Allen West is a member of the CBC

Whether you are willing to admit it or not, a group that excludes someone because of the color of their skin is prejudice and racist. What if the owners of this site excluded all black people from becoming a member, would they be racist??

Last time I checked I didn't see droves of whites trying to join the CBC so the CBC isn't racist, its focus and scope is blacks doing for themselves and not depending upon others.

You didn't answer my question about this site. A group that is doing for themselves as well. Would they be racist if they didn't allow black people to join??

How do you know white people don't want to join??

Any group has the right to do for itself as long as they're not racist to others and stopping others from doing for themselves, in the case of the CBC they just a political group that advocate on the behalf of African Americans to press issues that affect African Americans to the forefront, there is nothing racist about that so stop with the BS. Its funny how everyone here keeps calling the CBC racist because no whites are it but no one calls AIPAC, ADL racist eventhough they're full of Jews only. The NBRA is composed of all black members nobody calls them racist, but the CBC is racist because they're black and liberal. Thats retarded.
Ame®icano;4086374 said:
Whether you are willing to admit it or not, a group that excludes someone because of the color of their skin is prejudice and racist. What if the owners of this site excluded all black people from becoming a member, would they be racist??

Last time I checked I didn't see droves of whites trying to join the CBC so the CBC isn't racist, its focus and scope is blacks doing for themselves and not depending upon others.

Did Bubba Clinton try to join CBC by saying "I am honored to be thought of as the first black president"?

Maybe Toni Morrison should rethink that characterization? :eusa_whistle:

Years ago, in the middle of the Whitewater investigation, one heard the first murmurs: white skin notwithstanding, this is our first black President. Blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children’s lifetime. After all, Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald’s-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas
Whether you are willing to admit it or not, a group that excludes someone because of the color of their skin is prejudice and racist. What if the owners of this site excluded all black people from becoming a member, would they be racist??

Last time I checked I didn't see droves of whites trying to join the CBC so the CBC isn't racist, its focus and scope is blacks doing for themselves and not depending upon others.

"Droves" :eusa_liar:

Nice moved goalpost, dipshit.

If even ONE white had applied for membership but gotten denied on the basis of race, then the organization is racist.

Read and learn (for once), ya moron: Congressional Black Caucus Struggles With Question of Race : Roll Call News

And since you are a lazy slouch, I'll quote the relevant bit and highlight it for you, Basshole:
How black should the Congressional Black Caucus be?

That might seem like a strange question, but it’s one the CBC has grappled with throughout its 40-year history. White Members of Congress have occasionally tried to join, but the group has remained firm: The CBC is for blacks only.

Many of its members say the concept of an all-black organization devoted to looking out for the needs of black America isn’t yet an antiquated one.
Congressional Black Caucus Struggles With Question of Race : Roll Call News

Hm. Looking out for the needs of "black America?" Odd. I just KNOW I read "somewhere" that their goals and agendas were more inclusive.
The CBC’s members are advocates for the human family nationally and internationally
Gee. WHERE or where did I read THAT? Could it be something they say OF themselves? CBC-The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.

Nah. Clearly not possible.

Perhaps you ought to read your own link stupid instead of taking one quote out of context.
Calling themselves black is not racist and promoting a model of self help and doing for self isn't racist, the point of the CBC is blacks doing for themselves and not relying on whites to do for them, not racism against whites, idiot.

"We don't want to rely on whites"?

Just the way you wrote this is racism, moron.

That was not what Carter said but anyways, that isn't the position of the CBC, stop with the strawmen.

That's exactly what Carter said. Watch, moron.

[ame=]President Carter: "Racism Against President Obama" Part One 9-15-09 - YouTube[/ame]

Even WH disputed his comments.

[ame=]White House Disputes Carter's Racism Critique - YouTube[/ame]
This dude keeps moving the goal posts. Now la raza is racist but they don't separate based on race the Jews don't separate based on race either bit they arent racist. Wicked is pretending that I said no other races are allowed in Israel. What I said is Israel is a place for the Jews. That's separation!

The pattern suggests that Wicked thinks every minority of color is racist just because they separate. So in essence he has no problem with separation only minorities of color separating. Nice double standard there
You demonstrated (hoisted by) your own petard early on in this thread. YOU have zero room to speak.

Just calling themselves black and not accepting anyone but blacks in their group is racist action.

reread the definition and then apologize for lying or ignorance
This dude keeps moving the goal posts. Now la raza is racist but they don't separate based on race the Jews don't separate based on race either bit they arent racist. Wicked is pretending that I said no other races are allowed in Israel. What I said is Israel is a place for the Jews. That's separation!

The pattern suggests that Wicked thinks every minority of color is racist just because they separate. So in essence he has no problem with separation only minorities of color separating. Nice double standard there
You demonstrated (hoisted by) your own petard early on in this thread. YOU have zero room to speak.

No junior. TRUTH. Go back and reread your comments. *I* ain't gonna do it for you.
As I said, black people don't think they can be racist.

The KKK was a group looking out for their self interest and doing what was best for their people. Addressing issues that were important to them and they didn't depend on others. They were the most racist group I knew existed.

Oh well, such is life.
As I said, black people don't think they can be racist.

The KKK was a group looking out for their self interest and doing what was best for their people. Addressing issues that were important to them and they didn't depend on others. They were the most racist group I knew existed.

Oh well, such is life.

The KKK wasn't self interest, it was a damn domestic terrorist group that lynched blacks and used violence and intimidation, you are really retarded to even say what you just said.
I think this guy Wicked just has a beef with Minorities. Not surprising
No. He as me has a beef with rampant stupidity much like you and your pals like BASS, rdean, MarcieATL, TDM and the rest exhibit almost daily.

What you don't appreciate is being called upon your hypocrisy.

You follow the playbook very well and should be lauded for it...

*Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate*

Well done! :clap2:
The CBC is not racist and has never stated that anyone who disagrees with their policies are all racists, Jimmy Carter is not a CBC member so bringing Jimmy carter is a red herring, but even he didn't say that all disagreement with Obama is racism:

Carter again cites racism as factor in Obama's treatment - CNN

"When a radical fringe element of demonstrators and others begin to attack the president of the United States as an animal or as a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler or when they wave signs in the air that said we should have buried Obama with Kennedy, those kinds of things are beyond the bounds," the Democrat who served from 1977-1981 told students at Emory University.

"I think people who are guilty of that kind of personal attack against Obama have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happens to be African American.

"It's a racist attitude, and my hope is and my expectation is that in the future both Democratic leaders and Republican leaders will take the initiative in condemning that kind of unprecedented attack on the president of the United States," Carter said.
Last time I checked I didn't see droves of whites trying to join the CBC so the CBC isn't racist, its focus and scope is blacks doing for themselves and not depending upon others.

"Droves" :eusa_liar:

Nice moved goalpost, dipshit.

If even ONE white had applied for membership but gotten denied on the basis of race, then the organization is racist.

Read and learn (for once), ya moron: Congressional Black Caucus Struggles With Question of Race : Roll Call News

And since you are a lazy slouch, I'll quote the relevant bit and highlight it for you, Basshole: Congressional Black Caucus Struggles With Question of Race : Roll Call News

Hm. Looking out for the needs of "black America?" Odd. I just KNOW I read "somewhere" that their goals and agendas were more inclusive.
The CBC’s members are advocates for the human family nationally and internationally
Gee. WHERE or where did I read THAT? Could it be something they say OF themselves? CBC-The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.

Nah. Clearly not possible.

Perhaps you ought to read your own link stupid instead of taking one quote out of context.

Unlike you Basshole, I DID read my own link; and, unlike you, I even understood what I read.

Maybe you understood it, too, but are now just unwilling to be honest enough to admit that your position has been soundly refuted.
Yeah the KKK was a swell bunch if only those dam blacks would've stayed out of their way, am I right? Asshole
As I said, black people don't think they can be racist.

The KKK was a group looking out for their self interest and doing what was best for their people. Addressing issues that were important to them and they didn't depend on others. They were the most racist group I knew existed.

Oh well, such is life.

The KKK wasn't self interest, it was a damn domestic terrorist group that lynched blacks and used violence and intimidation, you are really retarded to even say what you just said.

And what did Maxine Waters just say to the TEA Party?? Go to Hell?? How do you get there?? You die, right. You just can't believe you are mimicking the same things we have come to loathe.

Lies and deception is what keeps organizations from accepting people of all faiths, skin color and race. If the CBC is un-accepting of anyone but blacks they are practicing racism. And yes it should make you mad, it makes me mad as heck!
Last time I checked I didn't see droves of whites trying to join the CBC so the CBC isn't racist, its focus and scope is blacks doing for themselves and not depending upon others.

You didn't answer my question about this site. A group that is doing for themselves as well. Would they be racist if they didn't allow black people to join??

How do you know white people don't want to join??

Any group has the right to do for itself as long as they're not racist to others and stopping others from doing for themselves, in the case of the CBC they just a political group that advocate on the behalf of African Americans to press issues that affect African Americans to the forefront, there is nothing racist about that so stop with the BS. Its funny how everyone here keeps calling the CBC racist because no whites are it but no one calls AIPAC, ADL racist eventhough they're full of Jews only. The NBRA is composed of all black members nobody calls them racist, but the CBC is racist because they're black and liberal. Thats retarded.

CBC started it, moron. You can't separate yourself from everyone else based on skin color and then call everyone else racist for not agreeing with you.

You see, Rep. Andre Carson didn't say "Tea Party wants to see people on welfare hanging from tree's", he said: "Tea Party want to see black people hanging from trees". That's racist. CBC supported him, and audience as well.

I haven't seen or hear our President, nor anyone from the left to condemn what he said and I can just imagine what would happen if white congressman pulled something with the same analogy... Sometimes it seems to me that left need racism to exist just so they could push for their agenda.
As I said, black people don't think they can be racist.

The KKK was a group looking out for their self interest and doing what was best for their people. Addressing issues that were important to them and they didn't depend on others. They were the most racist group I knew existed.

Oh well, such is life.

The KKK wasn't self interest, it was a damn domestic terrorist group that lynched blacks and used violence and intimidation, you are really retarded to even say what you just said.

And what did Maxine Waters just say to the TEA Party?? Go to Hell?? How do you get there?? You die, right. You just can't believe you are mimicking the same things we have come to loathe.

Lies and deception is what keeps organizations from accepting people of all faiths, skin color and race. If the CBC is un-accepting of anyone but blacks they are practicing racism. And yes it should make you mad, it makes me mad as heck!

It doesn't.
Ame®icano;4086573 said:
You didn't answer my question about this site. A group that is doing for themselves as well. Would they be racist if they didn't allow black people to join??

How do you know white people don't want to join??

Any group has the right to do for itself as long as they're not racist to others and stopping others from doing for themselves, in the case of the CBC they just a political group that advocate on the behalf of African Americans to press issues that affect African Americans to the forefront, there is nothing racist about that so stop with the BS. Its funny how everyone here keeps calling the CBC racist because no whites are it but no one calls AIPAC, ADL racist eventhough they're full of Jews only. The NBRA is composed of all black members nobody calls them racist, but the CBC is racist because they're black and liberal. Thats retarded.

CBC started it, moron. You can't separate yourself from everyone else based on skin color and then call everyone else racist for not agreeing with you.

You see, Rep. Andre Carson didn't say "Tea Party wants to see people on welfare hanging from tree's", he said: "Tea Party want to see black people hanging from trees". That's racist. CBC supported him, and audience as well.

I haven't seen or hear our President, nor anyone from the left to condemn what he said and I can just imagine what would happen if white congressman pulled something with the same analogy... Sometimes it seems to me that left need racism to exist just so they could push for their agenda.



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