Almost 60% in the US say's obama is Incompent..

And yet here you are commenting on it.

What a maroon.
The sad thing is the tea party is even more incompetent. These morons think gutting all of our science institutions and infrastructure funding is the way to go.

Last I heard you idiots had a lower approval rating.

The only way you could know this Matthew, is if you were a member of the 'Tea Party'.

Are you a double agent?

Not only is Barry Soetoro incompetent, he is also Constitutionally ineligible to hold the office for Article 2 Section 1 purposes.
The sad thing is the tea party is even more incompetent. These morons think gutting all of our science institutions and infrastructure funding is the way to go.

Last I heard you idiots had a lower approval rating.

If you stepped outside of your liberal bubble-universe you'd know that TEA Party supporters are more scientifically literate than liberals:

Yale Law School psychologist Prof. Dan Kahan instead found that the more right wing subset of Republicans, the aforementioned Tea Party, is more scientifically literate than the left.​

Earn higher incomes and are better educated than the general public, as reported in the New York Times:
Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.​
whoa, it only took SIX years and guy is so loved by all..or some here will say he is
It's a been nightmare really
poll at the site

Almost 60% Of US Say Obama Is 'Incompetent'
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By Dana Blanton, Fox News

Has the Obama administration competently and effectively managed the government? A Fox News poll released Wednesday finds a majority of American voters says no -- including about a third of Democrats.

A 58-percent majority says the White House has not been competent at managing the federal government. Some 32 percent of Democrats join 67 percent of independents and 84 percent of Republicans in holding that view.

Click here for the poll results.

all of it here:
Almost 60% Of US Say Obama Is 'Incompetent' - Fox Nation

A US President is incompetant. Oh no! Alert the media! Nevermind. :)

What part of a person who believes of the over 300 million others HE/SHE should be President suggest something competant about them? :)

If you were competant you wouldn't run for President. You'd become a lobbyist. :)

You're an idiot. We have had competent Presidents, Obama is just not one of them.

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