Allen West is a member of the CBC

Yeah, La Raza sure isn't racist.


Jews are not racist...just everyone else, right?
What the fuck are you babblin' about, now?

If it ain't da' Boooooooooooooosh, it's da' Joooooooooooooooooooo's

You friggin' lib's are comical.....Bunch o' damn cartoons.

Keep deflecting it looks good...on you.

Jews segregate themselves, hell they have an entire land JUST FOR THEM. But I'm supposed to believe you are so distraught about the CBC.

Just give the blacks their own land like the Jooooos then everything would be great, right?
I could see where West wouldn't fit in with the CBC very well.

He's a Rep.

To be a member of any all black groups you need to think like they do (racism) at all times.

They've declared war on the Tea Party because their system of govt failed once again.
'ATMs and other technological advancements costs jobs' - Barrack Obama

Can you explain why your signature statement above is not true? ATMs take the place of bank tellers.
What little Willow is referring to is that Waters told the Tea Party to go to hell. To partisan hacks, that means Waters is a racist. In reality, she was just telling the Tea Party to go to hell, which is not a racist statement. But I sure do find it amusing that the same cons who criticize anybody on the left for daring to accuse anybody on the right of being racist (even when they do say something racist) are now faux outraging and race-card-pulling themselves. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that so many on the right are inconsistent hypocritical hacks.
I know right? Retard is as retard does.

Willow sure is happy that West is considering leaving an organization that she thinks is racist. She sees nothing wrong with West being part of a group she thinks is racist because he's thinking about possibly considering leaving. Lol's the RETARD way.

You said: Is there a white congressional caucus?

I'm saying: What is the point of that question?

Try to keep up, thanks

Let see - you neg rep'd me 17 points, I am going to neg rep you 300-something.

See how that works asswipe ?

Be careful or you might short out your laptop from the crying. You neg'd me first, did I cry about it? Nope.

Man up
That one is one of the BIGGEST wet babies on this board. Always flinging poop and the minute a drop gets on his precious skin commences to WAIL like banshee.


The Jewish Council is kewl tho, right?
Yep! Notice how they ALL ignore this and similar posts? They KNOW they are wrong and lying. Nothing new.

Maxine Waters tells millions of Tea Party supporters to go to hell, and POS racist from Indiana who claims the Tea Party wants to string him up is the same fucker that was in the group that falsely claimed they were spit on by Tea Party protesters.
Waters said nothing racist. She just told a bunch of wailing banshees to go to hell. That's all.

I'm quietly confident that Willow is capable of voicing her own opinions. She doesn't need you to tell the board what she thinks. Frankly, you struggle with coherent thoughts of your own, so speaking on behalf of another is waaaay over your intellectual pay grade.

I would suggest you STFU telling others what they think... it makes you look even more ridiculous.

Go cry about it. She thinks the CBC is racist but still supports someone who is part of that big bad racist organization because hes a repub. Dont like it? get a hanky.
HEY ASS HOLE! West is considering leaving the CBC because it is a racist organization. What part of that is so hard for you to comprehend?
Notice how it's totally OK for one RWer to come to the defense of another RWer, but they are the same ones quick to say "don't puport to think for me." CLASSIC!! lol! :lol:

The CBC is a racist organization that sits at the head of the table and wields vast power and infuence.

Anyone that swears to uphold the Constitution or follows the law, would never join such a group.

West was a phuckwhole to join in the first place.
You wouldn't know what racism is if it batch-slapped you in the face MOFO!


The CBC is absolutely racist.

True end of that story.

And Middle.

And beginning.

You have no evidence you foulmouthed troll, you make post after post calling people racist and homophobic, are your posts on auto-repeat?



It's members are all black, no one else is allowed in. That's blatant racism.

Your inability to be honest, is not an argument.

rac·ism   [rey-siz-uhm]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Nothing the CBC or Walters did meets any of the above requirements of the definition. Then again, I never expected or expect racists to know the definition of the term, or use it properly. These are the same palookas who make up false and bogus terms like "reverse racism." Part and parcel of being racist.
I could see where West wouldn't fit in with the CBC very well.

He's a Rep.

To be a member of any all black groups you need to think like they do (racism) at all times.

They've declared war on the Tea Party because their system of govt failed once again.
'ATMs and other technological advancements costs jobs' - Barrack Obama

Can you explain why your signature statement above is not true? ATMs take the place of bank tellers.

No he cannot
* * * *

You have no evidence you foulmouthed troll, you make post after post calling people racist and homophobic, are your posts on auto-repeat?



It's members are all black, no one else is allowed in. That's blatant racism.

Your inability to be honest, is not an argument.

rac·ism   [rey-siz-uhm]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Nothing the CBC or Walters did meets any of the above requirements of the definition. Then again, I never expected or expect racists to know the definition of the term, or use it properly. These are the same palookas who make up false and bogus terms like "reverse racism." Part and parcel of being racist.

The CBC policy is itself racist, Malcolm Ex-Lax by virtue of the very set of definitions you just posted.

Man alive, you are one dumb-ass liberoidal douche.

Try to follow-along now, moron:

The self-identification of the Congressional BLACK Caucus is by race.

They EXCLUDE whites from being "members."

Now answer the question, stupid: (a) is this based on love of their fellow man without concern for any perceived inherent differences of the races? Or (b) is this based on a belief that the races are different enough to warrant some kind of membership qualification BASED entirely on race?

Take your time. Coming up with more of your standard fare of dishonest spin can take time.
Last edited:
* * * *



It's members are all black, no one else is allowed in. That's blatant racism.

Your inability to be honest, is not an argument.

rac·ism   [rey-siz-uhm]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Nothing the CBC or Walters did meets any of the above requirements of the definition. Then again, I never expected or expect racists to know the definition of the term, or use it properly. These are the same palookas who make up false and bogus terms like "reverse racism." Part and parcel of being racist.

The CBC policy is itself racist, Malcolm Ex-Lax by virtue of the very set of definitions you just posted.

Man alive, you are one dumb-ass liberoidal douche.

Try to follow-along now, moron:

The self-identification of the Congressional BLACK Caucus is by race.

They EXCLUDE whites from being "members."

Now answer the question, stupid: (a) is this based on love of their fellow man without concern for any perceived inherent differences of the races? Or (b) is this based on a belief that the races are different enough to warrant some kind of membership qualification BASED entirely on race?

Take your time. Coming up with more of your standard fare of dishonest spin can take time.

If you read the definition you wouldn't have responded with that foolery.
The concept behind the CBC is blacks doing for themselves and not depending up whites to do things for them which is something that Republicans say blacks should do, when they do it becomes racist for convenience, look at Project 21 and the NBRA(National Black Republican Association) both are all black organizations but no one calls them racist like the CBC, why? They're Republicans!
rac·ism   [rey-siz-uhm]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Nothing the CBC or Walters did meets any of the above requirements of the definition. Then again, I never expected or expect racists to know the definition of the term, or use it properly. These are the same palookas who make up false and bogus terms like "reverse racism." Part and parcel of being racist.

The CBC policy is itself racist, Malcolm Ex-Lax by virtue of the very set of definitions you just posted.

Man alive, you are one dumb-ass liberoidal douche.

Try to follow-along now, moron:

The self-identification of the Congressional BLACK Caucus is by race.

They EXCLUDE whites from being "members."

Now answer the question, stupid: (a) is this based on love of their fellow man without concern for any perceived inherent differences of the races? Or (b) is this based on a belief that the races are different enough to warrant some kind of membership qualification BASED entirely on race?

Take your time. Coming up with more of your standard fare of dishonest spin can take time.

If you read the definition you wouldn't have responded with that foolery.

I did read it, CloseMinded, which is why I responded with the intelligence and accuracy that flies over your dishonest pinhead.

The CBC remains a racist organization; and your lies cannot conceal that obvious truth, stupid.
The concept behind the CBC is blacks doing for themselves and not depending up whites to do things for them which is something that Republicans say blacks should do, when they do it becomes racist for convenience, look at Project 21 and the NBRA(National Black Republican Association) both are all black organizations but no one calls them racist like the CBC, why? They're Republicans!

The original concept behind the CBC is not the actual purpose, any more, of the CBC.

Racist liars like the Basshole cannot hide the truth with their petulant dishonesty.
The concept behind the CBC is blacks doing for themselves and not depending up whites to do things for them which is something that Republicans say blacks should do, when they do it becomes racist for convenience, look at Project 21 and the NBRA(National Black Republican Association) both are all black organizations but no one calls them racist like the CBC, why? They're Republicans!

The original concept behind the CBC is not the actual purpose, any more, of the CBC.

Racist liars like the Basshole cannot hide the truth with their petulant dishonesty.

And how would you know anything about the CBC and its purpose except just calling racist you retarded moron? You just want to argue for the hell of arguing.
Jews are not racist...just everyone else, right?
What the fuck are you babblin' about, now?

If it ain't da' Boooooooooooooosh, it's da' Joooooooooooooooooooo's

You friggin' lib's are comical.....Bunch o' damn cartoons.

Keep deflecting it looks good...on you.

Jews segregate themselves, hell they have an entire land JUST FOR THEM. But I'm supposed to believe you are so distraught about the CBC.

Just give the blacks their own land like the Jooooos then everything would be great, right?
Soooooooo, please tell us all how the Jews are "racist"?
The concept behind the CBC is blacks doing for themselves and not depending up whites to do things for them which is something that Republicans say blacks should do, when they do it becomes racist for convenience, look at Project 21 and the NBRA(National Black Republican Association) both are all black organizations but no one calls them racist like the CBC, why? They're Republicans!


Put your hand back in your own damned pocket, then, and quit sticking it out.

And you didn't read the definition if racist because none of the things the CBC is fits, dumbass. Just saying it and stamping your size 5's doesnt make it so.
To be honest I completely missed the last sentence that mentions the NBRA.
I've never heard of it.

But if it exists, yes it is a racist group as well.
No group should be color-exclusive.
To be honest I completely missed the last sentence that mentions the NBRA.
I've never heard of it.

But if it exists, yes it is a racist group as well.
No group should be color-exclusive.

What about ethnicity?

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