Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

This is disgraceful. You obviously don't care if a war hero is lied about. I tell you that one was. I show you evidence. I don't even think you'll look at it. You don't give a fuck, because it doesn't support your narrative. Your mind is already made up. You'll grab whatever issue is convenient to attack people you disagree with. It doesn't matter if you actually care about it or not. If it's heavy and it's in your hand, you'll use it to bludgeon people.

Obama insulted Ryan. He didn't. But even if he did, you are obviously so concerned about insults in your own discourse.

Allen West is a hero. Even if he got fined $5000 for assault. You'll still back him up because you agree with him.

Kerry lied to get his medals. Completely debunked. But you'll keep on repeating the lies, because it's a convenient way to attack someone you disagree with.
I've seen all the evidence......Can't make a judgement either I said, and you completely ignore it, the jury is still is out.......There is not enough evidence to confirm or deny either way.

But, he was a subversive scumbag after returning from war.......He's a fuckin' piece o' shit!
This is disgraceful. You obviously don't care if a war hero is lied about. I tell you that one was. I show you evidence. I don't even think you'll look at it. You don't give a fuck, because it doesn't support your narrative. Your mind is already made up. You'll grab whatever issue is convenient to attack people you disagree with. It doesn't matter if you actually care about it or not. If it's heavy and it's in your hand, you'll use it to bludgeon people.

Obama insulted Ryan. He didn't. But even if he did, you are obviously so concerned about insults in your own discourse.

Allen West is a hero. Even if he got fined $5000 for assault. You'll still back him up because you agree with him.

Kerry lied to get his medals. Completely debunked. But you'll keep on repeating the lies, because it's a convenient way to attack someone you disagree with.
I've seen all the evidence......Can't make a judgement either I said, and you completely ignore it, the jury is still is out.......There is not enough evidence to confirm or deny either way.

But, he was a subversive scumbag after returning from war.......He's a fuckin' piece o' shit!

[ame=""]YouTube - John Kerry Testimony: "The Last Man to Die for a Mistake" - Vietnam War Hearing Part 2 (1971)[/ame]
You like World Net Daily better than wikipedia? Wikipedia sites sources. Besides, your article was written in August 2004, just after the first commercial was released, before it was debunked.

But fine, you don't like wikipedia. How's this one?

Friendly Fire - The Birth of an Anti-Kerry Ad - Sidebar -

The strategy the veterans devised would ultimately paint John Kerry the war hero as John Kerry the "baby killer" and the fabricator of the events that resulted in his war medals. But on close examination, the accounts of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth' prove to be riddled with inconsistencies. In many cases, material offered as proof by these veterans is undercut by official Navy records and the men's own statements.

Several of those now declaring Mr. Kerry "unfit" had lavished praise on him, some as recently as last year.


Why don't you call me a liberal again and say I'm a decade younger than I am and call me partisan? Because of course pointing out your partisan hackery means I'm being partisan.

I shouldn't even bother. You're not going to read that article. You don't find information and then form your opinion. You form your opinion and then look for information to support it.
No, I don't read the NY times, anything....They've been caught too many times faking stories. Like Dan Rather, 60 minutes, and a few other liberal persons and entities, they have no credibility any more.

Look, I said the jury's still out regarding Kerry's war wounds. It's never been proven or disproven....... But, Kerry no doubt contributed to embolding the enemy after he returned from vietnam, and no doubt has american blood on his hands.....For that, he's a piece of fuckin' liberal shit!

Have you covered yet where John F'Ing Kerry was gleeful that he threw his medals over the WhiteHouse Fence?
I forgot about that.

I know I would never throw my own Bronze Star and Purple heart out ANYWHERE.......I earned them........Which just gives more cause to wonder about the guy.

But like I said, as far as his wounding his ownself, the jury is still out........My problem is with his subversive crap after he returned.......That SOB helped embolden our enemy. For that he deserves to burn in hell.........Pure scumbag!
No, I don't read the NY times, anything....They've been caught too many times faking stories. Like Dan Rather, 60 minutes, and a few other liberal persons and entities, they have no credibility any more.

Look, I said the jury's still out regarding Kerry's war wounds. It's never been proven or disproven....... But, Kerry no doubt contributed to embolding the enemy after he returned from vietnam, and no doubt has american blood on his hands.....For that, he's a piece of fuckin' liberal shit!

Have you covered yet where John F'Ing Kerry was gleeful that he threw his medals over the WhiteHouse Fence?
I forgot about that.

I know I would never throw my own Bronze Star and Purple heart out ANYWHERE.......I earned them........Which just gives more cause to wonder about the guy.

But like I said, as far as his wounding his ownself, the jury is still out........My problem is with his subversive crap after he returned.......That SOB helped embolden our enemy. For that he deserves to burn in hell.........Pure scumbag!

And the left wonders WHY he was rejected against W? The American people and their sense of Liberty, and Partiotism may be a bit absent minded from time-to-time...but the American people should NEVER be understood to be STUPID as the left portrays them to be.
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Allen West is a greater patriot than Obama and Kerry combined.
Two things are for sure:

1) West would have never turned into a subversive piece o' shit upon returning, thereby helping to embolden the enemy, and further cost his fellow americans lives.

2) He damn sure wouldn't have sat in a racist, anti-american church. Being spoonfed anti-american racist crap, by a racist anti-american piece o' shit preacher.

Yes, Alan West IS a greater patriot than The Teleprompter and Kerry combined.....No doubt about it!
Allen West is a greater patriot than Obama and Kerry combined.
Two things are for sure:

1) West would have never turned into a subversive piece o' shit upon returning, thereby helping to embolden the enemy, and further cost his fellow americans lives.

2) He damn sure wouldn't have sat in a racist, anti-american church. Being spoonfed anti-american racist crap, by a racist anti-american piece o' shit preacher.

Yes, Alan West IS a greater patriot than The Teleprompter and Kerry combined.....No doubt about it!

They BOTH are birds of a feather as they willingly sew the seeds of the demise of this Republic...and gleefully kick LIBERTY in the ass.
Thanks..I was just getting there, but thanks.

Jester, Jroc, comments. Poseur indeed.
Doesn't prove shit, poseur, other than the fact that he was never brought up for court martial, and that it was dropped to Article 15.

Meaning, he didn't face court martial if he didn't resign. He was never forced to resign...He was slapped with a 5000 fine....That is all......Once it was dropped to Article 15, court martial was never an option, nor was forced retirement.

Christ man, Dot Com helped expose your lying ass.....Too fuckin' funny!

Wat he did was wrong. Hell he even admitted what he did was wrong..and he was forced to retire and is YOUR guy.

Perfect. Perfect. We all thank god he is on your side. He is a disgrace. He reitired on his own? Really?

HE IS A DISGRACE and admitted he was wrong and the Army agree'd. He was wrong. He is a damn criminal in my eyes and should not have been allowed to retire with full benifits but lets thank god the army made him get out at the twenty year mark. It could have been worse, and he stayed in longer.

What part of an Article 32 hearing do you not understand? The prosecutors LOST, dip wad! Referring the proceeding to an Article 15 was in fact a recommendation AGAINST a General Court Martial, which Gen. Ordierno subsequently agreed with. In effect, no matter what the JAG prosecutors THOUGHT, they failed to PROVE it sufficiently to have it referred to a General Court Martial. Col. West is therefore guilty only of a petty offense, (if that). Hell, by your standards, I guess most of us who served in Vietnam were "war criminals"; after all, isn't that what your "hero" John Kerry, and others of his ilk , and the communist hippies back home, claimed? I mean, being accused is the same as being guilty as charged, (according to you), right? Bravo Sierra! The hell it is, and you know it!

After that, I personally do not give a damn what any REMF ass-kisser, or any permanent civilian, thinks of what I or anyone else did there, or what Col. West did in this case. All I see, is an officer who put the welfare of his men above himself. That, in my book, is a thoroughly admirable characteristic, then or now. I'm not ashamed or the least apologetic over anything I did, and I don't care what anyone at the Huffy Puffy Post, or any other enemy sympathizer thinks of me, Col. West, or anyone else trying to do his duty in a confused situation. I'd follow Col. West into hell, any time, anywhere; I wouldn't follow John Kerry on a peacetime day hike. Kerry turned his back on the rest of us; he, and anyone else who did that, is no brother of mine!
This is disgraceful. You obviously don't care if a war hero is lied about. I tell you that one was. I show you evidence. I don't even think you'll look at it. You don't give a fuck, because it doesn't support your narrative. Your mind is already made up. You'll grab whatever issue is convenient to attack people you disagree with. It doesn't matter if you actually care about it or not. If it's heavy and it's in your hand, you'll use it to bludgeon people.

Obama insulted Ryan. He didn't. But even if he did, you are obviously so concerned about insults in your own discourse.

Allen West is a hero. Even if he got fined $5000 for assault. You'll still back him up because you agree with him.

Kerry lied to get his medals. Completely debunked. But you'll keep on repeating the lies, because it's a convenient way to attack someone you disagree with.

Umm.... You’re the one that brought up Kerry. You just described yourself perfectly in that sentence :eusa_whistle: Libs seem to only like the members of the military when they criticize their fellow soldiers. Anybody remember the "General betray us" bullshit? They also seem to like that traitor, Pvt. Bradley Manning who leaked intelligence info to that wikileaks clown.:cuckoo:
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I'd say alot of these liberal loons here are young PUPS either IN or fresh outta Acedemia where they have been lied to...

I'd guess that's about right; had their brains filled with Leftist swill by their Leftist political indoctrinators masquerading as college professors, no doubt! Funny, how they, and a bunch of academics who never served, much less have ever been in combat, imagine themselves fit to judge those who have been; about like having a blind man judge an exhibit of paintings, if you ask me.

That's right, I brought up Kerry. I wanted to give ya'll an opportunity to show how much you support war heroes. How much you hate to see people make up lies about them. How it's not a partisan issue for you at all. You missed your chance.
That's right, I brought up Kerry. I wanted to give ya'll an opportunity to show how much you support war heroes. How much you hate to see people make up lies about them. How it's not a partisan issue for you at all. You missed your chance.
We do support war hero's........We don't support subversive pieces of shit who come back from war and stab their fellow soldiers in the back, as Kerry's sorry ass did.
This is disgraceful. You obviously don't care if a war hero is lied about. I tell you that one was. I show you evidence. I don't even think you'll look at it. You don't give a fuck, because it doesn't support your narrative. Your mind is already made up. You'll grab whatever issue is convenient to attack people you disagree with. It doesn't matter if you actually care about it or not. If it's heavy and it's in your hand, you'll use it to bludgeon people.

Obama insulted Ryan. He didn't. But even if he did, you are obviously so concerned about insults in your own discourse.

Allen West is a hero. Even if he got fined $5000 for assault. You'll still back him up because you agree with him.

Kerry lied to get his medals. Completely debunked. But you'll keep on repeating the lies, because it's a convenient way to attack someone you disagree with.

Umm.... You’re the one that brought up Kerry. You just described yourself perfectly in that sentence :eusa_whistle: Libs seem to only like the members of the military when they criticize their fellow soldiers. Anybody remember the "General betray us" bullshit? They also seem to like that traitor, Pvt. Bradley Manning who leaked intelligence info to that wikileaks clown.:cuckoo:
Look at what Rolling Stone did to McChrystal.......He's now been exoneratated of wrong doing........Those liberal fucks put a stain on a brilliant career.....Ya' think the lib's give a fuck?

Hell no!

But they'll damn sure defend a subversive SOB like Kerry's sorry ass.
This is disgraceful. You obviously don't care if a war hero is lied about. I tell you that one was. I show you evidence. I don't even think you'll look at it. You don't give a fuck, because it doesn't support your narrative. Your mind is already made up. You'll grab whatever issue is convenient to attack people you disagree with. It doesn't matter if you actually care about it or not. If it's heavy and it's in your hand, you'll use it to bludgeon people.

Obama insulted Ryan. He didn't. But even if he did, you are obviously so concerned about insults in your own discourse.

Allen West is a hero. Even if he got fined $5000 for assault. You'll still back him up because you agree with him.

Kerry lied to get his medals. Completely debunked. But you'll keep on repeating the lies, because it's a convenient way to attack someone you disagree with.

Umm.... You’re the one that brought up Kerry. You just described yourself perfectly in that sentence :eusa_whistle: Libs seem to only like the members of the military when they criticize their fellow soldiers. Anybody remember the "General betray us" bullshit? They also seem to like that traitor, Pvt. Bradley Manning who leaked intelligence info to that wikileaks clown.:cuckoo:
Look at what Rolling Stone did to McChrystal.......He's now been exoneratated of wrong doing........Those liberal fucks put a stain on a brilliant career.....Ya' think the lib's give a fuck?

Hell no!

But they'll damn sure defend a subversive SOB like Kerry's sorry ass.

Yeah that was pathetic...fucken scum:evil:
By the way, as we all agree, he is a disgraced Army officer who was forced to retire or face a courts martial.

He was basically told to get out, pay us 5k and get the fuck out or go to prison.

Link me to where I am wrong...I already linked you to where it said it was true.

Good luck. (and watch you deny deny deny and then try to say I am lying all the while you never having anything that says he didnt get charged and convicted of two violations of the ucmj.)

Tell me a person being forced to retire and pay money or be faced with courts martial, is not disgraced.

West sucks ass as an officer and the fact that he hired a talk radio guy shows he is a horrible politician.
That's right, I brought up Kerry. I wanted to give ya'll an opportunity to show how much you support war heroes. How much you hate to see people make up lies about them. How it's not a partisan issue for you at all. You missed your chance.
We do support war hero's........We don't support subversive pieces of shit who come back from war and stab their fellow soldiers in the back, as Kerry's sorry ass did.

He went off to war and then he came back to exercise the freedoms that he had fought for. He had an opinion and he expressed it forcefully. You don't like his opinion, don't vote for him. But don't lie about his heroism when he was a warrior.

That shit makes me sick. Don't dissent, you're helping the enemy! Just stfu. That message helps the enemy just as much. You're saying the USA can't handle internal dissent. You're saying that our democracy isn't strong enough to handle robust debate about the issues that matter to us. You're saying that we need to pretend to all be on the same page so that foreigners don't think we're weak. But that itself is weakness. Democracy is strength. Dissent is strength.

You don't like his politics so you don't mind if people lie about his heroism? You're just making my point for me. You don't care about heroism. Just like you don't care about insults. It's all one big partisan game to you. You'll switch your position to whatever is convenient to attack a liberal or defend a conservative.
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That's right, I brought up Kerry. I wanted to give ya'll an opportunity to show how much you support war heroes. How much you hate to see people make up lies about them. How it's not a partisan issue for you at all. You missed your chance.
We do support war hero's........We don't support subversive pieces of shit who come back from war and stab their fellow soldiers in the back, as Kerry's sorry ass did.

how do you know he was subversive , you weren't in vietnam , how do you know ?
sure karry was as stupid as Fonda , had no right talking to gooks . but his service , what the fuck do you know of that . people that talk like you never seen the other side of their typewriter .
did you like general MaCarthur ? think he was a great military person ? you know he lead a cavalry charge on military veterans trying get get their bonus they were promised , fired live ammunition into the camp , killed a few on the attack .
tell me all about stabbing your fellow vets in the back .
its the military way .
That's right, I brought up Kerry. I wanted to give ya'll an opportunity to show how much you support war heroes. How much you hate to see people make up lies about them. How it's not a partisan issue for you at all. You missed your chance.
We do support war hero's........We don't support subversive pieces of shit who come back from war and stab their fellow soldiers in the back, as Kerry's sorry ass did.

He went off to war and then he came back to exercise the freedoms that he had fought for. He had an opinion and he expressed it forcefully. You don't like his opinion, don't vote for him. But don't lie about his heroism when he was a warrior.

That shit makes me sick. Don't dissent, you're helping the enemy! Just stfu. That message helps the enemy just as much. You're saying the USA can't handle internal dissent. You're saying that our democracy isn't strong enough to handle robust debate about the issues that matter to us. You're saying that we need to pretend to all be on the same page so that foreigners don't think we're weak. But that itself is weakness. Democracy is strength. Dissent is strength.

You don't like his politics so you don't mind if people lie about his heroism? You're just making my point for me. You don't care about heroism. Just like you don't care about insults. It's all one big partisan game to you. You'll say switch your position to whatever is convenient to attack a liberal or defend a conservative.

What is it with you junior? Most of your posts were just useless bullshit Start a thread on John Kerry if you want you're all over the map:eusa_whistle:
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I know where I am. I also know how old I am.

I've been talking with Jester most of this time. But now I see that there are also things that you will pretend to care about in order to make a point. Staying on topic.

But Kerry is on topic. I already explained to you why. If you don't get it, reread the last few pages. If you still don't get it, I'll explain it to you, but I'll be kind of annoyed.
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By the way, as we all agree, he is a disgraced Army officer who was forced to retire or face a courts martial.

He was basically told to get out, pay us 5k and get the fuck out or go to prison.

Link me to where I am wrong...I already linked you to where it said it was true.

Good luck. (and watch you deny deny deny and then try to say I am lying all the while you never having anything that says he didnt get charged and convicted of two violations of the ucmj.)

Tell me a person being forced to retire and pay money or be faced with courts martial, is not disgraced.

West sucks ass as an officer and the fact that he hired a talk radio guy shows he is a horrible politician. most of us agree that you’re a clueless idiot becouse you know nothing about what you speak. Nothing new with liberals demonize their political opponents because they you nothing else
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