All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This does not even pass the smell test.


This kind of reporting, both the media reporting and the Human Rights Center documenting has no credibility at all.

The territory designated as Area "C" is not (really) subject to International Laws, but rather domestic enforcement as administered under Article 43 of the Hague Regulation. And accusation made by the Human Rights Center (a Palestinian NGO) has no standing and authority. If they want to challenge the demarcation that delineates the Israeli Sovereignty from Gaza Chaos and Corruption, they should encourage the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) Officials to establish negotiations following The Handbook of Dispute Resolution which establishes a path consistent with the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (1970) and the (Oslo I 1993) Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements; as well as (Oslo II 1995) Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Remember, by agreement between the Israelis and the Sole Representative of the Palestinian People, such negotiations would cover the remaining issues, including:

◈ Jerusalem,
◈ Refugees,
◈ Settlements,
◈ Security arrangements,
◈ Borders,
◈ Relations and cooperation with other neighbors,
◈ and other issues of common interest.

In terms of the Gaza Strip, the demarcation with the Southern District of Israel is recognized under the "international lines of demarcation," which were once armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement and now a border; to which → each party is otherwise bound to respect.

The complaint made by any Palestine NGO (dependent on donor Funding through the HoAP Government) is not worth the bandwidth to discuss.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This does not even pass the smell test.


This kind of reporting, both the media reporting and the Human Rights Center documenting has no credibility at all.

The territory designated as Area "C" is not (really) subject to International Laws, but rather domestic enforcement as administered under Article 43 of the Hague Regulation. And accusation made by the Human Rights Center (a Palestinian NGO) has no standing and authority. If they want to challenge the demarcation that delineates the Israeli Sovereignty from Gaza Chaos and Corruption, they should encourage the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) Officials to establish negotiations following The Handbook of Dispute Resolution which establishes a path consistent with the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (1970) and the (Oslo I 1993) Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements; as well as (Oslo II 1995) Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Remember, by agreement between the Israelis and the Sole Representative of the Palestinian People, such negotiations would cover the remaining issues, including:

◈ Jerusalem,
◈ Refugees,
◈ Settlements,
◈ Security arrangements,
◈ Borders,
◈ Relations and cooperation with other neighbors,
◈ and other issues of common interest.

In terms of the Gaza Strip, the demarcation with the Southern District of Israel is recognized under the "international lines of demarcation," which were once armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement and now a border; to which → each party is otherwise bound to respect.

The complaint made by any Palestine NGO (dependent on donor Funding through the HoAP Government) is not worth the bandwidth to discuss.

Most Respectfully,
Oslo is dead.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This does not even pass the smell test.


This kind of reporting, both the media reporting and the Human Rights Center documenting has no credibility at all.

The territory designated as Area "C" is not (really) subject to International Laws, but rather domestic enforcement as administered under Article 43 of the Hague Regulation. And accusation made by the Human Rights Center (a Palestinian NGO) has no standing and authority. If they want to challenge the demarcation that delineates the Israeli Sovereignty from Gaza Chaos and Corruption, they should encourage the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) Officials to establish negotiations following The Handbook of Dispute Resolution which establishes a path consistent with the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (1970) and the (Oslo I 1993) Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements; as well as (Oslo II 1995) Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Remember, by agreement between the Israelis and the Sole Representative of the Palestinian People, such negotiations would cover the remaining issues, including:

◈ Jerusalem,
◈ Refugees,
◈ Settlements,
◈ Security arrangements,
◈ Borders,
◈ Relations and cooperation with other neighbors,
◈ and other issues of common interest.

In terms of the Gaza Strip, the demarcation with the Southern District of Israel is recognized under the "international lines of demarcation," which were once armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement and now a border; to which → each party is otherwise bound to respect.

The complaint made by any Palestine NGO (dependent on donor Funding through the HoAP Government) is not worth the bandwidth to discuss.

Most Respectfully,
Oslo is dead.

Well, yes and no. Oslo has certainly not brought the desired results. (Assuming the desired results are peace and a final agreement on the above-stated matters pertaining to the conflict).

That said, the demarcation lines are still in place and have largely held. (Though one could argue there have been a few instances in the past year where they are starting to be overrun by events and actions on both sides, but this is very recent.) And several economic arrangements still exist as based on the Oslo Accords.

Also, the legal arrangements still very much exists, as it has not been replaced with a new agreement.

Rather than giving us a one-liner, why don't you discuss what it means that "Oslo is dead"?

Islamic terrorist obedience training.
Palestinians are facing genocide; Israel deserves its international pariah status


Zionist fulminations against the evocative A-word will now have to contend with the ignoble G-word. That Israel is an Apartheid entity is now indisputable, with international institutions and academics declaring it to be a crime against humanity. To this must now be added the increasingly obvious fact that the Palestinians are facing Genocide at the hands of the Israeli colonists.

The creation of the state of Israel in May 1948 was a settler-colonial enterprise in which Palestinians were displaced through a deliberate policy of terror and ethnic cleansing that made room for alien colonists, drawn largely from Europe and North America. Colonial Zionism differed from other European colonial enterprises in its much more ambitious intentions; it set out not only to exploit the indigenous people and steal their resources, but also to expel them and move Jews onto the stolen land.

From the outset, Zionism — the ideology underpinning Israel — held terrorism to be one of its indispensable weapons for the achievement of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Innocent Palestinian civilians were massacred by the score, and British Mandate officials were also targeted.

Palestinians are facing genocide; Israel deserves its international pariah status
Palestinians are facing genocide; Israel deserves its international pariah status


Zionist fulminations against the evocative A-word will now have to contend with the ignoble G-word. That Israel is an Apartheid entity is now indisputable, with international institutions and academics declaring it to be a crime against humanity. To this must now be added the increasingly obvious fact that the Palestinians are facing Genocide at the hands of the Israeli colonists.

The creation of the state of Israel in May 1948 was a settler-colonial enterprise in which Palestinians were displaced through a deliberate policy of terror and ethnic cleansing that made room for alien colonists, drawn largely from Europe and North America. Colonial Zionism differed from other European colonial enterprises in its much more ambitious intentions; it set out not only to exploit the indigenous people and steal their resources, but also to expel them and move Jews onto the stolen land.

From the outset, Zionism — the ideology underpinning Israel — held terrorism to be one of its indispensable weapons for the achievement of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Innocent Palestinian civilians were massacred by the score, and British Mandate officials were also targeted.

Palestinians are facing genocide; Israel deserves its international pariah status

Palestinians are facing genocide;
Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage

Palestine is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of antiquities, competing with Egypt in the Arab world. At least 22 civilisations have left their mark on Palestine, the first of which were the Canaanites; their presence is still visible today.

Since 1948, successive Israeli governments have paid particular attention to the antiquities that have a distinct Arab and Palestinian identity. Committees of Israeli archaeologists were formed to research in every part of Palestine on which Israel was founded. The aim remains to create a fake historical narrative by Judaising Palestinian antiquities. Historical monuments in major Palestinian cities, such as Acre, Jaffa, Jerusalem and Tiberias, have not been spared from this process.

Moreover, Israel has used various institutions to Judaise Palestinian fashion through systematic cultural theft and forgery. Even local recipes are not spared. Israel has participated in international exhibitions to display Palestinian fashion and cuisine labelled as “Israeli”.

This is how Palestine’s heritage and history dating back thousands of years are being stolen by the Israeli occupation and the “mafias” selling invaluable antiquities. This is happening at a time when Palestinian parties are taking action and calling for the protection of their legacy, history and civilisation.

Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage
Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage

Palestine is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of antiquities, competing with Egypt in the Arab world. At least 22 civilisations have left their mark on Palestine, the first of which were the Canaanites; their presence is still visible today.

Since 1948, successive Israeli governments have paid particular attention to the antiquities that have a distinct Arab and Palestinian identity. Committees of Israeli archaeologists were formed to research in every part of Palestine on which Israel was founded. The aim remains to create a fake historical narrative by Judaising Palestinian antiquities. Historical monuments in major Palestinian cities, such as Acre, Jaffa, Jerusalem and Tiberias, have not been spared from this process.

Moreover, Israel has used various institutions to Judaise Palestinian fashion through systematic cultural theft and forgery. Even local recipes are not spared. Israel has participated in international exhibitions to display Palestinian fashion and cuisine labelled as “Israeli”.

This is how Palestine’s heritage and history dating back thousands of years are being stolen by the Israeli occupation and the “mafias” selling invaluable antiquities. This is happening at a time when Palestinian parties are taking action and calling for the protection of their legacy, history and civilisation.

Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage

What heritage?
Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage

Palestine is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of antiquities, competing with Egypt in the Arab world. At least 22 civilisations have left their mark on Palestine, the first of which were the Canaanites; their presence is still visible today.

Since 1948, successive Israeli governments have paid particular attention to the antiquities that have a distinct Arab and Palestinian identity. Committees of Israeli archaeologists were formed to research in every part of Palestine on which Israel was founded. The aim remains to create a fake historical narrative by Judaising Palestinian antiquities. Historical monuments in major Palestinian cities, such as Acre, Jaffa, Jerusalem and Tiberias, have not been spared from this process.

Moreover, Israel has used various institutions to Judaise Palestinian fashion through systematic cultural theft and forgery. Even local recipes are not spared. Israel has participated in international exhibitions to display Palestinian fashion and cuisine labelled as “Israeli”.

This is how Palestine’s heritage and history dating back thousands of years are being stolen by the Israeli occupation and the “mafias” selling invaluable antiquities. This is happening at a time when Palestinian parties are taking action and calling for the protection of their legacy, history and civilisation.

Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage

What heritage?

There was that famous gay Egyptian guy. Stole millions. Had some bad sausage.
Egypt brokers ceasefire deal in Gaza


An Egyptian-brokered ceasefire agreement was reportedly reached between the Palestinian resistance and Israel, and already came into effect at 05:30 am on Thursday, November 14.

No official sources have confirmed the news yet, but al-Jazeera satellite channel quoted unnamed sources as saying that the Islamic Jihad Movement and Israel accepted an Egyptian request for a ceasefire starting today morning.

The reported agreement came about four hours following an Israeli massacre that claimed the lives of six citizens from one family and injured 12 others in central Gaza.

The local newspaper al-Hadath also quoted a spokesman for Islamic Jihad Musab al-Bareem as saying that a ceasefire deal took effect after the Israeli occupation state acquiesced to the Palestinian resistance’s terms.

“This agreement has taken place after the resistance said its word, confronted the aggression, broke Netanyahu’s arrogance and defended the Palestinian people,” spokesman Bareem added.

He affirmed that the ceasefire deal was reached on the basis of conditions made by Islamic Jihad on behalf of the resistance factions, which demanded Israeli pledges to stop assassinations, refrain from targeting the participants in the March of Return rallies and start taking steps to end the siege on Gaza.

Egypt brokers ceasefire deal in Gaza
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Egypt brokers ceasefire deal in Gaza


An Egyptian-brokered ceasefire agreement was reportedly reached between the Palestinian resistance and Israel, and already came into effect at 05:30 am on Thursday, November 14.

No official sources have confirmed the news yet, but al-Jazeera satellite channel quoted unnamed sources as saying that the Islamic Jihad Movement and Israel accepted an Egyptian request for a ceasefire starting today morning.

The reported agreement came about four hours following an Israeli massacre that claimed the lives of six citizens from one family and injured 12 others in central Gaza.

The local newspaper al-Hadath also quoted a spokesman for Islamic Jihad Musab al-Bareem as saying that a ceasefire deal took effect after the Israeli occupation state acquiesced to the Palestinian resistance’s terms.

“This agreement has taken place after the resistance said its word, confronted the aggression, broke Netanyahu’s arrogance and defended the Palestinian people,” spokesman Bareem added.

He affirmed that the ceasefire deal was reached on the basis of conditions made by Islamic Jihad on behalf of the resistance factions, which demanded Israeli pledges to stop assassinations, refrain from targeting the participants in the March of Return rallies and start taking steps to end the siege on Gaza.

Egypt brokers ceasefire deal in Gaza
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

“This agreement has taken place after the resistance said its word, confronted the aggression, broke Netanyahu’s arrogance and defended the Palestinian people,” spokesman Bareem added.”

Barreem does comedy as a full time job to supplement his income as a part time circus clown.
Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage

Palestine is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of antiquities, competing with Egypt in the Arab world. At least 22 civilisations have left their mark on Palestine, the first of which were the Canaanites; their presence is still visible today.

Since 1948, successive Israeli governments have paid particular attention to the antiquities that have a distinct Arab and Palestinian identity. Committees of Israeli archaeologists were formed to research in every part of Palestine on which Israel was founded. The aim remains to create a fake historical narrative by Judaising Palestinian antiquities. Historical monuments in major Palestinian cities, such as Acre, Jaffa, Jerusalem and Tiberias, have not been spared from this process.

Moreover, Israel has used various institutions to Judaise Palestinian fashion through systematic cultural theft and forgery. Even local recipes are not spared. Israel has participated in international exhibitions to display Palestinian fashion and cuisine labelled as “Israeli”.

This is how Palestine’s heritage and history dating back thousands of years are being stolen by the Israeli occupation and the “mafias” selling invaluable antiquities. This is happening at a time when Palestinian parties are taking action and calling for the protection of their legacy, history and civilisation.

Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage

On the contrary, Palestinians have done all they could do to destroy Jewish artifacts from the Temple Mount. Any Palestinian Heritage Museum would be empty, as one already is. Palestinians have no heritage.

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