Alleged Whistleblower Threatens to Blow the Lid on Biden Family Corruption


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Could this be the straw that finally breaks the Commie Camel's back?

Gal Luft, the co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, says he provided information about Hunter Biden, his father, and his uncle, Jim Biden, to the Justice Department in March 2019. Luft served as an adviser to CEFC China Energy, a conglomerate that “aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two,” according to CNN. The group, which donated at least $350,000 to Luft’s think tank, paid Hunter Biden at least $6 million in 2017 to procure energy investment deals in the United States…

…Luft’s threat to “name names” comes after his arrest in Cyprus on Feb. 16 on charges that he illegally sold weapons to Libya and China. Luft asserts that the United States is seeking his extradition as part of a “politically motivated” payback for his exposure of the Bidens.

“DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim & Hunter Biden,” Luft said. An Israeli lawyer for Luft claims his client provided information about Hunter Biden to the FBI in 2019.

While Luft’s claims might otherwise be easily dismissed as a bluff, his connection to CEFC China Energy suggests he may know something about the Bidens. And an American lawyer for Luft has signaled he will provide information to Congress about Luft’s case.

Let's hope so, for America's sake.
Could this be the straw that finally breaks the Commie Camel's back?

How many hundreds of times does this make?

It doesn't matter. No matter how many times your cult's prophecies don't happen, you'll still pretend to believe the next prophecy. Cults are like that. If you weren't an imbecile, you wouldn't have joined the cult.
They have already been exposed. The media and the entrenched government bureaucracy is the problem. Biden has no affect on anything besides looking like a moron when speaking. He controls nothing so him being corrupt means nothing. All democrats are corrupt.
One more time for the last time
One more time for the very last time.....

The group, which donated at least $350,000 to Luft’s think tank, paid Hunter Biden at least $6 million in 2017.


Gal Luft, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, was arrested in Cyprus and charged with illegally selling weapons to Libya and China. Luft’s lawyers assert that the charges are part of a scheme to protect the First Family, and they are now signaling a willingness to provide information to the US Congress.

So a weapons smuggler will testify before congress about what he knows?

Okay sounds like a credible guy who is making a deal to get out of jail .

My only question is did this deal ever go thru?

Who does business with giving Hunter who wants an additional 10 percent so that he could give it to his father. Did they trust each other that much. 2nd this email was in May 2017. Biden wasn't president. So they were going to just give Hunter 10 percent. Where is this contact and who signed it?

The email also has Hunter complaining that he needed more money. So they were just going to give him 10% more in hope that he gives it to the big guy.
One more time for the last time
One more time for the very last time.....

The group, which donated at least $350,000 to Luft’s think tank, paid Hunter Biden at least $6 million in 2017.




I'm glad you agree with me that it's reprehensible the FBI has apparently sat on this the entire time.

They also are still "investigating" the Hunter laptop. (Since 2019!)

Are you sensing a pattern here?

Maybe? Lil' bit?
Because no one knew about it, genius.

The story didn't leak until October 2020, and then your media and Deep State did its utmost to cover it up.

Your avatar matches your brain.

Per the redstate blog post, the Justice Department 'knew'. He supposedly submitted this 'bombshell' in March.

So lets start to expand the conspiracy to its full glory in batshit, shall we?

Was the Justice Department, lead by Bill on it too? Or was it the 'deep state'? Obama's 'shadow army'? Were there Jewish space lasers?
Per the redstate blog post, the Justice Department 'knew'. He supposedly submitted this 'bombshell' in March.

So lets start to expand the conspiracy to its full glory in batshit, shall we?

Was the Justice Department, lead by Bill on it too? Or was it the 'deep state'? Obama's 'shadow army'? Were there Jewish space lasers?

Oh I know, right?

I mean, next I'll be telling you that COVID came from a Wuhan lab.

Fuckin' idiot.
Oh I know, right?

I mean, next I'll be telling you that COVID came from a Wuhan lab.

Fuckin' idiot.

Laughing....and you just blinked. You tried to change the topic. If your argument merit, you wouldn't have to run.

When you want to poke your head out of your little echo chamber and try again, I'll be here for your next lesson.

Was the Justice Department, lead by Bill on it too? The Justice Department was aware according to the blog post....since March of 2019.

I'm glad you agree with me that it's reprehensible the FBI has apparently sat on this the entire time.

They also are still "investigating" the Hunter laptop. (Since 2019!)

Are you sensing a pattern here?

Maybe? Lil' bit?
There's nothing there but the accusation of something there? That's SOP for the Old-GOP and the Novel-GOP. Look at all the failed phony investigations into everything Obama and all they got were few sound bytes to use again the Hill. Like the Trumpybears failed plan to get the Ukraine to announce investigations into anything Democrat, the DNC Server, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden. It didn't matter for the fascists' flock, the accusation is just as good as a criminal indictment and conviction in the Faux Kangaroo court.
There's nothing there but the accusation of something there?

Yeah, there's so much "nothing" that the media had to cover up the laptop story until after the election by labeling it "Russian Disinformation". Cuz this is so out of the blue, there haven't been any indications until now that Biden might be compromised by the Chinese. No wonder the media so easily fool you that "This Time We Got Trump For REALZ!" - your kind can't remember any story from just the previous day unless your media masters command you to.

Question: Does it take considerable effort to be so impervious to reality, or does it just come au naturel?

That's French, for dumbfuck.
I truly hope this is just a pathetic attempt at gaslighting.

Otherwise you're even dumber than I thought.

Given that you cut every mention of my questions about the topic from your're only demonstrating my point.

"Was the Justice Department, lead by Bill on it too? The Justice Department was aware according to the blog post....since March of 2019."

Keep running. It makes me giggle.

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