ALocalWay is now on the US MessageBoard


Jun 4, 2011
Today is my first day so as advised I am introducing myself - my cause is to help stop reckless spending at home and inform Americans how shopping local and made in America helps - I know - it's been done before - I am bringing a new twist to it and attacking the issue in a new way. As far as big business fleeing America because they are trying to save themselves from government regulation and higher taxes - I say that they were built off the sweat of middle class Americans and they should remember that. AS far as waiting for change in Washington - are they even listening to us? The red tape is wound so tight up there it will be years before anyone can get anything done - so your only option is to fight with your checkbooks - bring jobs back with a change of your own personal spending habits - Join the cause - keep up with the blogs - we are organizing action soon -
Thanks for your Time
Amanda S
Average American


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As far as big business fleeing America because they are trying to save themselves from government regulation and higher taxes…

They’re leaving to maximize profit, it has nothing to do with regulation and taxes. If there were no regulation or taxes they’d still leave, unless you can find Americans to work for five dollars a month.

Otherwise, welcome.
I agree they are leaving to up their profit margin - I am looking at differents types of industries that American purchasing can make a vital difference in - we are in a global economy - can't fight that - but there should be more money recycling through our community to get us through until the trade balances out. Otherwise we are just going to get tapped out - opinions are always welcome and I love it when someone discusses options with me! Thank you so much for helping me think today - I am not always right - but I do have good intentions - so bare with me - Nice to meet you - You are my first comment! Thanks!
The comment about Wal-Mart - funny - Now stop - lol 43% of your money is staying in your community as opposed to almost 80% with a local business - this pays for your schools, roads, local works, etc - the number can go higher if you seek out farmers markets and such - try a little ;-)
iamwhatiseem - you are an inspiration - I might have to interview you for my next blog - You ROCK! If we can more people to think like you we are on our way! Be back in a few - have to handle a call - seriously would love to do a question and abswer session!
You don't want to get me started on how consumer choices effect America's economy more than any politician or CEO.
Companies DO NOT seek cheap labor because they want to make more profit - that is a lazy man's belief. They seek cheap labor because we have become a society that measures value solely by price only.
Americans are extraordinarily hypocritical and self-serving as consumers. If this wasn't true, Wal-Mart wouldn't be larger than their 10 top competitors...combined.
Keep up with blogs? Why? I prefer forming my own opinions.... I assume you're talking to liberals. I am led to believe that they have their opinions formed by the blogs of other mindless morons.

As far as big business fleeing America because they are trying to save themselves from government regulation and higher taxes…

They’re leaving to maximize profit, it has nothing to do with regulation and taxes.
If there were no regulation or taxes they’d still leave, unless you can find Americans to work for five dollars a month.

Otherwise, welcome.

Because everyone knows that being taxed has no impact on profit. :cuckoo:

Do liberals have a brain whatsoever?
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As far as big business fleeing America because they are trying to save themselves from government regulation and higher taxes…

They’re leaving to maximize profit, it has nothing to do with regulation and taxes.
If there were no regulation or taxes they’d still leave, unless you can find Americans to work for five dollars a month.

Otherwise, welcome.

Because everyone knows that being taxed has no impact on taxes. :cuckoo:

Do liberals have a brain whatsoever?

You've been on the board for six months.... you really need to ask that?

They’re leaving to maximize profit, it has nothing to do with regulation and taxes.
If there were no regulation or taxes they’d still leave, unless you can find Americans to work for five dollars a month.

Otherwise, welcome.

Because everyone knows that being taxed has no impact on taxes. :cuckoo:

Do liberals have a brain whatsoever?

You've been on the board for six months.... you really need to ask that?

I'm just literally amazed at some of the most ridiculous statements.

A list of business-friendly states came out today, CA ranked 48. Businesses are fleeing CA (and going to NV, TX...) because of...wait for it.... REGULATIONS AND TAXES burdening small business.
My goodness - you really don't like blogs - and I am talking to American consumers - if you don't like reading blogs - fine - some people do - I started writing them to help America and get a message out - I think that people who read blogs are people who are looking for other people with like minded goals - not looking to have their mind shaped politically - I really am somewhat offened that your are implying I am a mindless moron - I started this project because my daughter thought it would be a good idea after my husband's suicide - we wanted to help people - the suicide rate goes up when the economy is down - our intentions are pure and not self serving - the time I spend writing - researching and contacting my state rep - I do not get paid for - and I do have a bunch of ads paying me either - I am not a hypocrite - and I am not going to get into a fight with someone I do not know because my method is not the best way
I am not a liberal - I am a concerned citizen - and as for blogs - I did research about the presense on liberals verus conservatives online - on facebook people claiming to be liberal are at 52 million and people wjho are conservative there are 7 million - the mass majority of blogs are liberal - so if I decide to blog a few conservative views when it comes to spending American dolloars on American produicts and services - this is just evening the playing field. The youth of our country are being shaped by what is being put online - they should have views from both sides so they can make an educated decision
I am not a liberal - I am a concerned citizen - and as for blogs - I did research about the presense on liberals verus conservatives online - on facebook people claiming to be liberal are at 52 million and people wjho are conservative there are 7 million - the mass majority of blogs are liberal - so if I decide to blog a few conservative views when it comes to spending American dolloars on American produicts and services - this is just evening the playing field. The youth of our country are being shaped by what is being put online - they should have views from both sides so they can make an educated decision

I'm not sure who you think called you a liberal. I was referring to C_Clayton_Jones.
My goodness - you really don't like blogs - and I am talking to American consumers - if you don't like reading blogs - fine - some people do - I started writing them to help America and get a message out - I think that people who read blogs are people who are looking for other people with like minded goals - not looking to have their mind shaped politically - I really am somewhat offened that your are implying I am a mindless moron - I started this project because my daughter thought it would be a good idea after my husband's suicide - we wanted to help people - the suicide rate goes up when the economy is down - our intentions are pure and not self serving - the time I spend writing - researching and contacting my state rep - I do not get paid for - and I do have a bunch of ads paying me either - I am not a hypocrite - and I am not going to get into a fight with someone I do not know because my method is not the best way

I'll add you to the list of the 'offended'.

If you're here to discuss politics and shit, fine. But please don't use this forum to advertise your blog. It is against the rules here and some of us tend to mock blatant advertisers.

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