All three towers collapsed by controlled demolition on 9/11 .

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the rate of acceleration remained constant, at approximately 64 percent of free fall

That doesn't sound like near-free-fall.
There shouldn't have been ANY free fall unless the South Tower had toppled over, which by normal physics it more than likely would have....the North Tower would have probably collapsed to almost halfway down and rested there, or left dangling precariously---would have been a nightmare clean up job, as many had foreseen right ?;)

I love how Wikipedia has carefully added the mention of Tower 7 that wasn't there until recently.

Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan. Within an hour and forty-two minutes, both 110 story towers collapsed. The collapse of the World Trade Center kickstarted the collapse of the other World Trade Center structures including 7 World Trade Center and significantly damaged surrounding buildings.
the rate of acceleration remained constant, at approximately 64 percent of free fall

That doesn't sound like near-free-fall.
There shouldn't have been ANY free fall unless the South Tower had toppled over, which by normal physics it more than likely would have....the North Tower would have probably collapsed to almost halfway down and rested there, or left dangling precariously---would have been a nightmare clean up job, as many had foreseen right ?;)

I love how Wikipedia has carefully added the mention of Tower 7 that wasn't there until recently.

Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan. Within an hour and forty-two minutes, both 110 story towers collapsed. The collapse of the World Trade Center kickstarted the collapse of the other World Trade Center structures including 7 World Trade Center and significantly damaged surrounding buildings.
Nothing fell at free fall speed that day.

The laws of physics dictate that both towers and building seven fell AS THEY DID.

There is no evidence of molten steel ouring out of the towers nor any evidence of controlled demo or thermite.

WHen will you bvack up your claims with evidence?
This graph from David Chandler’s “Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics” (Journal of 9/11 Studies, February 2010) shows that the North Tower’s upper section traveled at nearly uniform downward acceleration of -6.31 m/s2 (with an R2 value of 0.997), or 64% of free fall.
Wait, the claim is the North Tower's upper section fell at 64% of freefall, not AT freefall?
This graph from David Chandler’s “Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics” (Journal of 9/11 Studies, February 2010) shows that the North Tower’s upper section traveled at nearly uniform downward acceleration of -6.31 m/s2 (with an R2 value of 0.997), or 64% of free fall.
Explain this to me Angelo.

A free-falling object has an acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s, downward. This is with no resistance. Why did the upper section of the tower, which you claim had all the support cut from beneath it so it met no resistance, not fall at free fall or 9.8 m/s/s, downward? Why did it only accelerate at 64% of free fall? What was stopping the upper section from falling at 9.8 m/s/s?
I'll ask you the same question I asked Koko. What do you (or the truther movement) consider victory conditions? Conditions that would be met so that people like Richard Gage can sit back and say we won. The fight for "the truth" is still ongoing is it not?
wow so its grown to a movement, great, peeps are finally wising up!
gage already won
There shouldn't have been ANY free fall

64% isn't free fall.

You want to post anything else that also rebuts your own claims? DURR.
That's what I'm trying to understand. According to the truthers, all supports were cut below the upper block. If that's the case then what prevented the upper block from falling at free fall acceleration?

yep they are working for the banks so we are forced to line their pockets, dont you wish you were rothschild? the reason there is so much hate toward hitler is because hitler arrested the fuckers and made them pay reparations for what they cost germany in ww1! its a very small world at the top.
And this is just one of the reasons that you and your truther brethren will never be taken seriously.
No reason to join your phantasy fizics club
How they want to hold folks accountable, when the truth comes out.
The truth is already out
So the families want a "truthful" report from NIST. "Truthful" meaning that NIST admits demolition? Or what does "truthful" mean?
No they want more lies pretending it wasnt a demo.
Why are you so angry ---lying rips up your soul doesn't it...?
those types dont have souls.
It's been 20 years and you dopes haven't been able to prove anyone is lying? T
face it you are in denial
Furthermore, in science, evidence is not ignored on the basis that it is not conclusive by itself.
all evidence is ignored by those guys
Finally, with the expression “Any molten steel in the wreckage,” NIST neither confirmed nor denied the existence of molten metal. In an investigation that followed NFPA 921, NIST would have sought to establish whether molten metal was present and, if so, what its source was.
are you kidding, thats self incrimination, those thugs would never do that.
gam still hasnt figured out thats freefall. LMAO
There shouldn't have been ANY free fall unless the South Tower had toppled over, which by normal physics it more than likely would have
Nope thius is about gam physics and nazi delusions, not normal physics
The laws of physics dictate that both towers and building seven fell AS THEY DID.
When did this dictator say these things? citation?
A free-falling object has an acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s, downward. This is with no resistance. Why did the upper section of the tower, which you claim had all the support cut from beneath it so it met no resistance, not fall at free fall or 9.8 m/s/s, downward? Why did it only accelerate at 64% of free fall? What was stopping the upper section from falling at 9.8 m/s/s?
because all you seen was dust, the sections as they were blown off did fall at freefall by everyones standards but yours.

You have a model to demonstrate your claims right gam?

and dont forget your personal freefall rulebook :5_1_12024:
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yep a few
And they weren't cutters according to Niels Harrit and his crew.
wth would I quote harrit, thats a srtawman argument, I never said anything about harrit. Im not responsible for what harrit says, you gotta worry about what I say not harrit.

Im still waiting for a coherent argument from either you or nazi, but I wont hold my breath.

Oh say can you see....BEAMS bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there!


must be too big


Angelo, these are nice to have for your library, they blew the shit all to hell!

Just look at the starbursting beams on the building, the rfi interference in the cam, lovely clip!

They dont usually show you the back (shadow) side of the building where you can see the walls that look like fireworks shooting from them and flaming beams and the falling bld only a few floors behind!
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You want to be an ignorant dweeb, join the club, sheep boy.
Thermite is powdered aluminum and iron oxide.

Look at your photos. See what's on those beams? It's a substance called "rust". You know, iron oxide.

Building falls down, powdered iron oxide goes all over. Hence supposed "thermite residue".
Ferric oxide or ferro-ferric oxide ?Upcoming goofle search to define
Raise your flag while you research.
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