All You Pro Wilson People...

When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

Pro Wilson people LOL that's funny

What about pro justice people, those of us that don't want to see a man strung up just because of the opinion of vigilantes who do not know the facts.

How about those of us who favor punishment for Wilson if he was in the wrong

As for as your reference to Denny I personally do not worry about such nonsense. I live where I am free to carry and free to use up to lethal force to protect myself

"...don't want to see a man strung up". How incredible that you would use that phrase. Anybody in this group related to you by any chance?

When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

Pro Wilson people LOL that's funny

What about pro justice people, those of us that don't want to see a man strung up just because of the opinion of vigilantes who do not know the facts.

How about those of us who favor punishment for Wilson if he was in the wrong

As for as your reference to Denny I personally do not worry about such nonsense. I live where I am free to carry and free to use up to lethal force to protect myself

Ever been in the middle of a race riot? I have. You think Reginald Denny knew what he was driving into that day?
That's why I say that anyone who thinks what happens in Ferguson stays in Ferguson is fooling themselves.

That wasn't a race riot you were was an anti ugly people're lucky to be alive.
The above post will be removed shortly because it will be found offensive by the moderators. So suck up reality while you can, and own your proud heritage.
I trust whatever verdict the grand jury reaches. they've heard ALL of the evidence.

Nobody on this forum has. None of the protestors have either.....
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

Pro Wilson people LOL that's funny

What about pro justice people, those of us that don't want to see a man strung up just because of the opinion of vigilantes who do not know the facts.

How about those of us who favor punishment for Wilson if he was in the wrong

As for as your reference to Denny I personally do not worry about such nonsense. I live where I am free to carry and free to use up to lethal force to protect myself

Ever been in the middle of a race riot? I have. You think Reginald Denny knew what he was driving into that day?
That's why I say that anyone who thinks what happens in Ferguson stays in Ferguson is fooling themselves.

That wasn't a race riot you were was an anti ugly people're lucky to be alive.

You live anywhere near Jasper, DuhTex? That's right, they don't have riots down in Texas. Whites drag blacks to death to keep 'em in line.

This week in history: Dragging death of James Byrd Jr.
This week in history Dragging death of James Byrd Jr. - Beaumont Enterprise
So, you packed food, water, some blankets, right? I mean, if it's going to be as bad as you say then your ready to go down and help cleanup. No?
Any word on how many 'Community Organizers' are dead, yet?

I'm in the pool for $50 on '100'!

I wont be. I live in a state that allows me to carry my .45

Any hooligans wanting "justice" for Gentle Giant who bring that nonsense to me...will join him

Keyboard tough guys are so impressive.
Abra cadabra... May a big burly couple of black thugs burn your house, attack you while carrying a bag of groceries, carjack your ride and no cops are around to save your sorry ass as you cry and snivel. That goes for ALL of you that conveniently forget what this "gentle giant" has done.

He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.
Internet tough guy? Ha. I was shot at and returned fire a few times with APD. Self defense isnt being a "tough guy".

1- I avoid shitholes like Ferguson so im in no danger
2- if lawless thugs try to come to my home and threatens me with deadly force...they're taking a double tap to the "coke bottle". Fellow shooters will know what I mean.

Keyboard Kowboys at their best.
So, it's apparent that no one here has really been in a racially volatile situation in which they feared for their lives or others. And yet they're itching for one. Stupid white people are going to get what they asked for, in spades (pun intended).
I wont be. I live in a state that allows me to carry my .45

Any hooligans wanting "justice" for Gentle Giant who bring that nonsense to me...will join him

Keyboard tough guys are so impressive.
Abra cadabra... May a big burly couple of black thugs burn your house, attack you while carrying a bag of groceries, carjack your ride and no cops are around to save your sorry ass as you cry and snivel. That goes for ALL of you that conveniently forget what this "gentle giant" has done.

He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

Who didn't deserve to die?
I wont be. I live in a state that allows me to carry my .45

Any hooligans wanting "justice" for Gentle Giant who bring that nonsense to me...will join him

Keyboard tough guys are so impressive.
Abra cadabra... May a big burly couple of black thugs burn your house, attack you while carrying a bag of groceries, carjack your ride and no cops are around to save your sorry ass as you cry and snivel. That goes for ALL of you that conveniently forget what this "gentle giant" has done.

He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.
So, it's apparent that no one here has really been in a racially volatile situation in which they feared for their lives or others. And yet they're itching for one. Stupid white people are going to get what they asked for, in spades (pun intended).

Well I don't know if it was 'racially volatile' or not but I had a car of four gang-bangers (they were all dark caramel) pull up along side me, in Philly... front passenger pulled a hand gun out pointed it at me and demanded I 'pull over'.

I reached beside me, grabbed by 12Gg (Smith 916) stuck the muzzle through the window and pointed it at the driver's head... and told 'em I didn't have time to pull over, but I was good for a quick fire fight.

LOL! For whatever reason, the driver decided to take a hard left, bouncing over the curb and into the parking lot of a 7-11... I counter three flats before he rolled out of site.

It was hysterical.
I trust whatever verdict the grand jury reaches. they've heard ALL of the evidence.

Nobody on this forum has. None of the protestors have either.....

I find it hard to trust the grand jury when the Prosecutors made no effort to really prosecute the case. They let Wilson make four hours of self-serving statements, while not making any recommendations.

Oh, yeah, and 9 out of 12 of these jurors were white. I'm sure they'll be unbiased.
So, it's apparent that no one here has really been in a racially volatile situation in which they feared for their lives or others. And yet they're itching for one. Stupid white people are going to get what they asked for, in spades (pun intended).

Mfer I was a cop in south Atlanta, zone 3, for 8 years working shitholes like the old Grady Homes where swarms of black youth would try to jump white cops Iif you were in there alone.

Ive experienced it. And they only respect violence to make them back off.
So are the Brown shirts rioting yet? Maybe I should have the TV on...

BTW...I'm pro Wilson. Too expensive for me though...

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Mfer I was a cop in south Atlanta, zone 3, for 8 years working shitholes like the old Grady Homes where swarms of black youth would try to jump white cops Iif you were in there alone.

Ive experienced it. And they only respect violence to make them back off.

Has it occurred toyou when all they can expect from the Police is brutality, they aren't inclined to trust cops?

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