Allen West is a member of the CBC

The KKK wasn't self interest, it was a damn domestic terrorist group that lynched blacks and used violence and intimidation, you are really retarded to even say what you just said.

And what did Maxine Waters just say to the TEA Party?? Go to Hell?? How do you get there?? You die, right. You just can't believe you are mimicking the same things we have come to loathe.

Lies and deception is what keeps organizations from accepting people of all faiths, skin color and race. If the CBC is un-accepting of anyone but blacks they are practicing racism. And yes it should make you mad, it makes me mad as heck!

It doesn't.

And that is very sad. :(
Ame®icano;4086573 said:
CBC started it, moron. You can't separate yourself from everyone else based on skin color and then call everyone else racist for not agreeing with you.

Thats not the position of the CBC, to calling anyone who doesn't like their position a racist, I'm not going to waste my time refuting strawmen from rightwing retards who create false positions.

You see, Rep. Andre Carson didn't say "Tea Party wants to see people on welfare hanging from tree's", he said: "Tea Party want to see black people hanging from trees". That's racist. CBC supported him, and audience as well.

The CBC supported his statement? Who and when? Allen West is part of CBC and he disagreed with but by your logic he's racist because he's part of the CBC.
Ame®icano;4086573 said:
You didn't answer my question about this site. A group that is doing for themselves as well. Would they be racist if they didn't allow black people to join??

How do you know white people don't want to join??

Any group has the right to do for itself as long as they're not racist to others and stopping others from doing for themselves, in the case of the CBC they just a political group that advocate on the behalf of African Americans to press issues that affect African Americans to the forefront, there is nothing racist about that so stop with the BS. Its funny how everyone here keeps calling the CBC racist because no whites are it but no one calls AIPAC, ADL racist eventhough they're full of Jews only. The NBRA is composed of all black members nobody calls them racist, but the CBC is racist because they're black and liberal. Thats retarded.

CBC started it, moron. You can't separate yourself from everyone else based on skin color and then call everyone else racist for not agreeing with you.

You see, Rep. Andre Carson didn't say "Tea Party wants to see people on welfare hanging from tree's", he said: "Tea Party want to see black people hanging from trees". That's racist. CBC supported him, and audience as well.

I haven't seen or hear our President, nor anyone from the left to condemn what he said and I can just imagine what would happen if white congressman pulled something with the same analogy... Sometimes it seems to me that left need racism to exist just so they could push for their agenda.

Why would President Obama condemn the truth?

Sometimes it seems to me that the tea party, white conservatives and their minority flunkies need their victim status to exist just so they can push for their agenda.
And what did Maxine Waters just say to the TEA Party?? Go to Hell?? How do you get there?? You die, right. You just can't believe you are mimicking the same things we have come to loathe.

Lies and deception is what keeps organizations from accepting people of all faiths, skin color and race. If the CBC is un-accepting of anyone but blacks they are practicing racism. And yes it should make you mad, it makes me mad as heck!

It doesn't.

And that is very sad. :(

Not to me. Sides were drawn in 1776 and they will exist through the life of this country.
As I said, black people don't think they can be racist.

The KKK was a group looking out for their self interest and doing what was best for their people. Addressing issues that were important to them and they didn't depend on others. They were the most racist group I knew existed.

Oh well, such is life.

The KKK wasn't self interest, it was a damn domestic terrorist group that lynched blacks and used violence and intimidation, you are really retarded to even say what you just said.

And what did Maxine Waters just say to the TEA Party?? Go to Hell?? How do you get there?? You die, right. You just can't believe you are mimicking the same things we have come to loathe.

Lies and deception is what keeps organizations from accepting people of all faiths, skin color and race. If the CBC is un-accepting of anyone but blacks they are practicing racism. And yes it should make you mad, it makes me mad as heck!

And the Tea party called Obama Hitler, but that wasn't racist was it? Maxine Waters said the Tea Party could go to hell, how the hell is that racist? She didn't say white people can go to hell, she said Tea Party, the Tea Party has had effigies of Obama being n´hung on nooses and deny that its racist but say its represents disagreement with his policies, BS.
The KKK wasn't self interest, it was a damn domestic terrorist group that lynched blacks and used violence and intimidation, you are really retarded to even say what you just said.

And what did Maxine Waters just say to the TEA Party?? Go to Hell?? How do you get there?? You die, right. You just can't believe you are mimicking the same things we have come to loathe.

Lies and deception is what keeps organizations from accepting people of all faiths, skin color and race. If the CBC is un-accepting of anyone but blacks they are practicing racism. And yes it should make you mad, it makes me mad as heck!

And the Tea party called Obama Hitler, but that wasn't racist was it? Maxine Waters said the Tea Party could go to hell, how the hell is that racist? She didn't say white people can go to hell, she said Tea Party, the Tea Party has had effigies of Obama being n´hung on nooses and deny that its racist but say its represents disagreement with his policies, BS.
I have no idea what you're talking about. What effigies has the TEA Party had?? Can you give me a link to that crap?? I would really like to see it.
And what did Maxine Waters just say to the TEA Party?? Go to Hell?? How do you get there?? You die, right. You just can't believe you are mimicking the same things we have come to loathe.

Lies and deception is what keeps organizations from accepting people of all faiths, skin color and race. If the CBC is un-accepting of anyone but blacks they are practicing racism. And yes it should make you mad, it makes me mad as heck!

And the Tea party called Obama Hitler, but that wasn't racist was it? Maxine Waters said the Tea Party could go to hell, how the hell is that racist? She didn't say white people can go to hell, she said Tea Party, the Tea Party has had effigies of Obama being n´hung on nooses and deny that its racist but say its represents disagreement with his policies, BS.
I have no idea what you're talking about. What effigies has the TEA Party had?? Can you give me a link to that crap?? I would really like to see it.
He's talking about signs during TEA Party protests where Obama Hired thugs from the SEIU were trying to start trouble.
Are the right wingers back to claiming it's all about race? Why can't they explain why they call La Raza racist when they do not separate based on race?

They will not just say its because they are brown.
Thats not the position of the CBC, to calling anyone who doesn't like their position a racist, I'm not going to waste my time refuting strawmen from rightwing retards who create false positions.

Watch the clip, they are all blowing the same candle here.

[ame=]Congressional Black Caucus' Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares 'War' on Racist Tea Party, - YouTube[/ame]

The CBC supported his statement? Who and when? Allen West is part of CBC and he disagreed with but by your logic he's racist because he's part of the CBC.

Allen West raised his voice against this kind of rhetoric and reconsidering his membership at CBC. So, based on that, do you think he's racist?
He just finished an interview on Fox. Because of the embarassing racist behavior of Maxine Waters and other members of the CBC West says he is going to "rethink" being a member and may withdraw.

What little Willow is referring to is that Waters told the Tea Party to go to hell. To partisan hacks, that means Waters is a racist. In reality, she was just telling the Tea Party to go to hell, which is not a racist statement. But I sure do find it amusing that the same cons who criticize anybody on the left for daring to accuse anybody on the right of being racist (even when they do say something racist) are now faux outraging and race-card-pulling themselves. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that so many on the right are inconsistent hypocritical hacks.
Willow did .....

And last time I checked, the Tea Party is even less popular than congressional Reps and Dems. Seems like Americans aren't buying the Tea Party's version of governing.

And it is in this that you are deluded most of all.

Too many Americans simply don't comprehend what must be done in order to salvage the economic glory of American Exceptionalism, the essence of which is the classical liberalism of the Anglo-American tradition, the socio-political philosophy of this nation's founding. That is what the Tea Party is all about. Historical, ideological and economic ignorance is one thing, the hard left's vehement hatred for the Tea Party is another . . . and will be of no consequence in three to four years. You're just another leftist ideologue, a domestic enemy of common sense and decency. We conservatives know that socialists are irredeemably stupid and corrupt.

However, the vast majority of those currently down on the Tea Party only know that every economic indicator is in the toilet and are merely confused by the MSM's blather. They don't understand that we conservatives know how to fix the economy, that we will fix it after Obama is sent packing. Once the economic wisdom of classical liberalism is demonstrated, America's estimation of the Tea Party will improve dramatically.

You see some us understand the underlying realities and the dynamics of economic success at a glance; we know what will happen when certain policies are implemented. Most others have to see the outcomes of sound policy before they believe it. These comprise the ideologically clueless middle who run to and fro between parties depending on the state of the economy whether it makes sense to do so or not in the face of mere cyclical downtowns.
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Ame®icano;4086647 said:
Thats not the position of the CBC, to calling anyone who doesn't like their position a racist, I'm not going to waste my time refuting strawmen from rightwing retards who create false positions.

Watch the clip, they are all blowing the same candle here.

[ame=""]Congressional Black Caucus' Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares 'War' on Racist Tea Party, - YouTube[/ame]

The CBC supported his statement? Who and when? Allen West is part of CBC and he disagreed with but by your logic he's racist because he's part of the CBC.

Allen West raised his voice against this kind of rhetoric and reconsidering his membership at CBC. So, based on that, do you think he's racist?

What is an Uncle TOM for $1,000 Alex...

Allen West ain't DOWN for the struggle...
And the Tea party called Obama Hitler, but that wasn't racist was it? Maxine Waters said the Tea Party could go to hell, how the hell is that racist? She didn't say white people can go to hell, she said Tea Party, the Tea Party has had effigies of Obama being n´hung on nooses and deny that its racist but say its represents disagreement with his policies, BS.
I have no idea what you're talking about. What effigies has the TEA Party had?? Can you give me a link to that crap?? I would really like to see it.
He's talking about signs during TEA Party protests where Obama Hired thugs from the SEIU were trying to start trouble.

Did the SEIU thugs also hack into Republican party members' email and send racist emails about President Obama?
Are the right wingers back to claiming it's all about race? Why can't they explain why they call La Raza racist when they do not separate based on race?

They will not just say its because they are brown.
The answer you dimwit is in the very name of the group...:eusa_shhh:

(Or aren't you normally that inqisitive)?

LaRaza='The RACE'...

So the name is the reason why it's racist? Um ok, if these asshole cry babies read the definition of racist they would know that racism is based on a way of thinking and not a name or separation.

No matter how much you cry about it doesn't make it true.
Are the right wingers back to claiming it's all about race? Why can't they explain why they call La Raza racist when they do not separate based on race?

They will not just say its because they are brown.
The answer you dimwit is in the very name of the group...:eusa_shhh:

(Or aren't you normally that inqisitive)?

LaRaza='The RACE'...

So the name is the reason why it's racist? Um ok, if these asshole cry babies read the definition of racist they would know that racism is based on a way of thinking and not a name or separation.

No matter how much you cry about it doesn't make it true.
Go read thier stated mission creep and thier plans to take over the Southwestern United States?

Territory the Mexicans and Spanish LOST in war.

*Deal with history MORON*
Go read thier stated mission creep and thier plans to take over the Southwestern United States?

Is that a question? And btw, take over of land is not racist by definition, idiot. The Jews took over land oops. Let me guess, that's different, right? Racist piece of shit

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