All You Pro Wilson People...

I'll take that as a no. Hmm......nobody is on the road bringing blankets, bringing water, organizing medical care...............hmmmm.........

I could MAYBE bring some AMMO... But I'll require TOP DOLLAR. MO is one helluva long way up the road.

I wasn't really expecting it from you.

I am, however, expecting that from my fellow liberal posters.

So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.

And all you Pro Brown who backs big BOYS abusing women. Get off the Internet tough ones...AND Hit the road to Ferguson.

Where did he beat up women?

I guess you would have a need to see the little old lady DIE OF HEART ATTACK to be convinced. pathetic

What "little old lady" died? And how is that pathetic? You made a claim that Michael Brown abused women and I asked for proof?

Also, why do you think that people should be killed if YOU think they MAY eventually beat women?
I'll take that as a no. Hmm......nobody is on the road bringing blankets, bringing water, organizing medical care...............hmmmm.........

I could MAYBE bring some AMMO... But I'll require TOP DOLLAR. MO is one helluva long way up the road.

I wasn't really expecting it from you.

I am, however, expecting that from my fellow liberal posters.

So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.
Glad to know you agree liberals promote discord, race riots and hate.
I could MAYBE bring some AMMO... But I'll require TOP DOLLAR. MO is one helluva long way up the road.

I wasn't really expecting it from you.

I am, however, expecting that from my fellow liberal posters.

So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.

60 years ago the black community had families a work ethic and strong community ties. After the Democrats got done making them dependent on the Government for hand outs and welfare we have 80 percent unwed mothers, gang bangers, 50 percent of all murders committed by blacks and no work ethic at all. Ya I can see why you would disagree, facing the truth is always hard.
I wasn't really expecting it from you.

I am, however, expecting that from my fellow liberal posters.

So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.

60 years ago the black community had families a work ethic and strong community ties. After the Democrats got done making them dependent on the Government for hand outs and welfare we have 80 percent unwed mothers, gang bangers, 50 percent of all murders committed by blacks and no work ethic at all. Ya I can see why you would disagree, facing the truth is always hard.

That's not true. You know it.
I could MAYBE bring some AMMO... But I'll require TOP DOLLAR. MO is one helluva long way up the road.

I wasn't really expecting it from you.

I am, however, expecting that from my fellow liberal posters.

So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.
Glad to know you agree liberals promote discord, race riots and hate.
I see you did not respond to the claim you made that we did not know Brown attempted to take Wilson's firearm.
So, it's apparent that no one here has really been in a racially volatile situation in which they feared for their lives or others. And yet they're itching for one. Stupid white people are going to get what they asked for, in spades (pun intended).

Been there, done that during Katrina. The fact that people will riot, loot and commit violence on others does not mean they are justified. They were not justified during Katrina and are certainly not over Fergusun. Rewarding temper tantrums never works out in the long run. Enforce the laws. Peaceful protesting is one thing ... rioting and looting is another: crime. Arrest the criminals so the peaceful protesters may have their say, IMO.
So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.

60 years ago the black community had families a work ethic and strong community ties. After the Democrats got done making them dependent on the Government for hand outs and welfare we have 80 percent unwed mothers, gang bangers, 50 percent of all murders committed by blacks and no work ethic at all. Ya I can see why you would disagree, facing the truth is always hard.

That's not true. You know it.
What part isn't true, do a little research.
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

Pro Wilson people LOL that's funny

What about pro justice people, those of us that don't want to see a man strung up just because of the opinion of vigilantes who do not know the facts.

How about those of us who favor punishment for Wilson if he was in the wrong

As for as your reference to Denny I personally do not worry about such nonsense. I live where I am free to carry and free to use up to lethal force to protect myself

Ever been in the middle of a race riot? I have. You think Reginald Denny knew what he was driving into that day?
That's why I say that anyone who thinks what happens in Ferguson stays in Ferguson is fooling themselves.

That wasn't a race riot you were was an anti ugly people're lucky to be alive.

You live anywhere near Jasper, DuhTex? That's right, they don't have riots down in Texas. Whites drag blacks to death to keep 'em in line.

This week in history: Dragging death of James Byrd Jr.
This week in history Dragging death of James Byrd Jr. - Beaumont Enterprise

No...Im down by San Antone...but I could meet you there.
I'll take that as a no. Hmm......nobody is on the road bringing blankets, bringing water, organizing medical care...............hmmmm.........

I could MAYBE bring some AMMO... But I'll require TOP DOLLAR. MO is one helluva long way up the road.

I wasn't really expecting it from you.

I am, however, expecting that from my fellow liberal posters.

So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.

Well, Just an FYI: following the Left around these sort of things usually requires a bulldozer and a fleet of dump trucks.

Did ya not see the pictures of the last obama immaculation?
Keyboard tough guys are so impressive.
Abra cadabra... May a big burly couple of black thugs burn your house, attack you while carrying a bag of groceries, carjack your ride and no cops are around to save your sorry ass as you cry and snivel. That goes for ALL of you that conveniently forget what this "gentle giant" has done.

He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
I trust whatever verdict the grand jury reaches. they've heard ALL of the evidence.

Nobody on this forum has. None of the protestors have either.....

I find it hard to trust the grand jury when the Prosecutors made no effort to really prosecute the case. They let Wilson make four hours of self-serving statements, while not making any recommendations.

Oh, yeah, and 9 out of 12 of these jurors were white. I'm sure they'll be unbiased.

Grand juries operate differently. The prosecutor does not make his case, just presents enough evidence (if he has it) to get the true bill. I sat on a grand jury for 14 months. It is nothing like a trial jury: no lawyers allowed, most witnesses and accused don't testify (as they have zero reason, no lawyer to protect you).
Abra cadabra... May a big burly couple of black thugs burn your house, attack you while carrying a bag of groceries, carjack your ride and no cops are around to save your sorry ass as you cry and snivel. That goes for ALL of you that conveniently forget what this "gentle giant" has done.

He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
One can NOT get gunpowder burns at 30 feet it has to be very very close range. Are you really that stupid?
I wasn't really expecting it from you.

I am, however, expecting that from my fellow liberal posters.

So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.

60 years ago the black community had families a work ethic and strong community ties. After the Democrats got done making them dependent on the Government for hand outs and welfare we have 80 percent unwed mothers, gang bangers, 50 percent of all murders committed by blacks and no work ethic at all. Ya I can see why you would disagree, facing the truth is always hard.

And republicans support block people so much right?

The issues you state are ECONOMIC reasons why they are struggling. The factory jobs leaving the rust belt did great harm to the black community leaving them no good paying jobs which led to lower income which lead to rising amounts of drug use to numb the pain of feeling worthless. That leads to the violent drug trade which led to the killings in the community.

So how is that the Democrats's fault when Republicans overwhelming support outsourcing?
Abra cadabra... May a big burly couple of black thugs burn your house, attack you while carrying a bag of groceries, carjack your ride and no cops are around to save your sorry ass as you cry and snivel. That goes for ALL of you that conveniently forget what this "gentle giant" has done.

He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.

Yeah... if there was only SOME evidence of Brown 'being aggressive' say... 5 minutes before he attacked office Wilson?

If there were just SOME STORY, maybe third or fourth person, which could shed SOME light on the mindset of lil' Mikey Brown, defenseless little brown-boy, just out for a stroll down the middle of a sun lit street...

OH! Wait... there IS this:

That mountain there on the left... holding the neck of that little dude on the right... THAT'S LIl' Mikey Brown just a few minutes before he broke Officer Wilson's face, causing Wilson to have to put him down... the easy way.
So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.

60 years ago the black community had families a work ethic and strong community ties. After the Democrats got done making them dependent on the Government for hand outs and welfare we have 80 percent unwed mothers, gang bangers, 50 percent of all murders committed by blacks and no work ethic at all. Ya I can see why you would disagree, facing the truth is always hard.

And republicans support block people so much right?

The issues you state are ECONOMIC reasons why they are struggling. The factory jobs leaving the rust belt did great harm to the black community leaving them no good paying jobs which led to lower income which lead to rising amounts of drug use to numb the pain of feeling worthless. That leads to the violent drug trade which led to the killings in the community.

So how is that the Democrats's fault when Republicans overwhelming support outsourcing?
So Republicans were to blame for the steel industry failing? You realize if Government was at all to blame the democrats controlled the house continuously from 1942 to 1994 that the Senate was in control of the democrats for most of those years as well?

The steel industry died because after WW2 the US bought and built brand new facilities in Europe and Asia.And the US Industry rather then modernize got as much out of what they had before the collapse.
So you're expecting the Libs to provide aid and comfort to the enemy?

Well, that's reasonable, given the absolute certainty of such.

I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.

60 years ago the black community had families a work ethic and strong community ties. After the Democrats got done making them dependent on the Government for hand outs and welfare we have 80 percent unwed mothers, gang bangers, 50 percent of all murders committed by blacks and no work ethic at all. Ya I can see why you would disagree, facing the truth is always hard.

And republicans support block people so much right?

The issues you state are ECONOMIC reasons why they are struggling. The factory jobs leaving the rust belt did great harm to the black community leaving them no good paying jobs which led to lower income which lead to rising amounts of drug use to numb the pain of feeling worthless. That leads to the violent drug trade which led to the killings in the community.

So how is that the Democrats's fault when Republicans overwhelming support outsourcing?

Socialist policy caused the Steel Business to fail... and it also caused the crippling psychology that is causing these animals to behave like, well... animals.

If you need something to blame, blame the perversion of human reasoning OKA: Left-think.
I trust whatever verdict the grand jury reaches. they've heard ALL of the evidence.

Nobody on this forum has. None of the protestors have either.....

I find it hard to trust the grand jury when the Prosecutors made no effort to really prosecute the case. They let Wilson make four hours of self-serving statements, while not making any recommendations.

Oh, yeah, and 9 out of 12 of these jurors were white. I'm sure they'll be unbiased.

And what was the makeup of the OJ jury in the murder trial....

Maybe this will help you...

A Jury Is Chosen to Hear The Simpson Murder Case - New York Times
He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
One can NOT get gunpowder burns at 30 feet it has to be very very close range. Are you really that stupid?

that seems to be the case
I am expecting them to go in, should things become out of control, and help clean up. Rolling around in madness comes to an end. It always comes to an end. So, then actual work will be required.
Liberals do not do work for minorities. That stopped 50 years ago. They promote discord, they promote race riots and hate.

60 years ago the black community had families a work ethic and strong community ties. After the Democrats got done making them dependent on the Government for hand outs and welfare we have 80 percent unwed mothers, gang bangers, 50 percent of all murders committed by blacks and no work ethic at all. Ya I can see why you would disagree, facing the truth is always hard.

That's not true. You know it.
What part isn't true, do a little research.

Pick up a book, walk down the street. MIDDLE CLASS

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