Almost 80% of college students believe Trump campaign had contact with Russia

Sure it is.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

The problem is not that jobs don't pay enough, the problem is people don't want to put the effort into securing those jobs. Many people opt for lower paying jobs to avoid conflict with their recreational drug usage. I should know, two of my former tenants did exactly that. They lived here for seven years working fast food restaurants because they couldn't pass a drug test to get a real job. They were quite happy when they left and moved somewhere else.

You can lead a horse to water...........
I'm sure the GOP making college and training as expensive as possible had nothing to do with it. Or the crap minimum wage... In general I mean. Not your freedom fighting potheads fighting law & order GOP America.

You're a stupid troll. Republicans have nothing to do with college costs. It's your lying leftists who are secret happy capitalists that did it. Most of these colleges are leftist operated. Republicans don't tell them what to charge.

It's the Republicans who have been promoting trade schools over college, to the outrage of leftists who now cry Republicans don't want people to be educated. It's right-leaning news outlets that allow you to read their material without charge. Many leftist outlets like NYT and Washington Post now have paywalls. Typical capitalists who want their money up front to stay in the 1%.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with college costs.
Republicans have been going after public universities ever since Reagan was governor of California. What do you think happened after they cut taxes on the rich 50%?

WTF does cutting taxes have to do with liberal college costs?

Let me explain this to you so even a fake retired school teacher can understand: Colleges are like any other business. Their price fluctuates with supply and demand. The more demand and less supply, the higher the cost of something.

When the government took over school loans, they gave loans to just about anybody. So what were the results? Higher demand. We've had (and still have) more kids going to college than ever before; 20 million to be accurate.

So what's the liberal solution to this problem? Free college and triple the amount of kids going to college. Don't worry about the cost, we are just going to make the rich pay these hundreds of billions of dollars.
Public universities used to be very cheap or free basically. And that depended on federal and state aid obviously. When you cut taxes you cut federal and state aid duh.
No sacrifice is too great to keep the rich from paying their fair share in taxes.
We have another Donald Trump blind loyalty winner, Toobfreak. You win another Trump family portrait. Enjoy.

Please don't thank me.


YOu are a sad little fool.

That's the nicest thing you have ever said about me.

Your blind loyalty to Trump deserves another reward. Here is USA's First Fornicator dancing with Saudi Arabia's First Murderer.

It takes two to tango. Blame it on the Bossanova?


Your claim of "blind loyalty" is just you projecting. And being an ass.

Russia, at most, added some small number of trolls and leaked some emails.

Your pretense that that should be a problem for me, as a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck.

In your case it is ok to not be ok.

I agree with your self-assessment: "a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck."

You may proceed with your tawdry existence. Keep it under your hat.

Errr, that part, where you played stupid, to have an excuse to try to gotcha me?

It made you look stupid.

Just saying.

My point stands. A couple extra Russian trolls on the net, did not matter.

Funny, how you didn't address my point, but remembered to attack me personally, you fucktard.
Did you hear anything about emails during the campaign, brainwashed functional moron? That would be the Russians hacking.
YOu are a sad little fool.

That's the nicest thing you have ever said about me.

Your blind loyalty to Trump deserves another reward. Here is USA's First Fornicator dancing with Saudi Arabia's First Murderer.

It takes two to tango. Blame it on the Bossanova?


Your claim of "blind loyalty" is just you projecting. And being an ass.

Russia, at most, added some small number of trolls and leaked some emails.

Your pretense that that should be a problem for me, as a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck.

In your case it is ok to not be ok.

I agree with your self-assessment: "a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck."

You may proceed with your tawdry existence. Keep it under your hat.

Errr, that part, where you played stupid, to have an excuse to try to gotcha me?

It made you look stupid.

Just saying.

My point stands. A couple extra Russian trolls on the net, did not matter.

Funny, how you didn't address my point, but remembered to attack me personally, you fucktard.
Did you hear anything about emails during the campaign, brainwashed functional moron? That would be the Russians hacking.

A little. Didn't change my mind on anything. Nor anyone I know. DId it change yours? Anyone you know?

That's the nicest thing you have ever said about me.

Your blind loyalty to Trump deserves another reward. Here is USA's First Fornicator dancing with Saudi Arabia's First Murderer.

It takes two to tango. Blame it on the Bossanova?


Your claim of "blind loyalty" is just you projecting. And being an ass.

Russia, at most, added some small number of trolls and leaked some emails.

Your pretense that that should be a problem for me, as a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck.

In your case it is ok to not be ok.

I agree with your self-assessment: "a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck."

You may proceed with your tawdry existence. Keep it under your hat.

Errr, that part, where you played stupid, to have an excuse to try to gotcha me?

It made you look stupid.

Just saying.

My point stands. A couple extra Russian trolls on the net, did not matter.

Funny, how you didn't address my point, but remembered to attack me personally, you fucktard.
Did you hear anything about emails during the campaign, brainwashed functional moron? That would be the Russians hacking.

A little. Didn't change my mind on anything. Nor anyone I know. DId it change yours? Anyone you know?

James Comey was talking about emails hacked by Russians. Give me a break.
great = idiots voting
college kids are just that--- KIDS--they still think like kids
they think they can cure cancer/stop wars/etc
great = idiots voting
college kids are just that--- KIDS--they still think like kids
they think they can cure cancer/stop wars/etc
They haven't given up and become brainwashed functional moron GOP voters.... And educated people don't believe in GOP phony scandals and misinformation.
That's the nicest thing you have ever said about me.

Your blind loyalty to Trump deserves another reward. Here is USA's First Fornicator dancing with Saudi Arabia's First Murderer.

It takes two to tango. Blame it on the Bossanova?


Your claim of "blind loyalty" is just you projecting. And being an ass.

Russia, at most, added some small number of trolls and leaked some emails.

Your pretense that that should be a problem for me, as a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck.

In your case it is ok to not be ok.

I agree with your self-assessment: "a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck."

You may proceed with your tawdry existence. Keep it under your hat.

Errr, that part, where you played stupid, to have an excuse to try to gotcha me?

It made you look stupid.

Just saying.

My point stands. A couple extra Russian trolls on the net, did not matter.

Funny, how you didn't address my point, but remembered to attack me personally, you fucktard.
Did you hear anything about emails during the campaign, brainwashed functional moron? That would be the Russians hacking.

A little. Didn't change my mind on anything. Nor anyone I know. DId it change yours? Anyone you know?


You are a blind loyalty dupe. Your mind belongs to Trump.
Your claim of "blind loyalty" is just you projecting. And being an ass.

Russia, at most, added some small number of trolls and leaked some emails.

Your pretense that that should be a problem for me, as a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck.

In your case it is ok to not be ok.

I agree with your self-assessment: "a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck."

You may proceed with your tawdry existence. Keep it under your hat.

Errr, that part, where you played stupid, to have an excuse to try to gotcha me?

It made you look stupid.

Just saying.

My point stands. A couple extra Russian trolls on the net, did not matter.

Funny, how you didn't address my point, but remembered to attack me personally, you fucktard.
Did you hear anything about emails during the campaign, brainwashed functional moron? That would be the Russians hacking.

A little. Didn't change my mind on anything. Nor anyone I know. DId it change yours? Anyone you know?


You are a blind loyalty dupe. Your mind belongs to Trump.

I'm a partisan and ideological life long Republican. My motives are policy and ideology based and have been for decades, long before I heard of Trump.

Was there anything on those released email, that changed your mind? Or anyone you know? ON ANYTHING EVEN A LITTLE?

It's why so many people use credit cards. If someone fraudulently uses your credit card, you are at most responsible for $50. If you report it within 90 days the amount is $0. Using cash today makes it much more likely that you will be robbed and when they take money off a person, the money lost is often the least of their worries. And when you're abroad, a credit card is the way to go in most countries. You don't have to worry about having the right change or changing money when you change countries plus the fees the credit card company charges are often no more than what the money changers charge and it's hell of a lot more convenient.

Credit cards are great if you can manage your spending to match your income. All the nice features of credit cards are paid for by the suckers who carry a balance. If you don't run a balance, the card cost you nothing unless you have some type of rewards card.

Wrong. I have one credit card where I have a balance, and I pay nothing in interest. All of my credit card offers are 0% interest for a year or year and a half. Balance transfers are where you pay the money at.

Before DumBama Fd up the banking industry, I also used to get no transfer fees as well. But DumBama instituted regulations on credit card companies that limited their ability to increase interest rates, and late fee penalties.

The banks made a ton of money from those irresponsible people, and had to make that money up somewhere, so they now penalize responsible borrowers instead. Prior to that commie, banks rewarded good customers with no interest or transfer fees.

A good political move by DumBama, because most irresponsible people vote Democrat, and most responsible people vote Republican. So what he did was switch the penalties to likely Republican voters.
Credit card rates are higher today because of more demand for credit. When Trump took office the average credit card rate was 12.5%. As of last Aug. it had risen to 16.9%. Credit card companies raise their rates to whatever the market will bear and today there is strong demand for credit. And it's all because people can not control their spending. You would think that as unemployment falls and more people are working, their would be less demand for credit and rates would fall. Not so, it's the very opposite. Pay a man an extra dollar and he will spend $1.10. Pay him an extra $2 and he will spend $2.25.

There is simply no truth to that. People use credit cards today they way they always have.

View attachment 271258
No, what happened with the credit card industry is the magic Mulatto had to stick his two ears into it. Banks lost a lot of money by not being able to assess fines and higher interest rates to irresponsible borrowers who didn't make minimum payments on time, or no payments at all.

The impact of the Card Act

The Card Act reduced “gotcha” credit card fees by more than $16 billion in the years after it passed, according to estimates from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the agency tasked with enforcing the law. In a 2015 report, the bureau noted some positive changes for consumers since the law was implemented:

  • Average late fees assessed are now $27, down from $35 before the Card Act.
  • Over-limit fees have mostly disappeared.
  • Issuers rarely “reprice” accounts anymore — that is, they generally don’t increase interest rates on both new and existing balances because of a cardholder’s infraction on one account or another.
Still, the Card Act hasn’t escaped criticism. The American Bankers Association says the law has driven up credit card interest rates and annual fees.

The Credit Card Act of 2009: What It Does and Doesn't Do - NerdWallet
I serious doubt that the credit card act of 2009 is responsible for the big jump in rates 7 years later between 2016 and today. The average credit card rate was 14.9% after the bill was passed in 2009. Rates then fell rather steady to 13% in 2013 and remained around that level to 2016 when they began rising to nearly 19% in 2019. The far more likely reason for the rise has been the increase retail sales.

It's so funny when you point out the many, many atrocities of this clown, you on the left always say "Nah, that wasn't because of DumBama!"

Just once I'd love to see a leftist actually say "Yeah, that was us, we really screwed that one up!" But not once, ever during and after his administration did I ever read that.

Fast and Furious--that was GW's program that Obama extended.

Commie Care failure--that was the Heritage Foundations idea.

Iraq failure--that was GW's agreement with Iraq, he had to pull them out.

Ten trillion of additional debt--DumBama had to spend that money because of Bush's recession.

Billions to our enemies in Iran--Obama had to release that money because it was theirs.

Benghazi--that was the Republican's fault for not providing enough money for security.

E-mail hack before the election--that was Trump's fault who gave them permission to do it.

It's like I've always said, the best part of being a Democrat is never having to say your party was wrong.
You're confusing Obama with the Rump. Of course mistakes were made for example Obama admitted to being unprepared in Libya, pushing Tom Daschle as US healthcare chief, and when asked about insurance cancellation in implementing Obamacare he said, "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Presidents rarely admit errors because they think they’re right. It’s pretty simple.
great = idiots voting
college kids are just that--- KIDS--they still think like kids
they think they can cure cancer/stop wars/etc
“Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.”
― G. M. Trevelyan
In your case it is ok to not be ok.

I agree with your self-assessment: "a Trump supporter, is stupid as fuck."

You may proceed with your tawdry existence. Keep it under your hat.

Errr, that part, where you played stupid, to have an excuse to try to gotcha me?

It made you look stupid.

Just saying.

My point stands. A couple extra Russian trolls on the net, did not matter.

Funny, how you didn't address my point, but remembered to attack me personally, you fucktard.
Did you hear anything about emails during the campaign, brainwashed functional moron? That would be the Russians hacking.

A little. Didn't change my mind on anything. Nor anyone I know. DId it change yours? Anyone you know?


You are a blind loyalty dupe. Your mind belongs to Trump.

I'm a partisan and ideological life long Republican. My motives are policy and ideology based and have been for decades, long before I heard of Trump.

Was there anything on those released email, that changed your mind? Or anyone you know? ON ANYTHING EVEN A LITTLE?


Unless he goes on the internet to look it up, like most people in this country, he doesn't know what one email said yet alone change his mind.
great = idiots voting
college kids are just that--- KIDS--they still think like kids
they think they can cure cancer/stop wars/etc

When you go from your parents house to a college campus, you likely never paid attention to politics because politics had very little affect on your life. It's the perfect breeding ground for liberal indoctrination.

Once you are out in the world, working your ass off, paying taxes, dealing with government, you become more interested in the things that are having an impact on your life.

I didn't care much about politics until my late 20's. Until that time, I didn't think it was the source of many of the problems I had to face. The more I learned, the more right I leaned.

This is why Democrats introduced the idea to lower the voting age to 16. They need the most uninformed people about politics they can round up to vote Democrat.
Sure it is.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

The problem is not that jobs don't pay enough, the problem is people don't want to put the effort into securing those jobs. Many people opt for lower paying jobs to avoid conflict with their recreational drug usage. I should know, two of my former tenants did exactly that. They lived here for seven years working fast food restaurants because they couldn't pass a drug test to get a real job. They were quite happy when they left and moved somewhere else.

You can lead a horse to water...........
I'm sure the GOP making college and training as expensive as possible had nothing to do with it. Or the crap minimum wage... In general I mean. Not your freedom fighting potheads fighting law & order GOP America.

You're a stupid troll. Republicans have nothing to do with college costs. It's your lying leftists who are secret happy capitalists that did it. Most of these colleges are leftist operated. Republicans don't tell them what to charge.

It's the Republicans who have been promoting trade schools over college, to the outrage of leftists who now cry Republicans don't want people to be educated. It's right-leaning news outlets that allow you to read their material without charge. Many leftist outlets like NYT and Washington Post now have paywalls. Typical capitalists who want their money up front to stay in the 1%.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with college costs.
Republicans have been going after public universities ever since Reagan was governor of California. What do you think happened after they cut taxes on the rich 50%?

WTF does cutting taxes have to do with liberal college costs?

Let me explain this to you so even a fake retired school teacher can understand: Colleges are like any other business. Their price fluctuates with supply and demand. The more demand and less supply, the higher the cost of something.

When the government took over school loans, they gave loans to just about anybody. So what were the results? Higher demand. We've had (and still have) more kids going to college than ever before; 20 million to be accurate.

So what's the liberal solution to this problem? Free college and triple the amount of kids going to college. Don't worry about the cost, we are just going to make the rich pay these hundreds of billions of dollars.
Public universities used to be very cheap or free basically. And that depended on federal and state aid obviously. When you cut taxes you cut federal and state aid duh.

Cutting taxes has nothing to do with spending. Trump cut taxes and increased military spending as just one example.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
It is up to the democrats to remind everyone about all the problems and bad appointments and deplorable things this president has done.

Democrats play too nice. Imagine what trump would say about trump if he ran against himself. The man has more turnover in his cabinet than a Russian hotel room where trumps hookers pee on the bed. Something like that.

The man has Alzheimer’s
Errr, that part, where you played stupid, to have an excuse to try to gotcha me?

It made you look stupid.

Just saying.

My point stands. A couple extra Russian trolls on the net, did not matter.

Funny, how you didn't address my point, but remembered to attack me personally, you fucktard.
Did you hear anything about emails during the campaign, brainwashed functional moron? That would be the Russians hacking.

A little. Didn't change my mind on anything. Nor anyone I know. DId it change yours? Anyone you know?


You are a blind loyalty dupe. Your mind belongs to Trump.

I'm a partisan and ideological life long Republican. My motives are policy and ideology based and have been for decades, long before I heard of Trump.

Was there anything on those released email, that changed your mind? Or anyone you know? ON ANYTHING EVEN A LITTLE?


Unless he goes on the internet to look it up, like most people in this country, he doesn't know what one email said yet alone change his mind.

Agreed. And he knows it, but will not admit it, because liberals are inherently dishonest.
Did you hear anything about emails during the campaign, brainwashed functional moron? That would be the Russians hacking.

A little. Didn't change my mind on anything. Nor anyone I know. DId it change yours? Anyone you know?


You are a blind loyalty dupe. Your mind belongs to Trump.

I'm a partisan and ideological life long Republican. My motives are policy and ideology based and have been for decades, long before I heard of Trump.

Was there anything on those released email, that changed your mind? Or anyone you know? ON ANYTHING EVEN A LITTLE?


Unless he goes on the internet to look it up, like most people in this country, he doesn't know what one email said yet alone change his mind.

Agreed. And he knows it, but will not admit it, because liberals are inherently dishonest.
Yes yes you're absolutely correct. Nobody ever said lock her up based on garbage email propaganda. And the big mouth GOP idiot James Comey Said nothing about her but told everyone about the Trump Russia investigation LOL.
great = idiots voting
college kids are just that--- KIDS--they still think like kids
they think they can cure cancer/stop wars/etc

When you go from your parents house to a college campus, you likely never paid attention to politics because politics had very little affect on your life. It's the perfect breeding ground for liberal indoctrination.

Once you are out in the world, working your ass off, paying taxes, dealing with government, you become more interested in the things that are having an impact on your life.

I didn't care much about politics until my late 20's. Until that time, I didn't think it was the source of many of the problems I had to face. The more I learned, the more right I leaned.

This is why Democrats introduced the idea to lower the voting age to 16. They need the most uninformed people about politics they can round up to vote Democrat.
the more you listened to the GOP propaganda machine, the more you were brainwashed, you mean.
great = idiots voting
college kids are just that--- KIDS--they still think like kids
they think they can cure cancer/stop wars/etc

When you go from your parents house to a college campus, you likely never paid attention to politics because politics had very little affect on your life. It's the perfect breeding ground for liberal indoctrination.

Once you are out in the world, working your ass off, paying taxes, dealing with government, you become more interested in the things that are having an impact on your life.

I didn't care much about politics until my late 20's. Until that time, I didn't think it was the source of many of the problems I had to face. The more I learned, the more right I leaned.

This is why Democrats introduced the idea to lower the voting age to 16. They need the most uninformed people about politics they can round up to vote Democrat.
great = idiots voting
college kids are just that--- KIDS--they still think like kids
they think they can cure cancer/stop wars/etc

When you go from your parents house to a college campus, you likely never paid attention to politics because politics had very little affect on your life. It's the perfect breeding ground for liberal indoctrination.

Once you are out in the world, working your ass off, paying taxes, dealing with government, you become more interested in the things that are having an impact on your life.

I didn't care much about politics until my late 20's. Until that time, I didn't think it was the source of many of the problems I had to face. The more I learned, the more right I leaned.

This is why Democrats introduced the idea to lower the voting age to 16. They need the most uninformed people about politics they can round up to vote Democrat.
Yes that idea of lowering the voting age to 16 was huge-on Fox and Rush etc. Right-wing idiocy.
great = idiots voting
college kids are just that--- KIDS--they still think like kids
they think they can cure cancer/stop wars/etc

When you go from your parents house to a college campus, you likely never paid attention to politics because politics had very little affect on your life. It's the perfect breeding ground for liberal indoctrination.

Once you are out in the world, working your ass off, paying taxes, dealing with government, you become more interested in the things that are having an impact on your life.

I didn't care much about politics until my late 20's. Until that time, I didn't think it was the source of many of the problems I had to face. The more I learned, the more right I leaned.

This is why Democrats introduced the idea to lower the voting age to 16. They need the most uninformed people about politics they can round up to vote Democrat.
Yes that idea of lowering the voting age to 16 was huge-on Fox and Rush etc. Right-wing idiocy.
blah blah --babble

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