all you obama haters etc....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
i have a question...why in the world are you wishing obama does poorly....why? are you really that stupid to hope a sitting president does poorly? what kind of american wishes ill on his country to prove his party or whatever was right? do you really think of yourself as a proud american or simply a proud republican, conservative you can fill in the blank. if you are hoping obama does poorly then you are stupid and need to rethink your loyalities...we need a president to do well and take us out of our current situation....

to the democrats....we are up to our ass in gators...quit trying to drain the we got here is only for historicians to debate now...what is important is how we move forward...there are no past laurels to live on at this point....we need to unite and move forward with the goal of making this the greatest country we can.

my point: we have 4 years of obama...let all hope for the best...lets unite behind the president and hope we can get beyond the current for all of those wishing obama does poorly...stop being stupid partisan ass and realize this country needs to unite and achieve goals that are not beyond us...unless our focus is elsewhere....

so what is more important to you...being a proud republican, democrat or a proud american??? be honest ...can you put your party loyality behind and be a loyal american or will you just whine and bitch and hope for the worse and take glee in all the bad news about obama you can?
i have a question...why in the world are you wishing obama does poorly....why? are you really that stupid to hope a sitting president does poorly? what kind of american wishes ill on his country to prove his party or whatever was right? do you really think of yourself as a proud american or simply a proud republican, conservative you can fill in the blank. if you are hoping obama does poorly then you are stupid and need to rethink your loyalities...we need a president to do well and take us out of our current situation....

to the democrats....we are up to our ass in gators...quit trying to drain the we got here is only for historicians to debate now...what is important is how we move forward...there are no past laurels to live on at this point....we need to unite and move forward with the goal of making this the greatest country we can.

my point: we have 4 years of obama...let all hope for the best...lets unite behind the president and hope we can get beyond the current for all of those wishing obama does poorly...stop being stupid partisan ass and realize this country needs to unite and achieve goals that are not beyond us...unless our focus is elsewhere....

so what is more important to you...being a proud republican, democrat or a proud american??? be honest ...can you put your party loyality behind and be a loyal american or will you just whine and bitch and hope for the worse and take glee in all the bad news about obama you can?

Remind me how you demanded everyone unite behind Bush. When was the last time you called to task the liberal turds on this board attacking Bush and Cheney? Claiming they were not loyal Americans for disagreeing with Bush or the Republican Executive Branch?

In fact as I recall YOU were one of the people having a fit that people WERE asking why Liberals were so disloyal. Claiming it was just honest disagreement. Now suddenly you want to claim someone disagreeing with the next President is disloyal. I wonder if you would be making this post if McCain were President and everyone was attacking him. Your track record tells me you would not have said a damn thing except some of your own attacks.
Remind me how you demanded everyone unite behind Bush. When was the last time you called to task the liberal turds on this board attacking Bush and Cheney? Claiming they were not loyal Americans for disagreeing with Bush or the Republican Executive Branch?


So very true. From the most vehement Bush haters this is what they keep saying and writing. They are liars, for they are saying, "NOW! Do as I say, not as I did." Indeed, they do have 'laurels' they are now running from. They effectively did to Bush what they fear 'Conservatives' will now do, they know just how effective their constant barrage of venom has been.

The dilemma for those that do care about our country, do we do as they did?
In fact as I recall YOU were one of the people having a fit that people WERE asking why Liberals were so disloyal. Claiming it was just honest disagreement

i dont think you have seen me having a "fit" on here. the past 2 years have been election turmoil. i do not think you will find a post from me..wishing that bush did poorly...i always hope the best of the american president. it is that simple...

I wonder if you would be making this post if McCain were President and everyone was attacking him. Your track record tells me you would not have said a damn thing except some of your own attacks.

my track record tells you what? and yes i would post the same thread is McCain had been elected. perhaps you should re read my posts.
i find it amusing that neither of you answered the questions but just attacked me....ignorance is rarely that amusing...
I personally hope he does great, as I've said in the past. I just don't think it's going to happen.
Bush showed himself to be an idiot right from the git-go.

So it was hard to develop any kind enthusiasm for his policys or administration.

I will give Obama the befifit of the doubt for maybe 90 days.
i find it amusing that neither of you answered the questions but just attacked me....ignorance is rarely that amusing...
What questions? They were rhetorical. I never attacked YOU, rather those making the argument that the choice is to support Obama or wish US harm. If you've read my posts since the election, you would know I have never been dancing about the coming failures, if they do materialize. I do not join in on the bashing, I do find the 'lack of change', at least through appointments and statements ironic so far. You don't?

Posts as your original, of which there are now quite a few illuminate that many have used the last 8 years, consciously to undermine the President, thus the country. Now you want to pull back. I posit that you all will be luckier than you believe possible, since of the most part real Conservatives, not necessarily Republicans tend to believe in personal responsibility, making it pretty difficult to carry out the type of campaign waged against the administration for nearly a decade at obvious cost to the country.
i have a question...why in the world are you wishing obama does poorly....why? are you really that stupid to hope a sitting president does poorly? what kind of american wishes ill on his country to prove his party or whatever was right? do you really think of yourself as a proud american or simply a proud republican, conservative you can fill in the blank. if you are hoping obama does poorly then you are stupid and need to rethink your loyalities...we need a president to do well and take us out of our current situation....

to the democrats....we are up to our ass in gators...quit trying to drain the we got here is only for historicians to debate now...what is important is how we move forward...there are no past laurels to live on at this point....we need to unite and move forward with the goal of making this the greatest country we can.

my point: we have 4 years of obama...let all hope for the best...lets unite behind the president and hope we can get beyond the current for all of those wishing obama does poorly...stop being stupid partisan ass and realize this country needs to unite and achieve goals that are not beyond us...unless our focus is elsewhere....

so what is more important to you...being a proud republican, democrat or a proud american??? be honest ...can you put your party loyality behind and be a loyal american or will you just whine and bitch and hope for the worse and take glee in all the bad news about obama you can?

I never wished Bush did poorly. If he had been following my advice, he probably wouldn't have a 22% approval rating, and he probably wouldn't have led the nation over a cliff.

I slammed him for making stupid policy choices. Invading Iraq - dumb, expensive, and bloody. Deregulating Wall Street? Idiotic. Embracing unfettered "free market" theology, with minimal oversight? Bad move, we've seen that movie before. If he had followed most of the advice from true liberals, we wouldn't be in nearly as much of a mess as were are now. This crap happened on his watch, and while its not 100% his fault, he has to shoulder much of the responsiblity for his appalling governance and failure to police and regulate the markets. That's an Executive responsibility. The President has to excersice leadership in those areas.

Pointing out that I was right and Bush was wrong, is far from wishing ill on the country. I wish Bush would have listened to true liberals. And I think it is important to know how we got here. So we don't repeat the same mistakes again.

I hope Obama pursues more sane policy choices, and is a more engaged and energetic leader. Who knows? I've always had my suspicions that Obama is a milquetoast centrist Democrat, who is not prone to making bold moves or progressive policy changes. I just hope he will be competent and mitigate the worst of the exessive "free market" theology exercised by Bush and his followers.
Expecting people just to get on board the Obama train, when much of what he has said is in direct opposition to what they believe is the rright path for this nation, is asking rather a lot, don't you think?

Liberalism and conservatism have been pulling in two different directions for so long that many of us are in the habit of hating, now.

When Obama gives people a reason to trust him, when he gives them something tangible that shows them his plan is going to work for them, THEN some of the so called conservatives will change.

I am yet not entirely convinced that Obama is really going to do anything real for this nation, myself.

First of all, because I doubt that ANYONE can do much real for this nation, given what we're working with.

But secondly, because what this nation really needs to do (become a meritocracy among other things) isn't something any memeber of the elite class really wants to happen.

Once the system is working FOR YOU, making radical changes to it, even changes which you can see are necessary for the nation in the long run, aren't likely to get done.

Both parties are run by the elite class, as is Congress.

Expecting them to make REAL changes which threaten their domination of the scene is naive.

Generally speaking the elite don't make serious changes to a system unless they are forced to kicking and screaming the whole way.

This depression we are entering MIGHT be enough to make that happen, but given the degree of self deluding arrogance I see in our elite classes, I don't expect them to give up their power and the perogatives and advantages that power gives them, either.

Obama will throw crumbs to the poor, and try to keppe the basic structure of the nation essantially the same, I think.

If he truly threatens the power structure he will be assassinated.
All that scratching you're hearing is the sound of people everywhere scratching off their "Dissent is patriotic" bumper stickers on their cars. ;)

In all seriousness, half the country is disappointed with the outcome. They need to get over it and I believe they will.

To answer your question, I am a proud american with no ties to any party. To be honest I hold a lot of contempt for Democrat and Republican politicians. I feel they were derelict in their duty, put politics first, and let the US slide into this economic meltdown. In my opinion, no incumbent earned the privilege to hold on to their seat this past cycle.
many have used the last 8 years, consciously to undermine the President, thus the country.

Still defending Bush??

How was Bush undermined by Liberals? Bush made policy choices that were horrible for the country and liberals pointed it out. Sorry, we were right for the most part. Most liberals told him not in invade Iraq. Liberals told him that a blind, unwavering faith in "free markets" were misplaced. Liberals told him that corporations required oversight and regulation. Liberals told him that cutting taxes for the rich, while launching two wars and a massive increase in government spending and corporate welfare would bust the budget.

How is telling the truth, "undermining" the president? I can only conclude that you think Bush's policy choices were excellent and wise ones, and that if liberals had only shut up and not complained that they were bad policies, somehow it all would have worked out.
Remind me how you demanded everyone unite behind Bush. When was the last time you called to task the liberal turds on this board attacking Bush and Cheney? Claiming they were not loyal Americans for disagreeing with Bush or the Republican Executive Branch?

In fact as I recall YOU were one of the people having a fit that people WERE asking why Liberals were so disloyal. Claiming it was just honest disagreement. Now suddenly you want to claim someone disagreeing with the next President is disloyal. I wonder if you would be making this post if McCain were President and everyone was attacking him. Your track record tells me you would not have said a damn thing except some of your own attacks.

Dude... there is a HUGE difference between hoping a president fails before he takes office and calling into question decisions and policies that come from his administration.

I for one hoped that the Bush administration would do America proud - it's not my fault that it didn't.

All that scratching you're hearing is the sound of people everywhere scratching off their "Dissent is patriotic" bumper stickers on their cars. ;)

the majority of so-called liberals are like that, in my opinion.

The mjnority of so called liberals are just as likely to fault Obama as McCain.

Seriously, there is a core of liberal thinking which is not based on team indentity.

This branch of liberalism DOES pay attention to the detail of policies and laws and that group of liberals (often identified by the so called moderates of the Democratic party as radical leftists) are NOT slavish hero worshipping nitwits. (Incidently they're not leftists, either)

They were the same people who gave Bill Clinton such a hard time when he "reformed" the welfare system, and when he fibrilated on issues involving celaing up the environment, too.

They are the ones who are marginalized for pointing out the corruption in the Democratic party. I know them because I am one of those. (looks to me like BAC is one, too)

In all seriousness, half the country is disappointed with the outcome. They need to get over it and I believe they will.

If the country continues to be disappointed with outcome, it will be because the outcomes will continue to get worse.

To answer your question, I am a proud american with no ties to any party. To be honest I hold a lot of contempt for Democrat and Republican politicians. I feel they were derelict in their duty, put politics first, and let the US slide into this economic meltdown.

Agreed. Worse ...both parties not only let the nation slide, they pushed the nation into the slide to begin with.

In my opinion, no incumbent earned the privilege to hold on to their seat this past cycle.

We all need to pay more attention to the players. the policies and the laws, much much more specifically.

There are SOME politicians who are not marching in lockstep with either party, and they exist in BOTH parties.

If we do not do our jobs as citizens, then basically we cannot reward those who are NOT marching in lockstep with their parties.

In other words, let's NOT throw the baby out with the bath, okay?
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In fact as I recall YOU were one of the people having a fit that people WERE asking why Liberals were so disloyal. Claiming it was just honest disagreement

i dont think you have seen me having a "fit" on here. the past 2 years have been election turmoil. i do not think you will find a post from me..wishing that bush did poorly...i always hope the best of the american president. it is that simple...

I wonder if you would be making this post if McCain were President and everyone was attacking him. Your track record tells me you would not have said a damn thing except some of your own attacks.

my track record tells you what? and yes i would post the same thread is McCain had been elected. perhaps you should re read my posts.

It should be real easy for you to link us to one of your posts where you called the Liberals "disloyal Americans" for questioning Bush and not giving him support.

A post where you ask Liberals if they were loyal to party or Country when they disagreed with Bush Policies.

In fact we have had threads where the Liberals that are all whining now that we should not attack Obama attacked Bush and demanded everyone stop calling them disloyal. That disagreeing with the president was not only not disloyal it was their duty as citizens if they disagreed with President Bush's Policies.

Now that the attacks are on Obama we are hearing a new tune. Sorry but his stated policies suck and the people he is appointing are all for the most part bad for this Country. I do not need to wait till he is actually President to attck his STATED goals and his appointees.

And just like the left whined they were not disloyal for attacking Bush, GUESS what? The Conservatives are not disloyal for attacking Obama on substance and issues, appointees and plans.

Unlike you, you will find where I have told conservatives to lay off the unfounded crap. Unlike Liberals Conservatives are quite willing to call to task other Conservatives when they are being stupid or wrong.

And when ever I have asked the same of Liberals the response has ALWAYS been, They will never openly attack another liberal no matter how wrong.
And if you don't think Bush's policy choices were horrible for the country, and led us to the edge of the cliff, I refer you back to the GOP 2008 campaign. McCain, Palin, and most GOP big wigs ran their campaing against their own party and against their own president. They hopped on the bandwagon and promised "change" from the Bush policies of the last 8 years, and they wouldn't even be seen in public with the president of their own party.

Liberals pointed out years ago that Bush was fucking up. McCain and the GOP just jumped on that bandwagon 6 months ago.

Liberals didn't "undermine" Bush. They just pointed out he was fucking up. And it turns out, Liberals were right. Live Average Joe said, don't blame liberals for pointing out that the house was on fire.
And you think plans to bankrupt 60 percent of the power plants in America and shut down 1/3 of the Hospitals is a good idea? How about another give away to tax payers? Seems to me you all hated when Bush did it now Obama wants to give us even MORE money and you think it is a great idea.
Still defending Bush??

How was Bush undermined by Liberals? Bush made policy choices that were horrible for the country and liberals pointed it out. Sorry, we were right for the most part. Most liberals told him not in invade Iraq. Liberals told him that a blind, unwavering faith in "free markets" were misplaced. Liberals told him that corporations required oversight and regulation. Liberals told him that cutting taxes for the rich, while launching two wars and a massive increase in government spending and corporate welfare would bust the budget.

How is telling the truth, "undermining" the president? I can only conclude that you think Bush's policy choices were excellent and wise ones, and that if liberals had only shut up and not complained that they were bad policies, somehow it all would have worked out.

Well your conclusion evidences your ignorance or willful mischaracterization of what I've posted over the years regarding many of Bush's decisions. But heh, all President's are held accountable, The One will be too, in fact his behavior and statements since 11/4 do not bode well in his being what he promised to be.
I support our President whether I voted for him or not, and I pray our country recovers from this economic crisis we are in and we are all safe. Glenn Beck said the same thing we must support our president regardless of whether we voted for him or not.

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