All You Pro Wilson People...

Bullshit. Steel works a lot like OPEC. Steel dumping and refusing to update their crap is what hurt them. Lots of people have been jacked out of their pensions.

LOL! Yeah... I hear ya.

Here's the problem ya have tho'... When an industry is being attacked by their competitors wherein they're dumping product to lower the price, that means that they know that your weak and know what it will take to knock you out of the game.

The only means to surviving that, is to be able to reduce cost, and adapt ...

Now labor is the highest cost of any operation, so what would you say would be the hardest possible labor circumstance to control?

Take your time... .

But it rhymes with "Schmunion".

Lakshmi Mittal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Steel Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Refusing to innovate and increased competition led to Bethlehem folding. They stopped getting contracts.

Unions were not the problem. Never were. The Unions have spent the past 15 years taking cuts.
That's not the entire story. The unions refused modernization that would result in reduction of labor.

No they didn't.
Hey pro union person. You stated the same thing.
Denial is not a defense.

The union did not stop it. That's you ad libbing.
If some white law enforcement people weren't so paranoid about black men, these kinds of situations would never happen because they would actually think and breathe in a situation instead of jumping to conclusions based on nothing but their paranoia and prejudice.
You are full of shit.
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

Pro Wilson people LOL that's funny

What about pro justice people, those of us that don't want to see a man strung up just because of the opinion of vigilantes who do not know the facts.

How about those of us who favor punishment for Wilson if he was in the wrong

As for as your reference to Denny I personally do not worry about such nonsense. I live where I am free to carry and free to use up to lethal force to protect myself

Ever been in the middle of a race riot? I have. You think Reginald Denny knew what he was driving into that day?
That's why I say that anyone who thinks what happens in Ferguson stays in Ferguson is fooling themselves.

If he had a gun there would be a fewer thugs alive today.
Read the statutes.. If you are capable.

I think you miss the point. What I find amusing is that you same right wingers who howl in outrage about Ruby Ridge and Waco 20 years after the fact are just all so fine with this attrocity.
Please stop your hysterics, and stop broadbrushing. I'm not fine with this, but what the fuck do you expect when people start rioting ?
As far as your "atrocity" remark. You were not there, you did not see everything the Grand Jury did, you do not have all the information.
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

No worries here s0n............none.

What we have here per usual, the far left doesn't give a rats ass about the law. Stoopid mofu's........Wilson.....under the law......had the discretion to use deadly force, NOT because he feared for his life, but because BY LAW, if a felony was about to be committed against him, he had the right to do what he did.

This shit shouldn't have even gone to a grand jury.

And lets not forget what the great Bob Grant said almost 35 years ago about blacks pulling terrorist stunts, "They cant hide!":up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

Here's an idea, let's try the UK police thing and disarm our police nation-wide for oh 24 hours. See how that works out. :) If it doesn't work too well let's accept reality and that occasionally police need their weapons for good and lawful reasons as in Ferguson.
Please stop your hysterics, and stop broadbrushing. I'm not fine with this, but what the fuck do you expect when people start rioting ?
As far as your "atrocity" remark. You were not there, you did not see everything the Grand Jury did, you do not have all the information.

Yes, 12 mutants who don't have jobs voted on racial lines to acquit a white person.

Seriously, that guy spent 20 minutes trying to explain away what the Grand Jury did, and it wasn't the least bit convincing...
Bad guy is still dead, and now the good guy has been proven innocent, all is right with the world. If Brown's mama don't like it, she should have raised him to be a decent person instead of a thug.
Please stop your hysterics, and stop broadbrushing. I'm not fine with this, but what the fuck do you expect when people start rioting ?
As far as your "atrocity" remark. You were not there, you did not see everything the Grand Jury did, you do not have all the information.

Yes, 12 mutants who don't have jobs voted on racial lines to acquit a white person.

Seriously, that guy spent 20 minutes trying to explain away what the Grand Jury did, and it wasn't the least bit convincing...

LOL.....tough luck s0n!!

Once again this month, the progressives get a direct nut sack kick ftmfw!! They'll be talking all day in here like they can change the grand jury decision, just like they did after Zimmerman skipped on out!!

Fat boy got his hat knocked off because he was a dick. End of story.:2up:

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