All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Educate yourself....

You "accidentally" forgot to mention that THIS is what I was replying to -
Well, it was Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenicists who instilled that type of attitude of black abortion in Americans of Bundy's age and upbringing.

And, exactly where did she say black women should abort their babies?

There's more to this but this but for now, how about you just keep the issues straight.

Why wouldn't Sanger and her coherts be responsible for promoting such an attitude...?
Blacks had large families and Sanger distained large families...

Plannned Parenthood was to be the place for abortions....those racist eugenicists probably wanted one in every black neighborhood....yes there's alot more to this and probably best for another thread...

Sanger was racist and against blacks but no, she did not necessarily "distain" (sic) large families.

She hated blacks but she was also against having more children of any color than one could support. She was in favor or very aggressive birth control and was actually thrown out of the US for passing out "French letters" in the slum tenements of NYC.

At that time, women were desperate to feed their children and would have done almost anything not to have more. Women were dying in child birth and there was no place to turn for help.

Planned Parenthood was founded for the purpose of educating and disseminating birth control. Abortion came much MUCH later. At the time PP was started, abortion was illegal. Abortion never was and still is not the main function of PP but every single one of you already know that.
about 500 of is close to nashville.

hilarious isn't it?
so why are teabaggers standing around in the nevada desert defending a rich racist?

noun: Priority; plural noun: Priorities

A thing that is regarded as more important than another.

nobody's standing around in the nevada desert defending obama....

Nobody's standing around in the Nevada desert defending Obama....
Hur hur durrrr! Good one, Jethro.

No, really, why are you just now bearing arms against the US Federal government to protect a rich racist's cattle in the Nevada desert in 2014 if you have known about 500 FEMA death camps being constructed since 2006?
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I'm aware. And at the time, they didn't offer abortions.

There is no "truth" in what Bundy said, whatsoever.

Who the fuck gave you the right to speak for unemployed black people? How the fuck do you know how they feel?

Do you really not see how arrogant and racist it is to think that you know what's best for all black people?

It's the same mindset that led to slavery in the first place - they're animals that don't know any better, until a white man like you comes along to tell them what they should do.

What about the 79% of "The Negro" that are employed? Would they be happier as slaves, picking cotton?


You have something to add, cheerleader?

Sure, how about we start here:

You know, I'm just going to assume that you're having a bad day.

First of all, Margaret Sanger was herself quite anti-abortion.

Secondly, whatever nonsensical rhetoric you're babbling about "success being vilified", you cannot possibly actually believe that any people would be happier as property. Rather, if you do, you're as racist as Bundy is.

The majority of "The Negro" in this country are in fact working, with families. The vast majority of them don't live in projects, and aren't on welfare. Most of them are, as you say, "productive".

First of all, Maragret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood

Second, I am having a great day. Its people here who are all up in arms because someone stated the absolute truth.

Thirdly, hey, they are better off slaves to one person than slaves to one government. You don't understand how demeaning it is to a black person when a government does everything to subsidize them but nothing to put them to work. At least they were working. That's one thing you fail to grasp, Doc. Unemployment among black teenagers, for example is at 38%, the overall black unemployment rate is upwards of 21%.

But nevermind the ones who are being kept in poverty.

The government is not subsidizing me, my friends and associates who are Black, nor any of my family immediate and first and second cousins who are Black. In fact the majority of us are middle class and upper middle class, and the majority of Black people in this country are working class (28%), middle class (38%), and upper middle class (8%). But hey; you and your cronies can just keep trying to make that 23% represent "the Blacks".

In fact, I wonder where you fit into that demographic scale as far as income and employment. Are you doing any better than "the Blacks" that you want to criticize? :)

Wow! Thanks for the laugh!
About 500 of is close to Nashville.

Hilarious isn't it?
So why are Teabaggers standing around in the Nevada desert defending a rich racist?

noun: priority; plural noun: priorities

a thing that is regarded as more important than another.

Nobody's standing around in the Nevada desert defending Obama....

President Obama has nothing to do with this.

It was Reagan's exec order (#12548) to continue welfare ranching that is the point.

And, that is what Bundy agreed to pay.
What I find most ridiculous about Cloven Bundy's remarks is his claim that slaves had a better family life with their masters selling their slave children property. There is no better family life than watching your children sold! :cuckoo:

"Are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things,"
That is a blatant mischaracterization of my argument. And yes, I've spoken to many black people, I have black friends, a very good one whom I went to high school with. I ride past the projects all the time to wherever I'm going with my grandmother. I have plenty of them going to my church, too.

Why don't you ask your black friend from high school if he thinks he'd be happier as a slave. Or, ask one of the people in your church - see what they say.

I'd probably suggest that you not stop at the projects to ask, that would likely end in violence.

It's simply not. There is no possible circumstance where anyone will be "better off" without freedom.

And what has this "freedom" gotten them? More poverty? No, I haven't lost my mind. That isn't real freedom. That is slavery. If they were truly free, they would be allowed to make a life for themselves aside from the government. They would be allowed to vote for whom they wished, without being coaxed by one political party or the other. I'm not the one who thinks they are stupid. Apparently you think they are too stupid to understand their plight and that they must be protected from it.

They are allowed to make a life aside from the government. They are allowed to vote for whoever they wish. They are free, as free as you and I are. To suggest that they'd be happier as slaves is to suggest that you and I would as well.

I know that you've posted a number of times about being unemployed. Do you think that you'd be happier as a slave than unemployed?

You ask what "freedom" has gotten black people - an easy answer would the the office of the President of the United States. The millions of successful black families that worked their way out of poverty would be good examples as well.
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You have something to add, cheerleader?

Sure, how about we start here:

First of all, Maragret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood

Second, I am having a great day. Its people here who are all up in arms because someone stated the absolute truth.

Thirdly, hey, they are better off slaves to one person than slaves to one government. You don't understand how demeaning it is to a black person when a government does everything to subsidize them but nothing to put them to work. At least they were working. That's one thing you fail to grasp, Doc. Unemployment among black teenagers, for example is at 38%, the overall black unemployment rate is upwards of 21%.

But nevermind the ones who are being kept in poverty.

The government is not subsidizing me, my friends and associates who are Black, nor any of my family immediate and first and second cousins who are Black. In fact the majority of us are middle class and upper middle class, and the majority of Black people in this country are working class (28%), middle class (38%), and upper middle class (8%). But hey; you and your cronies can just keep trying to make that 23% represent "the Blacks".

In fact, I wonder where you fit into that demographic scale as far as income and employment. Are you doing any better than "the Blacks" that you want to criticize? :)

Wow! Thanks for the laugh!

Funny, this isn't about me. Try debating the topic. Very disingenuous to resort to ad hominem. Funny, if any of you cared about anyone getting a job, you'd be writing your congressmen and senators to pass jobs legislation. But nope.
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You have something to add, cheerleader?

Sure, how about we start here:

The government is not subsidizing me, my friends and associates who are Black, nor any of my family immediate and first and second cousins who are Black. In fact the majority of us are middle class and upper middle class, and the majority of Black people in this country are working class (28%), middle class (38%), and upper middle class (8%). But hey; you and your cronies can just keep trying to make that 23% represent "the Blacks".

In fact, I wonder where you fit into that demographic scale as far as income and employment. Are you doing any better than "the Blacks" that you want to criticize? :)

Wow! Thanks for the laugh!

Funny, this isn't about me. Try debating the topic. Very disingenuous to resort to ad hominem. Funny, if any of you cared about anyone getting a job, you'd be writing your congressmen and senators to pass jobs legislation. But nope.
Sent from my ADR8995 using mobile app

I think he's actually "debating the topic" pretty succinctly - he is, after all, a black person - and therefore able to give significant insight into whether black people would be happier as slaves.
This story couldn't have turned out better if it had been scripted by Jon Stewart's team of writers.


Race-card time.

You have something to add, cheerleader?

Sure, how about we start here:

The government is not subsidizing me, my friends and associates who are Black, nor any of my family immediate and first and second cousins who are Black. In fact the majority of us are middle class and upper middle class, and the majority of Black people in this country are working class (28%), middle class (38%), and upper middle class (8%). But hey; you and your cronies can just keep trying to make that 23% represent "the Blacks".

In fact, I wonder where you fit into that demographic scale as far as income and employment. Are you doing any better than "the Blacks" that you want to criticize? :)

Wow! Thanks for the laugh!

Funny, this isn't about me. Try debating the topic. Very disingenuous to resort to ad hominem. Funny, if any of you cared about anyone getting a job, you'd be writing your congressmen and senators to pass jobs legislation. But nope.
Sent from my ADR8995 using mobile app

I simply asked you a question, I am debating the topic, and asking a question is not an "ad hominem". Why do you feel the need for government to pass "jobs legislation"? I thought you and "conservatives" like you want "government out of the way"? I thought people like you allegedly have the "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps" mentality, you don't need a jobs legislation (whatever that is) to start your own business and create your own job and or get an education or trade to hone your job skills and marketability for employment.

Once again; asking YOU where YOU stand compared the the people that YOU are making blanket and inaccurate generalizations about, is not an ad hominem. At least your honest with your avoidance to that question. In short who are you to judge a MINORITY of the Black people who are in poverty or who are jobless, when YOU may be no better off and are possibly in a similar situation economically and employment wise? Do you think that chattel slavery as practiced here in America would be better for you? Since YOU bought up the alleged fact that you are "1/4 Cherokee " , do you think you would be better off on a reservation? If so, why not go there and join the tribe, since you allegedly have "1/4 Cherokee" in you.
This story couldn't have turned out better if it had been scripted by Jon Stewart's team of writers.
It was magically delicious.

You can't even parody this. How would you make it funnier? How would you make it more outrageous?

Steven Colbert plays a parody of a rightwinger every night and he's never said anything this offensive.

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