All You Pro Wilson People...

Go take your meds, whiner. Boo fuckin' hoo to you. Thats what I said. He got the burns while struggling for the gun IN THE COP CAR.
Wrong you claimed all the shots occurred at 1 to 35 feet. But you really are not to bright so I understand how you could forget so soon.
Go take your meds, whiner. Boo fuckin' hoo to you. Thats what I said. He got the burns while struggling for the gun IN THE COP CAR.
Wrong you claimed all the shots occurred at 1 to 35 feet. But you really are not to bright so I understand how you could forget so soon.
I did? Post number please. Oh. Wait. You can't do that because it was YOU that said it. Confused much?
Mfer I was a cop in south Atlanta, zone 3, for 8 years working shitholes like the old Grady Homes where swarms of black youth would try to jump white cops Iif you were in there alone.

Ive experienced it. And they only respect violence to make them back off.

Has it occurred toyou when all they can expect from the Police is brutality, they aren't inclined to trust cops?
If they would act like adults and not commit crimes, perhaps they'd be treated as all law abiding citizens should. Sort of like all the good people of Ferguson who've been visiting the PD and socializing with LEO's on the street.
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

I wish you idiots would come south with that crap. Just get somewhere within 12 hours. I'll introduce ya to a whole 'nother perspective on violence... and what it looks like.

I'm beggin' ya. Bring it on down to Miami... or Tampa. We'll help ya come to understand what it looks like when free people are threatened.

Now then, I'm in the pool for "100" 'Community Organizers being whacked over the next few days... but that as optimisitic as I believe one can realistically hope, er, huh... expect.

How many fools do you think will get themselves killed?

Im from Atlanta and live in S Carolina now. It Iis funny how down South where citizens defend themselves. ...the hooligans dont riot as much or attack innocent people as much.

So'll never see this crap in Houston.
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

Pro Wilson people LOL that's funny

What about pro justice people, those of us that don't want to see a man strung up just because of the opinion of vigilantes who do not know the facts.

How about those of us who favor punishment for Wilson if he was in the wrong

As for as your reference to Denny I personally do not worry about such nonsense. I live where I am free to carry and free to use up to lethal force to protect myself

his life, job and family are in ruins now.....
Abra cadabra... May a big burly couple of black thugs burn your house, attack you while carrying a bag of groceries, carjack your ride and no cops are around to save your sorry ass as you cry and snivel. That goes for ALL of you that conveniently forget what this "gentle giant" has done.

He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
And there are others who say Brown charged the officer again, once he was ordered to stop. Then there are witness accounts that say Brown stopped raised his hands to shoulder height with his palms turned up then walked towards the officer in a threatening manner.
The forensics indicate a struggle inside the police car.
Watcing press conference. One female reporter asks if there were any black witnesses who said brown charged at the officer. The answer is yes.
Now that's a racist question. It implies that Caucasian witnesses have no credibility
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

A certain mod just locked a thread for Wilson because the libtard hated the fact that officer Wilson was just found to be doing nothing but his job. Truth hurts bad:))))))
He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
And there are others who say Brown charged the officer again, once he was ordered to stop. Then there are witness accounts that say Brown stopped raised his hands to shoulder height with his palms turned up then walked towards the officer in a threatening manner.
The forensics indicate a struggle inside the police car.
Watcing press conference. One female reporter asks if there were any black witnesses who said brown charged at the officer. The answer is yes.
Now that's a racist question. It implies that Caucasian witnesses have no credibility
Let's take race out of it. Some witnesses were right. Some were wrong. Forensics told the story and backed up the witnesses.
Abra cadabra... May a big burly couple of black thugs burn your house, attack you while carrying a bag of groceries, carjack your ride and no cops are around to save your sorry ass as you cry and snivel. That goes for ALL of you that conveniently forget what this "gentle giant" has done.

He didn't deserve to die, you nitwit.

He tried to take a cops gun as he punched the cop. He earned his own death.

You don't know that.
Explain how Brown got shot in the hand at such close range that gunpowder was on his hand? Explain why Wilson fired his firearm at least once INSIDE the vehicle?

There is no dispute that a struggle took place between the two. The question is whether Brown reached for Wilson's gun and whether he was the aggressor. There are at least 6 witnesses who say Wilson shot Brown with his hands up, and that he was trying to surrender.

The private autopsy found that Brown was either one to 30 feet away when he received the gun shot wound to the hand. That's not a distance to be considered close range.
Decision is out, witnesses who changed their testimony after being proved liars. Wilson, no indictment:)))))
60 years ago the black community had families a work ethic and strong community ties. After the Democrats got done making them dependent on the Government for hand outs and welfare we have 80 percent unwed mothers, gang bangers, 50 percent of all murders committed by blacks and no work ethic at all. Ya I can see why you would disagree, facing the truth is always hard.

And republicans support block people so much right?

The issues you state are ECONOMIC reasons why they are struggling. The factory jobs leaving the rust belt did great harm to the black community leaving them no good paying jobs which led to lower income which lead to rising amounts of drug use to numb the pain of feeling worthless. That leads to the violent drug trade which led to the killings in the community.

So how is that the Democrats's fault when Republicans overwhelming support outsourcing?
So Republicans were to blame for the steel industry failing? You realize if Government was at all to blame the democrats controlled the house continuously from 1942 to 1994 that the Senate was in control of the democrats for most of those years as well?

The steel industry died because after WW2 the US bought and built brand new facilities in Europe and Asia.And the US Industry rather then modernize got as much out of what they had before the collapse.

Plus the ridiculous collectively bargained contracts which the Steel biz was saddled with... .

Bullshit. Steel works a lot like OPEC. Steel dumping and refusing to update their crap is what hurt them. Lots of people have been jacked out of their pensions.
Bullshit on you. The US Steel industry was handcuffed by the unions. The unions were opposed to any modernization of plants that would permit plants to be competitive with overseas plants which required far less labor to operate.
As those plants over seas increased production the market prices began to fall below the costs to produce steel here in the US.

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