Alleged Whistleblower Threatens to Blow the Lid on Biden Family Corruption

Given that you cut every mention of my questions about the topic from your're only demonstrating my point.

"Was the Justice Department, lead by Bill on it too? The Justice Department was aware according to the blog post....since March of 2019."

No one's running.

Bill Barr wasn't exactly a stone cold MAGA dude, but if the investigation only began in 2019 - I'm sure he saw no reason to interfere with it. Because he's not supposed to do that, see - that's how things work in this "Demoooooocracy" you keep lecturing us about.

Now keep your eye on the ball: The Hunter Biden laptop was labeled as "Russian Disinfo" in the autumn of 2020.

Well over a year after it was already known about by the FBI!

I'm sure your intellectually honest search for the truth won't fail you now as you comprehend what that means.
No one's running.

Bill Barr wasn't exactly a stone cold MAGA dude, but if the investigation only began in 2019 - I'm sure he saw no reason to interfere with it. Because he's not supposed to do that, see - that's how things work in this "Demoooooocracy" you keep lecturing us about.

Now keep your eye on the ball: The Hunter Biden laptop was labeled as "Russian Disinfo" in the autumn of 2020.

Well over a year after it was already known about by the FBI!

I'm sure your intellectually honest search for the truth won't fail you now as you comprehend what that means.

So lets get the full breadth and depth of your conspiracy. You're indicating that Trump's own DOJ, lead by Trump's own Attorney General.....

.....were in on the conspiracy?
Yeah, there's so much "nothing" that the media had to cover up the laptop story until after the election by labeling it "Russian Disinformation". Cuz this is so out of the blue, there haven't been any indications until now that Biden might be compromised by the Chinese. No wonder the media so easily fool you that "This Time We Got Trump For REALZ!" - your kind can't remember any story from just the previous day unless your media masters command you to.

Question: Does it take considerable effort to be so impervious to reality, or does it just come au naturel?

That's French, for dumbfuck.
I understand how you got to where you are, no need to confess about the truthiness of it all. All that shit, whatever it means to you, it just feels true doesn't it, way down deep in yer gut, dontit?
So lets get the full breadth and depth of your conspiracy. You're indicating that Trump's own DOJ, lead by Trump's own Attorney General.....

.....were in on the conspiracy?

No you maroon.

Now who's avoiding the real context?

We all know that the FBI was hostile to Trump, even during his Presidency. Doesn't matter that he had his guy at the top.

Please explain why we were lied to about the Hunter laptop when the FBI had been investigating it for over a year at the time the story came out.

You have the memory of a fucking goldfish.
I understand how you got to where you are, no need to confess about the truthiness of it all. All that shit, whatever it means to you, it just feels true doesn't it, way down deep in yer gut, dontit?

I got to where I was (an ex Democrat) by witnessing lemmings like you go along with a Party that turned into an authoritarian nightmare.

I voted Democrat every election from 2004-2016. (As much as it sickens me to admit it.)

So I'm not the poster boy for your bullshit.

All people like you have done is shown the World you're A-OK with violence and medical mandates - as long as they come with a big fat D stamped on the label.

Pathetic, non-thinking drones.
No you maroon.

Now who's avoiding the real context?

We all know that the FBI was hostile to Trump, even during his Presidency. Doesn't matter that he had his guy at the top.

Please explain why we were lied to about the Hunter laptop when the FBI had been investigating it for over a year at the time the story came out.

You have the memory of a fucking goldfish.

He said he submitted it to the department of jusice in March of 2019. Your that Bill Barr, the DOJ and the FBI all conspired to hide this 'bombshell' both before and after the election?

I want to know the full depth and breadth of your conspiracy. Go ahead: make it even more wildly elaborate and fantastically complicated.

Laughing.....fold in the republicans too.
He said he submitted it to the department of jusice in March of 2019. Your that Bill Barr, the DOJ and the FBI all conspired to hide this 'bombshell' both before and after the election?

You think that's nuts?

I got a great one for ya: Trump was actually secretly a Russian spy who had hookers piss on Obama's bed, and he also committed an "INSURRECTION!"
You think that's nuts?

I got a great one for ya: Trump was actually secretly a Russian spy who had hookers piss on Obama's bed, and he also committed an "INSURRECTION!"

Oh, that your ilk would fold republicans into your conspiracies? You do that all the time. I just want you to be honest about it. You did it with your Big Lie, folding in Arizona, Georgia, Kemp, and Barr.

You're accusing Bill Barr of being in on your conspiracy to help Biden.

Anyone who doesn't ape your conspiracies, becomes part of them.
I got to where I was (an ex Democrat) by witnessing lemmings like you go along with a Party that turned into an authoritarian nightmare.

I voted Democrat every election from 2004-2016. (As much as it sickens me to admit it.)

So I'm not the poster boy for your bullshit.

All people like you have done is shown the World you're A-OK with violence and medical mandates - as long as they come with a big fat D stamped on the label.

Pathetic, non-thinking drones.
Thank you for more examples. Deep down in yer gut!
You're accusing Bill Barr of being in on your conspiracy to help Biden.

That's funny, considering you brought him up and I said I was sure he had nothing to do with it.

But I know that was a whole 15, 20 minutes ago.

Did I say the memory of a goldfish?

I shoulda said an amoeba.

I think I'm done with you now.
That's funny, considering you brought him up and I'm sure he had nothing to do with it.

But I know that was a whole 15, 20 minutes ago.

Did I say the memory of a goldfish?

I shoulda said an amoeba.

I think I'm done with you now.

Barr was the head of the DOJ in March of 2019. And your conspiracy is that Trump's DOJ conspired to help Biden win by suppressing this 'bombshell'.

If that makes your conspiracy seem unhinged and batshit crazy......then maybe take a look at the batshit you're peddling.
Barr was the head of the DOJ in March of 2019. And your conspiracy is that Trump's DOJ conspired to help Biden win by suppressing this 'bombshell'.

I literally never said that, you're fabricating that from thin air.

And it's not as if the head of a Department knows about every little fucking thing that goes on.

But I understand, your boy Biden's guilty as sin - and you feel like deflection is your only recourse.

Personally, I'm still waiting for Trump to go to jail.

For something. Anything.

Morons like you were howlin' at the moon that he was going to.

Never happened, never will.

On the other hand, there's ample evidence the current Commander In Thief has been compromised by the ChiComms.

Imma go eat dinner now, right after I put your stupid screename, and your even worse fuckin' avatar on ignore. ;)


I'm glad you agree with me that it's reprehensible the FBI has apparently sat on this the entire time.

They also are still "investigating" the Hunter laptop. (Since 2019!)

Are you sensing a pattern here?

Maybe? Lil' bit?
Why I “see” is a big fat zero.

But you were hoping SO hard
I literally never said that, you're fabricating that from thin air.

And it's not as if the head of a Department knows about every little fucking thing that goes on.

But I understand, your boy Biden's guilty as sin - and you feel like deflection is your only recourse.

Personally, I'm still waiting for Trump to go to jail.

For something. Anything.

Morons like you were howlin' at the moon that he was going to.

Never happened, never will.

On the other hand, there's ample evidence the current Commander In Thief has been compromised by the ChiComms.

Imma go eat dinner now, right after I put your stupid screename, and your even worse fuckin' avatar on ignore. ;)

Ciao. tell me what you ARE saying, then. The blog indicates that 'bombshell' was passed to the DOJ in March of 2019. 10 Months before Trump left office.

Almost 4 years ago.

So DOJ clearly knew about it. Your claim that no one knew was clearly false. Why then didn't Trump or Bill Barr use this information?

Give us an explanation that DOESN'T affirm every bit of the conspiracy batshit I've attributed to you. Or demonstrate that your 'bombshell' isn't.

Good luck, tinfoil.
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Barr was the head of the DOJ in March of 2019. And your conspiracy is that Trump's DOJ conspired to help Biden win by suppressing this 'bombshell'.

If that makes your conspiracy seem unhinged and batshit crazy......then maybe take a look at the batshit you're peddling.
We don't know if barr was in on it or not or maybe just non-caring and incompetent. We do know however that the Biden laptop story was hidden and lied about. You are pretty stupid
We don't know if barr was in on it or not or maybe just non-caring and incompetent. We do know however that the Biden laptop story was hidden and lied about. You are pretty stupid

Its been 4 years. The only explanation that isn't riddled with conspiracy that the 'bombshell' isn't.

And given how often right wing blogs bleat BREAKING and BOMBSHELL.......the weight of probability isn't on your side.

Especially when our only a guy under arrest who now insists that the DOJ is trying to 'bury him'.
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"Israeli professor arrested on suspicion of arms trafficking to China, Libya'

Israeli professor Gal Luft was arrested on Thursday at the Larnaca International Airport, in southern Cyprus, after Interpol issued an arrest warrant against him on suspicion of arms trafficking to Libya and China, according to Ynet.

This is your ONLY source on the 'bombshell report' to the DOJ. To which I ask....what bombshell report? And it gets even better:

"Luft served as an adviser to CEFC China Energy, a conglomerate that “aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two,” according to CNN. The group, which donated at least $350,000 to Luft’s think tank, paid Hunter Biden at least $6 million in 2017 to procure energy investment deals in the United States…"

So an advisor to CEFE energy that was aligned so closely with the chinese government that it was hard to distinguish between the two.

This is literally your ONLY source for the entire thread. A advisor to a Chinese energy congolmerate closely aligned with the Chinese government....who was arrested for arms trafficking to China.
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The really sad part is that cult fucks WANT the country to fail.

They do not care if Joe Biden is corrupt or senile or a puppet. They are trilbal cultists and brainwashed useful idiots.

Its fucking bizarre.

Look how many still wear masks when we know masks do not stop the virus from spreading.

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