All You Pro Wilson People...

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
One can NOT get gunpowder burns at 30 feet it has to be very very close range. Are you really that stupid?

I'm just going by what was reported on the private autopsy. The gunshot to Browns hand does not prove he was going for Wilson's gun. What concerns me is the shots to Browns head, from a distance that I would not consider a threat.

But there is one key difference in the two reports – a discrepancy that could likely shape the perception of the events that led to Wilson’s killing of Brown.

The private autopsy, conducted by renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, found that Brown’s wounds, including a wound to his right hand, suggested Wilson had been one foot to 30 feet away when he shot Brown – a distance not considered close range.

RELATED: How the crisis in Ferguson unfolded, in photographs

This latest autopsy, conducted by the St. Louis County Medical Examiner, shows that the wound to Brown’s hand was inflicted at a much closer range. Those findings support Wilson’s narrative – gleaned by county investigators – that he had first shot Brown during a struggle at the officer’s vehicle when Brown reached for Wilson’s gun.

Wilson unholstered his weapon and “the weapon was discharged during the struggle,” the investigators said.


(CNN) -- Two men, shocked at what they saw, describe an unarmed teenager with his hands up in the air as he's gunned down by a police officer.

They were contractors doing construction work in Ferguson, Missouri, on the day Michael Brown was killed.

And the men, who asked not to be identified after CNN contacted them, said they were about 50 feet away from Officer Darren Wilson when he opened fire.

New Michael Brown shooting witnesses describe scene -
Hey idiot...They found powder burns on Brown's right hand.
He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
One can NOT get gunpowder burns at 30 feet it has to be very very close range. Are you really that stupid?

I'm just going by what was reported on the private autopsy. The gunshot to Browns hand does not prove he was going for Wilson's gun. What concerns me is the shots to Browns head, from a distance that I would not consider a threat.

But there is one key difference in the two reports – a discrepancy that could likely shape the perception of the events that led to Wilson’s killing of Brown.

The private autopsy, conducted by renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, found that Brown’s wounds, including a wound to his right hand, suggested Wilson had been one foot to 30 feet away when he shot Brown – a distance not considered close range.

RELATED: How the crisis in Ferguson unfolded, in photographs

This latest autopsy, conducted by the St. Louis County Medical Examiner, shows that the wound to Brown’s hand was inflicted at a much closer range. Those findings support Wilson’s narrative – gleaned by county investigators – that he had first shot Brown during a struggle at the officer’s vehicle when Brown reached for Wilson’s gun.

Wilson unholstered his weapon and “the weapon was discharged during the struggle,” the investigators said.


(CNN) -- Two men, shocked at what they saw, describe an unarmed teenager with his hands up in the air as he's gunned down by a police officer.

They were contractors doing construction work in Ferguson, Missouri, on the day Michael Brown was killed.

And the men, who asked not to be identified after CNN contacted them, said they were about 50 feet away from Officer Darren Wilson when he opened fire.

New Michael Brown shooting witnesses describe scene -
None of us were part of the grand jury proceedings. So posting conclusions is specious
So, it's apparent that no one here has really been in a racially volatile situation in which they feared for their lives or others. And yet they're itching for one. Stupid white people are going to get what they asked for, in spades (pun intended).

Mfer I was a cop in south Atlanta, zone 3, for 8 years working shitholes like the old Grady Homes where swarms of black youth would try to jump white cops Iif you were in there alone.

Ive experienced it. And they only respect violence to make them back off.

Thank god your ignorant racist ass is gone.
Why is the OP a racist? Answer THAT question!!!!
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

Pro Wilson people LOL that's funny

What about pro justice people, those of us that don't want to see a man strung up just because of the opinion of vigilantes who do not know the facts.

How about those of us who favor punishment for Wilson if he was in the wrong

As for as your reference to Denny I personally do not worry about such nonsense. I live where I am free to carry and free to use up to lethal force to protect myself

That's pretty ironic, right wingers being against vigilantes. Very funny.
So, it's apparent that no one here has really been in a racially volatile situation in which they feared for their lives or others. And yet they're itching for one. Stupid white people are going to get what they asked for, in spades (pun intended).

Mfer I was a cop in south Atlanta, zone 3, for 8 years working shitholes like the old Grady Homes where swarms of black youth would try to jump white cops Iif you were in there alone.

Ive experienced it. And they only respect violence to make them back off.

Thank god your ignorant racist ass is gone.
You have freely admitted your hatred toward Caucasians. You calling others racist is a joke.
Look in the mirror. There you will see a racist.
And republicans support block people so much right?

The issues you state are ECONOMIC reasons why they are struggling. The factory jobs leaving the rust belt did great harm to the black community leaving them no good paying jobs which led to lower income which lead to rising amounts of drug use to numb the pain of feeling worthless. That leads to the violent drug trade which led to the killings in the community.

So how is that the Democrats's fault when Republicans overwhelming support outsourcing?
So Republicans were to blame for the steel industry failing? You realize if Government was at all to blame the democrats controlled the house continuously from 1942 to 1994 that the Senate was in control of the democrats for most of those years as well?

The steel industry died because after WW2 the US bought and built brand new facilities in Europe and Asia.And the US Industry rather then modernize got as much out of what they had before the collapse.

Plus the ridiculous collectively bargained contracts which the Steel biz was saddled with... .

Bullshit. Steel works a lot like OPEC. Steel dumping and refusing to update their crap is what hurt them. Lots of people have been jacked out of their pensions.

LOL! Yeah... I hear ya.

Here's the problem ya have tho'... When an industry is being attacked by their competitors wherein they're dumping product to lower the price, that means that they know that your weak and know what it will take to knock you out of the game.

The only means to surviving that, is to be able to reduce cost, and adapt ...

Now labor is the highest cost of any operation, so what would you say would be the hardest possible labor circumstance to control?

Take your time... .

But it rhymes with "Schmunion".

Lakshmi Mittal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Steel Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Refusing to innovate and increased competition led to Bethlehem folding. They stopped getting contracts.

Unions were not the problem. Never were. The Unions have spent the past 15 years taking cuts.
That's not the entire story. The unions refused modernization that would result in reduction of labor.
If some white law enforcement people weren't so paranoid about black men, these kinds of situations would never happen because they would actually think and breathe in a situation instead of jumping to conclusions based on nothing but their paranoia and prejudice.
He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
And there are others who say Brown charged the officer again, once he was ordered to stop. Then there are witness accounts that say Brown stopped raised his hands to shoulder height with his palms turned up then walked towards the officer in a threatening manner.
The forensics indicate a struggle inside the police car.
Watcing press conference. One female reporter asks if there were any black witnesses who said brown charged at the officer. The answer is yes.
Now that's a racist question. It implies that Caucasian witnesses have no credibility
Let's take race out of it. Some witnesses were right. Some were wrong. Forensics told the story and backed up the witnesses.
It was not I who brought race into it. I was paraphrasing what a reporter asked the St Louis County prosecutor
If some white law enforcement people weren't so paranoid about black men, these kinds of situations would never happen because they would actually think and breathe in a situation instead of jumping to conclusions based on nothing but their paranoia and prejudice.
So Republicans were to blame for the steel industry failing? You realize if Government was at all to blame the democrats controlled the house continuously from 1942 to 1994 that the Senate was in control of the democrats for most of those years as well?

The steel industry died because after WW2 the US bought and built brand new facilities in Europe and Asia.And the US Industry rather then modernize got as much out of what they had before the collapse.

Plus the ridiculous collectively bargained contracts which the Steel biz was saddled with... .

Bullshit. Steel works a lot like OPEC. Steel dumping and refusing to update their crap is what hurt them. Lots of people have been jacked out of their pensions.

LOL! Yeah... I hear ya.

Here's the problem ya have tho'... When an industry is being attacked by their competitors wherein they're dumping product to lower the price, that means that they know that your weak and know what it will take to knock you out of the game.

The only means to surviving that, is to be able to reduce cost, and adapt ...

Now labor is the highest cost of any operation, so what would you say would be the hardest possible labor circumstance to control?

Take your time... .

But it rhymes with "Schmunion".

Lakshmi Mittal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Steel Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Refusing to innovate and increased competition led to Bethlehem folding. They stopped getting contracts.

Unions were not the problem. Never were. The Unions have spent the past 15 years taking cuts.
That's not the entire story. The unions refused modernization that would result in reduction of labor.

No they didn't.
This is now a a full scale riot. Shots fired. Objects thrown at LEO's. Store fronts smashed. Fires set. Attempts to over turn police cars.
Plus the ridiculous collectively bargained contracts which the Steel biz was saddled with... .

Bullshit. Steel works a lot like OPEC. Steel dumping and refusing to update their crap is what hurt them. Lots of people have been jacked out of their pensions.

LOL! Yeah... I hear ya.

Here's the problem ya have tho'... When an industry is being attacked by their competitors wherein they're dumping product to lower the price, that means that they know that your weak and know what it will take to knock you out of the game.

The only means to surviving that, is to be able to reduce cost, and adapt ...

Now labor is the highest cost of any operation, so what would you say would be the hardest possible labor circumstance to control?

Take your time... .

But it rhymes with "Schmunion".

Lakshmi Mittal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Steel Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Refusing to innovate and increased competition led to Bethlehem folding. They stopped getting contracts.

Unions were not the problem. Never were. The Unions have spent the past 15 years taking cuts.
That's not the entire story. The unions refused modernization that would result in reduction of labor.

No they didn't.
Hey pro union person. You stated the same thing.
Denial is not a defense.

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