All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

By the way - current unemployment for African-Americans 16 and up is 12.7%, not 21%.
Fatherless households, 40% drop out and unemployment, it's time we talked about the effect these Democrat Programs have on the black family

You can't talk about the decline of Black America over the past 50 years, that's racist.

"Black America" has not declined over the last 50 years. It has improved in every imaginable way.
What conservatives call the abuse of the black child in poverty:

1. Government provides him adequate food and shelter, if needed. 2. Government provides him a public education, regardless of how little, if anything, his parents pay towards it. 3. Government gives him free healthcare, so his health is never dependent on his parents' ability to pay. 4. Government gives him financial help to go to college.

That, according to conservatives, is a fate worse than being a slave from birth.
I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

since when did a person being right or wrong start being determined by their personal preferences? oh wait, I forgot we're dealing with liberals here, who can never focus on the issues and always have to try to spin the discussion to something else. the issue here is whether or not he has rights to be grazing cattle. period

but as usual, in typical liberal fashion you just summed up the liberal perspective on issues. it's never about what is write or wrong, it's about what can we try to make you perceive.
I think he's actually "debating the topic" pretty succinctly - he is, after all, a black person - and therefore able to give significant insight into whether black people would be happier as slaves.

Okay then, perhaps @RandallFlagg could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

I didn't advocate for slavery. I see two forms of slavery, one back in the day on the plantation, and the other via government handouts. So how is that me advocating slavery? To me one would be preferable to the other.

Now, lets pick apart that statement.

Everything those unemployed blacks do is for the government. They get paid by the government, everything they own is because of government.

Their families are being torn apart by this entitlement mentality touted by their government. Some of them at least have children for the tax breaks or to qualify for some subsidy. Their government is not encouraging them to go out support themselves.

Every facet of their lives revolves around a welfare check, or food stamps. They have everything provided for them for their government. Every facet of their lives revolves around their government. Without government, they would starve. What kind of message is that sending?
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What conservatives call the abuse of the black child in poverty:

1. Government provides him adequate food and shelter, if needed. 2. Government provides him a public education, regardless of how little, if anything, his parents pay towards it. 3. Government gives him free healthcare, so his health is never dependent on his parents' ability to pay. 4. Government gives him financial help to go to college.

That, according to conservatives, is a fate worse than being a slave from birth.

That's a mighty wide brush you're painting with.

I don't think what they have is worse than slavery, but what kind of hope to they have for the future?

Ask yourself that.

Why is black society fully immersed in negativity from the day they're born to the day they die?

Only by leaving the black community can their futures be fully realized, and the moment they do that they're called Uncle Toms.
I think he's actually "debating the topic" pretty succinctly - he is, after all, a black person - and therefore able to give significant insight into whether black people would be happier as slaves.

Okay then, perhaps [MENTION=41494]RandallFlagg[/MENTION] could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks. The democrat party has kept blacks in perpetual slavery since the day Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. They were IMMEDIATELY looked at as a potential voting block.

My Great-Great-Great Grandfather was brought to this country in chains. He worked for a man in Kentucky who allowed him to share crop. Eventually, he had his own home, married and had children on that property. Don't talk about shit that you know NOTHING about, whitey. Were blacks treated unfairly? You bet! But so were Italians, Irish, Scots, German and hell, even Indians - as well as poor white people. Care to look up stats as to how many poor, white sharecroppers STARVED to death during the dust bowl years?

When blacks began voting, they became a target of the democrats. Keep promising them the moon and drive them to the polls. Buy them lazy negroes a bottle of Muscatel and they'll vote democrat. Just as the wetback latinos are today. The "Great Society" by that pillar of the democrat party Lyndon Baines Johnson put more blacks on welfare than had EVER been there before - or after.

My Father (a Brigadier General in the Air Force) and my Mother (A Chemist) were taught by my Grand Parents to "get off your ass - stop feeling sorry for yourself and become the man and woman you want to be - you can't do that by taking handouts". Those "handouts" from you democrats have kept that black man down, NOT republicans.

Don't bullshit me whitey. I've been black all my life - you?
Okay then, perhaps [MENTION=41494]RandallFlagg[/MENTION] could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks. The democrat party has kept blacks in perpetual slavery since the day Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. They were IMMEDIATELY looked at as a potential voting block.

My Great-Great-Great Grandfather was brought to this country in chains. He worked for a man in Kentucky who allowed him to share crop. Eventually, he had his own home, married and had children on that property. Don't talk about shit that you know NOTHING about, whitey. Were blacks treated unfairly? You bet! But so were Italians, Irish, Scots, German and hell, even Indians - as well as poor white people. Care to look up stats as to how many poor, white sharecroppers STARVED to death during the dust bowl years?

When blacks began voting, they became a target of the democrats. Keep promising them the moon and drive them to the polls. Buy them lazy negroes a bottle of Muscatel and they'll vote democrat. Just as the wetback latinos are today. The "Great Society" by that pillar of the democrat party Lyndon Baines Johnson put more blacks on welfare than had EVER been there before - or after.

My Father (a Brigadier General in the Air Force) and my Mother (A Chemist) were taught by my Grand Parents to "get off your ass - stop feeling sorry for yourself and become the man and woman you want to be - you can't do that by taking handouts". Those "handouts" from you democrats have kept that black man down, NOT republicans.

Don't bullshit me whitey. I've been black all my life - you?

Do you feel better now?
Okay then, perhaps @RandallFlagg could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

I didn't advocate for slavery. I see two forms of slavery, one back in the day on the plantation, and the other via government handouts. So how is that me advocating slavery? To me one would be preferable to the other.

Now, lets pick apart that statement.

Everything those unemployed blacks do is for the government. They get paid by the government, everything they own is because of government.

Their families are being torn apart by this entitlement mentality touted by their government. Some of them at least have children for the tax breaks or to qualify for some subsidy. Their government is not encouraging them to go out support themselves.

Every facet of their lives revolves around a welfare check, or food stamps. They have everything provided for them for their government. Everything facet of their lives revolves around their government. Without government, they would starve. What kind of message is that sending?

What about the White people like yourself who are in the same or similar situation? Do you think that you should be a slave? NO ONE is forcing people to be on welfare or to get government benefits like "disability" while they sit there all day doing what they want to.

A slave here in America was FORCED to work in order to create wealth for their master. No one is forcing anyone (white, black, brown, etc.) to be on welfare, they can get off of it any time they want, the same thing applies to unemployment, SSI, etc.

Once again, it's funny how people with your mindset tend to try to make the MINORITY of Black people who are unemployed, be the "face" of the 79% of Black people who are EMPLOYED and NOT on welfare. Why would people like you try to do such a thing? Why do people like you who may be in the same situation want to act like it's "the Black" (or lets be honest about what some people call them; "the *******") when in fact they or YOU may be no more productive or no more employed than "them"?
Okay then, perhaps @RandallFlagg could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

I didn't advocate for slavery. I see two forms of slavery, one back in the day on the plantation, and the other via government handouts. So how is that me advocating slavery? To me one would be preferable to the other.

The "slavery" of government handouts doesn't exist. It's only in your head.

When you say that slavery (the real kind) is better than not slavery, that to me is "advocating slavery".

Now, lets pick apart that statement.

Everything those unemployed blacks do is for the government. They get paid by the government, everything they own is because of government.

This is nonsense. Almost all of those black households receiving public assistance are working families. They go to work, take their kids to school, watch football games, hang out with their friends, and do what the want. None of that is "because of the government".

Their families are being torn apart by this entitlement mentality touted by their government.


Some of them at least have children for the tax breaks or to qualify for some subsidy. Their government is not encouraging them to go out support themselves.

Every facet of their lives revolves around a welfare check, or food stamps. They have everything provided for them for their government. Everything facet of their lives revolves around their government. Without government, they would starve. What kind of message is that sending?

Your view of black people as a whole seems to be based entirely on fictional, "welfare queen" style caricatures. The people you describe make up a tiny segment of the black population. They do not represent black people as a whole any more than meth heads in Nevada represent all white people.
Okay then, perhaps [MENTION=41494]RandallFlagg[/MENTION] could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks. The democrat party has kept blacks in perpetual slavery since the day Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. They were IMMEDIATELY looked at as a potential voting block.

My Great-Great-Great Grandfather was brought to this country in chains. He worked for a man in Kentucky who allowed him to share crop. Eventually, he had his own home, married and had children on that property. Don't talk about shit that you know NOTHING about, whitey. Were blacks treated unfairly? You bet! But so were Italians, Irish, Scots, German and hell, even Indians - as well as poor white people. Care to look up stats as to how many poor, white sharecroppers STARVED to death during the dust bowl years?

When blacks began voting, they became a target of the democrats. Keep promising them the moon and drive them to the polls. Buy them lazy negroes a bottle of Muscatel and they'll vote democrat. Just as the wetback latinos are today. The "Great Society" by that pillar of the democrat party Lyndon Baines Johnson put more blacks on welfare than had EVER been there before - or after.

My Father (a Brigadier General in the Air Force) and my Mother (A Chemist) were taught by my Grand Parents to "get off your ass - stop feeling sorry for yourself and become the man and woman you want to be - you can't do that by taking handouts". Those "handouts" from you democrats have kept that black man down, NOT republicans.

Don't bullshit me whitey. I've been black all my life - you?

Would you be happier as a slave?
I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

I'm so mutha fuckin angry at America's lame brained media and you dumb ass Liberal scumbags, I could spit!

There was nothing incorrect and nothing racist about what he said.

You all are tools of the devil.
Okay then, perhaps [MENTION=41494]RandallFlagg[/MENTION] could offer some insight of his own, being from the opposite end of the spectrum and as a black person.

Moreover, I can't fathom how a black man would advocate one form of slavery over another. Really. Isn't the whole idea of life to succeed, not be a slave to anything? But hey, since we're here, it would be better for a person to be a slave, making a life for themself despite the atrocities committed against them, than to be held down by their government, kept from progressing in any way shape or form.

No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks. The democrat party has kept blacks in perpetual slavery since the day Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. They were IMMEDIATELY looked at as a potential voting block.

LOL, that is patently incorrect, those conservative Democrats were the ones who passed all sorts of laws so they COULDN'T vote.
By the way - current unemployment for African-Americans 16 and up is 12.7%, not 21%.

On what planet?

Usually it's closer to 50%.

You folks don't know how to be honest about anything these days.


12.1%, as of Feb 2014:

Unemployment rates are higher for young people, minorities | PBS NewsHour

ThedocisIn nailed it.

Apparently he wasn't reading this.

"Age 16 to 19, both sexes" The number is 36%.

Table A-2. Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age

And I misread. That's 21% of all teenagers in America who are unemployed. So the black teen rate is substantially higher than the average.
No one is advocating any form of slavery at all, aside from you and Clive Bundy.

Slaves didn't make anything for themselves, let alone a life. Everything they did was for master. They owned nothing. Their families could be torn apart at any moment on the whims of the owner. Every facet of their lives was controlled to maximize the profit of the plantation.

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks. The democrat party has kept blacks in perpetual slavery since the day Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. They were IMMEDIATELY looked at as a potential voting block.

My Great-Great-Great Grandfather was brought to this country in chains. He worked for a man in Kentucky who allowed him to share crop. Eventually, he had his own home, married and had children on that property. Don't talk about shit that you know NOTHING about, whitey. Were blacks treated unfairly? You bet! But so were Italians, Irish, Scots, German and hell, even Indians - as well as poor white people. Care to look up stats as to how many poor, white sharecroppers STARVED to death during the dust bowl years?

When blacks began voting, they became a target of the democrats. Keep promising them the moon and drive them to the polls. Buy them lazy negroes a bottle of Muscatel and they'll vote democrat. Just as the wetback latinos are today. The "Great Society" by that pillar of the democrat party Lyndon Baines Johnson put more blacks on welfare than had EVER been there before - or after.

My Father (a Brigadier General in the Air Force) and my Mother (A Chemist) were taught by my Grand Parents to "get off your ass - stop feeling sorry for yourself and become the man and woman you want to be - you can't do that by taking handouts". Those "handouts" from you democrats have kept that black man down, NOT republicans.

Don't bullshit me whitey. I've been black all my life - you?

Do you feel better now?

Never felt bad. I just get sick and tired of all you limp-wristed pussies telling us "black folks" all about OUR history. Hell, sonny, I doubt you know your own damned history. Your ancestors own any slaves? Ever checked it out?

Here's a hint for you, sonny. If your ancestors owned slaves - what the hell difference does it make now?

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