ALLAH – the Moon God


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
For better understanding of 'tolerant' Muslims you shall know that we believe in different Gods: our God is Jesus Christ, the God of Muslims is Allah, the Moon God.

The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of "Allah." The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical God of the Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. The issue is thus one of continuity. Was "Allah" the biblical God or a pagan god in Arabia during pre-Islamic times? The Muslim's claim of continuity is essential to their attempt to convert Jews and Christians for if "Allah" is part of the flow of divine revelation in Scripture, then it is the next step in biblical religion. Thus we should all become Muslims. But, on the other hand, if Allah was a pre-Islamic pagan deity, then its core claim is refuted. Religious claims often fall before the results of hard sciences such as archeology. We can endlessly speculate about the past or go and dig it up and see what the evidence reveals. This is the only way to find out the truth concerning the origins of Allah. As we shall see, the hard evidence demonstrates that the god Allah was a pagan deity. In fact, he was the Moon-god who was married to the sun goddess and the stars were his daughters.

Read more here:

ALLAH, the Moon God

ALLAH MOON GOD - Proof Allah is a Pagan Moon God
For better understanding of 'tolerant' Muslims you shall know that we believe in different Gods: our God is Jesus Christ, the God of Muslims is Allah, the Moon God.

'our God is Jesus'.....what God were they talking about in the Old Testament then?

The Koran is very clear that Muslims believe that the God of Christianity, Judaism and Islam is the same God- but they believe that Jews and Christians are just worshipping him wrong.
But Christians get three-three-three Gods in one.....making them a semi-monotheistic religion...but only when joining all three pieces of the cross...
But Christians get three-three-three Gods in one.....making them a semi-monotheistic religion...but only when joining all three pieces of the cross...

Nope not three Gods.
That's like saying the judiciary, executive and legislative are three governments.
Nope, they are still one govt, but different roles or representations, different applications and authorities.
Still one central govt.

If you are not Christian and don't get what Christians are talking about,
what makes you think you can explain it to someone else?
If I can't understand what Einstein was saying, I sure as heck can't explain it to someone else!

Christians can't understand how Atheists or Buddhists can see the world
and not see God. What makes you think you can explain what a group sees
and means by the three being one,
if you don't see it, believe it or understand it yourself.

I've even found Christians who couldn't explain it to each other.
Some see it as one, some three, and some can see both three and one.
If Christians who believe they are talking about the same God
can't even see it or say it the same way, what makes you think you can explain it?
But Christians get three-three-three Gods in one.....making them a semi-monotheistic religion...but only when joining all three pieces of the cross...

Nope not three Gods.
That's like saying the judiciary, executive and legislative are three governments.
Nope, they are still one govt, but different roles or representations, different applications and authorities.
Still one central govt.

If you are not Christian and don't get what Christians are talking about,
what makes you think you can explain it to someone else?
If I can't understand what Einstein was saying, I sure as heck can't explain it to someone else!

Christians can't understand how Atheists or Buddhists can see the world
and not see God. What makes you think you can explain what a group sees
and means by the three being one,
if you don't see it, believe it or understand it yourself.

I've found Christians who couldn't explain it to each other.
Some see it as one, some three, and some can see both three and one.
If Christians who believe they are talking about the same God
can't even see it or say it the same way, what makes you think you can explain it?
Christ, was not the God of Abraham...
Exactly, The Christ figure was made in opposition to the God of Abraham. Yes Jews and Muslims are devoted to the same non form concept of creations power and source (God). Abraham became a Shalemite (Evening Star-Night) through Melchizedek but Canaanites also worshiped the nemesis Baal(harvesting sun,morning star his son). Jews come to the God of YeruShalem (Night) as do Muslims with (Al Laila=Night) being in the symbolic name. In Christianity it was more literal physical luciferous light worship then symbolic, in the 2 non idolization religions there was no moon or star worship they became symbolic as in stars=messengers and moon=reflective light and intuitive thought that comes at night, or as in Solomon's writing the " dew of the Night".
So in short 2 major beliefs in Canaan
planet venus symbolises the 2 opposing archangels (messengers/messages).
Baal and his son Morning Star fallen arc of Planet venus symbolising the fallen archangel and Shalem and his Evening Star symbolising the rising arc of the planet venus thus rising
arch Michael. Dan 12:1-4
Christians follow Lucifer-Rev 22:16
Jews and Muslims head of host is Michael.
That's why Jews say Moshiach comes to the Temple (Mikdash) in his name in the city in his name. The legend is that Shalem becomes Shalom when Night overturns and removes the Day. Muslims call this Al Isra when Night journeys to YeruShalem there will be peace.
So Shalem = Allah they just refer to this symbolism as Night instead of Evening.

Sources for Shalem:
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Muslims note: Sura 2:98, Al Isra, and remember the secret hidden in who gave you the Mecca stone and your Sheva(7) times you circle it as a secret for the time to come. That time has come.
And it can't be done without devotion to peace, respect for the true Abrahamic faiths, and the building of the Temple near the dome not at the dome.
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But Christians get three-three-three Gods in one.....making them a semi-monotheistic religion...but only when joining all three pieces of the cross...

Nope not three Gods.
That's like saying the judiciary, executive and legislative are three governments.
Nope, they are still one govt, but different roles or representations, different applications and authorities.
Still one central govt.

If you are not Christian and don't get what Christians are talking about,
what makes you think you can explain it to someone else?
If I can't understand what Einstein was saying, I sure as heck can't explain it to someone else!

Christians can't understand how Atheists or Buddhists can see the world
and not see God. What makes you think you can explain what a group sees
and means by the three being one,
if you don't see it, believe it or understand it yourself.

I've found Christians who couldn't explain it to each other.
Some see it as one, some three, and some can see both three and one.
If Christians who believe they are talking about the same God
can't even see it or say it the same way, what makes you think you can explain it?
Christ, was not the God of Abraham...
Christ is the Son of the God of Abraham.
But Christians get three-three-three Gods in one.....making them a semi-monotheistic religion...but only when joining all three pieces of the cross...

Nope not three Gods.
That's like saying the judiciary, executive and legislative are three governments.
Nope, they are still one govt, but different roles or representations, different applications and authorities.
Still one central govt.

If you are not Christian and don't get what Christians are talking about,
what makes you think you can explain it to someone else?
If I can't understand what Einstein was saying, I sure as heck can't explain it to someone else!

Christians can't understand how Atheists or Buddhists can see the world
and not see God. What makes you think you can explain what a group sees
and means by the three being one,
if you don't see it, believe it or understand it yourself.

I've found Christians who couldn't explain it to each other.
Some see it as one, some three, and some can see both three and one.
If Christians who believe they are talking about the same God
can't even see it or say it the same way, what makes you think you can explain it?
Christ, was not the God of Abraham...
Christ is the Son of the God of Abraham.

Wrong, in Rev 22:16 he is claiming to be the nemesis of the God of Abraham.
Research: the dying god mythology of the Canaanites where their god Baal's son the Morning star must die to surpass his father on the throne.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)
But Christians get three-three-three Gods in one.....making them a semi-monotheistic religion...but only when joining all three pieces of the cross...

Nope not three Gods.
That's like saying the judiciary, executive and legislative are three governments.
Nope, they are still one govt, but different roles or representations, different applications and authorities.
Still one central govt.

If you are not Christian and don't get what Christians are talking about,
what makes you think you can explain it to someone else?
If I can't understand what Einstein was saying, I sure as heck can't explain it to someone else!

Christians can't understand how Atheists or Buddhists can see the world
and not see God. What makes you think you can explain what a group sees
and means by the three being one,
if you don't see it, believe it or understand it yourself.

I've found Christians who couldn't explain it to each other.
Some see it as one, some three, and some can see both three and one.
If Christians who believe they are talking about the same God
can't even see it or say it the same way, what makes you think you can explain it?
Christ, was not the God of Abraham...
Christ is the Son of the God of Abraham.

Wrong, in Rev 22:16 he is claiming to be the nemesis of the God of Abraham.
Research: the dying god mythology of the Canaanites where their god Baal's son the Morning star must die to surpass his father on the throne.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)
LIAR!!!!! You have no idea what you are talking about.
But Christians get three-three-three Gods in one.....making them a semi-monotheistic religion...but only when joining all three pieces of the cross...

Nope not three Gods.
That's like saying the judiciary, executive and legislative are three governments.
Nope, they are still one govt, but different roles or representations, different applications and authorities.
Still one central govt.

If you are not Christian and don't get what Christians are talking about,
what makes you think you can explain it to someone else?
If I can't understand what Einstein was saying, I sure as heck can't explain it to someone else!

Christians can't understand how Atheists or Buddhists can see the world
and not see God. What makes you think you can explain what a group sees
and means by the three being one,
if you don't see it, believe it or understand it yourself.

I've found Christians who couldn't explain it to each other.
Some see it as one, some three, and some can see both three and one.
If Christians who believe they are talking about the same God
can't even see it or say it the same way, what makes you think you can explain it?
Christ, was not the God of Abraham...
Christ is the Son of the God of Abraham.

Wrong, in Rev 22:16 he is claiming to be the nemesis of the God of Abraham.
Research: the dying god mythology of the Canaanites where their god Baal's son the Morning star must die to surpass his father on the throne.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

Dear HaShev
the Bible warns that the Antichrist will come in the name of Christ and yet be the opposite.
We will go in circles if we just go by the "labels" and cannot tell which is real or counterfeit.

May I suggest that we distinguish the two, the real meaning of Christ from the false antichrist,
but the SPIRIT of what these mean. Then what matters is the CONTENT not the label.

So CHRIST what does this mean, to be on the side of God and be TRUE not false or corrupted.
True Conscience, true JUSTICE, TRUE salvation, this is what is associated and meant by
the REAL God and anything true to God that "Jesus" is meant to represent.
anything on the side of God's truth, God's perfect will, greater good for all humanity.

And What is meant by Antichrist
ill will, rule by fear of control not love of truth,
imposing injustice instead of justice.

If you are saying "Jesus is Antichrist" then this makes sense in contexts
where Christianity and Jesus HAS BEEN ABUSED to cause harm out of ill will, fear,
ignorance and unforgiveness.

However, where Jesus/Christ/Christianity is used to promote TRUE CHARITY
and God's truth, justice, love and peace, that is consistent with God's will.

let's not haggle over labels or it will get confusing.
I know some people who refuse to use the name Jesus because the J is an anglo-cized
version of the Hebrew Yeshua.

If we use the terms SALVATION or JUSTICE we can agree what we are talking
about and not get caught up in labels, especially out of context.

What do we MEAN by the name, that is more important, not the literal label
but the MEANING and if that is on the side of God or not.
1) you were warned about the first fallen Messiah.
2) you were warned about what Rome was doing in their era not future era.
3) you were warned about the image they created
Ezekiel 28.
4) you were warned not to put other gods or Idols over the God of Abraham.
5) one of the figures used to make that forbidden
image warned that you'd come in his name and call him christ and deceive many. The tense is him speaking thus the word "I" is about himself not another future person claiming to be Christ.
6) he didn't say he was son of man, Rev 1:13 he's
like unto (emulating) son of man .
Christians strive to he like unto christ are not christs themselves.
7) addressing your comment:
Antichrist will come in the name of Christ.
This comes from poor reading of tenses I described where in point 5. Rome made the character anti the anointed priests and came claiming to he an anointed teacher thus fits your commentary as anti christ coming as a christ.
8) notice anywhere it says anointed your NT uses Christ to place Jesus in yet not in Ezekiel 28:14-15where son if perdition (Lucifer) is called
anointed (Christ) Cherub(guardian=Nazarene in Hebrew)
and deemed perfect(sinless). The only person let alone prophet ever deemed oerfect was the Jesus image therefore Jesus who is the only messiah that came first is the only one who can be Lucifer, because anyone coming second can never be first and nobody can ever be arrogantly called perfect except the father of all lies making such an image.

This is not debateable because it is what itcis whether you like it or not or whether you did bad on your S.A.T. and IQ test when it came to sequences questions 1st is still first and then after xan never be first, whether you get it right or not.
1) you were warned about the first fallen Messiah.
2) you were warned about what Rome was doing in their era not future era.
3) you were warned about the image they created
Ezekiel 28.
4) you were warned not to put other gods or Idols over the God of Abraham.
5) one of the figures used to make that forbidden
image warned that you'd come in his name and call him christ and deceive many. The tense is him speaking thus the word "I" is about himself not another future person claiming to be Christ.
6) he didn't say he was son of man, Rev 1:13 he's
like unto (emulating) son of man .
Christians strive to he like unto christ are not christs themselves.
7) addressing your comment:
Antichrist will come in the name of Christ.
This comes from poor reading of tenses I described where in point 5. Rome made the character anti the anointed priests and came claiming to he an anointed teacher thus fits your commentary as anti christ coming as a christ.
8) notice anywhere it says anointed your NT uses Christ to place Jesus in yet not in Ezekiel 28:14-15where son if perdition (Lucifer) is called
anointed (Christ) Cherub(guardian=Nazarene in Hebrew)
and deemed perfect(sinless). The only person let alone prophet ever deemed oerfect was the Jesus image therefore Jesus who is the only messiah that came first is the only one who can be Lucifer, because anyone coming second can never be first and nobody can ever be arrogantly called perfect except the father of all lies making such an image.

This is not debateable because it is what itcis whether you like it or not or whether you did bad on your S.A.T. and IQ test when it came to sequences questions 1st is still first and then after xan never be first, whether you get it right or not.
I kinda love hate religion threads

One person stayed on topic, Ashtra

the leftist flipped out and came running to islams defense, predictably
and the jezuz huggers came quoting crap from an edited book

but it's kind of neat idea that people moved a pagan god into their own faiths then claim that the rest of the pantheon is bullshit and never existed..
But Christians get three-three-three Gods in one.....making them a semi-monotheistic religion...but only when joining all three pieces of the cross...

Nope not three Gods.
That's like saying the judiciary, executive and legislative are three governments.
Nope, they are still one govt, but different roles or representations, different applications and authorities.
Still one central govt.

If you are not Christian and don't get what Christians are talking about,
what makes you think you can explain it to someone else?
If I can't understand what Einstein was saying, I sure as heck can't explain it to someone else!

Christians can't understand how Atheists or Buddhists can see the world
and not see God. What makes you think you can explain what a group sees
and means by the three being one,
if you don't see it, believe it or understand it yourself.

I've found Christians who couldn't explain it to each other.
Some see it as one, some three, and some can see both three and one.
If Christians who believe they are talking about the same God
can't even see it or say it the same way, what makes you think you can explain it?
Christ, was not the God of Abraham...

56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.

57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,Before Abraham was, I am.

59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.
13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?

14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
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Dear HaShev: I think you and I would agree if we stuck to CONCEPTS.
I AGREE what you and I DON'T want is anything where there is falseness, ill will, corruption etc., which is what Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet represent.

So clearly both you and I are AGAINST anything that is harmful, false, inconsistent, corrupted etc. Regardless of the labels for these FALSE wrongful things, Biblical or made up outside.
What they represent is something false harmful and wrong, so clearly we BOTH object
to those CONCEPTS.

I believe what is TRUTH and just and consistent
you and I would AGREE on.

I apologize if the terms you and I use are causing this confusion.
Can I ask again that you and I refrain from using those terms. I agree to drop them completely
and start over.

Can we stick to what we agree is true, and START from there.
Let's use CONCEPTS we agree are good and true, and then you tell me
what terms/symbols you use or do not use for those, and we start there to

Do you believe that faith in JUSTICE TRUTH and PEACE are the basis of
people's beliefs. Can we start from that?

Most ppl I know have some faith in truth or justice. The desire for truth and justice
(and peace) drives the human conscience to try to seek better, as a general rule.
Even when people get things twisted and do wrong, they are seeking peace and
avoidance of anything related to fear, suffering or conflict they don't want. So the
drive toward truth justice and peace is still the motivating influencing.

Since you don't agree with anything here, but are objecting left and right:
What DO you believe and where do YOU want to start?
Let's start over with what you believe is true and the rest you object to is clearly false.

Can we start there please? You would be much easier to follow.

1) you were warned about the first fallen Messiah.
2) you were warned about what Rome was doing in their era not future era.
3) you were warned about the image they created
Ezekiel 28.
4) you were warned not to put other gods or Idols over the God of Abraham.
5) one of the figures used to make that forbidden
image warned that you'd come in his name and call him christ and deceive many. The tense is him speaking thus the word "I" is about himself not another future person claiming to be Christ.
6) he didn't say he was son of man, Rev 1:13 he's
like unto (emulating) son of man .
Christians strive to he like unto christ are not christs themselves.
7) addressing your comment:
Antichrist will come in the name of Christ.
This comes from poor reading of tenses I described where in point 5. Rome made the character anti the anointed priests and came claiming to he an anointed teacher thus fits your commentary as anti christ coming as a christ.
8) notice anywhere it says anointed your NT uses Christ to place Jesus in yet not in Ezekiel 28:14-15where son if perdition (Lucifer) is called
anointed (Christ) Cherub(guardian=Nazarene in Hebrew)
and deemed perfect(sinless). The only person let alone prophet ever deemed oerfect was the Jesus image therefore Jesus who is the only messiah that came first is the only one who can be Lucifer, because anyone coming second can never be first and nobody can ever be arrogantly called perfect except the father of all lies making such an image.

This is not debateable because it is what itcis whether you like it or not or whether you did bad on your S.A.T. and IQ test when it came to sequences questions 1st is still first and then after xan never be first, whether you get it right or not.
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14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM:
Actually if you do some research it's not God, it's the angel(messenger) of the Lord. Also it's a verb, so the term is not "I am that I am" it's more likely
"I am what will be" as in telling you where the message and messenger comes from (olam habah) "the world to come" [heaven].

God which is not a man nor form requires a spokesman/mediator messenger hence angel of the Lord. Nor does a non form non person have a literal name we speak of, just many descriptions mistakinglt refered to as names. LIKE THE DESCRIPTIVE Essence which is named in the Holy city of YeruShalem (city of Shalem).
Shalem means completeness and wholness, so that Essence power in life is that nature to progress to all we could and should be=evolve. Hence God creates order from chaos means taking that disorder and bringing it to order as in all it could and should progress to be...hence I am what will be signifies I will become that completeness and wholeness=what will be (evolve to).
Judaism was always a trashumanist religion, transforming us to be all we could and should.
Dear HaShev: I think you and I would agree if we stuck to CONCEPTS.
I AGREE what you and I DON'T want is anything where there is falseness, ill will, corruption etc., which is what Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet represent.

So clearly both you and I are AGAINST anything that is harmful, false, inconsistent, corrupted etc. Regardless of the labels for these FALSE wrongful things, Biblical or made up outside.
What they represent is something false harmful and wrong, so clearly we BOTH object
to those CONCEPTS.

I believe what is TRUTH and just and consistent
you and I would AGREE on.

I apologize if the terms you and I use are causing this confusion.
Can I ask again that you and I refrain from using those terms. I agree to drop them completely
and start over.

Can we stick to what we agree is true, and START from there.
Let's use CONCEPTS we agree are good and true, and then you tell me
what terms/symbols you use or do not use for those, and we start there to

Do you believe that faith in JUSTICE TRUTH and PEACE are the basis of
people's beliefs. Can we start from that?

Most ppl I know have some faith in truth or justice. The desire for truth and justice
(and peace) drives the human conscience to try to seek better, as a general rule.
Even when people get things twisted and do wrong, they are seeking peace and
avoidance of anything related to fear, suffering or conflict they don't want. So the
drive toward truth justice and peace is still the motivating influencing.

Since you don't agree with anything here, but are objecting left and right:
What DO you believe and where do YOU want to start?
Let's start over with what you believe is true and the rest you object to is clearly false.

Can we start there please? You would be much easier to follow.

1) you were warned about the first fallen Messiah.
2) you were warned about what Rome was doing in their era not future era.
3) you were warned about the image they created
Ezekiel 28.
4) you were warned not to put other gods or Idols over the God of Abraham.
5) one of the figures used to make that forbidden
image warned that you'd come in his name and call him christ and deceive many. The tense is him speaking thus the word "I" is about himself not another future person claiming to be Christ.
6) he didn't say he was son of man, Rev 1:13 he's
like unto (emulating) son of man .
Christians strive to he like unto christ are not christs themselves.
7) addressing your comment:
Antichrist will come in the name of Christ.
This comes from poor reading of tenses I described where in point 5. Rome made the character anti the anointed priests and came claiming to he an anointed teacher thus fits your commentary as anti christ coming as a christ.
8) notice anywhere it says anointed your NT uses Christ to place Jesus in yet not in Ezekiel 28:14-15where son if perdition (Lucifer) is called
anointed (Christ) Cherub(guardian=Nazarene in Hebrew)
and deemed perfect(sinless). The only person let alone prophet ever deemed oerfect was the Jesus image therefore Jesus who is the only messiah that came first is the only one who can be Lucifer, because anyone coming second can never be first and nobody can ever be arrogantly called perfect except the father of all lies making such an image.

This is not debateable because it is what itcis whether you like it or not or whether you did bad on your S.A.T. and IQ test when it came to sequences questions 1st is still first and then after xan never be first, whether you get it right or not.

My response to Tyrone might help answer some of that curiosity.
Regarding that to much left or right, I like to use an analogy I created;
if you take the people who's zealous faith make them radically evil and put them on a lineal string to the end right and put the anti religious anarchists on the extreme left of the lineal string and bring the two ends together to make a globe circle then the overly zealous religious element and overly anti law anti religious elements would be on the same side of the spectrum while the moderate practical middle will be on the total opposite side.

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