All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

God........people on the left would rather throw themselves off a 100 foot cliff than offend anybody. Bundy gives it straight up and people on the left go into full blown retard mode.......prefer to live in this makey-uppey world where everybody can feel all warm and fuzzy about things.

Some of these lefties live far, far from Realville.........come visit me and I'll take you to neighborhoods where you can see for yourself what Bundy is talking about. Or go watch MSNBC tonight and back in the bubble.........HAPPY NOW!!!!:rock::rock::fu:
What I find most ridiculous about Cloven Bundy's remarks is his claim that slaves had a better family life with their masters selling their slave children property. There is no better family life than watching your children sold! :cuckoo:

"Are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things,"

Or having your white master having sex with your wife or daughters. That is the type of family life that Cloven and TK celebrate
Regarding Hannity, I listened to the opening of the 4 o'clock hour and a tidbit on the side that I caught was while Hannity was going on about how repugnant and despicable Bundy was,

he also included a reference to the militiamen who came out to defend Bundy

as 'extremists'.

I don't know if that's part of the new Hannity stance or not, but it was interesting.
That is a blatant mischaracterization of my argument. And yes, I've spoken to many black people, I have black friends, a very good one whom I went to high school with. I ride past the projects all the time to wherever I'm going with my grandmother. I have plenty of them going to my church, too.

Why don't you ask your black friend from high school if he thinks he'd be happier as a slave. Or, ask one of the people in your church - see what they say.

I'd probably suggest that you not stop at the projects to ask, that would likely end in violence.

It's simply not. There is no possible circumstance where anyone will be "better off" without freedom.
And what has this "freedom" gotten them? More poverty? No, I haven't lost my mind. That isn't real freedom. That is slavery. If they were truly free, they would be allowed to make a life for themselves aside from the government. They would be allowed to vote for whom they wished, without being coaxed by one political party or the other. I'm not the one who thinks they are stupid. Apparently you think they are too stupid to understand their plight and that they must be protected from it.
They are allowed to make a life aside from the government. They are allowed to vote for whoever they wish. They are free, as free as you and I are. To suggest that they'd be happier as slaves is to suggest that you and I would as well.

I know that you've posted a number of times about being unemployed. Do you think that you'd be happier as a slave than unemployed?

You ask what "freedom" has gotten black people - an easy answer would the the office of the President of the United States. The millions of successful black families that worked their way out of poverty would be good examples as well.

I know that you've posted a number of times about being unemployed. Do you think that you'd be happier as a slave than unemployed?
Frankly, yes. At least I wouldn't be here on my butt not working. You really don't know much about me, Doc. I would give anything just to be productive, and not be here brooding over my own thoughts.

Why don't you ask your black friend from high school if he thinks he'd be happier as a slave. Or, ask one of the people in your church - see what they say.
For one thing, they would answer the question honestly, nor would they resort to the ad hominem you have. I would ask them this: "Would you rather live in poverty, or be a slave?" Funny, it's you folks who have taught them to link the word "slave" with "racism." Slavery has been around since the beginning of recorded history.

The Hebrews ostracized Moses at the Red Sea when the Pharaoh came after them "We would have been better off slaves in Egypt than to die here!"

You ask what "freedom" has gotten black people - an easy answer would the the office of the President of the United States. The millions of successful black families that worked their way out of poverty would be good examples as well.
Sure, a president who has done nothing to encourage that freedom. He has widened the racial divide in America. He hasn't done anything to cure poverty. Another thing, you're ignoring the 21% or "millions" of other black families who haven't worked their way out of poverty. What has this freedom gotten them? Huh?

They are allowed to make a life aside from the government. They are allowed to vote for whoever they wish. They are free, as free as you and I are. To suggest that they'd be happier as slaves is to suggest that you and I would as well.
A red herring. If they are allowed to vote for whom they wish, then why in 2012, did almost 90 percent of them break for Obama in the election? Why are 21% of them unemployed? To suggest they are happy with their shake in life is disingenuous. Why when they advocate for Republicans are they labeled as "porch monkeys" or "Uncle Toms?" I have a hard time believing that this monopoly on black thought is "freedom."
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Well, on the bright side, perhaps, luckily Bundy didn't drive through a neighborhood where Jewish families were sitting out on their porches,

Sure, how about we start here:

Funny, this isn't about me. Try debating the topic. Very disingenuous to resort to ad hominem. Funny, if any of you cared about anyone getting a job, you'd be writing your congressmen and senators to pass jobs legislation. But nope.
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I think he's actually "debating the topic" pretty succinctly - he is, after all, a black person - and therefore able to give significant insight into whether black people would be happier as slaves.

Okay then, perhaps [MENTION=41494]RandallFlagg[/MENTION] could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.
LOL the Borowitz Report:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — Republican politicians blasted the Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy on Thursday for making flagrantly racist remarks instead of employing the subtler racial code words the G.O.P. has been using for decades.

“We Republicans have worked long and hard to develop insidious racial code words like ‘entitlement society’ and ‘personal responsibility,’ ” said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky). “There is no excuse for offensive racist comments like the ones Cliven Bundy made when there are so many subtler ways of making the exact same point.”

Fox News also blasted the rancher, saying in a statement, “Cliven Bundy’s outrageous racist remarks undermine decades of progress in our effort to come up with cleverer ways of saying the same thing.”
Frankly, yes. At least I wouldn't be here on my butt not working. You really don't know much about me, Doc. I would give anything just to be productive, and not be here brooding over my own thoughts.

I really think you need to examine that statement. Are you sure?

If you want to be occupied, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities available.

For one thing, they would answer the question honestly, nor would they resort to the ad hominem you have.

I have not committed any ad hominem fallacies.

I would ask them this: "Would you rather live in poverty, or be a slave?"

But that's not what you said, at all.

You said "Black people would be better off as slaves". Not "poor people".

Funny, it's you folks who have taught them to link the word "slave" with "racism"

If you're talking about black people, I'd imagine that their ancestors who lived as slaves are the ones who taught them that.

Slavery has been around since the beginning of recorded history.

The Hebrews ostracized Moses at the Red Sea when the Pharaoh came after them "We would have been better off slaves in Egypt than to die here!"

Slavery has been around since the beginning of recorded history, and racism has been one of the most popular ways of justifying it, throughout history. The Hebrews were in fact enslaved due to their race as well.

Also, the whole point of that biblical story is that they were foolish and wrong. I think you must have missed that part.

You ask what "freedom" has gotten black people - an easy answer would the the office of the President of the United States. The millions of successful black families that worked their way out of poverty would be good examples as well.
Sure, a president who has done nothing to encourage that freedom. He has widened the racial divide in America. He hasn't done anything to cure poverty. Another thing, you're ignoring the 21% or "millions" of other black families who haven't worked their way out of poverty. What has this freedom gotten them? Huh?

I'm not the one ignoring them, you are. You're the one making claims about black people as a whole (or, as Bundy put it, "The Negro") wishing for slavery.

They are allowed to make a life aside from the government. They are allowed to vote for whoever they wish. They are free, as free as you and I are. To suggest that they'd be happier as slaves is to suggest that you and I would as well.
A red herring. If they are allowed to vote for whom they wish, then why in 2012, did almost 90 percent of them break for Obama in the election?

Because 90% of black people wanted to vote for Obama. No one forced them.

Why are 21% of them unemployed? (1) To suggest they are happy with their shake in life is disingenuous. (2) Why when they advocate for Republicans are they labeled as "porch monkeys" or "Uncle Toms?"(3) I have a hard time believing that this monopoly on black thought is "freedom." (4)

1. Why are you unemployed?

2. I don't think that I've made any ridiculous general statements that apply to black people in general - let alone anything like claiming they're all "happy".

3. Bundy isn't the only racist.

4. It's still "freedom" when people disagree with you.
Funny, this isn't about me. Try debating the topic. Very disingenuous to resort to ad hominem. Funny, if any of you cared about anyone getting a job, you'd be writing your congressmen and senators to pass jobs legislation. But nope.
Sent from my ADR8995 using mobile app

I think he's actually "debating the topic" pretty succinctly - he is, after all, a black person - and therefore able to give significant insight into whether black people would be happier as slaves.

Okay then, perhaps [MENTION=41494]RandallFlagg[/MENTION] could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.
Fatherless households, 40% drop out and unemployment, it's time we talked about the effect these Democrat Programs have on the black family
I think he's actually "debating the topic" pretty succinctly - he is, after all, a black person - and therefore able to give significant insight into whether black people would be happier as slaves.

Okay then, perhaps @RandallFlagg could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.
Hey, I've got an idea. Maybe some happy slaveowner could buy Templar and take his mind off his troubles.

Woe be gone. It's a two-fer.
Funny, this isn't about me. Try debating the topic. Very disingenuous to resort to ad hominem. Funny, if any of you cared about anyone getting a job, you'd be writing your congressmen and senators to pass jobs legislation. But nope.
Sent from my ADR8995 using mobile app

I think he's actually "debating the topic" pretty succinctly - he is, after all, a black person - and therefore able to give significant insight into whether black people would be happier as slaves.

Okay then, perhaps [MENTION=41494]RandallFlagg[/MENTION] could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

How do you propose to make slavery an option for black people, when by its very nature slavery is not optional?
I think he's actually "debating the topic" pretty succinctly - he is, after all, a black person - and therefore able to give significant insight into whether black people would be happier as slaves.

Okay then, perhaps [MENTION=41494]RandallFlagg[/MENTION] could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

One would think what you just said would be common knowledge. One would not think there are people around to whom that must be explained.

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