic Palestine"?

Could it be that you are only interested in land controlled by Jews?

(full article and photos online)

You can learn a lot from a T-shirt ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That is Palestine inside its international borders.

How disingenuous are you, anyway? The territory designated as Palestine in its modern form included Jordan.
Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were established in 1924. They were never considered a single unit.

Ahh yes. Your invented “State of Pal’istan”, invented by the Treaty of Lausanne.

Could you identify where in the Treaty of Lausanne your “Magical Kingdom of Pal’istan” became a State?


Thanks again.

Do you realize that living such a delusion and making the same phony claims, year after year, makes you the target of ridicule?
A few questions for @PLSTNco:

1. Why do you choose borders drawn by colonialists? Palestine in maps before 1917 included parts of today's Jordan and none of the Negev - what makes this "historic Palestine"?

Could it be that you are only interested in land controlled by Jews?

(full article and photos online)

You can learn a lot from a T-shirt ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That is Palestine inside its international borders.

How disingenuous are you, anyway? The territory designated as Palestine in its modern form included Jordan.
Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were established in 1924. They were never considered a single unit.

They had separate borders only because Britain ripped off 78% of Palestine, created an artificial country, and named it after a river. They did that to satisfy an Arab Emir by making him a ruler, for one reason or another. There have been numerous statements by both "Palestinians" and "Jordanians" that they are one people.
A few questions for @PLSTNco:

1. Why do you choose borders drawn by colonialists? Palestine in maps before 1917 included parts of today's Jordan and none of the Negev - what makes this "historic Palestine"?

Could it be that you are only interested in land controlled by Jews?

(full article and photos online)

You can learn a lot from a T-shirt ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That is Palestine inside its international borders.

How disingenuous are you, anyway? The territory designated as Palestine in its modern form included Jordan.
Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were established in 1924. They were never considered a single unit.

Ahh yes. Your invented “State of Pal’istan”, invented by the Treaty of Lausanne.

Could you identify where in the Treaty of Lausanne your “Magical Kingdom of Pal’istan” became a State?


Thanks again.

Do you realize that living such a delusion and making the same phony claims, year after year, makes you the target of ridicule?
You are delusional. I never said that.
Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were establish They were never considered a single unit.

This is just incorrect. There was never a separate mandate for Transjordan. It was all under the British Mandate for Palestine. (Has to be to fulfill certain treaty obligations).

That said, in 1921, the DISTINCTION between the Emirate of Transjordan and the remainder of Palestine was that the former was not subject to the establishment of the Jewish homeland. The remainder of Palestine was.
A few questions for @PLSTNco:

1. Why do you choose borders drawn by colonialists? Palestine in maps before 1917 included parts of today's Jordan and none of the Negev - what makes this "historic Palestine"?

Could it be that you are only interested in land controlled by Jews?

(full article and photos online)

You can learn a lot from a T-shirt ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That is Palestine inside its international borders.

How disingenuous are you, anyway? The territory designated as Palestine in its modern form included Jordan.
Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were established in 1924. They were never considered a single unit.

Ahh yes. Your invented “State of Pal’istan”, invented by the Treaty of Lausanne.

Could you identify where in the Treaty of Lausanne your “Magical Kingdom of Pal’istan” became a State?


Thanks again.

Do you realize that living such a delusion and making the same phony claims, year after year, makes you the target of ridicule?
You are delusional. I never said that.
Nice duck.

How did the Treaty of Lausanne create your Magical kingdom of Pally’land when there is not a single mention of “Palestine” in that document?
Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were establish They were never considered a single unit.

This is just incorrect. There was never a separate mandate for Transjordan. It was all under the British Mandate for Palestine. (Has to be to fulfill certain treaty obligations).

That said, in 1921, the DISTINCTION between the Emirate of Transjordan and the remainder of Palestine was that the former was not subject to the establishment of the Jewish homeland. The remainder of Palestine was.
The eastern border of Palestine with Trans-Jordan was of particular significance.8 The Palestine Mandate originally incorporated the territory of Trans-Jordan within the scope of ‘Palestine.’ Article 25 of the Mandate accorded Britain the power, “with consent of the Council of the League of Nations, to postpone or withhold application of such provisions of this mandate as… may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions.” Subsequently, on 16 September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations passed a resolution by which it approved a proposal submitted by Britain to exclude Trans-Jordan from the scope of Palestine’s territory.9 Ultimately, the border between Palestine and Trans-Jordan was fixed as suggested by Britain.10 This resolution merely confirmed the previous practice as Trans-Jordan was earlier excluded from Palestine by Article 86 of the Palestine Order in Council (constitution) of 1922,11 which stated: “This Order in Council shall not apply to such parts of the territory comprised in Palestine to the east of the [River of] Jordan and the Dead Sea.”

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel
That is Palestine inside its international borders.

How disingenuous are you, anyway? The territory designated as Palestine in its modern form included Jordan.
Jordan and Palestine had separate proposed borders in 1922. The international borders for both separate states were established in 1924. They were never considered a single unit.

Ahh yes. Your invented “State of Pal’istan”, invented by the Treaty of Lausanne.

Could you identify where in the Treaty of Lausanne your “Magical Kingdom of Pal’istan” became a State?


Thanks again.

Do you realize that living such a delusion and making the same phony claims, year after year, makes you the target of ridicule?
You are delusional. I never said that.
Nice duck.

How did the Treaty of Lausanne create your Magical kingdom of Pally’land when there is not a single mention of “Palestine” in that document?
I never said it did.
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