All Trump needs to win are these four issues.

Not at all

I saw how the country rallied around Bush after 9-11
If Trump chose leadership over self interest, he would have had the same support
Okay, one more thing. Covid doesn't care who supports Trump, Biden or any other president. A virus is going to do what a virus is going to do.
Okay, one more thing. Covid doesn't care who supports Trump, Biden or any other president. A virus is going to do what a virus is going to do.
Yes, it will
That is why we all needed to take precautions

Precautions that Trump mocked
Let's see how well they do under Biden. Agriculture is 'energy intensive'. Farmers are calling for more domestic production in view of the Russian oil ban in order to lower their energy costs. If he refuses the farmers will remember. Unlike liberal urban voters' farmers must 'vote their pocketbook' every election.
The border, crime, energy, and of course the economy.

Ok, never mind all this spending, FISA 702, funding Planned Parenthood and gender studies in Pakistan. Never mind all that progressive crap that he shoved down our throats.

Trump is a pile of poo, with shiny sprinkles on it.
Ok, never mind all this spending, FISA 702, funding Planned Parenthood and gender studies in Pakistan. Never mind all that progressive crap that he shoved down our throats.

Trump is a pile of poo, with shiny sprinkles on it.
Do you utilize women's health services? What do you mean about FISA 702? You know the US has monitored communication in and out of Soviet and now Russian embassies since the 1960s... All over the world. If you called the Russian embassy constantly you would trigger surveillance. That's standard procedure.
In order to win, the main thing Trump would need is to NOT be trump.

He's whined and moaned like a total wuss for two fucking years. All he would do is further damage the GOP if he runs.

Be honest. Would you really want a pathetic crybaby like Trump as your "leader?"

We need a strong, smart, capable and decent man as president. Trump is none of those things.
In order to win, the main thing Trump would need is to NOT be trump.

He's whined and moaned like a total wuss for two fucking years. All he would do is further damage the GOP if he runs.

Be honest. Would you really want a pathetic crybaby like Trump as your "leader?"

We need a strong, smart, capable and decent man as president. Trump is none of those things.
In order to win, the main thing Trump would need is to NOT be trump.

He's whined and moaned like a total wuss for two fucking years. All he would do is further damage the GOP if he runs.

Be honest. Would you really want a pathetic crybaby like Trump as your "leader?"

We need a strong, smart, capable and decent man as president. Trump is none of those things.
How is Brandon "strong, smart, capable and decent" ?

In any event, that's your choice.

If the Republicans nominated a Never-Trumper, they'll get schlonged guaranteed. Hell, I'd voted for Sleepy Joe if the GOP nominated Cheney or Romney. I'm a never-never-trumper, and wouldn't never for a Republican who hates the 74 million Little Trumpsters.
Ok, never mind all this spending, FISA 702, funding Planned Parenthood and gender studies in Pakistan. Never mind all that progressive crap that he shoved down our throats.

Trump is a pile of poo, with shiny sprinkles on it.
He does have his problems.
How is Brandon "strong, smart, capable and decent" ?

In any event, that's your choice.

If the Republicans nominated a Never-Trumper, they'll get schlonged guaranteed. Hell, I'd voted for Sleepy Joe if the GOP nominated Cheney or Romney. I'm a never-never-trumper, and wouldn't never for a Republican who hates the 74 million Little Trumpsters.

So to summarize. If you don’t get the candidate you want, you won’t vote.
So to summarize. If you don’t get the candidate you want, you won’t vote.

Not necessarily.

If the Republicans nominate Romney or Cheney or Kasich, I will vote against them and cast for Sleepy Joe to stop them.

Not because I like Biden, because I disagree with everything he does.

But to save the democracy by saving the Republican Party from having a loser like that possibly win.
How is Brandon "strong, smart, capable and decent" ?

In any event, that's your choice.
Hell, I never said: "Brandon " is strong, smart, capable and decent"?"

I hate Biden and his Santa Clause policies. Especially his allowing the invasion of illegal aliens at our southern border.

What I DID say, is that we need to find Republican candidates who strong, capable, and decent. Trump is NONE of those things. Imo, Trump is totally unfit for ANY office.
Hell, I never said: "Brandon " is strong, smart, capable and decent"?"

I hate Biden and his Santa Clause policies. Especially his allowing the invasion of illegal aliens at our southern border.

What I DID say, is that we need to find Republican candidates who strong, capable, and decent. Trump is NONE of those things. Imo, Trump is totally unfit for ANY office.

My point is that nominating a Never-Trumper has the same effect as endorsing Biden as there is no path to actual victory nominating a proven loser like Cheney or Romney.
Not necessarily.

If the Republicans nominate Romney or Cheney or Kasich, I will vote against them and cast for Sleepy Joe to stop them.

Not because I like Biden, because I disagree with everything he does.

But to save the democracy by saving the Republican Party from having a loser like that possibly win.
We need a moderate conservative Republican to run.
My point is that nominating a Never-Trumper has the same effect as endorsing Biden as there is no path to actual victory nominating a proven loser like Cheney or Romney.
We won't have the information we need to analyze trump's effect on the party, until well after the 2024 prez election.

Trump is endorsing a shitload of candidates for the '22 Congressional races. We'll see if he helps, or hurts, candidates through his endorsements.

Imo, Trump is one of the most horrible human beings ever to reach a position of influence in this country. So I wouldn't trust anyone he finds acceptable. And I don't trust any of the GOP candidates who spend every waking moment sucking up to Trump in order to gain his support.

There's been endless talk and accusations from trumpets about the horrors of the "Swamp."

But we've all seen that Trump has a HUGE "Swamp" of his own. And it follows and envelops him wherever he goes. Trump's swamp is filled with many of the most crooked, greedy, underhanded, filthy, and disgusting people to be found -- anywhere.

I love this country and as an Indie, I'll vote for the person I believe will best serve ALL Americans. That sure as Hell is NOT Donnie-boy trump.

It's a problem for all of us. There has to be some decent people willing to run for office. But they are incredibly rare.

The Dems are in trouble too. They have an empty bench, and their candidates are as awful as the GOP' offerings. But, imo, Trump is, by FAR, the worst.
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We're as close now to nuclear armageddon that we've been since the cold war.


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