almost enough to drive a person to drink


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2003
It seems that every other day some new economic report comes out and completely reverses any direction that seemed to emanate from the previous one.

Just the other day, the unemployment rate dropped .1% and 112,000 jobs were added, so what do we get? first an upbeat report on the 'improving and strong economy' until some other asinine report comes out and says that the recovery may be threatened because the jobs issue isn't keeping up with the population. thankfull that you are well and able to work..and that you have a job...after not working for almost 2 years due to health problems[that are worse than when I first stopped working] I am going to have to enter the job market again. what chance do you think a middle aged not very healthy fella has of getting ANY job???? Long hair and LEFT ear ring not withstanding
believe me jon, I feel for you. yes, at least I am healthy but my wife is not and unable to work.

I also have the long hair and its difficult getting a job unless its through someone that knows my technical expertise.
Originally posted by jon_forward
I guess discrimanation based on looks [hair,color ect] really eat at me..

You mean I have been debating issues with a 50 year old, unemployed, long haired, ear ring wearing, burned out hippie, with a bad attitude.

Cut your hair, take the quear ring out and go get a job.
Originally posted by Big D
You mean I have been debating issues with a 50 year old, unemployed, long haired, ear ring wearing, burned out hippie, with a bad attitude.

Cut your hair, take the quear ring out and go get a job.
:laugh: :laugh:

Big D..seriously.....I have not worked since july of 02....major hip surgery in 97...hip replaced 98...had a wreck in 00 that left me with alot of scars and migrines...ashma and emphazima.... chronic pain in both old and new they have found some shit in my left leg and dont know what to do about it yet....burned attitude, only for folks that see things fucked up....long hair, ear=ring and skin ink are in remembrence of my oldest son who I lost in car wreck in may of 2000.... not all things are as you would like for them to be....I will add That just for your info...I was in the hospital after hip replacement ONE day...went back to work full time after 3 months..with out any outside therapy..did all on my own... the DR released me to go back to work PART TIME 3 months after I had returned full time I mean 75 hours a week in 5 days on concrete...If there is ANYONE who should be bitter at the world it is me...I dont think that I act at all bitter and if I do I would want someone to tell me to get my head out ofd my ass .... I guess the SSI folks think that as long as I am breathing and can move I can that is what I am going to TRY and for being a hippie...its more of a lifestyle then a way of life...:D and for your info....left is right and right is wrong
Originally posted by Big D
You mean I have been debating issues with a 50 year old, unemployed, long haired, ear ring wearing, burned out hippie, with a bad attitude.

Cut your hair, take the quear ring out and go get a job.

and he STILL outdebated your stupid ass every time.

about the hair cutting thing? you tell me what defining ability prevents someone with long hair from doing as good, if not even better, of a job than someone with short hair. I'm pretty sure that I'm leaps and bounds ahead of you in any knowledgable skill and I still have my heritage hair.
THe best books are usually the ones with the ragged covers:D
the grey is a bitch though... my long hair..or long hair in general should only come into play on a safety,moving gears...ect...
Sorry to hear of your injurys and your losses, I was trying to be more funny then I was trying to be mean.

But if I need to get a haircut and take out my earring to get a job,
I would.
Originally posted by jon_forward
THe best books are usually the ones with the ragged covers:D
the grey is a bitch though... my long hair..or long hair in general should only come into play on a safety,moving gears...ect...
i got ya there jon, if my hair is long enought to grap with my finger tips its too long.
but as for the ear rings... i got them. and other "things" that are decorated
Good luck in your job hunt. I, too, am in the job market, though I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have long hair, well, come to think of it I don't have much hair at all. I'm another tragic victim of male pattern baldness, and early onset at that - I started going bald at 15, and was almost completely bald when I graduated high school.

As for Big D, just because there are jobs out there doesn't mean you can get them. You are competing with all the other unemployed people out there and it's brutal.

Originally posted by jon_forward
:laugh: :laugh:

Big D..seriously.....I have not worked since july of 02....major hip surgery in 97...hip replaced 98...had a wreck in 00 that left me with alot of scars and migrines...ashma and emphazima.... chronic pain in both old and new they have found some shit in my left leg and dont know what to do about it yet....burned attitude, only for folks that see things fucked up....long hair, ear=ring and skin ink are in remembrence of my oldest son who I lost in car wreck in may of 2000.... not all things are as you would like for them to be....I will add That just for your info...I was in the hospital after hip replacement ONE day...went back to work full time after 3 months..with out any outside therapy..did all on my own... the DR released me to go back to work PART TIME 3 months after I had returned full time I mean 75 hours a week in 5 days on concrete...If there is ANYONE who should be bitter at the world it is me...I dont think that I act at all bitter and if I do I would want someone to tell me to get my head out ofd my ass .... I guess the SSI folks think that as long as I am breathing and can move I can that is what I am going to TRY and for being a hippie...its more of a lifestyle then a way of life...:D and for your info....left is right and right is wrong

jon - You've have been through a great deal of trauma and tragedy over the past few years. I admire your fortitude. A lot of others would have give up.

(Just so you know, I'm a bit of a hippie chick myself. Some people can only judge the package, not the contents. Their loss.)
I think maybe I am too stupid to toss in the towel:D Nah..thats the easy way and I can tell ya...I dont do things the easy way...I look at it this way...If I hurt...I must still be alive...I do tell folks it aint age that slows a person up...its the damn mileage!!!!:D
You got that right! But if you live long enough, your odometer will reset to all zeros.

Originally posted by wonderwench
Just so you know, I'm a bit of a hippie chick myself. Some people can only judge the package, not the contents. Their loss.

You are so right WW although, here at least, things are changing slowly. Ability is gradually becoming more important than wearing the right tie or indeed any tie at all.

And I have never overcome hippy days, at least in attitude. I still have a pic with long hair and beard, wearing a kaftan and beads. Scares the kids to death!!!

Hang in there Jon, things will come good if you have sufficient self-belief.
Originally posted by 5.10 leader
You are so right WW although, here at least, things are changing slowly. Ability is gradually becoming more important than wearing the right tie or indeed any tie at all.

And I have never overcome hippy days, at least in attitude. I still have a pic with long hair and beard, wearing a kaftan and beads. Scares the kids to death!!!

Hang in there Jon, things will come good if you have sufficient self-belief.

Still have the belief....its those 3 hour smokebreaks that boss hates.....:D

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