Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

Socialist Entitlement programs have cost this country many more times the money than all the wars in this country's history, thus have bankrupt this country.

What done is done
Thank you St Ronnie and the GOP for turning this country from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
Socialist programs like SS and Medicare makes all other spending look like a drop in the ocean, that is what has destroyed this country...
Workers paid into SS and Medicare all their working lives, and now the GOP wants to rip workers off so the GOP can give the lazy wealthy more tax breaks.
Those socialist programs are fiscally insolvent and never will be...
SS has a nearly 3 trillion surplus.
Creative accounting... An old political trick.

Sorry, you fell for it...
I remember being pissed when it hit $100 billion.

You were an adult in 1943? What was it like to see TV and space ships invented, old timer? Where were you when they dropped The Bomb?

Ya know how we try to explain to leftist that this much debt is bad and they don't seem to understand?

As long as one side blames the liberals for the debt, and the other side blames the Republicans, we will keep getting deeper and deeper in debt.

How about looking in the mirror? There's your culprit.
When a republican wins the presidency in two of his administration the media and the democrats will start screaming about the massive debt.
I remember being pissed when it hit $100 billion.

You were an adult in 1943? What was it like to see TV and space ships invented, old timer? Where were you when they dropped The Bomb?

Ya know how we try to explain to leftist that this much debt is bad and they don't seem to understand?

As long as one side blames the liberals for the debt, and the other side blames the Republicans, we will keep getting deeper and deeper in debt.

How about looking in the mirror? There's your culprit.
What have you done skippy?

oh, nothing?

We are nearing $19 Trillion, the dems are in charge.

if the gop gets in charge, I'll bitch about how little they do.

but you want to bitch at both parties like they have equal say at all times

fucking moron
if the gop gets in charge, I'll bitch about how little they do.

but you want to bitch at both parties like they have equal say at all times

fucking moron

The GOP was in charge. They had both houses of Congress, and the White House. And what happened?

Every year of Bill Clinton's Administration, the deficit declined. During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed to the highest in the history of the Universe. Every year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has declined.

So...yeah. Damn right I want to bitch at both parties, fucking moron.

But you just go right ahead and keep drinking the bongwater and making a fool of yourself in public.
$1.2 trillion in tax expenditures.

$415 billion deficit.

Do the math, retards.
if the gop gets in charge, I'll bitch about how little they do.

but you want to bitch at both parties like they have equal say at all times

fucking moron

The GOP was in charge. They had both houses of Congress, and the White House. And what happened?

Every year of Bill Clinton's Administration, the deficit declined. During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed to the highest in the history of the Universe. Every year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has declined.

So...yeah. Damn right I want to bitch at both parties, fucking moron.

But you just go right ahead and keep drinking the bongwater.

Who is in fucking charge now?
What's the debt NOW

Did I mention the Def? No I fucking didn't!

Did we lose our AAA credit rating for the def? no, we lost it over our DEBT

Now STAY ON TOPIC or piss off with your bullshit.

oh, and fyi; The debt went up under clinton, the def went down due to taxation, and the creation of the housing bubble that nearly destroyed the country.
US Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq to Cost $6 trillion
Economic Costs | Costs of War


The Iraq and Afghanistan wars did not cost $6 trillion that's possibly the dumbest thing I have read in 5 years.
Crying about the past will not fix the future.

The def will not destroy the country, our debt will.

Supporting idiotic ideas of making he Fed bigger and increasing taxes to pay for it will cause more harm.

the gop is talking about cutting spending (I'll believe it when I see it), but the dnc is bragging about how they are going to increase it.

Making it clear that counting is racist, since they don't grasp the idea that we can run out of potatos
As I'm in my 50's and set for life I just want to thank the younger generations for sucking it up and taking over the trillions of dollars in debt that my generation wracked up living beyond our means, thanks so much!

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars did not cost $6 trillion that's possibly the dumbest thing I have read in 5 years.
links like that are counting the people in bootcamps as cost, the rent on storing ammo, the cost of painting rocks in Florida.

basically the entire military budget

Its leftist propaganda hence you can count on it to be a pile of lies and half truths.
if the gop gets in charge, I'll bitch about how little they do.

but you want to bitch at both parties like they have equal say at all times

fucking moron

The GOP was in charge. They had both houses of Congress, and the White House. And what happened?

Every year of Bill Clinton's Administration, the deficit declined. During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed to the highest in the history of the Universe. Every year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has declined.

So...yeah. Damn right I want to bitch at both parties, fucking moron.

But you just go right ahead and keep drinking the bongwater.

Who is in fucking charge now?
What's the debt NOW

Did I mention the Def? No I fucking didn't!

Did we lose our AAA credit rating for the def? no, we lost it over our DEBT

Now STAY ON TOPIC or piss off with your bullshit.

oh, and fyi; The debt went up under clinton, the def went down due to taxation, and the creation of the housing bubble that nearly destroyed the country.
Wow. What an incredibly innumerate post, old timer. Have you taken your Namenda today?
if the gop gets in charge, I'll bitch about how little they do.

but you want to bitch at both parties like they have equal say at all times

fucking moron

The GOP was in charge. They had both houses of Congress, and the White House. And what happened?

Every year of Bill Clinton's Administration, the deficit declined. During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed to the highest in the history of the Universe. Every year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has declined.

So...yeah. Damn right I want to bitch at both parties, fucking moron.

But you just go right ahead and keep drinking the bongwater.

Who is in fucking charge now?
What's the debt NOW

Did I mention the Def? No I fucking didn't!

Did we lose our AAA credit rating for the def? no, we lost it over our DEBT

Now STAY ON TOPIC or piss off with your bullshit.

oh, and fyi; The debt went up under clinton, the def went down due to taxation, and the creation of the housing bubble that nearly destroyed the country.
Wow. What an incredibly innumerate post, old timer. Have you taken your Namenda today?
you're useless

move along
We lost our AAA credit rating b/c obama ramped up the debt.
We lost our AAA rating because the GOP House would not accept a combination of spending cuts and tax increases to deal with the debt ceiling increase which the GOP was blocking. The rating service reported that the Obama plan would have kept the AAA rating. As is so typical of the Right, The GOP causes the downgrade and then they blame Obama.

This is the reason S&P gave for the downgrade:

"The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed. The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips in the debate over fiscal policy. Despite this year's wide-ranging debate, in our view, the differences between political parties have proven to be extraordinarily difficult to bridge, and, as we see it, the resulting agreement fell well short of the comprehensive fiscal consolidation program that some proponents had envisaged until quite recently. Republicans and Democrats have only been able to agree to relatively modest savings on discretionary spending while delegating to the Select Committee decisions on more comprehensive measures. It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. In addition, the plan envisions only minor policy changes on Medicare and little change in other entitlements, the containment of which we and most other independent observers regard as key to long-term fiscal sustainability."

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